The Collection of The End

One thousand eight hundred and fifty-four, Resident Evil 2 (44)

Latest website: [Tips: The world of reincarnation ‘Resident Evil 2’ is in an abnormal state, estimated recovery time: 4 minutes and 59 seconds]

Hmm...that's really troublesome.

I stared at the countdown on the dark "globe" and began to guess what would happen when I entered the world.

It is certain that he will replace Jill Valentine again, but how Jin Jing got involved in the Resident Evil 2 game version and whether his actions will have an impact on the Resident Evil 2 movie version is still uncertain.

After Jill was bounced back because she was in coma, I discussed the plot with Meng Nali, Meng Lisa and Roman, and basically confirmed the order:

On the night of September 28, when Biochemical 3 started, Gill came into contact with UBCS and fought back and forth with his pursuers.

In the early morning of the 29th, the train derailed due to being attacked by pursuers. At this time, Carlos was exploring the police station.

After Jill regained consciousness, she fought with her pursuers and was infected and fell into a coma. It was more than ten hours before she was found and transported to the hospital by Carlos.

On the evening of the 29th, Carlos went to the research facility below the hospital to find the therapeutic serum and inject it into Jill.

Meanwhile, Leon and Claire enter Raccoon City, and the game version of Resident Evil 2 begins.

In the early morning of the 30th, Claire and Leon defeated William, destroyed the research institute where he worked, and escaped from Raccoon City with Shirley. The game version of Biochemical 2 ended.

On the morning of the 30th, Jill woke up after being in a coma for a day, and the second half of Biochemical 3 began. At the same time, Alice woke up, and the movie version of Biochemical 2 began.

On the morning of October 1st, Jill, Carlos, and Alice escaped from Raccoon City by helicopter. A nuclear bomb exploded behind them. The movie versions of Biochemical 3 and Biochemical 2 ended together.

Even if you don’t go through the world settings, you can tell based on the main missions of this world that the second half of Biochemical 3 should be merged into the movie version of Biochemical 2. Gil and Carlos will join the search when the plot of the Church Licker takes place. Angela's team, and later fought against the "Nemesis", and this special pursuer was transformed from Matt in the Resident Evil 1 movie version.

In this case of inconsistent settings, the game version of Biochemical 3 will be more reasonably close to the movie version, so there shouldn't be any problems.

But the fact is that something went wrong.

Generally speaking, it is still a problem caused by dimensional differences.

A "high-dimensional soul" that can provide "high-dimensional doomsday elements\

,"Invading by name the world of "pre-high-dimensional souls" that can no longer provide "high-dimensional doomsday elements", and this world is a special reincarnation specially designed for the team that takes in "pre-high-dimensional souls" to carry out "team growth tasks" In the world, there will be no other reincarnations except them.

But this "other reincarnations" specifically refers to the "virtual reincarnations" in the "virtual dimension" of "Cerberles". Jin Jing, the "higher dimensional creature", is not among them. She saw this because of the invasion of the white bears. World, probably thinking that he still had more time, invited "Blank" to join him. With "Blank"'s character, he would definitely not refuse when seeing this kind of situation that he had never seen before, but what a coincidence Unfortunately, Jin Jing came into contact with Claire and Chris in the "Death Is Coming" world. When he chose to enter, this "specialized world" underwent secondary specialization on its own, adding the Resident Evil 2 game version. Go in.

However, even so, before the specific plot begins, there will not be any abnormalities. At most, some NPC memories will be modified uniformly, but... who could have thought in advance that Jill Valentine would be mine? Incarnation? What the hell is the identity of an NPC that can be immediately dismissed at a glance? Luo Shen, the world you write needs more inspection!

[If you take a casual walk around the virtual dimension, you may lose seven or eight ‘NPC’ identities along the way. Of the 42 incarnations, only six are left as ‘Infinity Stones’. You don’t need to think about it to know how they disappeared. 】Silly System said.

‘You must be going to save the character who was born to encounter misfortune, right? If you want to save that kind of character, you have to beat the author violently. Otherwise, in the end, the rescue will just become "creating a world where he or she will not encounter misfortune", and the result will be something like body and Tao. ’

[For example, those people who were attacked at night? 】

‘Forget it, what the hell is it that one of the Teigu users must die when they meet? ’

[Such as face code? 】

‘Everyday is too much, but this kind of opening is already dead. ’

[Like Lostbelt? 】

‘Hmm… This shouldn’t happen. I shouldn’t go to any world where there is no ending and I might be stabbed in the back by the official at any time. ’

[Have you ever been stabbed in the back? 】

‘It’s so noisy! Shut up! ’

"Hello?" Meng Nali's voice sounded: "Sheba has returned to normal?"

"Oh..." I looked at the "globe" that had returned from darkness to some large and small light spots, and walked over with the stupid system in hand: "Is there anything I need to pay attention to this time?"

"No, just follow the small ideas when you encounter something." Meng Nali shook her head: "The specific analysis will not be accurate until this world is completely over."

"Okay," I looked at Matthew who was dozing over there: "This time the world ends, the conclusion on how to interfere with the high-dimensional world should be available. By then, there will be no need to keep an eye on it every time for fear of something going wrong. .”

Although it was quite surprising that I suddenly disappeared and ran into the world of reincarnation to fight against Jill, and it also caused a wave of worry among my followers, big and small, but after confirming that I was fine and that the world of Resident Evil was not very interesting, it was They dispersed, leaving only Mashu still guarding here.

"Actually, Sister Lin, you want to create some interesting worlds to play in, right?" Lisa Meng looked over from behind Meng Nali and winked at me: "Because some worlds with incomplete worldviews or simply fragments are also very interesting. "

"As long as you know it in your heart, why don't you say it out loud." Meng Nali slapped her on the head with her backhand.

Don't you feel guilty for saying this?

"Even I want to fish sometimes." Roman said with emotion.

"..." Then he was stared at by everyone present.

I couldn't tell for a moment whether Roman really thought that way or was just joking. I shrugged and walked over to the "globe" and stretched out my hand to touch it.

Just like the first time I accidentally entered, I obviously wanted to "explore the world situation", but instead "entered the world". While the world in front of me was distorted and deformed, a new prompt popped up:

[Tip: The world of reincarnation ‘Resident Evil 2’ has resumed operation]

[Tip: All personal tasks of high-dimensional creatures have been completed. They have not chosen to return to the settlement space, and background settlement has been carried out. 】

[Tip: Obtain the ‘Doomsday Element (High Dimension)’: G virus. 】

[Tip: Obtain ‘DNA Points (High Dimension)’: 41,000 points. 】

Well...poor William.

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