The Collection of The End

One thousand eight hundred and fifty-seven, Resident Evil 2 (47)

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"[Ring ring ring——]"

Jill Valentine woke up from her ICU bed to a shrill sound like a fire alarm.

She sat up, first looked around confusedly at the empty ward, then grabbed the pistol beside the bed, slowly rolled out of bed, and walked towards the door while remaining vigilant.

"[Ring--]" As she moved, the sound of the alarm gradually decreased, and sporadic gunshots began to come from the window.

Jill opened the door to the ward and walked into the hall, only to find that there was no one here.

When she breathed a sigh of relief and was about to walk towards the hospital door, the door was knocked open from the outside, and Carlos, dusty and with bloodstains on his clothes, rushed in.

"Great, Jill, you're okay, we need to leave immediately!"



Before Gil could respond, Carlos staggered to his knees, opened his mouth and spat out a stream of black blood.

"Carlos?!" Gil exclaimed and stepped forward.

"Don't come...come..." Carlos raised his hand with difficulty to stop her from approaching, and then let out an inhuman wailing: "Uh-huh-uh-uh--!"

"Carlos..." Gil seemed a little at a loss.

"Kill...quickly...kill me..." Carlos looked up at Jill, his eyes had turned completely white, and there were countless blood vessels and veins bulging around his eyes.

"Carlos, no...I can't..." Gil aimed the gun at him and shook his head repeatedly.

"You...must...wuwu...uh ah...kill...]" Carlos' whole body began to tremble like an electric shock, his skin turned gray-black at a speed visible to the naked eye, and his nails and teeth also became sharp at the same time. .

"I..." Gil raised his gun and took aim for a long time, but still didn't fire.

"[Gah!]" Carlos, who was completely transformed into a zombie, roared and rushed towards her with his mouth wide open.

At the last moment, Gil threw away the pistol he was holding.

With a heart-wrenching click,

The screen is completely black.

——September 30, 8:02, Raccoon City, Mercy Hospital——

‘…Have I ever done something so stupid? ’

[It seems not. After all, you can't create a world full of despair like Resident Evil. 】

‘A scene like this where the Master dreams about the heroic spirit’s past could happen between himself and his lost incarnation. It’s simply outrageous, and this method of death is especially outrageous. ’

[Yes, the action of throwing the gun at the end as if he decided to commit suicide must be the action director's brain. 】

'It's hard not to support. ’

I sighed silently and opened my eyes.

This is still the ICU of Mercy Hospital, but it is not empty. When I tried to get up, Bai... or in other words, Zoe, who was sleeping soundly on the bedside, woke up.

"Ah...Jill, you're awake..." She rubbed her eyes and glanced at me drowsily, then woke up for the second time: "Are you awake?"

"Have you been looking after me?" I glanced at my bandaged left arm: "Where's Carlos?"

"Brother! Sister Jill is awake!" The next moment, she jumped up and ran out of the ward: "I asked you just after I woke up!"

Hmm...what an interesting reaction.

"Long time no see, Jill." A moment later, Carlos walked in with Jin Jing, as eloquent as ever: "It's 8 o'clock in the morning on the 30th. You've been sleeping all day, Miss Sleeping Beauty."

Although Sleeping Beauty did fall into coma due to being pricked by a needle, think about the shape of the pursuer's tentacles...

[You call that thing a needle? 】

...because the stupid system’s complaints were too precise and I didn’t know how to continue.

"Then we still have a whole day to escape," I decided to ignore this clue and turned to look at Jin Jing, knowingly asking: "Who is she?"

"Hello, Miss Valentine, my name is Claire Redfield, and I'm here to see my brother," Jin Jing said nervously in a stiff tone as if reading from a manuscript: "The information I found in the STARS office shows that My brother had already gone to Europe, met Mr. Carlos and decided to leave with him – I won’t hold him back!”

This is definitely from Kongjiao.

Although Jill and Chris are colleagues, she has never met Claire at all. At most, she glanced twice when Chris took out photos to show off his cute sister. Now she tied her hair into a ponytail and wore a dress like Claire's. The classic costumes of Biochemical 2 can be fooled by anyone with a little bit of caution.'s obvious that Sora wants to pretend to be a group of characters from Gil's side who "cameo" in the movie, and doesn't intend to get involved in the trouble of invading and being invaded over there. Although the idea is good, it doesn't mean that he can avoid it by deliberately avoiding it. of.

Having said that, Jin Jing said that she "won't be a hindrance"? Claire, who is known as the "Arsenal of Female College Students," will indeed not hold you back, but you are an imposter. Don't think that you can pretend to be someone else just by wearing Claire's clothes.

[But isn’t it a basic operation in the industry to change the skin and become a completely different person? 】

‘It makes sense. ’

I took a brief look at Jin Jing’s main combat equipment, “SLS609mm pistol”, “0.45 large-caliber revolver”, “GM7Q11 submachine gun”...

Well, judging from the name "Arsenal" alone, she is indeed qualified to call herself Claire.

"I heard about you from Chris. You are an adventurous and maverick girl." I decided to hint a little. Her slightly timid attitude now was not like the real Claire: "Don't worry, I will Protect you on behalf of your brother."

"No, I can protect myself and I won't let Miss Valentine worry about it." Jin Jing was stunned, obviously understanding my hint, or in other words, he perfected himself from what the NPC named Jill said. Suppose: "My brother is a tough guy, and I am not a coward. I have killed dozens of zombies and so on."

Judging from the world she has experienced during this time, I believe that very much.

"Don't be nervous, I'm not doubting you. If you dare to wander in this city full of walking dead, you won't be a weak girl." I nodded at her and shook my head: "But now there is a powerful monster attacking me. When I'm chasing it, you'd better not get involved easily."

To be honest, the pursuer was obviously not dead, but disappeared for a whole day after stabbing Jill, and then came after him again as soon as Jill woke up. It was simply outrageous.

"Okay, we can wait until it's safe to compliment each other. We need to find the doctor's daughter as soon as possible." Carlos waved his hand to interrupt our conversation: "Otherwise, the guys who blocked Raccoon City will not let us leave."

"Well, let's go." I moved my arm, took out the pistol, checked it quickly, loaded the gun and opened the safety.

According to the plot, a zombie wave broke out in the lobby of Mercy Hospital. Carlos destroyed the entrance of the hospital with a bomb, then went underground and escaped through the secret passage of the Umbrella Research Institute. Of course, he did not forget to do it. The final form of the Chaser.

But, since the "Escape" team and "White Bear" who are the "STARS" Delta Team are nearby...

Da da da--



There was a noise coming from the direction of the hall.

Then switch to the road of survival.

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