The Collection of The End

One thousand eight hundred and sixty-three, infinite future (13)


——Country City——

——■■Road Number——

——■■■■Convention Center——


Complete, I can’t understand it at all…

Jin Jing was wearing "Claire's casual clothes" and holding a ".45 large-caliber revolver" in her hand. She was listening to a group of exhibitors in the nearby "game area" as the staff of the convention and exhibition center explained the precautions for "■■■■■joy" , although there was a familiar expression on his face, he was already panicking in his heart.

It's not that she doesn't understand the rules during the exhibition. It's not much different from ordinary rules and regulations. There's nothing wrong with starting at 8 o'clock and asking to arrive at 6 o'clock for preparations. It's just that... she can't understand the people wearing weird clothes next to her. The girls...or maybe the boys are playing different characters.

She doesn't play games very much, and she doesn't like watching movies, TV shows, or cartoons. It's her limit to be able to recognize Chris, Leon, and Jill from the Resident Evil series, let alone other game and cartoon characters she's never heard of. Now she's standing here. , although she is theoretically the one with the highest combat effectiveness, she still feels like she is a sheep in wolf's clothing among the wolves.

Finally, the staff finished explaining the precautions and asked them to go back to their own exhibition areas. Jin Jing reluctantly responded to several cosplayers who greeted her and walked into the 1:1 restored "Umbrella Research Institute Subway Car".

Yes, that's right, for this event that only lasted two days, Ruby Lin actually borrowed a prop subway car from some film and television crew. In terms of restoration, Jin Jing, who has ridden in it personally, said it was at least 80%.

If this film and television props can be obtained with money, then it is strange that Ye Ke did not ask her father for help when she could still secure a large booth when the exhibition was only two days away.

No, when the staff explained the precautions, they always looked at others with a "Don't cause trouble" expression, but when they looked at themselves, they said "If you cause trouble, we will deal with the consequences."

Jin Jing had talked to Ye Ke specifically about this matter before, but the girl said nonchalantly, "My father needs to make some small mistakes now." Although she didn't understand, she thought about it carefully and still didn't dare to continue asking. Go down.

Really, if she had known it would turn out like this, she should have insisted that she just bought this dress casually because it looked good. She didn't know anything about Resident Evil 2 Remake or Claire. But now she has two roommates. After investing so much in one breath, what else could she do besides putting up a cosplay of Claire?

You can also take care of them when they are pulled into the main god's space.

No, I am still a newbie who needs guidance from a boss.

When they really come in, they will become bosses.

Probably... maybe... it's possible.

Jin Jing walked around the car twice with the gun in hand, but she always felt that something was missing.

Although the subway car props themselves are complete, for the convenience of visiting and taking pictures, the walls and ceiling of one side of the car have been removed. You can see the seats on one side, the cracks and bloody fingerprints on the windows, and the cracks and bloody fingerprints on both sides of the car. Dummy corpses and dummy zombies.

At that time, ubcs costumes, stars costumes, and r.p.d costumes will be rented out for group photos. For those with special hobbies, zombie masks and old clothes will also be rented out for photo shoots - is there really such a person?

By the way, Lin Xinping also got those clothes from somewhere. The staff responsible for leasing, charging and logistics looked at Jin Jing in a wrong way, but because their eyes were too complicated, they couldn't tell what they were thinking.

Hmm... Logistics...

Come to think of it, there are no "supplies" in the carriage.

After experiencing the world of Resident Evil 2, Jin Jing went to look for related movies and game live broadcasts, and found that most of the comments were complaining about "Li Sanguang" and having no ammunition, so he had to use a knife, "the arsenal of female college students" Because there are too many ammo, use the grenade gun to shoot the bobblehead or something.

So, from a real point of view, some ammunition should be placed in the carriage, but those things are just ordinary boxes if they are not opened, and they are not easy to clean up if they are opened, so the prop team did not do it at all - as for Jin Jing, her weapons They are all "cooling type" with unlimited bullets, and they have never picked up any ammunition in the reincarnation world.

Then, there is only one answer.

Jin Jing walked around twice, and when no one else was looking at her, she took out two pots of green grass from the multi-purpose tool and placed them in the corner.

Well, that makes more sense.


The exhibition officially started, and Jin Jing's mood became much calmer - because not many people paid attention to her.

As a relatively old game, the number of fans is no problem, but those people will basically not attend the Comic Con and Game Show. They usually watch live broadcasts on the Internet, pay attention to the news, appreciate the pictures, and those who will come to the scene can be said. Very few.

Those who actually come to the exhibition basically have a clear purpose, such as buying peripherals of a certain work, watching the new news release of a certain game, or even a performance of a certain virtual idol. For a simple cosplay like Jin Jing's, it comes with added value. The service, even if the equipment and clothing were restored enough, only caused a few more glances. Even the few people who were occasionally attracted to ask for a photo looked like they were in a hurry and had somewhere to go.

It's easier than expected... But didn't Sister Ke and Xinping say they would come to support it?

"Xiao Jing"

After completing another photo shoot, Jin Jing finally heard Lin Xinping's cry, so she put away her gun and turned around to look.

"You... what kind of look is this?"

Although the two of them said they knew how to dress up, it doesn't look right, right?

Lin Xinping wore a long straight black wig, red contact lenses, a dark blue top and a white skirt, holding a purple hydrangea in her hand, and she didn't know who she was cosplaying with.

And Ye Ke is even more outrageous, wearing the same ordinary white shirt and jeans as usual, but with a frying pan on his head - this is the first reaction of laymen when they hear that they are going to play a character related to zombies... …

Lin Xinping: "Xiaojing, I want to eat you"

Ye Ke: "Waibi Babu."

No... Can you two be considerate of the knowledge reserves of newcomers who don't play games or watch anime at all and are pushed to the shelves?

"Sister Ke, do you know who Xinping plays?" Jin Jing looked at Ye Ke.

"Wai Bi Wai Bi." Ye Ke replied in a tone that was about to make him laugh.

…I must be crazy to talk to Crazy Dave.

"You should know that my zombies are not the same as your zombies, right?" Jin Jing turned to Lin Xinping. Although she was not sure, she just said it.

"I know," Lin Xinping raised her hands to straighten her hair, and replied in a normal tone: "But it's just interesting. Aren't there already more people looking at our group now than when you were doing the one-man show just now? Seriously. It’s common sense that cosplay is not as attractive as live cosplay.”

"...I'm quite confident in my makeup skills, but if you two are recognized, I won't care whether you are socialized or killed in school." Jin Jing rolled her eyes.

"Oh, don't worry, we are wearing so much, no one will take pictures." Lin Xinping lifted her skirt slightly to reveal the long johns underneath.

"Information control, even if it is photographed, it cannot be posted online," Ye Ke answered, paused and then added: "Waibi Babu."

This is called dedication...

"You've been busy for half an hour, and you just happened to come with us to go shopping." Lin Xinping hung a "nowloading" sign on the subway door with her backhand: "If you meet a cosplayer who can interact with the plot, go and make a living."

"There aren't so many games and anime related to zombies, right?" Jin Jing felt a little scared when she thought about the unfamiliar anime and game characters everywhere.

"Why not?" Lin Xinping shook her finger and was about to say something when suddenly her eyes lit up: "Look, that Leon over there is very restored!"

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