The Collection of The End

One thousand eight hundred and fifty-two, Resident Evil 2 (42)

Latest website: [——September 30, 00:28, Raccoon City Police Department, East District Underground Kennel——]

“[Woof woof!—Oooh!]” “[Quaaaah—]”

When officers from the Raccoon City Police Department arrived at the kennel, they happened to see a monster with red and white muscles and gnarled flesh, sharp claws on its limbs, and a long tongue sticking out of its mouth killing two police dogs.

"You bastard! You dare to kill my dog!" Rita picked up the shotgun and shot at it.

The monster reacted extremely quickly, jumped up to the roof, and then kicked off its legs to rush towards Rita.

Then he received two acid grenades and several machine gun bullets, and died suddenly on the spot.

"It has no eyes, so it obviously thought there was only one person coming," explained Jin Jing, who recognized the licker.

"Look, that's your daughter." David poked Director Irons, who was being escorted by him, with the handle of his gun.

"Huh, this is just a failure. You can't even imagine Umbrella's skills." The fat man looked a little shocked, but he still said firmly.

"As long as I know they will still be killed by bullets, that's enough." George loaded the grenades one by one.

Not long ago, when Jin Jing raised a gun to confront Irons, through simple words and inducements, the director who thought he was in an advantageous position proudly told what he had done.

For example, he secretly used prisoners in the police station and children in the orphanage to conduct virus experiments. For example, there are secret passages leading to Umbrella underground in the police station and the orphanage. For example, the basic research on the thing called the "G virus" has been completed. He will soon be able to live forever and even resurrect from the dead, but was interrupted by this inexplicable leak. He must obtain Shirley's necklace to enter the research institute to obtain the virus liquid.

Finally, when he tried to seduce Jin Jing, the police members who couldn't stand it swarmed and arrested him on the spot.

At that time, Marvin was still serious about pulling Jin Jing and saying that he couldn't believe the words of such people, and that the promised benefits were just to delay time, etc. Jin Jing couldn't talk about the benefits of a single reincarnation world, she didn't like it, and she didn't want to scare her with her FBI ID. People, so he hinted that Claire had revealed a little about "Bai Jingjing's" "identity", and Marvin decisively shut up.

The current plan is to lock Irons in a detention center, then take the secret passage below the police station to the Umbrella Institute, and then, in Rita's words, "blow the fuck up."

As a police force that is supposed to protect the city, when there is an opportunity to kill the mastermind behind the destruction of the city,

It can be said that attacking decisively is the most normal choice. On the contrary, the two "outsiders" Jin Jing and Claire have no need to go.

After a brief dispute, Claire persuaded Marvin and others by saying "If my brother is here, he will not back down." Jin Jing said that since she brought Claire to Raccoon City, she would bring her back intact, and she passed the customs smoothly.

"Woo... my lovely dog... bear trap, handcuffs, arrest warrant, cordon..." Rita was checking the dog cages one by one. Her reaction should be that there were no survivors... dogs.

Now, we have to be careful not to let Rita be so sad that she directly shoots Irons to death.

Also, is there something wrong with the names of those police dogs?

"Hahaha! Irons! What happened to you finally happened? Do you have this day too?"

When the police officers entered the detention center, a prisoner who was facing the door was overjoyed and threw himself in front of the cell door:

"Quickly, let me out. I have irrefutable evidence that this guy embezzled public funds and accepted bribes. It's in my apartment-"

"That kind of thing is not important anymore," Marvin interrupted him, and then looked the prisoner up and down: "Why haven't I seen you? How did you get in?"

This is a... long-haired man who looks like a rock singer. His clothes have a hippie style. He is quite handsome, but he is a bit talkative.

"Drunk driving...but this guy framed me!" The prisoner pointed at Irons who was being escorted: "He first arrested me and then made me drink. I also recognize his two men!"

"...Ha, it turns out it's you, Ben Parker," Irons glanced at him: "The reason doesn't matter at all. I caught you and didn't intend to let you out again. My plan will be realized soon."

"Hey! You see he is still so arrogant. Let me out and let me give him a couple of hard blows. By the way, what crimes have he been exposed? Do you need my help? I still have quite a few lawyer friends - —" The prisoner called "Ben" kept chattering.

"Mr. Ben," Jin Jing looked at the parking lot key card hanging around Ben's neck. She thought he might be an important NPC, so she pointed to his neighbor and asked, "Have you not noticed that your 'neighbors' have changed?" Have you become a zombie?"

There was a zombie dressed like an ordinary white-collar worker, putting his head on the iron fence and moaning at a group of people here.

"I've seen it. I've even seen that guy with no eyes and a long tongue a few times, but so what, people have to live, right?" Ben Tan spread his hands: "Speaking of which, I haven't eaten in two days. Now, can you please hurry up and let me go out for a big dinner?"

"It's a pity that there shouldn't be any restaurants outside that can serve big meals." George took out a bunch of keys and began to try Ben's cell doors one by one: "If you have no place to go, you can go to the police station lobby above temporarily, it's safer there. , and some food and water."

"Oh? So everyone outside has become like this? What's the reason? What's the process? Are there any survivors? Is it just you? What's the rescue plan?" Ben stepped out of the cell door after George opened the lock: " I smell big news in it, maybe I should follow you.”

"Go in!" On the other side, Rita pushed the handcuffed Irons in: "If you are still alive after we blow up the Umbrella Research Institute, maybe we will come back and take you out. Follow the law."

"Hmph." Irons said nothing.

"Oh? Oh...oh!" Ben suddenly became excited: "The pillar industry of Raccoon Town is actually the main culprit of this disaster. This is definitely big news! I must go to that institute with you to see look!"

"It's dangerous out there, and we probably won't have time to protect you," Elliott said, chewing gum.

"No, no, no, I'm still very confident in my skills. As long as you give me a gun, I can kill a dozen zombies." Ben looked excited: "My motto is 'What people can do under great pressure' A lot of things that wouldn’t have been possible’.”

Could you please restore Raccoon City to its original appearance? Jin Jing thought for a while, but didn't really say it. After all, this was already an argument, and he must have never seen a "tyrant" before he dared to boast like this.

Boom! Wow!

A huge fist punched through the wall behind the cell and grabbed Irons' head.

"..." Jin Jing was stunned.

Although I know that this thing is mass-produced, I have never heard that it has the attributes that Cao Cao and Cao Cao have.

"Ahhhhhhh!" Irons screamed.


[——September 30, 00:44, Raccoon City Sewer, Garbage Treatment Plant——]

"Oh, my God, this is a perfect subject. The police chief of Raccoon City secretly researched biological weapons, but was killed on the spot by the out-of-control biological weapons. If I can take a few more photos of that research institute, this year's Gray The prize must be mine." Ben babbled as he ran away.

"If you keep nagging, your name will be in a black frame at the award ceremony." Rita glared at him, "Keep running! Don't stop!"


"Damn it! Why can't that guy be killed?"

"Save some bullets! We need to take the cable car to evacuate as soon as possible!"

In fact, it's not that it's invincible, it just looks similar.

Jin Jing held Shirley in her arms and trotted all the way through the complex underground structure under the protection of a group of police officers. She glanced at the task bar while listening to the sound of banging doors and passing through walls from behind.

[Side mission: Defeat the tyrant. (3)】

Perhaps because it was not a one-on-one battle, the "Tyrant's Soul" was not obtained in the last two times.

At present, it seems that his own behavior of killing the tyrant has aroused great interest in the guys who dropped this kind of biological and chemical weapons. They began to frequently drop "express delivery" at the police station, and the police officers' behavior of quickly killing them also made them He increasingly thinks that this is the perfect place to test his strength.

To put it bluntly, when the ammunition of the police force members is quite limited, fighting the tyrant is like using their annual income to challenge other people's pocket money. Fortunately, they came to the wrong conclusion that the tyrant will "quickly resurrect" and decided to take advantage of it. Cable car evacuation.

As the action location becomes further and further away from the surface, the behavior of the "tyrant" becomes more difficult to control, and the new tyrant can no longer be accurately delivered, and only simple behavioral logic can be said to be a target.

Since the team was actually running away from the crisis, there was no need to correct such small things.

"My mother and I took this up." At this time, Shirley raised her hand and pointed to an old elevator with sliding doors.

"Well..." Marvin looked at the sign next to the elevator and hesitated.

Its maximum load-bearing capacity is 10 people. The current personnel are not overweight. The problem is that it will cause the police officers to be crowded together, leaving little room for counterattack if something goes wrong.

And if they are divided into two batches, no one can be sure which side will be in trouble.

"Rita, Elliot, David, George, you take Ben down first and clear out the zombies below," Marvin didn't hesitate for long: "I'll stay up there with Claire, Bai and Shirley - take action!"

Rita seemed to want to say something else, but was dragged away by other colleagues.

A very appropriate choice. Jin Jing looked at the remaining people and nodded secretly: The situation below is unknown. There may be a large number of zombies, so those with fighting ability need to go first. The tyrant has just been knocked down and should not be "resurrected" for the time being, even if " "Resurrection", with its fighting style of punching people, a more flexible person is more suitable for dodging and delaying time, and this allocation also meets the requirements of his task of "protecting Claire".

But in this case, it is basically a certainty that the tyrant will attack again... ugh.

Boom! Boom! With the sound of big leather shoes and the hammering of the iron floor, the word "tyrant" was pronounced as "Cao Cao", and a guy in a windbreaker and a wide-brimmed hat appeared from behind again.

"Shirley, go to the elevator and press the button when the light turns green." Jin Jing put Shirley down, pulled out the "Viper" again and aimed at the tyrant's head.

——When this world ends, I will upgrade my attributes to be able to hold a large-caliber revolver!

Boom boom boom!



Even if the tyrant with a tough guy appearance was knocked down, he would only let out a brief grunt. In comparison, the panting and disgraced Marvin, Claire and Jin Jing looked quite embarrassed.

"Sister Claire, Sister Bai, Uncle Marvin, the elevator is coming up -" Shirley ran into the elevator that had just gone up and greeted them loudly.

"Let's go." Marvin put away his gun, glanced at the fallen tyrant again, and then stepped into the elevator with Claire and Jin Jing.

This time...the quantity doesn't seem to be right...

Jin Jing walked into the elevator, but stared at the tyrant outside. He obviously lacked the firepower of the four people below, and his little poisonous snake with 14 points of damage was basically a decoration, but the tyrant fell in about the same time.

Excluding the possibility that it is pretending to be dead, in other words, this tyrant has been entered into the "second stage"?



As the elevator's metal sliding door slowly closed, the tyrant "exploded".

In other words, the brown and yellow coat on its body exploded into pieces from the inside out in an instant.

- The coat is a restraint, not a protective device.

Jin Jing immediately thought of the small print note on "The Soul of the Tyrant".

But even if it were to transform, it probably wouldn't be able to stop the elevator from descending in time——

Boom! !

The next moment, the tyrant who was still lying far away drew an afterimage and appeared directly in front of the elevator door. His hands firmly grasped the elevator railings to prevent him from descending, causing the elevator's error alarm to sound.

Jin Jing could see that behind the exploded coat, the Tyrant's exposed skin was as blue-white as its head. At the same time, there were countless raised blood vessels or muscles running around the body, and they converged into a beating heart at the position of the heart. The huge tumor jumped as if it were something alive in itself.

In this case, maybe attacking the original heart location might be effective?

"Yeah!" Shirley was frightened by this strange appearance and screamed.

She was obviously not surprised to see zombies and lickers... Sure enough, monsters that are monsters from the beginning are not scary. Isn't it more uncomfortable that a guy who looks like a human at the beginning turns into a monster?

Boom! Bang bang!

Claire, Marvin and Jin Jing had the same idea, and they all raised their guns and shot at the tyrant's "heart", but apart from making it beat faster, it had no obvious effect.

If you throw that "burger" out...

"Dad!" Shirley exclaimed again, but it was hard to tell whether it was surprise or fright.


A huge claw penetrated the tyrant from its back and firmly grasped the "heart".

"[Ugh!]" For the first time, another expression appeared on the tyrant's big face so close to him, but it was hard to tell whether it was fear, anger or surprise.


The huge claws retracted with a snap, taking away a whole piece of the body around the heart. This time, the tyrant finally let go of his hand and fell down in front of the elevator, revealing the appearance of William behind him.

His size and eyes are bigger, and he seems to have an extra head. Wait, is it stuffing the tyrant's heart into his body?

The elevator returned to normal and descended rapidly, blocking Jin Jing's sight.

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