The Collection of The End

One thousand eight hundred and fifty-six, Resident Evil 2 (46)

Latest website address: "[Hulchi——Huchi——]"

After confirming the "invasion", Dom and Li De entered the same invisible state as when they entered the reincarnation world. Half asleep and half awake, heavy and strange breathing sounds continued to come from all directions in this darkness. At the same time, there were many Different voices sounded slightly noisily.

"——The virus leak in Raccoon City has made us very passive."

"—But it's also an opportunity."

"——This will be a semi-public weapon performance experiment."

"——Show them what a tyrant can do."

"Don't worry, everything will be wiped out by a nuclear explosion afterwards."

"——You only have 24 hours."

The human voice gradually disappeared, replaced by the ticking of syringes, the hum of mechanical equipment, the rush of liquid and the sound of growing plants.

Eventually, all sounds disappeared again, leaving only the heavy breathing that had been there since the beginning.


The darkness gradually dissipated, and Dom could see that in the surging black fog, a huge iron gate was revealed. The old ".D" sign on it was crumbling. Outside the iron gate, there were overturned vehicles and buildings. In this environment, the strange bonfire at the iron door and the three people sitting there without realizing it seemed quite out of place.

Dom could clearly see their faces, the targets of his invasion: Ghost, Yuri, and Soap.

Was he abandoned by the team? Or special instructions for the invasion target?


Before Dom could think clearly, the heavy breathing that was originally unable to distinguish its direction suddenly "focused", allowing him to clearly hear that it came from a position less than two meters in front of the right side of the "lens".

The black fog dispersed a little again, allowing Dom to clearly see a humanoid monster wearing heavy black armor, bald, with a distorted face, a mouth full of fangs, and bulging veins on the exposed gray skin. Standing there, staring at the three people beside the bonfire from a distance with cruel eyes.

"[STARS——]" it roared.

As if feeling Dom's gaze,

The humanoid monster suddenly turned its head to look in the direction of the "camera", and then punched it in the next moment. The black mist immediately covered Dom's entire field of vision again, and then an information panel popped up:

[The team where the invasion target belongs is currently in the trial of ‘Team Growth Mission’, and some world settings may be beneficial to it. 】

[Due to the effect of the ‘Ebony Death Necklace’, you have been assigned to the ‘Umbrella Company’ camp and will act as a ‘special infected person’ in this world.]

[Special infected people are a by-product of Umbrella's production of mass-produced tyrants. They are more like real monsters than weapons. They can even be mutated by ordinary zombies. Therefore, no matter how much the loss is, Umbrella will not worry. . 】

[Optional special infected persons:]

[Boomer: A fat polluter that can spit bile at the target in front. Hitting a survivor will cause it to become the priority target of zombies. Being killed and self-destructing will cause bile to splash, affecting all survivors within a certain range. Any survivor hit by bile will cause a small wave of corpses. The number of corpses does not increase with the number of bile infections and the number of targets, and their health points are extremely low. 】

[Hunter: A short raider who can walk on walls and ceilings and pounce over long distances. Survivors hit by the pounce will continue to be scratched and unable to fight back, and must wait for other survivors to rescue them. , lower health value. 】

[Smoker: An insidious predator who spits out his tongue to tie up survivors and drag them in front of him for boxing. The survivor cannot use weapons after being hit, but can break the Smoker's tongue by moving near an obstacle. If it has been If the Smoker is dragged in front of him and beaten, he must wait for other survivors to rescue him and his health will be average. 】

[Tank: A big, strong man who can charge and attack or throw cars and rocks. He has extremely high health. 】

[At specific event nodes, "chasers" who cannot be selected and ordered will appear and attack survivors, which can be taken advantage of. 】

[Special rules: Invaders will select and deploy special infected from a third-person perspective, and control them from a first-person perspective. After the special infected are killed, they will not be considered dead as the invader, and they will re-enter after cooling down. Deployment status. 】

[Specially infected persons cannot be deployed closer than 40 meters from any survivor or in a safe house. Survivors will hear a special sound effect prompt when they are less than 32 meters away from a specially infected person. 】

[After the survivor's health is cleared, he will enter a struggling state that can be rescued by other survivors. The survivor in this state will receive twice the original life and continue to lose "temporary life". After the temporary life is lost, the survivor will will die. 】

[When the survivors complete the main mission or all members die, the invasion will be forcibly ended, and rewards will be settled based on overall performance. 】

[Choose a mode:]

[Invasion as a "special infected person\

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