The Collection of The End

One thousand eight hundred and eighty-seven, burning pollutes the city (15)

Dark witch?

If I remember correctly, she was a witch who had never officially appeared. Only a few dog-like familiars appeared, and disappeared after being easily dealt with by Tomoe Asami.

So, it takes the place of Snack Witch?

But what happened to Miss B who just flashed by?

She couldn't be a witch anyway.

Because the style doesn’t meet the requirement of ‘making people look sultry’? 】The stupid system on the shoulder interjected.

‘Not necessarily. After all, Charlotte’s first form is not considered spiritual pollution. The key is that it cannot resemble a human. If the witch form is still human, Laoxu’s malicious intent will not be reflected. ’

The reverse application of the uncanny valley effect. 】

'Indeed, as long as the appearance is similar, some people will feel that they can understand each other. ’

"Don't panic, everyone, please stay where you are and don't move." At this time, Tomoe Mami's voice came from a little further away.

Previously, everyone should be in the ward, and even if the lights were turned off, there would only be one or two meters apart. But judging by the sound at this time, Tomoe Asami seemed to be at least twenty meters away.

Da da da--

The sound of footsteps gradually approached from the direction of Tomoe Mami's voice, but even though the sound sounded close to only a few meters away, there was still darkness as far as the eye could see.


After the footsteps reached a distance of about five meters, golden light pierced the darkness, revealing Asami Tomoe, who was holding the soul gem and had transformed into a "magical elementary school student", while Beibei was tugging on her clothes. Kaku followed.

After she saw me, she tilted her head slightly to signal me to follow, and then walked in another direction: "I found Madoka, please don't move, otherwise it is likely to become even more scattered."

Her response speed and ability are really strong. She is worthy of being called "the strongest magical girl who cannot lose as long as she is not careless." I followed up.

Hmm... Her attributes look a bit familiar. She has blond hair, draws weapons from the void, is the strongest, has almost no friends, always stands on the street lamp, is deceived by her contractor, and is finally defeated by a foodie.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! 】

Forget it, it's probably just a coincidence, the King of Heroes can't be a woman.

After following Tomoe Mami for a while, I picked up Sayaka, Xiaoke and Hitomi one after another. Only then did I realize that the current scene seemed to have "stretched" the entire building space of the hospital, making it difficult for my companions who were originally less than half a meter apart. They were nearly fifty meters apart.

Moreover, the darkness surrounding them does not seem to be caused by a power outage or short circuit. They are very determined to swallow up any light. The lamps along the way are obviously not extinguished, but before the soul gem shines on them, no light can shine through, even if it is the soul gem. The light can only illuminate a distance of about five meters in radius. When Sayaka tried to shine the flashlight outside the circle, it seemed as if it was shining on a black wall, and the light was directly blocked inside and could not leave.

When we finally found Kamijou Kyosuke's hospital bed in a room that was countless times larger, there was no one on it.

"Hmm... Kyousuke is gone. I don't know if he was not pulled into the witch barrier or if he left on his own." Sayaka looked at the hospital bed and then turned to Tomoe Asami: "If we eliminate the witch, will the people who accidentally entered the barrier be killed?" Can you leave?"

"Although it is true, Kamijou-san probably didn't enter by mistake," Tomoe Asami touched the pillow on the hospital bed, then looked at Xiao Ke and Silly System: "Did you say 'witch's breath' before? Now? Is there any more?”

"No, not anymore." Xiao Ke shrugged his nose and shook his head in confusion.

"Idiot, that person must have the 'Witch's Kiss' on him. Now that he has left, of course it won't taste good.]" The stupid system can actually occupy the high ground of IQ and despise others.

"You bunny dog! Do you want to fight?]" Xiao Ke turned around and roared.

"come on!】"

"...Ouch!]" "Woo!]"

Sayaka and I each held down our "guardian beasts".

"Look at it this way..." Hitomi tried to say: "Kamijo-san had been targeted by the witch before we came, and the appearance of Asami-san made the witch feel the crisis, so she activated her barrier in advance?"

"It's very possible, especially Kamijou-san, who is troubled by not being able to play, is a suitable target for becoming a witch," Tomoe Asami brought the soul gem close to the hospital bed, and the remaining darkness on it disappeared under the golden light like snowflakes encountering sunlight.

"If something happens to him, Auntie will definitely be sad." Sayaka rummaged through her schoolbag and took out a wooden knife from it: "Let's find him and the witch as soon as possible!"

"You went to rob the kendo club again?" Hitomi looked at the wooden sword.

"No way, they wanted me to join and gave it to me specially." Sayaka scratched his head.

"Well... this time is different from before. The field of vision is too poor. You have to have some ability to protect yourself, at least until I arrive." Tomoe Mami thought for a moment and approached Sayaka with the soul gem in hand.

Under the illumination of golden light, the wooden knife gradually turned into a sharp and exquisite real knife, with a light aqua blue color overall.

"Wow." Sayaka's eyes widened.

"I'm not sure what you like, so let's modify it according to Hitomi's design. If you don't like it -" Tomami paused, and her voice became colder: "——You have to wait until these 'familiars' are dismissed. Let’s talk about it later.”


"Wang Ao——]"

With the strange roaring sound, something was moving quickly on the edge of darkness that could not be illuminated by the Soul Stone. There were at least four or five of them just by the sound, as if a pack of wolves or cheetahs were running around the bison they were eyeing.

"It's the familiar of the 'Witch of Darkness', the 'Dog of Darkness'!]" Xiao Ke shouted: "Be careful! They are very strong in the dark!]"

Well... although they can't see it, I can clearly see the appearance of these "familiar".

They are about half a meter tall and look a bit like wolves. They stand on all fours and have a tail that drags the ground. The position of their head is a black mist that constantly changes shape. There are red lights that look like flames on the two red spots in their eyes. Keep flying.

This look...could it be...


At this moment, one of the "dogs of darkness" suddenly disappeared from the spot, and then as a burst of smoke suddenly shot out from the 90-degree angle between the hospital bed and the floor, the black fog head transformed into a bloody mouth and bit into it. Hitomi, and at the same time, other "dogs of darkness" also rushed in from outside the black mist, trying to restrain Tomoe Asami from supporting her.

Are you really just picking on the soft ones?

"Drink!" Sayaka suddenly waved the "wooden sword" in his hand, and the sword light drew a blue arc and struck the attacking "Hound of Darkness" fiercely, but only knocked it over and did not even bleed. ——Of course, it could also be that it has no blood.

However, now that you’ve somersaulted in front of me, don’t even think about leaving.

I raised my hand and grabbed the tail of the stupid system.

Huh? etc? ! 】

‘I’ll lend you your head, it’s just a meteor hammer, it’s very common. ’

Not common at all! 】


But before I took action, Beibei suddenly rushed out from the side, holding a crowbar, and smashed the head of the "Hound of Darkness" with one blow. The Dog of Darkness stiffened for a moment, and its body began to turn into waves. The black fog disappeared.

"..." Beibei clutched the crowbar, staring at me with a frightened expression while retracting under the hospital bed, and the long, dull hair that originally looked like lightning also curled up again.

'So what is she afraid of? ’ I let go of the stupid system’s tail.

Who knows. 】To be continued

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