The Collection of The End

One thousand eight hundred and sixty-five, infinite future (15)


——Country City——

——■■Road Number——

——■■■■Convention Center——


"What... love life?"

Jin Jing listened in confusion to the energetic chirping of nine little girls wearing red, white and black performance dresses on the stage in the distance.

The staff has already said that similar performances will be held approximately every two hours, and the performers and contents are different. If you miss it, you will have to watch the live playback filmed by someone. Therefore, many people are now flocking to the show. Go over and wave the green and purple glow sticks.

But Jin Jing herself was not interested in those things, and Ye Ke and Lin Xinping also seemed impatient of being squeezed—the pot and the flowers turned out to be real—so they pulled them to watch from a distance.

"Don't translate it literally, otherwise you would be called 'Claire Red Earth'?" Ruby Lin complained casually.

My name is Jin Jing... No, forget it.

"According to the setting, they should be high school students, but these performers..." Ye Ke held the pan on his head and said, "Waibi Babu."

The cosplay is too serious! If we say this casually in normal times, Uncle Ye will criticize us to death...

What does it have to do with me?

Leadership responsibility?


"Hey! hey! hey! start: dash!]"

Jin Jing originally planned to say something more, but was interrupted by the background accompaniment and the singing of girls coming from the loudspeaker.

"Let me tell you, this kind of cosplay is the most difficult - cosplaying anime idols. Not only must their image be up to standard, but their singing skills must also be the same, and they don't even lip-sync." Lin Xinping said loudly into Jin Jing's ear.

No, the most difficult one is mine. Not only are the equipment real, but you also have to be able to fight back and forth with the pursuer.

But where does the pursuer come from in reality...

Will it come out because the little girl above is shouting "stars"?

Speaking of the chaser, I just saw a specially restored Leon who also came to watch the show. Ye Ke and Lin Xinping immediately encouraged her to come over to interact, but because so many people gathered at the beginning of the show, the cosplayer could no longer be found, so they had to Set aside for now.

Although Lin Xinping has been shouting about "this restoration" and "that outrageous" before, it is obvious that only she knows who the character she is playing is. Jin Jing really wants to recite a few words of "Waibi Babu" with Ye Ke, but No, I even bought a cosplay suit, so I must have a deep understanding of the character.

Hmm... Although this misunderstanding is a bit coincidental, it can also be regarded as an opportunity. After all, in order to predict the plots of those "reincarnation worlds", it is inevitable to study more movies, TV, anime and games, so that you don't have to explain why you suddenly want to know those things. There was nothing of interest to me in the first place.

Speaking of which, the most self-destructive person in this incident was Lin Xinping. She usually didn’t have any hobbies. She was sitting on the upper bunk with a laptop, claiming to be researching stock, fund, and bond investments. When she asked her to do something, there was something wrong on the computer screen. It was indeed a trend chart or something like that... So she might have been watching TV dramas and playing games or something at that time, and she just cut it out temporarily just for us to watch?

Then, because he discovered his "same kind", he suddenly confessed...

She must not let her know that she is actually an amateur, that's all.

"Hey! hey! hey! start: dash!]"

After a few Japanese solos and swapping places, the girls once again sang together this somewhat weird English song. At this time, the atmosphere in the audience was already quite heated. In addition to those waving light sticks, there were also others who sang along and were shouted at by loudspeakers. The volume is suppressed.

It seemed that there were quite a few cosplayers who came specially to listen. Jin Jing’s eyes were searching among the audience.

As expected, except for the style of clothing, I can't identify anyone specifically...wait?

Jin Jing suddenly retracted his casual gaze and looked at a vertical painting of a short blond girl holding a wooden knife and wearing a red dress and blue skirt.

Behind the cardboard wall, stood a tall woman with a gorgeous appearance, wearing a luxurious white dress, and a black visor with an expanded brim, and was obviously over two meters tall.

Such an exaggerated height makes people next to her distracted from time to time to look at her even when they are listening to a concert.

Eight-foot girl? Although I did see her from time to time behind some "walls" during this period, I basically passed by, and her mouth always looked like a black hole and made a "bop" sound. She never appeared as normally as she does now. .

Has her ability become stronger? Or……

Jin Jing looked around at the participants of the comic show. They seemed to be indeed called "children". Although the eight-foot girl warned herself in the car accident that never happened, if she wanted to "hunt" here, , then he who brought her to the real world has the responsibility to stop her.

Jin Jing looked down at the "projector" in the inventory, and quickly made up her mind to talk to the eight-foot girl.

However, when Jin Jing looked at the eight-foot girl again, he found that she was also looking at him and her mouth was opening and closing silently.

Is she saying... "Run"?

Jin Jing was confused at first, and then involuntarily shuddered: the last time the eight-foot girl appeared and tried to talk to herself, Ye Ke's car hit the cement tanker head-on, and this time, there were thousands more people than there were then. The ■■ City Comic Exhibition is ten thousand times better...

What exactly will happen? Meteorite? earthquake? explode?

If you can stop it... No, it's impossible. You should evacuate the people in the convention and exhibition center now, but how can you evacuate so many people? Go to the organizer? But how to convince them?

The most important thing is, when will the disaster happen? How much longer?

Jin Jing thought quickly for a few seconds. When he looked at the position of the eight-foot girl again, he found that she had disappeared.

Anyway, in short, take Ye Ke and Lin Xinping away first... and so on.

The protagonist who foresaw the disaster saved several lucky people from the catastrophe, but they still died one after another in the next few months...

Isn't this the plot of "Death is Coming"?

Can't escape, can't escape, can't escape -

"Towards the other side! Keep going! Dash!]"

At this moment, the performance on the stage ended. As the nine girls took their final poses, bursts of bright colorful fireworks bloomed from the edge of the stage.

Above the fireworks, there is a ceiling made of foam plastic and various pendants, and those flammable things are slowly deforming in the spray of fireworks.

The guy who designed the stage effects and the guy who did the exhibition decoration didn’t communicate at all, right? ?

Once a fire breaks out, no matter how big the fire is, the crowds fleeing in panic may cause a stampede.

Moreover, according to what Jin Jing learned in advance, there are restaurants and hotels above the convention and exhibition center. In other words, there may be gas pipelines in the surrounding walls and pillars...

"Get out of here quickly!" Jin Jing pushed Lin Xinping and Ye Ke and ran towards the stage.

As long as we can shoot down the burning ceiling device, it will be just a simple stage accident, and the expected chain of disasters will not happen... happen...

The moment she was about to raise her gun to provoke, the sky turned dark.

No, this is indoors, how can there be a sky?

When Jin Jing looked up, she found that the ceiling of the entire convention and exhibition center had been replaced by a dark sky with a faint glow of fire.

In the pitch-black sky, there was a blazing wheel of flame, or in other words, it was the black sun that was in a total solar eclipse, with only a trace of light leaking from the edge.

The next moment, the edge of the "Black Sun" broke, and a trace of fire "dropped" downwards from the "Wheel of Flame" in the air, and the location where it fell was the stage where the fire was about to break out.

what is that?


In the next moment, the "black sun" and the dripping lines of fire disappeared, and the scene in Jin Jing's eyes returned to the stage of the comic show. But with such a short delay, the fire she expected happened as scheduled, and the fireworks ignited the foam plastic. The ceiling ignited the nearby pendants and hangings, and spread to the surrounding flammable and explosive decorations at an extremely high speed.


"It's on fire! Run!" "Where is the emergency exit?" "Don't panic, everyone, evacuate in an orderly manner!"

Although there were staff trying their best to maintain order, the exhibition hall still became chaotic.

Sure enough, Lucky 0 should not participate in such a large-scale event.

Fortunately, the fire was not too big. The fire hydrant should be at...

Boom! !

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