The Collection of The End

One thousand eight hundred and fifty-one, Resident Evil 2 (41)

Latest website: ——September 30, 00:15, Raccoon City Police Station, underground parking lot——

"This door must be opened with a key..."

Ta, tap, tap.

Leon was talking to himself at the switch next to the rolling shutter door of the parking lot. Suddenly, he heard the clear and rhythmic sound of high heels stepping on the concrete floor. When he looked back, he found Ada wearing sunglasses raising a gun. Aiming at him, he walked over gracefully.


"Get down."

Leon wanted to say something but was interrupted, so he squatted down decisively.

Boom boom boom!

Ada fired three shots, killing the zombie dog behind Leon who was about to pounce.

"You came out a little early," Leon glanced at the dead zombie dog behind him, stood up and spread his hands towards Ada: "And it was an inexplicable tribute to the opening of the game."

"I'm afraid if I keep watching, I won't be able to help but shoot that damn fat man." Ada put away the gun in her hand.

"Oh?" Leon looked at the underground garage door switch: "The Claire Line is running simultaneously here? It seems that you can indeed see another world line when you are in the 'disappeared' state. So, have you found the Jin Jing?"

"No, there are only ordinary female college students and little girls over there who are being threatened by the police chief and director of the orphanage." Ada adjusted her sunglasses: "Claire is also unlucky. She just had a fight with William down there. When you run out of bullets because of waste, you can only raise your hands and surrender when faced with a small pistol."

"It's really a reasonable explanation..." Leon touched his chin, "But in this way, the two possibilities of Jin Jing being 'on Claire's line' and 'different from where we entered the world' have been eliminated, leaving only the last Possibility of trouble - she's on the 'Clare Line'."

"In other words, she has a Leon who disappears from time to time?" Ada guessed.

"Judging from her personal mission, there is probably no Leon there. Jin Jing took over Leon's role... uh." Leon paused mid-sentence.

"So, it's because you took on Leon's role that the two sides didn't meet, right?" Ada raised her lips: "If you came here as Carlos, there wouldn't be so much trouble here."

"That is to say...even if 'she' is paying attention to Jin Jing,

We can only see Claire's appearance..." Leon pinched his forehead: "Then there is no need to slow down in order to synchronize the plot. "

"What's the specific plan?" Ada tilted her head slightly.

"We go directly to the orphanage, rescue Shirley, then go through the sewers to the Umbrella Brood, get the serum and destroy it, then wait for Claire and Shirley in the car." Leon clenched his fists and walked to the rolling door. Try lifting it next to it.


The closed rolling shutter door was forcibly lifted by Leon.

"By the way, I just met a prisoner down there who called himself 'Ben'," Ada said lightly: "He tried to use the parking lot key card in exchange for me to let him out."

"Then-and-then-" Leon continued to exert force.

"Then I grabbed the key card while he was showing off." Ada took out a small card and swiped it on the rolling door controller.

The door, which had taken Leon a long time to lift a little, rose quickly.

"..." Leon, with his hands empty, looked up at the rolling shutter door: "Well done."

"That temporary detention center is quite safe. Although there are zombie dogs wandering in the kennel next to it, they won't open the door. Are you sure that Raccoon City will be behind..." Ada looked at her watch: "Tomorrow Was it destroyed by a nuclear bomb at eight o'clock in the morning? Then there is no need to rescue it."

"No, you saved him once," Leon walked out of the parking lot.


"That 'Ben' was the informant you installed in Raccoon City to investigate Umbrella. He had some financial evidence against Director Irons, but he didn't want to contact you. Instead, he planned to extort some extra money. As a result, he was killed by Irons. Longsi sent someone to arrest him," Leon said while checking the path to the orphanage: "That guy is a talker. In the original plot, he repeatedly explained how important his key card was. Leon or Clairdo should save it. He was beaten to death by the tyrant through the wall because he made too much noise."

"Even if you are not a villain, you will die from talking too much." Ada nodded.

"Then, Leon has to work hard to run to the surface of the east area of ​​the police station, unlock, decrypt, ring the bell, find the circuit board of the detention center, open the cell door and get the key card, and then he can come out." Leon confirmed the orphan on the map He walked in the direction of the hospital and stepped out of the underground parking lot: "You saved me a lot of trouble this time."

"But Claire has to walk again?" Ada followed Leon: "According to what I saw 'over there', everything you did had almost no impact on Claire, even the zombies you cleared and the mechanisms you opened She has to open it all over again.”

"This is the reason why we can't meet each other - the contents of the inner and outer levels are almost the same, but we can't let the people on the second line pass the level without doing anything. The result is that we will meet except at certain key nodes. Usually they are all in the same but different 'mirrors'." Leon paused: "This is probably the earliest 'parallel world'."

"Then if we rescue Shirley..."

"She should also disappear at a specific event point."

——September 30, 00:22, Raccoon City, Street——

On the streets of Raccoon City, in addition to the ruins of collapsed houses and damaged and overturned vehicles, swaying zombies can be seen everywhere. Some of them are standing in the middle of the road in a daze, and some are lying on shop windows and doors to look inside. Some even beat the vending machine repeatedly, as if the machine had just swallowed the coins it put in.

"The reason why Director Irons kidnapped Shirley? It was to obtain the necklace given to her by Shirley's mother Yani. The pattern on it is one of the passwords needed to synthesize the original solution of the G virus. Moreover, only one of Shirley's hands Only level 4 wristbands can open the door to the institute. By the way, William and Yani are level 4."

Leon and Ada went to the orphanage together, cleaning up the zombies blocking the way while explaining the ins and outs of the matter to her.

"So, he is very aware of the existence of the G virus? He even knows everything about the Umbrella Research Institute?" Ada made a reasonable guess.

"He may not be able to figure out the difference between 'G' and 'T', but he must know their effects very well." Leon stopped next to a barbed wire gate and looked at the zombies that kept hitting the door. "For example, greatly improving Metabolic speed, removal of cancer cells, rejuvenation to a certain extent, and even resurrection from the dead.”

"..." Ada's face was mostly covered by sunglasses and she became serious: "I originally thought it was strange that the police chief also served as the director of the orphanage. Could it be..."

"It's that 'could it be'," Leon nodded: "He is giving himself the green light to use the children in the orphanage to conduct G virus infection experiments - a private experiment outside of the Umbrella plan."

"Huh... Because young children do not meet the standards of biological and chemical weapons, Umbrella has no related projects, right? He really fills in the blanks." After Ada said this, her tone became gritted.

"Calm down, this is just a document setting," Leon glanced at her: "We have not been filled."

"Ah...?" Ada didn't turn around for a while, feeling a little dazed.

Crunch - bang! The barbed wire gate was knocked open from the inside by a group of zombies.

"Let's go on." Leon passed through the door while shooting their heads off.

"Oh yes, we are 'blank'." Ada adjusted her sunglasses to follow.

"As for the relatively reasonable reasons, there are some, in order to save his daughter who died of cancer," Leon continued: "According to the game documentation, the girl was a good person and had been taking care of the orphanage during her lifetime. He had a good relationship with Yani and Shirley. After her death, Director Irons went crazy. After freezing her body, he tried to resurrect her by studying the G virus."

"...This is completely unreasonable." Ada curled her lips.

"The setting is like this. Unless Umbrella is a law-abiding company, the director will definitely do such a thing and be killed by William who is chasing him." Leon stopped and looked up and down at the lions and sika deer painted in front of him. The orphanage gate looks a bit weird.

"I understand, it's time to fight William's second form." Ada took out the pistol and played with it.

"In the game, it will switch to Shirley's main perspective and try to escape. When she fails and is caught, it will not display 'You are dead', but 'You are caught.'" Leon opened the door and walked into the front of the orphanage. He walked to the hospital and walked towards the gate: "But if he escapes beyond the incident judgment point, William will run out and shoot to death this guy who dares to catch his daughter."

"But you just knocked out his humanity?" Ada continued.




As soon as Leon arrived in front of the orphanage, the door was opened from the inside out - but it only opened a gap of less than a punch before it was blocked by the chain hanging outside the door, and the little girl inside who was running out excitedly also Hit the door.

"She is indeed the superwoman of Biochemical 6," Leon praised, untied the chain above, opened the door, and pulled the little girl behind her who was covering her head with tears in her eyes: "You are safe, Shirley, I am your Claire My sister’s friend.”

"Hmm..." Shirley looked at Leon and then Ada in confusion, and nodded.

"Ha! You brat, you can actually steal the key, but you must not have guessed that I hung a chain on the door -" At this time, a fat middle-aged man with a face corroded by some chemicals emerged from He rushed down the stairs in the house, then froze: "Who are you?"

"Leon S. Kennedy," Leon replied: "It should be today, no, the new police officer who took office yesterday, 'sir'."

"Huh...? Then you should know that I am the director, right? Hand over the kid behind you! Don't mind your own business! Even if the situation in Raccoon City is not optimistic now, my energy in the police system is enough to make you, a little policeman, I can't survive as a member!" Aarons walked over to this side.

"Really?" Ada showed him a certificate: "FBI, we have been paying attention to you for a long time. Mr. Irons, you were arrested for bending the law for personal gain and conducting illegal human experiments."

"Asshole!" Irons ignored the document and drew his gun with his backhand, aiming at it: "I told you, hand that brat over to me!"

"Dad! No!" Shirley, who had been looking out, exclaimed.

"What? Ha, your father is not here," Irons looked at Shirley: "If you don't want to kill these two people, just be obedient - ahhhhh?!"

While Irons was speaking, a huge claw stretched out from behind, grabbed his head and lifted it into the air. Irons aimed his backhand and fired randomly. Although there was a sound of hitting, he grabbed him. The strength of the head shows no sign of relaxing.


Following a strange sound, Irons was turned around, and then he saw a huge eyeball wrapped in knotted muscles.

Next to the huge eyeballs, there are two heads, one with a completely skinless face and a ferocious face, while the other one, whose eyes are closed and sleeping, can barely be seen as a human being.

"Well, it seems that your father's humanity has completely disappeared. Now the G virus is dominating the body." Leon completely ignored whether these words would have a psychological shadow on Shirley: "However, his remaining action mode is still 'annihilation'." All the factors that are detrimental to Shirley', those big eyes will protect you even if they don't understand why they do what they do - before this remnant is completely overwhelmed by the instinct of the G virus."

"Who do you think caused this?" Ada complained.

"Of course it's Claire, I didn't fight William, right Shirley?" Leon shrugged.


Before Shirley could reply, the thing in the hands of the monster who could still be called William exploded like a watermelon.

"Oh, is this a tribute to the classic?" Leon raised his eyebrows: "In the old version of Resident Evil 3, this is how the pursuers treated Brad, and this is indeed inside the iron gate and outside the gate."

"I think it's because you're wearing Carlos' vest at the same time." Ada turned away from looking at the scene and said.

William ignored Leon and Ada's strange words, casually threw Irons' body far away, and turned his eyes to Shirley.


"Dad..." Shirley didn't seem to be too scared because of Leon's words, hiding behind Leon and looking into the big eyes.

"Oh, this is not possible," Leon raised his gun: "Apart from your instinct to protect Shirley, you have nothing that is beneficial to her. After you take her away, you might spread the G virus because she is not strong enough. When the nutritional injection is injected."

"According to your statement, William can no longer understand human speech and will ignore your own threats." Ada also raised her gun and aimed: "Then why didn't you attack immediately?"

"Of course it's because..." Leon pushed Shirley towards Ada: "I don't want to accidentally hurt her."

Ada immediately pulled Shirley back a few steps in cooperation.

"[Cuckoo Ga——!]" As if cooperating with Leon's words, after seeing Shirley out of the attack range, William directly waved his claws and pounced on Leon.


Leon rolled forward to avoid the claws, and pointed the gun at the big eyeball: "Next time we meet, you will lose all your mind, and I won't talk to you so much. Good night, William."


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