The Collection of The End

One thousand eight hundred and sixty, Resident Evil 2 (50)

Latest website: [——September 30, 11:35, Raccoon City Church, Safe House——]

"——Just restrained by your camera."

"Song" said while giving Jin Jing a bunch of props.

Although those reincarnations are attracted by the movement of the lickers, if you want to take something out of thin air, you should be more concealed!

Jin Jing had no time to question or refuse. She took them all and stuffed them into the inventory before she had time to observe.

Well, many excellent Type 37 films, a few excellent Type 74 films, a few epic Type 90 films, and...

! ! !

[Type Zero Film (Legend)]

[This film has a special seal and has the strongest ability to remove spirits. 】


There is a big "zero" in the center of this film, shining golden light in all directions, and even the border of the inventory where it is placed is dyed gold.

Although it is a consumable item, this is the first time she has seen a "legendary" level item...

No matter how hard you think about it, you can't give this kind of thing to others casually, right?

"When you mentioned that you got the 'Projector' before, I wanted to give them to you," "Song" seemed to have done a trivial thing: "The world of the 'Zero' series is very difficult, and there is nothing that can be achieved yet. I will never go back to the weapons unless necessary. These were picked up in that world at that time and are just for you to use."

"...But wouldn't it be wrong to take out an ancient camera and shoot the licker to death?" Sora had finished speaking, and Jin Jing couldn't refuse anymore, so he brought up another matter.

"Don't worry, as long as you maintain the disguise of 'Claire', even if you throw a salted fish to kill the zombies, they will only see you take out a shotgun and fire a shot," Kong said, "The projector's The size...should be regarded as a grenade gun."

"Really..." Jin Jing quietly took out the projector and started aiming at the windows around the church. Since she was a little nervous about letting the "NPC reincarnations" see her directly, she tried to show the projector to the "genuine NPCs" first. In front of Jill's eyes.

"..." Jill glanced at her from a distance, then looked at the "weapon" in her hand: "Don't be too nervous.

[Claire] and [Grenade Gun] are close-range weapons. If you aim from such a distance, you will miss them when they appear. "

Jin Jing's actions and Jill's words seemed to have attracted the attention of the "Reincarnation NPC" over there. Two women named "Koala" and "Withered Leaf Butterfly" turned their heads this way while being alert, and then quickly looked back. He looked at her and seemed to have no comment on Claire's action of aiming randomly with a grenade gun.

Hmm...this prop is really useful.

"What I said is correct," Kong said quietly again, "but this kind of disguise has its limits. The spirit body and its controller that were injured by you using the viewfinder to aim and take pictures will see the true face of your weapon, but Since we are enemies who cannot communicate with each other, it doesn’t matter what happens.”

"That Zero..." Jin Jing nodded, but still felt that the shiny golden film was a bit dazzling and planned to return it.

"It can seal most of the spirits with one blow, but it takes a long time to aim, so it is not suitable for fighting mobs." Kong waved his hand: "The intruder has the ability to summon powerful spirits, and I will count on you then. Shoot it.”

"Okay." If it was a simple gift, such a valuable thing would make Jin Jing feel stressed, but now it is equivalent to providing ammunition and using her projector to destroy powerful enemies, so it doesn't matter.

[——September 30, 12:24, Raccoon City Church, Safe House——]

The STARS team confronted the "lickers" crawling around outside for nearly half an hour. They still showed no sign of breaking in, but the "swishing" sounds became more and more intensive.

"There are more and more of them," Zhu Yu said with a solemn expression: "We can't give them more time to assemble. Everyone should be almost rested. We will set off immediately in 5 minutes. After going out, we will march away directly to lengthen their formation. Make it impossible for them to surround us and cause as many casualties as possible in the process."

"It's up to you." "That's it." "No problem." STARS members agreed one after another.

"No, wait." Jin Jing interrupted.

Although his apparent identity is an NPC named Claire, and those STARS are the reincarnators, it does not mean that he can only watch when they plan their actions, and give tips and advice when the "reincarnators" make mistakes. Correction is also the responsibility of the "NPC".

"I have encountered lickers before," Jin Jing said: "Although they move quickly, have sharp claws, and have long pointed tongues, they have no eyes. If you disturb them with loud noises..."

She gestured towards the top of the church. The guy who locked everyone out before was still ringing the bell to attract zombies. Did he forget it so quickly?

"..." All members of the STARS team were silent.

"Oh, let me go," Dead Leaf Butterfly flipped up her hair, turned and walked towards the small stairs leading to the upper floor, "I can just use the hook to come down after the heavy knocking."

"Then, everyone else, when the bell rings, go out directly, kill the lickers within the range, and then pull according to the previous plan," the avoider nodded and turned to Jin Jing: "Thank you, Miss Claire."

"After all, we are all on the same team, so it is natural to make suggestions that can help the battle." Jin Jing waved her hand to say no thanks.

Well, this is indeed true, because my main mission is the same as theirs, but they should not understand this meaning.

As Jin Jing expected, the members of the STARS team just responded to her with a few words and prepared to go out to fight, while Kong quietly gave her a thumbs up.

Click, clatter, Jill adjusted her light machine gun: "The Licker's recovery speed is very fast, and the safe attack time is only about thirty seconds, so don't be greedy for credit."

Indeed, Jin Jing secretly nodded and fired randomly, causing all his EP to run out. As a result, he couldn't move when the enemy rushed towards him... The guy who was so messy last time had already died.

[——September 30, 12:41, Raccoon City, outside the church——]


Da da da--


As the bells on the church bell tower rang loudly, the battle was raging below near the back door.

Although the STARS team had resupplied and rested in the church safe house, and their morale was high, the problem was that there were too many "lickers", nearly a hundred of them, and the sound of the bell took a long time to scare them away. It was far from enough to eliminate them all. The sound of fighting attracted more zombies, and from time to time, special infected people appeared to attack, which eventually turned the scene into a big melee.

Click, click.

However, compared to others, Jin Jing's situation is much better. Sora, Bai, Tyrell and Jill somehow protected her from the beginning, so that she doesn't have to worry about zombies and lickers' raids at all. She only needs to find Lickers, lock them in the frame and press the shutter.

Then the "ghost licker" will explode and die as if it was hit by a grenade - it looks quite similar. If he didn't have the "sealed photo" income, he would definitely be deceived.

Speaking of which, if you take these same sealed photos to Kurosawa to trade them in for new ones, will they be priced down because they are too monotonous...

"The ghost has been knocked down! Help!" At this moment, one of the three misfits in the STARS team was scratched down by a licker's paw, and then was entangled by a Smoker sticking out his tongue. He was dragged away, shouting all the way.

Jin Jing subconsciously took a picture of the smoker, but found that it was useless - it was not a spirit.

Although these "NPC reincarnations" will enter a struggling state instead of dying directly after being drained of blood due to certain rules, but if they continue to be attacked while struggling and are never rescued...

"Hold on!" The evader fired several shots to repel the nearby zombies and lickers before rushing over for rescue.

"Humph! Idiot!" However, before he could take a few steps that way, a graceful figure fell from the sky.

The "Dead Leaf Butterfly" who was responsible for ringing the bell jumped down from the top of the church with his claws. He first cut off the smoker's tongue with a knife, and then drew a gun with his backhand and blasted his head.

This sister seems very handsome...


Before Jin Jing could finish sighing, a short figure wearing a black hood suddenly appeared from the shadows nearby. It knocked the Dead Leaf Butterfly down and began to scratch her head and face crazily, while the Dead Leaf Butterfly had to bend. He raised his arms to resist and parry, unable to fire back at all.

Hunter, a special type of infected person, has absolute suppressive power in one-on-one situations. Cooperating with the Smoker can easily create a situation where both people need rescue. Although the cooperation this time is not good enough, it still makes the two of them... In danger.

"Asshole!" The stick insect yelled and rushed over with the avoider.


Then he was stopped by the self-destruction of a big fat man who rushed out halfway.

['Escape' and 'Stick Insect' were hit by bile spray, they will attract nearby zombies...]


Not only were Refugee and Stick Insect unable to go to the rescue, they also had to deal with the surging zombies first.

The cooperation of the "invaders" this time was simply perfect. It was much better than the behavior of the "invaders" who had no cooperation and could only fight randomly before fighting all the way into the church... Now is not the time to admire their tactics!

Jin Jing was about to rush over to lend a helping hand, but was stopped midway by Kong.

"Don't worry, watch the appearance of 'Superwoman'." He said.

What superwoman? Clark Kent's sister? What's that character's name?


The next moment, there was a huge roar of a motorcycle, and then the floor-to-ceiling windows of a large shopping mall building near Dead Leaf Butterfly exploded. Then a heavy black motorcycle rushed out of it, directly knocking away the "hunter" who knocked down Dead Leaf Butterfly.

Squeak - click! Bang bang!

The motorcycle swung to a sudden stop, and the knight on top took out a double-barreled shotgun with his backhand, and shot the "hunter" and two or three lickers who wanted to get closer with headshots.

Only then did Jin Jing see clearly that the person who came to the rescue was a beautiful woman with blond hair, blue eyes, a red skirt and black stockings, and a distinctly European-style appearance.

She regarded the zombies and lickers around her as if they were nothing. After scanning the surroundings, she turned her gaze to Sora: "What? UBCS is cooperating with STARS?"


"Long time no see, Alice," Sora answered very naturally: "It seems that you are doing well after escaping from the 'Hive'."

"Hmph, I would be better off if Umbrella was completely destroyed." The woman in the red dress known as Alice responded.

"In that case, no one will pay me a commission," Kong spread his hands and said, "I need to eat."

Um? ?

[——September 30, 13:22, Raccoon City Elementary School——]

"Very good, it seems that although our positions are different, our purpose of finding Ahn'Qiraj Ashford is the same," Alice said while carrying two shotguns and blasting away the zombies on the roadside: "Before escaping this city that is about to be destroyed by a nuclear explosion, I will just work with you, a team with complex and weird members."

"As for the safety of Ahn'Qiraj, you don't have to worry. The T virus was originally created to cure that little girl's paralysis. Zombies will only treat her as the same kind when they encounter her. She should be sitting in a wheelchair somewhere in the corner now. Just tremble."

Theoretically speaking, he should know Alice... Jin Jing thought as he looked at Alice who was talking eloquently.

Based on the exchange of opinions between two parties, no, multiple parties, everyone basically sorted out the clues.

Mr. Charles Ashford has really wide power and connections. He first contacted UBCS to rescue his daughter, but UBCS was dispersed by the "Nemesis". Then he contacted STARS for help, but STARS was "specially infected" After being harassed by "The Killer", in the end, he actually contacted Biochemical 1, Alice, the survivor of the hive incident.

The doctor he has never met has probably taken control of all the TV and phone lines in Raccoon City, and he is so eager to save the girl that he doesn't want to wait for a moment longer.

But for one reason or another, these three teams still got together. Haste makes waste, huh.

As for the relationship between Alice and Sora... It seems that as a member of UBCS, Sora went to the hive with other colleagues to prevent the spread of the T virus. At that time, Alice, who had lost her memory due to the anesthetic gas, happened to be traveling with him. There is no need to guess the result. Sora She has a character that takes care of women in everything. Although Alice looks aggressive and very arrogant, even Jin Jing's eyesight can tell that she cares about Kong very much.

Jill, Alice, and Claire when wearing Lyon's vest. How many female characters has he provoked?

Wait, I seem to be Claire now...

In this way, I had some doubts that Sora might not be a "reincarnation NPC" but a real person like myself. Now it can be confirmed. After all, the broken Lord God is busy repairing himself and designing a NPC that will flirt with female NPCs everywhere. Aren’t male NPCs putting more pressure on themselves?

If we think about it based on the premise that Sora is a "real person"... He may have been a "chosen one" who was pulled in by the Lord God to repair himself earlier. As a result, he went around flirting with female NPCs instead of doing serious business, even that time in "Resident Evil 1" "The BUG may also be caused by him. The Lord God had no choice but to drag one more person in, so he chose himself. After all, according to common sense, women will not go around flirting with male NPCs.

According to common sense...

Jin Jing thought for a moment about the private behavior of his female classmates.

All I can say is that luckily the Lord God pulled him in.

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