The Collection of The End

One thousand eight hundred and eighty-nine, burning pollutes the city (17)

"Everyone, be careful. The 'Hound of Darkness' can teleport through any angle less than 10 degrees, and is very ferocious. It will never stop for any reason until it kills the target, the 'Dark Witch' is defeated, or is killed." Attack.]" Xiao Ke explained while running with the large army.

"It doesn't sound very smart. Even a hyena knows not to challenge a lion alone." Sayaka said, holding up the "enchanted" wooden knife and looking at the shadowy darkness around her.

"Obviously, except for Miss Asami, the gap between you and these familiars has not reached the level of a lion and a hyena. It can even be said that it is completely the opposite." Xiao Ke took the opportunity to sell: "So, you want to sign a contract with me Contract to become a magical girl?】"

"Well, Asami-san has to maintain lighting right now, which is really not convenient for fighting," Sayaka seemed to be really thinking about it: "But I haven't thought of what to wish for yet."


Tomoe Mami held the soul gem in one hand and shot into the darkness with a double-barreled shotgun in the other hand.


She coolly switched the gun with one hand to reload, and then shot again.

t850 speaks directly to the experts. 】

‘What t850 is called Mr. Governor? ’

Shock! When t850 ran for governor, he was accused of perjury, theft, alcoholism, bribery and blackmail. During his speech, he was hugged by nine children of different colors and called daddy. 】

‘...I actually care a little about the follow-up. ’

Judgment Day. 】

‘Very reasonable! ’

"Don't worry," Tomoe Mami said while continuing to fight in the Terminator style: "Although I have to maintain the lighting, there is still no big problem in protecting you. Moreover, despite her young age, Beibei is also qualified. Where’s the magical girl?”

"Hmm..." Sayaka looked at Beibei who was knocking around with a crowbar, like whack-a-mole on the head of the dog that appeared during teleportation, and fell into deep thought for a moment.

By the way, those things are not "Hounds of Darkness". With such strange characteristics, they are clearly "Hounds of Tindalos".

They live on the "angular discontinuous time island" that the original author probably doesn't even know what it is, and they specifically hunt those "time travelers" who were originally in the "curved sea of ​​continuous time" but have traveled through time in some way. ".

Then, the so-called "witch of darkness" should be "lordsotindalos mh'ithrha".

But it's a bit strange. If they are looking for trouble with the "time traveler", they should go to Xiaomi Homura. The reason why they come here is probably because of Beibei, or in other words, Nayako.

Of course, there is another possibility. As an alien god who dares to spar with Yog-Sothoth, it may be planning to touch me, "Azathos."

And Nayako should be afraid that I will directly destroy the entire world - including her.

According to this logic, every "witch" may be an "old ruler" or an "outer god"?

Judging from the fact that "Witch" and "Seed of Lament" both belong to the opponent's "Doomsday Elements", this is indeed possible.

A sudden inspiration appraisal made the world of Madoka Magica, which was not rich in sanity, even worse. 】Silly System said in a newscasting voice.

No, that's not right. Witches can be transformed into magical girls. I've never heard of mortals being able to transform into Old Ones or Outer Gods. It's useless to lose san.

Fortunately, this inspiration roll failed miserably. 】

'That's enough for you. I think so because the dark dog has a wolf or dog shape, has no fixed form, and can teleport in the dark. This original feature is too familiar. ’’

It's enough to mention the appearance and abilities of the Dark Witch. Who asked you to continue to deduce it? 】

‘Well, okay then. ’

According to the settings, Msisha is the most powerful of the Tindalos hounds. It itself also has no fixed form, but when you observe the black mist that makes up its body from a very far distance, you can vaguely see that it is in the shape of a wolf.

As for its purpose of connecting "angular space-time" and "curved space-time", just look at it as if the author suddenly made a mistake.

'But in this case...' I looked up at the hospital, which was completely shrouded in darkness and inexplicably magnified dozens or hundreds of times: 'We seem to be in its body, how are we going to fight? ’

Either learn from the Great Sage or learn from the Tathagata. 】


Da da da.

"I can't stand it anymore."

As a slightly familiar voice sounded, Xiao Meiyan appeared from the darkness ahead.

She was still dressed in a black leather jacket and an oversized red trench coat. She was holding a huge triangular ruler in each hand, and there was no black mist surging within a radius of five meters around her.

She stopped about six or seven meters away from Tomoe Mami, and looked at the people around Tomoe Mami with disgust: "Even if you want to be a new member of the band of seniors, please consider being involved in the witch." Innocent passers-by in the barrier, this is a hospital. After they were affected by the witch's magic power, they suffered from minor illnesses and serious illnesses, and they died directly from serious illnesses. As a are you responsible? Do you use your head? "

I'm pretty sure Xiao Meiyan glanced at me just now.

It seems that her statement "you saved everyone" is based on facts.

"I haven't found the witch yet," Tomoe Mami breathed out: "If you have found it, I wouldn't mind giving you the 'Seed of Lament' this time."

"Did you not find it, or do you not want to look for it?" Xiao Meiyan waved a triangular ruler with her backhand, cutting a gap in the black fog above.

The golden light illuminated the gap like lightning.

At this moment, one could clearly see through the gap that there was an unusually large pitch-black giant wolf, which was lying in a lying position, encircling the entire hospital with its body like a coiled python.

"Ah." "Ah." Sayaka and Hitomi subconsciously exclaimed, but immediately lowered their voices.

The next moment, the gap closed, and the limit of vision once again became a "sphere" with the two magical girls at the center.

"It seems that I need a bigger gun." Asami said, she turned the soul gem into a flower and pinned it on her head, and then took out the oversized silver firearm that I was already familiar with.

"Ah... that's enough," Xiao Meiyan put her hand on her forehead, "Aren't you worried that the shot will have no effect and that it will be bitten by the big wolf?"

"...Will it?" Tomoe Mami tilted her head in confusion.

"Anyway, don't move around here. I'll buy you some oranges."

Xiao Meiyan said something that most of the people present could not understand, and threw a huge set ruler, compass, protractor, pencil and eraser in the direction of the cut.




With a soft sound, the giant black snake with its big mouth in front of Tomoe Mami suddenly froze in place, then slowly lost its three-dimensional sense, color and lines, and finally turned into a pile of black ashes and was buried in the corner. An ancient projector machine sucked it in.

"If I had known that the Snack Witch was so weak, I wouldn't have used the Type Zero film. I was losing blood." To be continued

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