The Collection of The End

One thousand eight hundred and ninety-four, burning pollutes the city (22)

"Well, that barrier in front is another witch I kept in captivity. You will know after you go in and take a look," Sakura Kyoko gnawed on the bag of apples and pointed to an abandoned old school building in a dissatisfied tone. : "It's true, you actually crossed the border to enforce the law. If you hadn't been in large numbers, huh."

"If it were just me, I wouldn't care about your business, but there are still a few juniors here who are qualified to become magical girls. I can't let them go astray." Tomoe Asami looked at her and said in a serious tone .

"Tch, please." Sakura Kyoko looked at me and Sayaka, and threw two apples casually: "Don't go astray, do you hear me?"

Ignoring Hitomi, can you actually tell that she doesn't have the qualifications of a magical girl?

Not only magical girls, but also young masters and ladies from wealthy families generally do not have special abilities. 】

‘It’s true. ’

After all, ‘having money’ is the greatest superpower. 】

‘Well, the rich rely on technology, and the poor rely on mutation, right? ’

"Uh, Sakura-san?" Sayaka took the apple and said hesitantly.

"Huh?" Sakura Kyoko tilted her head to look at her.

"Why is your appearance and way of speaking different from the 'magical girl form'?" Sayaka scratched her head.


Compared to the animal-eared girl in a wedding dress, Sakura Kyoko, who casually tied her hair into a ponytail in a normal posture, wore a green sweatshirt and jeans, looked like a, uh, delinquent?

"Why do you think we have a 'magical girl form'? Of course it's to avoid being recognized by acquaintances, idiot." Sakura Kyoko took a bite of the apple: "We don't have to change our hairstyle or wear glasses so others can't recognize us. Good thing."

"...Is that so?" Sayaka looked around.

Tomoe Mami has turned into a child. Although Xiaomi Homura only changed her clothes, her hair length has changed. As for Momoe seems that she has never seen her transformation?

"Beibei's magical girl looks like a cat-eared cotton jacket and pumpkin pants. She's very cute." Tomoe Mami touched her head and then glanced at Akatsuki Homura: "It's just that she was injured in an 'accident' before and hasn't recovered yet. To the extent that it can transform.”

"...Hmph." Xiao Meiyan folded her arms and turned her head away, ignoring it.

"Ah, this..." I made a temporary expression as if I wanted to break up the fight but didn't know what to say.

Average acting, no soul]

'I don't think Xiaomei Homura has time to pay attention to me now. Even if her core is Xiao Hei and Madoka's core she wants to save is Illya, the other characters should still follow the direction of the original work. This reincarnation , her mentality obviously changed from "I've never seen this scene before" to "I've never seen this scene before". ’

Is it because there is a certain world will that will make the world a mess even if it does not actively interfere? 】

'But obviously this change will not give me an advantage in the confrontation, otherwise the world itself would not be able to allow them to happen. For now, I can only take one step at a time, and finally see what happened to the Witch Night. . ’

"If you want to chat, please go back and chat. I have to prove that these 'captive witches' won't harm anyone,"

Sakura Kyoko ate the apple, conjured a red spear out of thin air, turned around and walked into the old school building. The moment she entered the school gate, a red light flashed, her long hair became shorter, her sweatshirt and jeans were The clothes were replaced by a wedding dress, and a pair of dog ears sprouted from the top of her head:

"Talk is just a waste of our time."


Although it was already dark outside, the sky lit up instantly as soon as we stepped into the old school building.

The gongs and drums are noisy, firecrackers are blasting, red flags are waving, and there are huge crowds of people.

If the nouns mentioned in these descriptions were not all kinds of weird and twisted shapes, and the people competing in various competitions were complete human beings, it would be quite like a sports meeting.

"That's the 'Student Council President's Witch Patricia', the organizer of this 'sports meet'." Sakura Kyoko pointed to the sky.

"Huh?" "Hmm." "This..."

Forget it if it is an indescribable witch. After being baptized by those weird-looking witches before, a monster no matter how twisted it is and cannot move accurately can be accepted. However, it is very simple to describe this witch.

It was a very huge girl wearing a school uniform. She had a normal body shape, but had many hands: an extra arm grew out of each arm, and the legs under her skirt were replaced with arms, and the position of her head was There are two arms growing out from the collar, and all the arms are holding a large number of silk threads connected to various parts of the sports meeting.

Although District 11 used to exaggerate when describing being busy, "I wish I could borrow the cat's hand", this witch obviously took it seriously.

"Is the student council president so busy? Hitomi, you'd better stop being one." Sayaka looked at Hitomi very nervously.

"...Okay." Hitomi, who seemed to have no reaction, nodded blankly.

"Hmm..." Asami Tomoe, who had shrunk after entering the barrier, raised her gun and took aim for a while. Seeing that the witch did not attack, she turned to Sakura Kyoko: "She doesn't look like she is restrained. What's wrong with you?" In captivity?"

"You will definitely not allow us to catch people outside at this time, so we have to waste a little time." Sakura Kyoko said, and then her whole body turned into a red lightning, and stabbed to death the nearest one who was "squirming" on the runway. Wrapped around, it looks like two three-legged familiars.


Almost at the same time, two "students" with only their lower bodies, wearing sports pants, skirts and roller skates, flew over. Without saying a word, they put the four legs on their "heads", and then "hug" each other.

The two familiars went through a very disturbing twist and entanglement, and turned into a much smaller "student council president witch", and then slowly rose into the air, floating towards the "student council president witch" who was "busy" in the air.

"Gu——scared——wu——!]" The witch screamed intimidation or fear at the "small self", but she couldn't move because she wanted to pull on the silk threads. As it got closer and closer, It got closer and closer, and finally there was even a strange sound like crying.

"Okay," before the "Trumpet Witch" was about to come into contact with the "Student Council President Witch", Sakura Kyoko turned into lightning again and struck out, directly piercing the "Trumpet Witch" and causing it to dissipate on the spot, and then in the "Student Council President Witch" He flashed back with a murmur of relief, and threw a Lament Seed at Tomoe Mami: "This 'Lament Seed' can restore less magic than an ordinary witch, but fortunately it can be 'harvested' at regular intervals."

"Those familiars, do you want to replace them?" Tomoe Mami caught the Lament Seed, took a look at it, and threw it back: "I'm not here to steal anything."

"Oh," Sakura Kyoko caught the Seed of Lament, cut off a corner of the witch's barrier with a backhand shot, took everyone out of the barrier, and then changed back to her original costume, and then said: "It's not 'replacing ', it's a 'campaign'. Under this rule, it is completely powerless to resist the new 'Student Council President' taking over. Unless one day it doesn't want to 'exist' in such a fear, otherwise I can regularly harvest 'Student Council President Reserve Witches'."

"Are all these witches in your territory?" Tomoe Mami asked.

"How is that possible?" Sakura Kyoko raised her eyebrows: "I'll kill all the ones that can't be farmed."

"Hmm..." Tomoe Asami thought as she changed back to her original form.

"If you are still worried, I can take you to see all the captive witches, but..." Sakura Kyoko tapped her soul gem with the Seed of Lament to purify it, and then threw it towards the stupid system and Xiao Ke : "At this point, the good girl and the eldest lady should go home, right?"

mine! 】

The stupid system once again took away the Seed of Lament before Xiao Ke.

"Damn rabbit dog!]"

"Slightly, slightly, slightly]"

Will butterflies fly out again? Last time, the Dark Witch's Seed of Lament was taken away by Akatsuki Homura, and she failed to test whether the Seed of Lament could be collected if the stupid system swallowed it.

This time, there are a lot of people... ugh.

Unlike last time, there were no butterflies floating out of Stupid System's head. Instead, there was a "crab" that appeared at its feet, consisting purely of light spots.

The rose witch attracts butterflies, and the student council president witch has ten seems to be a match?

I paid a little attention to the others and found that none of them seemed to be able to see the crab.

The problem is half solved, but you still need to take action to catch it, and now you can't pause time...

The blue-light crab stopped in place for a while, then pattered sideways and tried to crawl away.

If you let it go, it might become a new witch.

I decisively squatted down and pretended to tie my shoelaces, grabbed it and stuffed it into my mouth.

Tips: Obtain high-dimensional doomsday elements: ‘The Witch of the Student Council President’ and ‘The Witch of the Student Council President of the Seed of Lament’. 】



"...What?" Tomoe Mami paused while pouring tea: "What is Witch Night?"

The next day, when we were having a regular tea party at Tomoe Asami's apartment, Homura Akatsuki came over and dropped some bombshell news - but it would be hard to understand for those who heard it for the first time.

"The 'super witch' who will appear in Mitakihara in two weeks. A single magical girl, no, even many magical girls gathered together will not be her opponent." Xiaomi Homura glanced at me and then looked away: " Therefore, we have to join forces with Sakura Kyoko and ask her to provide her inventory of Lament Seeds.”

"Pfft...cough cough cough!" Sayaka, who was drinking tea, choked directly.

"It sounds like you saw someone rich and then made up a lie to defraud her." Hitomi quickly patted Sayaka on the back.

"It's different. Even if a magical girl has many Lament Seeds, she can't 'consume' or 'invest' them. She has to beware of them hatching witches. If she faces a powerful enemy that cannot be defeated at the moment, more Lament Seeds will mean With more magic power," Tomoe Mami shook her head, put down the teapot, and looked at Xiao Meiyan: "But if you can't convince me, I won't go to her to mention this matter."

"My abilities seem to be various explosive stationery, but in fact, they are 'axioms' and derived 'theorems'," Xiao Meiyan looked at me and said, "And the strongest among them is 'relativity'."

"e=mc? Can you build a nuclear bomb with your bare hands?" Sayaka asked.

"That's the 'mass-energy equation'..." Hitomi tried to stop her husband from speaking.

"The 'theory of relativity' cannot build nuclear bombs, but it can stop, accelerate and reverse time." Xiao Meiyan said.

Really? I do not believe. 】


Akatsuki Homura disappeared for a moment, and when she reappeared, she was holding several steaming packages of taiyaki, octopus balls, and crepes that were sold a dozen blocks away from this apartment.

I believe it! 】

‘Isn’t it a shame! That obviously just accelerated herself, now let her reincarnate for me to see? ’

Tomoe Asami made another pot of tea and distributed the newly appeared snacks. Everyone ate while listening to Akatsuki Homura's continued explanation.

"'Witch Night' appeared with a typhoon two weeks later. The unfolded barrier enveloped the entire Mitakihara City and easily defeated all the magical girls in the city. I turned back time just to find an opportunity to defeat it. , although the hope is getting bigger and bigger, but so far, it has not been successful even once." Xiao Meiyan said.

Although I know that she is evading important matters, and if there is an opportunity to save Madoka without defeating Witch Night, she will definitely not miss it, but since it has no impact on the overall argument, let her go.

"The purpose of preventing Madoka and Sayaka from becoming magical girls is to allow them to wait until Witch Night appears before making targeted wishes," Xiaomi Homura looked at me and said, "Madoka's first wish was actually to save a girl. The black cat was only hit by a truck, causing her to be completely at the bottom of the pack and unable to be used in several time reversals."

"What's wrong with that black cat?" Even if she does it for my own good, and I'm not Madoka, I can't let her keep teasing me.

"Every time I go back in time, I will save that cat first..." After Xiao Meiyan said this, she realized that everyone looked at her a little strangely: "That's not the point!"

"Ahem, anyway, let's talk about the results of your efforts and the plan you want to implement this time." Tomoe Asami smoothed things over.

"Huh..." Xiao Meiyan let out a breath: "I discovered during time rewinds that it's not that 'Witch Night' is stronger than us, but that the time that magical girls can fight is too short, whether it is attacking, avoiding attacks or Recovering from injuries will pollute the soul gem at an extremely fast speed. I once tried to persuade all the magical girls to follow a fixed plan without wasting any magic power, but they still couldn't win. It was obviously just a little bit close, so in my case When we learn that Kyoko is actually able to produce the 'Seed of Lament', we can be sure that we will be able to defeat 'Witch Night' this time."

‘The more scheming a magical girl is, the more she will fail in unexpected places. ’

So she doesn’t want to be a magical girl anymore. This statement goes perfectly with "Rebellion Story". 】

‘Hmph, let’s see who captures whom this time. ’


Sakura Kyoko’s father is a priest who runs a small church. After eating snacks, Tomoe Asami took us there with ease.

You also said that you have a bad relationship with her?

"Ah, are you here to play with Xingzi? She hasn't finished school yet. You can sit in the room first - Taozi, help mom entertain the guests."

Kyoko's mother is an ordinary-looking housewife. There is nothing special about her except that she wears a braid that hangs down to her shoulders. She is busy doing something in the garden wearing an apron. After greeting us, she shouts to the residence behind. road.

Judging from Kyoko's magical girl form, I thought her parents might be mad scientists. ] The stupid system looked at Sakura's mother and said.

‘Ha, I was different, I thought it would be a werewolf. ’

No, Holo can't be classified as a werewolf, that's a god. 】

‘The god of beast-eared girls? ’

You - Huh? 】The stupid system suddenly turned around.

"Really...why would someone let a patient with paralysis of the lower limbs greet guests?"

Following a particularly familiar voice, a lethargic-looking black-haired girl pushed a wheelchair out of the side of the house.

"Hello, I am Sakura Momo, Sakura Kyoko's sister... hmm?"


Xiao Meiyan teleported directly in front of her: "Why are you here?!]"

"Because Sakura Kyoko is Kallen.]"

Lin Hao blinked and made a face at Xiao Meiyan. To be continued

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