The Collection of The End

One thousand eight hundred and sixty-two, infinite future (12)


——Country City——

——■■■Road ■■■No.——



"Well... the function has been restored, but not completely."

Jin Jing tied her hair into a ponytail, looked at the specious "Claire" in the floor-to-ceiling mirror and muttered to herself.

The prop "Claire's Casual Outfit" was originally supposed to directly replace his current appearance after being "used", but now it is just a set of clothes that are exactly the same as Claire's. If you want to change the outfit, you have to wear it yourself.

Although Claire also has black hair and dark eyes, her face shape is more European and American, and the same clothes look wrong on her.

Before, when she left the main god space, she brought out some things, mainly to test how the equipment and props in different worldviews would work in reality and what sequelae they would have.

Since the last time I brought out a straw hat, I brought out the eight-foot girl, so this time she chose something that "should have no side effects."

The multi-purpose tool can theoretically store props. In order to prevent it from failing, Jin Jing also brought an extra Raccoon City Police Department satchel to carry things - but it was a bit superfluous.

Its current name is "['Blue Line' Multi-Tool (20■■) (Exquisite)]". The original "1998" in the brackets became the current time when she returned to reality. The shape looks like a wrist. There is a sports wristband on it, which contains a "projector" and a "revolver" and other things that are not convenient for others to see.

If you want to remove those items, you need to press your hand on the wristband to "open inventory" and choose to remove, use, or equip.

Jin Jing has specially tested that when he is not in the sight of others, the operation of the "inventory" is the same as before, but if he is being watched by others, a warning will be added to the "inventory": "You are being watched." , continue to act?”

Obviously, the "Lord God" does not mind that its existence is known to other people in reality, but will take care of the position of the reincarnators to prevent them from accidentally revealing their identities when they want to keep it secret.

In this way, the action of taking things can be used as a means of detecting whether someone is watching you.

As for other things... Jin Jing tilted her head and looked at the "Fu Jiang's Love Blanket" spread on her bed.

The weather has been getting cooler recently, so it’s not surprising to add a blanket, and the cute patterns on it... just pretend that your childlike innocence is still there.

Although the hat of the Eight-foot Girl can bring out the Eight-foot Girl, it is because she is a fierce ghost herself, and Tomie has always been an entity rather than a soul. Up to now, this blanket has been laid out for several days and has not been seen anywhere. It is safe enough to say that there is nothing "particularly attractive to women".

Then, there is the "projection machine". Because the eight-foot girl appeared so naturally, Jin Jing had to suspect that something similar existed in the real world itself, so he specially brought it out for observation, in order to prevent his hands from shaking accidentally. Who was sealed? They didn’t even bring the film.

As a result...she took the time to wander around the entire university campus, and even went to some corners where there were supernatural legends. She didn't even find a floating spirit, let alone an earthbound spirit or even a powerful ghost - except for those little ones. All the characters were killed by the eight-footed girl.

Finally, there is the ".45 large-caliber revolver". Taking this thing out is still relatively dangerous in a country that bans guns, but according to Jin Jing's experience of being taken away by the "Venomous Snake" in the world of "Death is Coming", this .45 It probably won't be judged as a real gun either.

It turned out that she was right.

At that time, she deliberately found a deserted corner to secretly take out the revolver from the inventory, and then discovered that its "painting style" was completely different from that in the Resident Evil world: the color was bright, the metallic feeling disappeared, and the mechanical details were blurred. The weight is so light that anyone with a little common sense can conclude that this is a toy gun.

However, when Jin Jing tried to shoot at the ground, even though there was no gunfire and no bullets were fired, a deep hole was still made in the ground where the muzzle of the gun was facing - so is the appearance of the toy gun just an "appearance"? ? !

Fortunately, the things produced by the Lord God cannot be used by anyone other than the owner, otherwise I would have to hide when I see children taking toy guns and aim randomly on the road.

Apart from these experimental things, the only things Jin Jing really wanted to bring out were herbs, medicinal powders, medical kits and first aid sprays.

The thrilling scene while riding in Ye Ke's car once again reminded her that she was a "lone star" who had been unlucky since she was a child, often getting into accidents and causing serious injuries, and the "lucky 0" given by the Lord God Space also proved that this point.

In the reincarnation space, "luck" can only improve the treasure hunting ability and the chance of encountering hidden events. 0 is 0, but the reality is different. If you are unlucky, you may die on the spot, and even harm the people around you. In this case It is very important to bring medicines that can restore life instantly, and medical kits and first aid sprays are already there in reality. Even if they are doubted because they are so effective, it doesn't matter. It can be attributed to people's own desire to survive.

Tsk... So why should I think about it on the premise that "I will definitely encounter another accident and have to use medical equipment?"

Jin Jing angrily opened the multi-tool again and tried to use "Claire's Casual Outfits". As expected, she couldn't change the outfit with one click. She just took out the clothes box that previously contained Claire's entire outfit from the multi-tool.

She still had to change the outfit, fold it and put it in the box before it could be treated as a prop and reloaded into the inventory provided by the multi-tool...

This is unreasonable. Next time, she will definitely not bring the corresponding appearance into reality just because she thinks the clothes of an NPC look good.

"Click, click."

"Hey, Xiaojing, we're back~"

"Guess what, Master Miejie would ask for leave, it's simply unbelievable."

"Let's go play somewhere..."


Jin Jing, who had just unbuttoned two buttons, stared blankly at Ye Ke and Lin Xinping who opened the door and walked into the bedroom.

They obviously can't skip their afternoon class...

"Ouch~ When did you buy new clothes?" Ye Ke blinked, slightly surprised but with a normal expression.

"Let me see!" Lin Xinping's reaction was completely wrong. She jumped over and circled around Jin Jing, touching and pinching the clothes from time to time.

"What...what's wrong?" Jin Jing decided to play dumb. After all, Claire's clothes were of really good taste, so it wouldn't be weird to wear them directly.

"Good guy, you are so secretive," Lin Xinping marveled, raising her hand and pointing: "Are you going to participate in the weekend's '■■■■■JOY'?"

"Oh? What kind of anime is that..." Ye Ke asked doubtfully.

"It must be!" Lin Xinping vigorously patted Jin Jing on the shoulder: "This outfit is worn by the heroine of "Resident Evil 2 Remake"! Xiaojing, are you going to produce a COS? It's okay if you have some hobbies. Let's dress up and go together. !”



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