The Collection of The End

One Thousand Eight Hundred and Fifty-Nine, Resident Evil 2 (49)

Latest website: [——September 30, 10:11, in front of Raccoon City Church——]

"[No! This place is mine! I won't let anyone in!]"

"Look man, we're a rescue team and we can take you out when we leave if you want."

"[No! No way! I won't be fooled! You monsters!]"

This is a small church. Its doors and windows have been boarded up, and there is only a thick iron door open on the side. It can be said to be quite qualified as a safe house, but the problem is that there are already people inside.

Jin Jing saw that the refuge was trying to negotiate with him, but the man inside firmly believed that there were either zombies or infected people about to become zombies outside, and refused to open the door of the safe house.

"That guy was scared." "Rattlesnake" said while chewing gum in the front yard of the church.

"But we have to go in for supplies," "Stick Insect" said. "In order to fight off that freak, our bullets are about to run out and we can't support the elementary school."

Freaks... Indeed, ordinary zombies basically have stiff hands and feet and slow movements. Even the special infected people who move quickly are quite fragile. When the team gathers together to attack, they rarely survive for more than a minute after appearing, but that one is called The "Nemesis" or "Chaser" monsters not only move quickly and are particularly resistant to beatings, but can even use heavy weapons such as Gatling and bazookas.

From the moment they escaped from the last safe house until they were defeated, the STARS members were completely hunted. Coupled with the elusive "special infected", some team members were knocked down and dragged away twice along the way. If the rescue had not been timely, they would have been killed. We were almost going to lose staff.

"If we break the window..." "Yuri" tried.

"Idiot! There may not be maintenance tools inside. If you break the window to get in, we will have to send people to guard the window while we repair it. Are you going?" "Koala" snorted angrily.

"..." Yuri spread his hands.

These STARS members seemed a little strange, and Jin Jing glanced at them.

It seems that those whose names are some kind of mimic animals are closer, and the three people named Yuri, Soap and Ghost are not in harmony with their brother, but when the "special infected" launched the attack, they were also specifically targeted at the three of them.

Hmm... The grievances between "NPC reincarnations" are really complicated.

“It seems that the ‘owner’ doesn’t welcome us very much.

"After another attempt to escape failed, he came back angrily: "However, although the courtyard of this church has no door, it has walls and a wide view. It is relatively safe. You can take a rest for a while. I want to think about other things. Method. "

"I'm not sure when the 'Chaser' will recover, but you'd better hurry up," Gil replied: "If he still refuses to open the door, we will have to force our way in."

"Seriously, if there was an ordinary lock on that door, I could open it in a few minutes, but the problem is that it's a big iron bolt." Carlos shrugged: "It can only be opened from the inside. It's simple. rough."

"Perhaps when we go back we can mention the plan for 'the safe house is occupied by a madman'." The evacuation officer responded and walked around to the side of the church.

Speaking of which... Jin Jing looked at the door thoughtfully.

My "Yangshen Technique" is to create a "clone" within a certain distance, but I don't say whether there are obstacles within this distance. If I create a clone in the church and then pull the bolt to open the door...

"[You monsters! Don't stay in my backyard!]" roars came from the safe house.

"Ha! You can't control it! Otherwise, why don't you come out and beat us?" "Soap" near the security door responded mockingly, as if he was using a clumsy provocation.

"[You! Give it to me! Wait!]"

Naturally, the security door was not opened, and there was roaring and the sound of people climbing up the stairs.

"He's not going to throw something from the window to hit us, is he?" "Soap" blinked, pretending to be innocent.

"I think..." "Ding-dong-dang!"

Before anyone else could respond, a loud ringing of bells came from the small bell tower at the top of the church.

"Is that guy planning to attract zombies?" "Withered Leaf Butterfly" raised his gun and aimed at the clock tower, but soon put it down angrily: "I can't aim."

"[Gah——]" "[Ouch——]"

At the same time as the bell sounded, a large number of zombies were attracted by the sound.

[They are coming...] A sentence appeared on Jin Jing's information panel quite appropriately.

Damn it, after we eliminate these zombies, we must hang up the people in the house and beat them.

[——September 30, 10:35, in front of Raccoon City Church——]

"Huh...huh...bastard! Open the door!"

Boom boom boom!

The blood-stained and disheveled "stick insect" stepped across the courtyard full of zombie corpses and slammed the iron door of the safe house with his fists. He was not worried about attracting zombies at all - because all the zombies that could move nearby had been killed by the clock. Sound attracts and kills.

The group of people, who had almost run out of ammunition and food, even had to engage in hand-to-hand combat in the end. One can imagine how angry they would be.

However, no matter how loud the "stick insect" knocked on the door, there was no response from the door.

"Don't play dead! I know you're in there!"

He continued to smash the door.

If you have the ability to ring a bell to attract zombies, do you have the ability to open the door? Jin Jing silently voices the voice.

However, now is a good opportunity.

Jin Jing pretended to be tired from fighting zombies, sat down against the wall of the safe house, and at the same time quietly performed the "Yangshen Technique" on the position in the wall behind her.

The feeling of performing this miracle... is a bit strange, as if I am experiencing a transition from personal space to the world of reincarnation. The main body has fallen into a half-dream and half-awake state, but I can clearly see that my body is dissipating golden "steam" outwards. This burst The "steam" is ignoring the wall barrier, penetrating into the corner of the safe house behind, and re-forming into a small golden figure.

——Damn it, he is really in the form of a child, and his mind is obviously very mature.

While complaining in a daze, Jin Jing noticed that "Kong" seemed to have noticed something, and took two steps towards her to slightly block the view of others, but because everyone's attention was on the stick insect smashing the door, A little bit is better than nothing.

Finally, the "Yang Shen Body" was condensed and completed. It was a man of about five or six years old, with long twin tails, wearing a white sailor suit top, a red bow tie, and a dark blue skirt with white horizontal stripes. Wearing a pair of pure cotton white stockings and a pair of green sandals, the little girl looks very cute.

The next moment, Jin Jing was possessed by "Bai Jingjing" as usual, and the perspective suddenly zoomed in, switching directly to the girl's "first person" perspective.

Damn it, "Jin Jing" raised her slender arms to look at it, and then pulled off her stockings to feel the material... This seemed to be the way she dressed up in the first grade of elementary school to participate in the chorus.

Is your mind already fixed at that age?

This is slander! I want to complain!

But there seems to be no place to complain to the Lord...

As her height and body shape changed to what they were in the past, Jin Jing also gradually recalled the situation at that time: Yes, that year when ■■ returned, the school organized the little girls who seemed to be doing well to sing "Do You Know ■■ 》, and then picked Jin Jing.

If you think about it carefully, this kind of activity where a group of little girls who look exactly the same stand and sing the same song neatly, no one will notice the individual among them at all. It is unnecessary to prepare for this for a long time and be so excited that you can hardly sleep.

Especially the jerry-rigged choir stand that collapsed in the middle of the song.

At that time, it was a wild goose chase, and the whole show came to nothing. Some school leaders seemed to have gotten in, but I don't remember that any of the young singers were seriously hurt.

So, because I always remember that regret, the "Yang Shen Body" will maintain its appearance at that time?

I'm not that cautious...

Boom, boom, boom!

"Open the door! You bastard!"

The sound of banging on the door interrupted Jin Jing's memories that he was about to start.

Forget it, now is not the time to dwell on the past.

"Little Jin Jing" pinched her face and peered out from the small room that was suspected to be the utility room of the church. In the empty hall, there was no trace of the madman from before, so she ran towards the security door. direction.

This feeling is very strange. I can feel myself leaning against the corner outside and myself in the safe house at the same time. The feedback I receive is about 28 points, 2 points outside and 8 points inside, but I can actively focus on the outside body. Partly, even if the skill was not explained, she could tell that as long as she focused all her attention on the body, this "Yang God Body" would disappear directly.

This seems to be quite convenient, otherwise, it would be very troublesome for them to find a non-existent little girl in the church after the door opens.

Xiao Jinjing came behind the safety door, took advantage of the time when the people outside stopped banging on the door, stretched out her hand and tried to pull the door latch without making a sound. At the same time, in order to disappear more easily, she only stayed 10% of her attention here.

Okay, okay, still a little bit...


There were bursts of unusually heavy breathing from behind.

Uh... no way...

Xiao Jinjing slowly turned her head and saw a big fat zombie that was the same as the Spitter, but its shape was completely different from that of the "invaders". It looked like...a carpenter?

Understand, this person had let outsiders into the safe house before, but was bitten, so no one believed him, and he stuck to the safe house without going anywhere, but in the end he still turned into a zombie - or a "special infected person".


Like ordinary vomiters, this fat zombie cannot catch or bite people. It opens its mouth and is ready to spit out bile.

This incarnation is still new!

Xiao Jinjing suddenly used her strength to pull open the door bolt with only a little bit left, and then focused all her attention back on her body.


The moment she disappeared from the door, the security door was punched open.

"You bastard in there-"



['Stick Insect' is hit by bile spray, he will attract nearby zombies...]

"Fake! This bastard has changed into a corpse!"


Following the screams of "stick insects", the sound of zombies surging and roaring was heard again from the outside of the church that had been cleared.

That's the problem with the Spitter. It summons zombies out of thin air, but fortunately there aren't many of them.'s none of my business...

Jin Jing stood up silently, holding a gun and walking towards the chaotic scene over there.

When she raised her eyes, she noticed Sora secretly giving her a thumbs up.

He is indeed different from those "reincarnation NPCs"...

[——September 30, 11:27, Raccoon City Church, Safe House——]

"Damn guy..." "Stick Insect" wiped his face hard.

Although the bile spewed by the "special infected person" will disappear directly after it expires, he still rubs it with a force that seems to tear his face off.

After all, no one was actually sprayed along the way. The occasional wave of corpses was caused by the self-explosion of the spitter or loud noises, such as car alarms.

"We have to rest longer this time, because the previous battle was too fierce and consumed too much, and everyone is very tired." On the other side, Zhu Yu was talking to Gill: "The reserves here are quite sufficient. Let's have a meal." Leave again?"

"I have no objection," Jill was turning her head to observe the dome and windows of the church: "But are you sure it is safe enough? The 'special infected' don't need to eat."

"That girl named Ahn'Qiraj may be in danger," Jin Jing continued to act according to Claire's "personality": "If we go late..."

"In fact, Miss Ahn'Qiraj has been out of contact for nearly two days, and a whole day has passed since we received the order to set off, but Dr. Ashford insisted that his daughter is still alive," Shrugging: "Although I don't know where his confidence comes from, since he can let the STARS command center issue orders, he must have something to rely on. Therefore, even if we delay a little bit, there should be no problem with the girl."

"Actually, it was three days," Carlos, or "Song", also said, "Maybe he thinks our UBCS's efficiency is too low."

"Anyway, we can first-"


Before Yu Yu finished speaking, there was a strange sound coming from the roof, which sounded like something crawling on the outer wall of the church.

"It seems that the 'Hunter' is already waiting to ambush us outside," the officer raised his head and glanced at the roof: "Just let it wait a little longer-"


The next moment, the weird crawling sound increased several times, no, dozens of times, and the sound came from all directions. From the windows of the church that were not completely blocked, you could see black shadows flashing past, back and forth. staggered.

"What is that?!" "What's going on?!"

STARS members all screamed in surprise. Stick Insect even forgot to wipe his face and hurriedly picked up his gun and looked around.

"It's the Lickers," Gil glanced at the outer walls and roof, and then said, "There are at least forty of them."

"What?" Jin Jing exclaimed sincerely, what about the kind of thing that would make you half-dead from exhaustion just by yourself? Even though there are many people now,...

"The good news is that they are not constructed to break the church windows, so you can still eat. The bad news is that with these things crawling above your head, you probably won't have the appetite to eat." Gil seemed to be telling a cold joke.

"..." STARS members began to whisper among themselves to discuss countermeasures.

"Kong" first touched "Bai"'s head and seemed to comfort her, then leaned into Jin Jing's ear: "Don't be nervous, it was summoned by the intruder using the 'Black Book of the Dead', although he followed the Romans and became a licker , but essentially still undead, just restrained by your camera.”

...Do you even know what equipment the invaders have?

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