The Collection of The End

One thousand eight hundred and sixty-four, infinite future (14)

"Lyon", who has brown hair and blue eyes, is wearing a dark blue police uniform with the word "r.p.d" printed on it, and a long backpack with a rocket launcher pattern on it, is parked in the corner of the exhibition hall, typing and chatting with someone on his mobile phone.

Gray Wind: It's incredible! Brother, how did you do it? 】

Gray Wind: Uh, Lord Ashes. 】

Fireless embers: no need to be rigidly called. 】

Thanos: This kind of thing,]

Talos: Anytime,]

John Smith: Change. 】

Gray Wind: Hmm...]

Bai: Okay, but brother, wouldn’t it be a crime to go to the Comic Con by yourself? 】

Sora: So I’ve been chatting with my sister. 】

Bai: Wow, this is so cunning. 】

"Sorry, little brother, can you take a photo with us?" "Will you always be here? Can I ask a friend to come?"

At this time, two young women approached him.

"Oh, of course." "Lion" put away his cell phone, took out the Matilda pistol, which looked like a fake gun, from the holster on his leg, and casually made a poss: "But 'Ada' is late, I still need it." Go find her, you won’t stop here for long.”

"Just two or three photos." "Wow, is it a cosplay? We will go find you." The two women chatted and skillfully took selfies with their mobile phones.

"Oh, Ada will be jealous if such a beautiful lady comes to me specifically." Leon made a distressed expression.

"But you seem to have never caught up with Sister Ada?" "Oh, don't you understand how difficult people are?"

After sending away the two women, "Lion" shrugged and took out his mobile phone again while changing positions.

Bai: Sorry, I couldn't 'upgrade'. There must be something wrong with what I did. 】

Sora: There was no problem when you played "Zoe". It's just that you didn't let Jin Jing see the "Ada" you played. Overall, it was a success, but the details were just a little short. If it really failed, what would you do now? You can't talk to me. 】

Bai: Oh...]

Sora: My current behavior is opportunistic, and I cannot move freely in the high-dimensional world like using the "Dimension Pass". To be precise, I can only move around in this "Animation and Game Exhibition". 】

Bai: Why? 】

Sora: Because this is a rare activity where high-dimensional creatures "reduce" themselves. People who role-play in this scene will give people "this is a low-dimensional character" and "this is a real person" at the same time. Because these two impressions are given at the same time, ordinary people cannot distinguish the details. So even if I lack the impression of "this is a real person", they will only automatically complete the other half, that is, "he plays the real person". picture". 】

Bai: In other words, the cosplays that were too realistic at the comic exhibition may have been escaped by me? 】

Sora: No, we need to add a condition, that is, "A certain participant of this comic exhibition has been to a low-dimensional world and believes that a certain low-dimensional creature in it is actually a real person in the same dimension as her." 】

Bai: Uh...are her thoughts that important? 】

Sora: Quite important, but it is limited to this kind of opportunistic behavior and not using the "Dimension Pass". If you want to make an analogy, it is like the "matching mechanism" when summoning heroic spirits through compatibility without using holy relics. 】

Bai: Okay...then what's your next plan? There is no point in upgrading the dimension where you can only move around freely at the comic exhibition venue. The exhibition will end and the venue will be closed. 】

"Hey! Isn't this Leon? Long time no see."

At this time, someone greeted "Lion" from a distance. When he looked up, he found a crew-cut man wearing an awkward camouflage uniform and a man wearing a blue suspender top and black culottes, who were staring at him curiously. woman.

"Hi! Chris, Jill," "Leon" stepped forward very naturally and shook hands with "Chris", "Is the work at bsaa going well?"

"Huh, don't mention it. That guy Ethan did us a lot of harm," "Chris" was stunned, and then continued, "But her wife is really beautiful. What is her name?"

"Call Mia, Mia Winters" "Leon" continued, and then gestured behind him: "She is indeed beautiful, but is it okay for you to say this in front of Jill?"

"What... ow!" Before "Chris" could react, his ear was grabbed by "Jill": "It hurts, it hurts, honey, I was wrong!"

Click, click.

I don’t know whether this interaction was an expression of true feelings or an impromptu performance, which attracted many viewers to take photos.

"Hey, Gil, for the sake of our fighting side by side, let my brother-in-law go." "Leon" started to dissuade him.

"Huh? Have we ever fought side by side?" "Gill" let go of "Chris"'s ear and tilted his head towards "Lion".

"Who is your brother-in-law!" "Chris" immediately started shouting after regaining his freedom: "I will not hand Claire over to a rookie police officer!"

"Hmm..." "Leon" opened his backpack, took out a brown jacket and put it on: "But I am a presidential agent now."

"Uh..." "Chris" was stunned.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh.

The crowd booed, applauded and took pictures. It was obvious that the onlookers were very satisfied with the show.

After a while, "Leon", "Chris" and "Jill" responded to some photo requests together, exchanged a few brief greetings, and waved goodbye to them.

Bai: I understand, you plan to plant the impression that "you are a real person" to other exhibitors as much as possible. 】

Kong: That's just the icing on the cake. The crux of the problem is still with Jin Jing. I have to meet her very naturally and let her confirm that I am a real person and the boss she met in the "Reincarnation World", and find a way to make her take the initiative. Invite me out so you can leave this comic convention. 】

Bai: I think it's very difficult... According to my observation of her, she is not a social person and is not good at getting along with people of the opposite sex. Oh my, it would be great if I could go this time. 】

Sora: This kind of personality is actually just right. Even if you want to keep in touch, you will only leave one contact information at most and will not ask for other personal information - should I say that I live in space and have a space fleet? 】

Bai: Couldn't you just say that you are a doctor in a community clinic? 】

Sora: ...No, if I use that identity casually, "she" will find out. 】


Bai: My brother is a scumbag. 】

Sora: No, being a scumbag is too much. I haven’t really been a scumbag to anyone until now. 】

Bai: Neptune, an emotional liar, and the male protagonist of light novels. 】

Sora: Ah, a stage performance is about to start. Let’s talk later. 】

"Lion" put away his mobile phone and walked to the big stage in the middle of the exhibition hall with other pedestrians.

"Everyone is welcome to come and watch our performance——]"

"we are--】"


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