The Collection of The End

One thousand eight hundred and sixty-six, infinite future (16)

——■■■■Convention Center——


Boom - boom -!

Perhaps it was because he would not panic, or perhaps the enhanced attributes of the Lord God's space played a role. Jin Jing clearly saw the entire process when the explosion occurred.

Just as she had guessed before, the exhibition staff who laid the venue did not communicate with the security personnel of the convention and exhibition center at all. When pulling the wires and network cables, they all chose the nearest route. In order to cover up, they even wrapped them in a few extra circles of decoration. The distance between the lines and load-bearing columns, gas pipelines and sewer pipes is quite close. At the same time, the exhibitors did not communicate with the exhibition staff what special effects props they had prepared. They may have reported them, but there was no specific review of the risks.

The fireworks at the end of the stage song and dance performance ignited the ceiling and pendants, causing a short circuit in the circuits entangled with them. The electric sparks then ignited the biogas leaking from the sewer, causing an instant explosion, and this impactful open flame broke through again. The protective outer covering of the gas pipeline was damaged, and eventually, a series of violent explosions occurred in the gas pipeline, destroying several load-bearing columns of the convention and exhibition center.

For ordinary people who don't know what happened, the direct impression is that they first saw a fire, then all the lights in the hall went out, and then explosions and flames occurred everywhere. The ceilings, walls and pillars overturned and collapsed one after another. The whole process was accompanied by crazy Screams, bewildered cries and terrified cries.

For Jin Jing, the most obvious and intuitive impression was that hundreds of "blood bars" suddenly appeared in his field of vision.

Due to the power outage, flames and thick smoke, Jin Jing could not see the figures clearly, but judging from the movements of the "blood bars", most of them were moving towards the exit, and only a small number might be trapped somewhere, his or her "blood bars" I can only wander in place.

She is no stranger to this kind of "blood bar". Every boss in the world of reincarnation who provides "souls" has such a bar on his head, and those who can be killed easily, such as zombies, ordinary aliens, and even mass-produced lickers. No.

Seeing so many "health bars" appearing together, she almost thought she was going to fight so many bosses, but the next moment she realized that these were ordinary people who had been injured at the comic exhibition and entered a "combat state".

Obviously, there is a blind spot in the previous idea, that is, "Bai Jingjing" also has a "health bar", but because it is always at the top of the field of vision, alongside the action value and magic value, it is subconsciously ignored.

Are those bosses all "reincarnators" who were pulled into the main god's space? No, this should not be possible. According to the current world experience, even if the "reincarnation" dies, only the "character" will disappear, and the "reincarnation" will not lose its "soul".

So, it is these "boss" and "reincarnators" that have special functions for the Lord God? But there is too little information to judge...

Bang! boom!

Before she had time to think further, her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of collapse and explosion nearby.

Uh... Because I won't panic, and I saw that so many people's health bars were full, I subconsciously thought about other problems. This place is an accident scene anyway.

Jin Jing reflected for half a second and turned his gaze in the direction of the collapse.

There was originally a relatively full "health bar" there, but after the explosion, it suddenly decreased by one-third and continued to decrease. At the same time, there was a faint cry of pain.

If you fail to prevent the disaster, then save people first. With the scale of this exhibition, there should be emergency fire fighters on standby nearby, and they will definitely arrive within three minutes - unless they are delayed by someone who blocks the fire escape by parking indiscriminately.

Although there was no light, and the illumination provided by the burning flame was blocked by thick smoke, the location of the health bar was still very clear. Jin Jing arrived at the owner of the half-cut health bar in less than ten seconds.

This is a short-haired girl who doesn’t know who she is cosplaying with. She is wearing a pair of red-rimmed glasses, a white coat, a black shirt, and a red bow tie. Her lower body... can’t be seen. A collapsed pillar happened to hold her down. waist.

"" She said in a voice as thin as a gossamer, and at the same time reached out to Jin Jing: "Master..."

Don’t be so dedicated at this time!

Jin Jing took a moment to look at the position of the pillar that was holding her down, then decisively grabbed the pillar with her hands, and then used her strength to lift it up: "Quick, climb out by yourself!"

"I...I can't feel my legs..." The girl with glasses tried to crawl out, but her speed was like a snail.

He probably injured his spine, and the health bar with only half left looks scary...

Jin Jing freed up her hands a little, summoned the "Universal Tool", and used the "First Aid Spray" directly on the girl: "It's just numbing! Move quickly!"

"Huh...huh?" The girl with glasses was stunned. She quickly used her hands and feet to climb out of the gap created by the collapse of the pillar, and then stood up.

Jin Jing put down the pillar with a bang, raised her hand to lower her body, and helped her turn in a direction: "Don't run straight when there is a fire, cover your mouth and nose with your hands, go straight in that direction, and move quickly!"

"Ah, okay, thank you, senior." The girl with glasses originally planned to say something, but Jin Jing yelled at her and ran away like a rabbit.

Tsk, speaking of it, I can barely lift a load-bearing column. In order to equip the revolver, I directly raised all the strength and agility to 12 points, which was an immediate effect. After all, the average human strength is 10.

No, I’ll think about attributes when I go back. There should be others who need to be rescued now...

Snap! Wow!

"Ah!" "The picture window in the lobby on the second floor is broken!"

With the sound of broken glass and a large number of sharp objects scattered, the "blood strips" in front of them that were moving towards the exit all decreased by a small section. There was a burst of exclamation from the crowd, and then the "blood strips" moved faster.

Didn't you notice that someone is missing? Oh, it really can't be found without light.

Jin Jing didn't have time to think too much, and rushed straight towards the "blood bar" that bottomed out instantly at the location of the broken glass.


It was a little boy who looked less than ten years old. He fell on his back on the ground, his head, face and body covered with broken glass. He seemed not to understand his current situation and was still trying to reach out to pull someone, but his eyes were quick. He began to lose consciousness, and his hands hung down feebly...


Jin Jing held his hand: "I caught up!"

"Excellent Mixed Medicinal Powder" disappeared from the inventory in an instant, turning into a soft golden light that flowed into the boy's body along the hands held by the two. The sharp broken glass exited the boy's body as if upside down and fell. .

It's not easy to explain this time...but he is a child after all, so no matter what he says, he won't be taken seriously, probably.

After all, who is so irresponsible to bring a child to a comic exhibition? Does he understand?

"Sister..." The boy looked at Jin Jing, his eyes sparkling: "Are you Ultraman?"


Damn it, he really understands it.

"No, my sister is Balala Little Demon Fairy," Jin Jing said nonsensically as she pulled the boy up and pointed in the direction: "Go that way, keep your head down, and be careful."

"Okay!" The boy ran a few steps, then turned back: "Sister Xiao Moxian, do you still want to save people?"

Do these people have any common sense about self-rescue in disasters? Jin Jing glanced at the changes in the blood bars around him, turned around and ran away:

"Rain Girl Wu Gua!"

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