The Collection of The End

One thousand eight hundred and sixty-seven, infinite future (17)

——■■■■Convention Center——



"Dip! Dip! Dip——!]"


There was a faint siren sounding in the direction of the entrance of the Convention and Exhibition Center, and there seemed to be a loudspeaker saying something, but because the distance was too far, the nearby car alarms were too loud to hear clearly.

It came quite quickly, Jin Jing took out her phone and checked the time.

As expected, there was no signal, and Ye Ke and Lin Xinping must have had their phones ringing.

The two of them usually chatted and chatted without much interest, but when the critical moment came, they knew what to do and would not hold others back. If they told them to leave early, they would definitely not ask nagging questions or take risks with them.

After all, based on their status, it is more valuable to stay in a safe place to coordinate communication than to take risks themselves.

But... Jin Jing looked around.

The collapsed building debris trapped her in a small space like a cage. It would be difficult to get out with only 12 o'clock of strength.

Before, she stared at those "blood bars" and rescued 7 people from the accident scene. Three of them were only slightly injured and could leave on their own after the rescue, while the remaining four were seriously injured and she had to use the... Various medical supplies brought out from the Lord God's space.

In addition to the boy who had his spine crushed and was covered in glass, there was also a woman in white who was too close to the pipe and suffered burns all over her body, and an old man in red who had his waist stabbed from behind by the steel bar in the load-bearing column.

How can you be more unfortunate than me?

Anyway, her inventory is now empty. ——Not counting the projector and pistol.

And just when Jin Jing confirmed that there were no "health bars" of dangerous length nearby and was about to find a way out of the convention and exhibition center, the floor - or rather, the ceiling of the underground parking lot collapsed.

Think about it, if a gas pipeline explodes, it doesn't make sense to just blow up.

It would be outrageous to just pay attention to whether the top will collapse, only to find that the bottom cannot hold up first.

When she fell into the underground parking lot, more floors collapsed, destroying a large area of ​​nearby cars and trapping her in a small space.

The good news is that she was not crushed anywhere, her "blood" was still full, and this "dwelling" made of piled building debris was not sealed. She could feel the flow of air, so there was no immediate danger to her life.

The bad news is that the place where she was buried is a bit far from the entrance, well, a long way. In order to prevent a secondary accident, rescue may come later.

I don’t know if the ■■■■ Convention and Exhibition Center has insurance or whether it will be compensated for this kind of accident - anyway, it has to compensate the injured and pay a fine.

Hmm... I don't know if there is anyone who is simply trapped like me.

While Jin Jing was thinking wildly, she opened the interface and thought about how to save herself.

The "Yang Shen Jutsu" can summon a "little golden crystal". If you project her outside, you should be able to try to lift the ruins of the collapsed building. However, her attributes are the same as mine. Her 12 points of power is still in the human category. I'm afraid it will be very difficult. It is difficult to clean up so many building debris, and when using this miracle, the main body cannot move, that is, it cannot cooperate. If "Little Jin Jing" accidentally slips and hits a rock...

Then there is "Returning Home". This miracle directly returns to the main god space at the cost of "giving up the harvest of the reincarnation world", but will it work in reality? If it works, what should we give up?

Even if it can work, the time of reincarnation in the world seems to be much faster than reality, and every time you enter and exit, you will appear in the original place. There is no point in running into your personal space to hide for a few minutes and then come out, unless you bring someone with some energy. Props that change the current situation, such as... electromagnetic gun?

No, is that too much? Not to mention where to recharge, once the gun is fired, half of the building will be gone.

So...asking the Lord God for help? After entering the Lord God's space, ask it to help you change the location where you "return to reality"?

It doesn't seem to work. This main god doesn't seem to be smart enough to communicate with reincarnations. It only helped him because he was in a "certain death" state, and it didn't want to lose such a good employee. But now he doesn't have it at all. If its life is threatened, it will probably do nothing.

Can't... do anything? Jin Jing frowned and looked up.

Although she could only see the remains of the building now, she had not forgotten the "black sun" and "line of fire" that had appeared in the sky before. Although it was only a glimpse, and they did not make any real threatening moves, Jin Jing saw At the same time, it came to the conclusion that the purpose of its appearance was to destroy everything.

Is it a coincidence that a fire broke out where the fire line "dropped" and triggered a chain reaction leading to explosion and collapse?

Perhaps this is not the first time it has appeared, but people are completely unaware of it and treat it as an ordinary accident. Only those who have been to the "Lord God Space" can find traces of it when it "spreads destruction".

No, of course it wasn't the first time it appeared. Even if it was me, it was the second time I saw it. The first time it appeared, it should have been at the scene of Ye Ke's "never happened" car accident. What these two incidents have in common is, They were all accidents with no human traces, but the Eight-foot Girl noticed them all in advance and warned herself.

That thing...could it be the embodiment of his "bad luck"?

No, that's not right. Although I would have probably died in that car accident, this time at the comic show was different. I was not close to the stage in the first place, and I was aware of the danger in advance. If I simply wanted to escape, I would already be in shock outside the cordon. The ground is full of melons.

So, "it" is actually the enemy of the "Lord God"? Are the two parties engaged in some kind of game at some level that they cannot understand?

"Well..." Jin Jing shuddered.

Inexplicably getting involved in this kind of game between gods... you might get crushed if you're not careful.

"Hmm." She shuddered again.

No, no, I won't tremble in fear because of this kind of thing.

Jin Jing retracted her distracted attention and began to pay attention to her surroundings.

Pitter patter...

On the right side in an invisible direction, there were subtle sounds of water, and at the same time, gusts of cold wind blew in from the gap there.

Tsk... I actually forgot the most important thing: it's winter now. After such a major accident, the heating has undoubtedly stopped, and the water flowing out of the broken water pipe will further drop the temperature. Before the rescue team can find them , I might freeze to death.

Really, if you don’t leave a gap, you will suffocate to death, if you leave a gap, you will freeze to death...

Fortunately, I am more skilled.

Jin Jing took out "Fujiang's Love Blanket" from the multi-purpose tool and wrapped it around her body.

In short, let's just make do with this and rest for a while until rescue arrives.

At times like this, I still wish I could have someone by my side...


"This way, this way"

Perhaps a few hours later, or perhaps only ten minutes, Jin Jing, who was a little confused, heard a noise above her head and a rather familiar voice, so she looked up blankly.

A handsome rookie police officer from Raccoon City lifted up the building debris above her head and showed her a bright smile under the dim light of the search team:

"You saved everyone, now it's my turn to save you."

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