The Collection of The End

One thousand eight hundred and eighty-eight, burning pollutes the city (16)

In a dark witch's realm.

A white light group emerged, and what the light group reflected was twisted and illusory medicine bottles containing various things.

Strawberries, biscuits, televisions, needles, pictures, X-rays, coins, etc.

These pill bottles have everything in them except the pills or capsules that are actually supposed to be inside.

Tomoe Mami ignored all this and walked ahead holding Shikama Madoka's hand.

"Well, Asami-san, I have already thought about my wish." Madoka Shikama said weakly.

"Really? What is it?" Tomoe Mami responded.

"Well, what I said, senior, can you please not be angry?" Shikame Madoka asked again.

"No matter what Madoka says, you won't be angry," Tomoe Mami replied without hesitation.

"Well, my academic performance is not good, I have no outstanding talents, and I have few friends, so I may not be able to help anyone in the future. Although I don't like this, there is nothing I can do about it," Madoka Shikame seemed to be thinking as he said: "But, well, I met Asami-san, and I was deeply attracted by her fighting figure. I was thinking that if I could become a magical girl like Asami-san, I might be able to help others in the future. .”

"..." Tomoe Asami didn't respond, she just opened a pink door that suddenly appeared in front of her.

Behind the gate is a completely different scene from before.

Under the gray sky, there is a bridge made of blackberry cakes. The fence next to it is filled with lollipops and lit candles. The signal light above looks like a standing sign on the cake, with "Happy Birthday" written on it. Under the overpass, there are pills, capsules, pills and intravenous bottles that are constantly passing through, like cars and pedestrians.

Madoka Shikame was a little hesitant at first, but after seeing Tomoe Mami step onto the overpass without hesitation, he immediately followed.

"Well, so, I think, my wish is to become a magical girl." She continued the previous topic.

"..." Tomoe Mami let go of Shikame Madoka's hand and stopped, but did not turn around: "It will be very hard, you will get injured, there will be no time for love and play, and you may even die."

"But, um, even so, Asami-san didn't give up. I long for such a senior." Madoka Shikama narrowed her eyes and touched her head in embarrassment.

"...I'm not someone worth admiring. I usually just force myself to do it. When I encounter difficulties and pain, I have no one to talk to. I can only cry silently by myself. Magical girls are not qualified to be wishes. ." Tomoe Mami responded with a slightly trembling voice.

Shikama Madoka was stunned for a moment, then a smile appeared on his face: "Asami-sensei is no longer alone. I will fight with my classmates from now on and stay by my side. Well, if I can..."


Tomoe Asami turned around suddenly and hugged Madoka Shikama.

"That... Asami-san?" Madoka Shikama blinked in confusion.

"Really, it's so outrageous. You should obviously maintain your appearance as a senior," Tomoe Mami said while wiping away tears: "But forget it, we can talk about that kind of thing later. Let me hold you for a while now."

Madoka Shikama blinked again, hugged Tomoe Asami and patted her back gently.

"But, a contract is a contract. When Kyubey makes someone become a magical girl, they must fulfill a wish. If becoming a magical girl is a wish, wouldn't we suffer a loss?" After a moment, Tomoe Mami, who had calmed down, let go of Madoka Shikama: "Just make any wish, such as becoming a billionaire, having... many friends, etc."

"That, that kind of thing..." Madoka Shikama laughed sadly: "I may not be able to manage the company well, and I don't know how to get along with my friends..."

"Is it such a realistic concern? Then let's do it." Tomoe Mami looked up at the strange scene in the witch barrier around her: "If you haven't figured out your wish after getting rid of the witch hiding here, let Qiu Qiu Rather than treating us to a cake, we should have a cake as big as our feet to celebrate the birth of the magical girl team Tomoe Mami and Shikame Madoka."

"Um...after seeing this scene, I may not be able to eat cake within a month." Shikame Madoka shook his head repeatedly.

"So, you have to take this time to think about a wish." Tomoe Asami raised her finger and shook it.

"Asami! The witch's egg has begun to hatch!]" At this time, Kyubey's voice came from the telepathy connecting several people.

With a click, the overpass indicator light that read "Happy Birthday" changed from green to red, and the text on it instantly changed to "No Entry".

At the same time, the pills and tablets that were flowing under the overpass all grew wings and eyes, and raised their heads to look at Tomoe Asami and Shikama Madoka above the overpass.

"Okay, I get it," Tomoe Asami opened her hand and pointed at the first batch of pills flying up: "Let me fight quickly this time!"

Whoosh whoosh-buzz-buzz-

With the surge of golden light, Tomoe Mami's original Mitakihara Middle School uniform changed into her "magical girl outfit" of a white shirt, yellow skirt, and brown pantyhose. At the same time, there were countless floating around her. Flintlock gun.

The clusters of flintlock guns each aimed and fired, shooting down the swarming "Flying Pills" one after another. Tomoe Asami dragged Shikama Madoka and ran all the way across the overpass, putting up the "No Entry" sign posted on the opposite side. Use the butt of your gun to fly away and rush through the pink round door there.

The new space looks like the inside of a hollowed-out cake, with high platforms set up everywhere that look like tea drinking tables, and the ground is filled with huge and twisted cakes, burgers, crepes, taiyaki and sashimi. Colorful dumplings.

"Ms. Asami! Madoka!]" Sayaka Miki and Kyubey, who were left behind first to detect the hatching of the witch's egg and locate it, were hiding behind several huge burgers. When they saw them appearing, they immediately waved from a distance and said Shout through telepathy: "The witch is there!]"

When Tomoe Mami and Shikama Madoka followed the directions, they happened to see the dark witch's egg twisting and transforming into a cute-looking rag doll wearing a big bow sitting on the high tea table.

Tomoe Asami used a ribbon to protect Madoka Shikama with her backhand. A flash of light appeared at the tea table and overturned it. Then she picked up a flintlock and pointed it at the doll, beating it violently.

"My body is so light. This is the first time I have fought in such a cheerful mood," Tomoe Mami murmured to herself while fighting, "Because I am no longer alone."

The doll witch was tied up with a ribbon with almost no resistance and then shot through.

"Already, there is nothing to be afraid of.]"

A giant snake that was completely black, with red spots, and two small red and blue wings suddenly emerged from the mouth of the doll witch. It had a weird smile on its face and almost instantly rushed in front of Tomoe Asami who had no time to withdraw its gun.

Then, he opened his mouth full of sharp teeth.


In a dark witch's realm.

Tomoe Mami is taking Beibei, Sayaka and Hitomi to search for the dark witch whose identity is unknown. From time to time, she has to deal with the dogs of darkness that suddenly rush out and attack, while Xiao Ke and the stupid system are still bickering.


I slapped it on the head.

‘Looks like there are mosquitoes? ’

Are you kidding me? Which blind mosquito dares to bite you? 】

'Too. 'To be continued

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