The Collection of The End

One thousand eight hundred and fifty-three, Resident Evil 2 (43)

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——September 30, 03:51, Umbrella Research Institute, "Mother's Nest"——

"[Gu Gu——Hu Hu——Hmm...]"

In the virus research area, "William" had big eyes, four claws, two heads and seven or eight sharp tentacles. His body was more than ten times his original form and he collapsed heavily with black smoke all over his body.

"Although you can't hear what I said, this should be the last time I see you, so I just want to say a few words." Leon put down the flamethrower in his hand: "You call it the 'GodVirus' Although the gadget was spread, it only infected some plants and even promoted the spread of the T-virus that was leaked in the mansion. There will be no scenes of the G-virus in any subsequent games or movies. So, you are the first one. One and the last successful G-Virus creation."

"William" fell to the ground, unresponsive except for the crackle of the flames.

"[There are still 9 minutes until the laboratory self-destructs.]" A cold mechanical sound came from the loudspeaker on the wall.

"However, theoretically speaking, you have evolved so many times. The self-destruction of the laboratory and the explosion of a nuclear bomb should not kill you. Maybe you will see the light of day again in the future. Who knows." Leon shrugged and climbed up to the research area. of straight stairs.

In the passage of the virus laboratory, there were many humanoid monsters lying dead everywhere. Some were powerful and looked like lickers and tyrants, some were haggard and looked like zombies covered with plants, and some were naked. Like a plaster statue, but with a bloody mouth.

"Is this really something that ordinary female college students can deal with?" Leon walked around the monsters towards the central hall, talking nonsense as he walked: "But it doesn't matter, now go give the virus sample to Ada and sell it Then I’ll buy a big house and farm together, facing the sea, and the flowers will bloom in spring.”

"Hand over the virus sample, Leon." Ada stopped Leon in the hall passage and raised her gun, "Should I act like this, or implement the plan you just mentioned?"

"Yani said you are not the FBI, who are you going to hand over the virus to?" Leon also raised a gun to confront him: "I was just joking. Leon, the unlucky guy, has been chasing Ada for many years but he still hasn't succeeded... eh."

"Then it's not your thing to worry about..." The expression on Ada's face was a little tense: "Can I laugh? You must not wear the Lyon vest out of sympathy for the same problem, right? Oh, by the way, speaking of it, it's stuck. It’s not like Lose is pursuing Jill, and her official partner is Chris.”

"I bet you don't dare to shoot..." Leon put down the gun and his expression changed: "That guy Chris didn't appear in Biochemical 2 at all, and the current timeline can't push Biochemical 5. Leon will still play opposite Ada in Biochemical 4. .”

"We shouldn't have come to this point..." Ada also put down the gun: "Speaking of which, can I dodge the next shot? Yani is obviously behind you, I should be able to see her tremblingly walking out and raising the gun. Aim, right?"

"I can give you a special effect of being shot, but you still have to jump down later. I'll also throw the virus down. According to the settings, Wesker should be down there, but it doesn't seem to be modeled. You go down and take a look. By the way Find a rocket launcher or something and bring it to me." Leon made a righteous and solemn expression that was completely inconsistent with his words.


Yanni, with bloodstains on her body, appeared from the passage behind Leon, shot Ada, and murmured: "This way, no one can obtain virus samples..."

"She passed out." Ada looked at Yanni, and then looked at the direction where the bullet flew. It was a little far away.

"It's pretty good for an ordinary researcher to be able to shoot after being scratched by William in the fourth form. There's no need to insist on accuracy or anything like that," Leon said while throwing down the virus sample in his hand: "No! Ai! Da!"

"Claire from the inner line should go start the train. See you later." Ada rolled her eyes at Lyon and jumped off the connecting bridge with one hand: "You have to take care of yourself——"

"..." Leon was silent for a moment,

The fourth-level personnel who walked into the institute started to descend: "Because it is a remake, and everyone knows that Ada is not dead, this kind of plot will only make people laugh or complain."

The Level 4 personnel elevator quickly arrived at the control room below the research institute. It could be seen that sparks or even explosions had occurred in some facilities.

"[There are still, 6, minutes until the laboratory self-destructs.]"

"From the whole article, only the next tyrant is the most outrageous," said Leon while casually burning the "plant zombies" on the roadside while walking up the maintenance road to the elevator: "The amount of T103 has never been seen during the exploration of the institute. The production tyrant actually appeared on the lowest floor of the laboratory. His clothes, which were not damaged by the fire and explosion all the way, were directly shattered after an ordinary gas pipe explosion. People have to suspect that this is purely to make his muscles brighter. Personally."


As soon as the elevator reached the end, a bald-headed tyrant in a trench coat broke through the wall and rushed out.

"Someone did an experiment and hit Ada's rocket launcher without picking it up. As a result, this guy was resurrected three times." Leon casually lit the tyrant with a flamethrower and walked around it: "There is no fourth time because the countdown time is up. .”


The pipes on the wall behind him that had just been broken by the tyrant suddenly exploded, turning the tyrant into a human-shaped torch. The windbreaker that was originally invulnerable to water and fire easily turned into fly ash.

"What did I say?" Leon came to a lifting platform and stood there, turned around, and shrugged.

Boom, boom, boom!

With heavy footsteps, the wall of fire covering the passage parted. Without the windbreaker, the tyrant walked out of the fire wearing only a pair of big pants. At this time, its two hands turned into huge claws, and the original blue-grey The skin has turned purple due to the bulging flow of thick blood vessels on the body surface. Combined with its tough-guy face, bald head and big chin, it looks like...

"Where does this mutated Thanos come from? Is it because of this guy that I wore the Thanos vest? But is there something wrong with the chronological order?" Leon complained angrily while throwing all kinds of ammunition from various weapons in his hands. The tyrant poured out.

A few seconds later, the seemingly mighty "Unchained Tyrant" was knocked to the ground, but the blood vessels on its body began to beat wildly again, and it was reawakened in less than five seconds.

"Sure enough..." Leon shook his head and continued to shoot at the tyrant while looking at the surrounding high places where people could hide.

"[There are still, 3, minutes until the laboratory self-destructs.]"

As the Tyrant was knocked down again, the lifting platform was overwhelmed and overturned, causing Leon and the Tyrant to slide further down together.

Also sliding down at the same time was a silver box containing four rocket launchers.

"It turns out that Carlos used this to save Jill... The timeline is still wrong," Leon took out the "anti-tank rocket launcher" from the box, aimed at the tyrant who had just stood up, and said upwards: "You go directly to the surface! I will send Claire and Shirley will meet you as soon as she is sent outside the city!"

No one answered in the passage above, but a red dress flashed past.

The tyrant, who seemed to be vaguely aware of the power of the rocket launcher, immediately launched a charge at Lyon, but was hit by a rocket in the middle of the way. Under the huge impact, its head and claws flew out first, and then its body was torn apart. Burned to ashes by flames.

"[There are still 60 seconds before the laboratory self-destructs.]"

"...What an outrageous way to die for Thanos." Leon shook his head, turned around and rushed to the nearby subway, and jumped onto the speeding underground train without thinking.

"OK, let's meet Claire and Shirley next and see if we can tie up the two lines." Leon listened to the faint explosion from behind and opened the door of the car in front: "gram..."

Before he could speak, he was surrounded by a group of people.

…Where did these policemen come from? Why is Yani here? And that chatty reporter?

[——September 30, 4:00, Umbrella Research Institute, subway car——]


"Leon? Are you okay?"

"You guys, can't you join us?"

"A lone hero, right?"

"A hero saves a beauty, right?"

"I shouldn't have given you such good accessories!"

"As a new police officer who came to Raccoon City on your first day, how do you feel about destroying the important laboratory of the biochemical criminal group Umbrella with your own hands?"

"For the sake of you finding the serum and saving Shirley, I won't hold you accountable for losing the virus sample and flirting with the fake FBI."

"Big Brother was so awesome just now! I will become a person like Big Brother in the future~"

Huh? Huh?

Jin Jing, who originally wanted to introduce "Kong" to everyone, was immediately confused by the noisy condemnation of a group of people, so she looked at Claire blankly.

"Don't look at me, I'm surprised too," Claire's first sentence was quite normal, but her second sentence was wrong: "The reckless policeman who drove us to Raccoon City was so powerful. Without his cooperation, we would have been able to explore The police station and the laboratory are not that easy. When he left on his own just now to lure away the mutant tyrant, I thought he was going to die."

What are they talking about? There is no "empty" in my memory at all, or does Leon appear? Is there another BUG in this world?

Jin Jing pinched her forehead and thought carefully.

After William tore apart the tyrant, the police team met Shirley's mother, Yanni Birken. She said that she and her husband, William Birken, were both researchers at Umbrella Corporation. Because William's research did not meet the requirements, the company First, they banned research related to the G virus. After discovering the value, they sent people to snatch the G virus samples. William was shot because of his resistance. However, when he was dying, he struggled to inject the original solution of the G virus into his arm, and eventually mutated into a monster and became a monster. The group killed the people sent by Umbrella.

William still had some sense at the time and escaped from the Umbrella Research Institute with Yanni and her daughter. However, after arriving in Raccoon City, he couldn't control himself, so he allowed them to leave on their own and encountered the police team.

Afterwards, after a brief discussion, in addition to the original mission of the police force to "destroy the Umbrella Research Institute", they added the mission of "obtaining virus stock solution" and "synthesizing anti-viral serum". They did not know that Raccoon City would be destroyed by a nuclear bomb. He also wanted to save it, so this arrangement was considered normal.

Then, it was time to clean up the institute, which was divided into three areas.

The residential area is full of ordinary zombies, the plant area has a large number of zombies parasitized by plants, and the virus research area is full of monsters similar to tyrants and lickers, which makes the team with only light weapons a little helpless.

After that, they found many heavy weapons under the guidance of Yani, which accelerated the advancement a lot and successfully obtained anti-viral serum and virus stock solution.

The former didn't matter, but when the latter was taken out, the institute's computer claimed that "the institute is about to self-destruct due to unauthorized personnel taking important samples." Everyone had to flee in a hurry and defeated the special escape subway when it was activated. After the fourth mutation, William looked like a big dog, but the original virus was accidentally destroyed and absorbed by the canine William.

So, there was nothing going on here without Lyon.

At present, it seems that it is probably because he is doing a "personal mission". As a result, the Lord God has placed himself and the "big man" who brought him in on different world lines. Now that the mission is over, the world lines of the two sides intersect again, and the NPC's The memory is also refreshed.

Could it be that except for myself, everyone else has the memory of "fighting alongside Leon"? These NPCs are too easily influenced. The boss "Song" seems to be a "high-level NPC". In this case...

Just when Jin Jing thought of this, she saw Leon, or "Kong", quietly winking at him.


He also has no relevant memories? Judging from his somewhat stiff response, this is indeed the case.

In other words, like himself, he is not affected by the "world correction". In fact, he may have actually done a lot of things in the "world line over there" that are beneficial to the "world line here"?

In this case, he may be more advanced than the "Master Chief" he saw in "Resident Evil 1" - after all, the "Master Chief" was too stupid to notice the lack of the world at the beginning, and is more advanced than the "Advanced NPC" of……

Is he a real person? !


Just as Jin Jing thought of this, there was a loud noise from behind the train, and at the same time there was a familiar roar:

"[Gu Gu——Gu Gu Gu Gu——!]"

Does William still have a fifth form? I said why the task of defeating him has not been completed yet!

While others were looking at each other in confusion, Jin Jing had already drawn her gun and rushed to the trunk, and Leon's "empty" appearance also made the same move as her.

"Don't be nervous, this is a plot kill," Sora whispered as the two walked side by side: "Put out all the ammunition, then poke it, but don't leave directly."

Jin Jing blinked. Although he didn't understand, he just did as the boss said.

[William Birken (final form)]

Although the fog door on the train is a bit outrageous, it is still acceptable compared to William's exaggerated body shape.

The fifth form of William, who was so huge that it almost filled the carriage, was almost invulnerable. Only when the super-huge eyeballs were opened could it do a little damage, but that little bit of damage was just a drop in the bucket to its ridiculously long health bar. The health value is probably not 10,000.

Finally, when "William" forced Jin Jing close to the fog door, a familiar bonfire and a blazing spiral sword appeared next to the door.

...Poke it with this? But usually it is used to leave the world.


William suddenly moved closer, and the huge bloodshot glass reflected Jin Jing's entire body on it.

hateful! do not care!

Jin Jing suddenly pulled out the spiral sword, held it with both hands and thrust it into the "pupil" that was bigger than his own head.

Poof! Sizzle!

Along with the splashing blood and the blood mist produced by their evaporation, mission information appeared.

[Side mission: Defeat William Birken. (Finish)】

[Side mission: Destroy Umbrella Underground Research Institute. (Finish)】

[All personal tasks have been completed. Do you want to leave this world? 】

[Leave and do another task]


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