The Collection of The End

Chapter 189 Staff and Mask

My name is Akatosh,

I'm taking a copy.

——4E, 190, Moon of the Morning Star, 22nd, 15:43——

[Labyrinthian is an ancient Nord relic, named in honor of a labyrinth built by Arch-Mage Shalidor in the First Era, but the relic itself is older, and it was once used as Capital city of the Northern Kingdom (Bromjunaar). 】

I stood outside the main entrance of the ruins and observed the group of dungeons, while the stupid system acted as a tour guide in my ears.

Simply put, there is an artificial labyrinth with almost no battles, a tomb of two ancient ghoul overlords with extraordinary powers, and the rest is the destination of this trip, where the "Stand of Magnus" is stored. City remains.

'Speaking of which, the "Eye of Magnus" is a super huge ball, while the "Stand of Magnus" is a staff of ordinary size - how big is that guy Magnus's head? '

[Magnus rushed out of the gap in the world of Nirn to form the sun, so the former should be his eyes, but the latter is just a staff that can control its power. You can be the owner of this staff. A lunatic mage who calls himself the Sun. 】

"Nozdormu, what's your opinion on our action plan?" Savos Aran, the chief mage of the academy, asked me.

"If we are facing undead and magic traps, there is no problem with this arrangement, but I don't think we will encounter those things first." I raised my hand and covered my hood, using a hoarse and charming voice that I am not used to Reply.

[Hahahahaha! ] The stupid system laughed, and I silently made a note of it.

After all, this is Rabsilian, and the magic ability of Zerapesh's half-armored man is completely unable to save the lives of these mages after they die. It's better to come here from the beginning with a posture that is not afraid of falling off the horse, such as the human form of the dragon incarnation.

Having said that, Akatosh does not have a human form in the game and setting, even on the stained glass of the temple, it is the image of a dragon head, so the dragon after the transformation is undoubtedly me, or Zela The image of Pesh can be recognized by the chief mage at a glance.

In the end, I chose to use Sheogorath's Mad God Staff. Its transformation ability is suitable for use. Although a magic weapon will not have any effect on the real holy spirit, it does not prevent me from interfering and strengthening it.

The original plan was to turn into the image of the little dwarf Chromie or the uncle Nozdormu in WOW—it just so happens that the bronze dragon is also in charge of time, and then pretend to be a prophet to join the team of Shino mages, but I don’t know what happened It became the image of Ysera, and she could only wear the mage robe to wrap herself tightly.

【Have you noticed the shape of Sheogorath~】

It makes sense, it must be the fault of the fourth-generation player who played a lot of MOD.

"Indeed," Hafner Icefist immediately walked to the front of the team: "Before going deep into the ruins, you may encounter wild beasts or even desperate robbers who use this place as their lair. I will open the way."

"Hiss, whatever you want." The Argonian priest with a strange name called "Embrace the Light" stepped back a little.

A group of ten people composed of pure mages can basically sweep any dungeon. No wonder they are very confident, but in the end the entire army was wiped out here, leaving only some afterimages and memories after more than ten years. There are speculations about the reason, but after all, I have to do it myself.

oh oh oh

As soon as they stepped into the area of ​​the ruins, a large number of trolls with black, brown, and white fur roared and attacked, and roughly observed that there were more than twenty of them.

"Don't be nervous, they are afraid of fire!" Before Savos could finish speaking, five or six fireballs were thrown out.

The blasted trolls screamed. Although mages have different specializations, they generally dabble in destruction spells—except for the three guys I brought.

Palatus, Decimus and Gabros, the organization they belong to is called "Hino Scholars", and they focus on exploring the lost magic and knowledge in ancient ruins. Hiring guards should have died a few years later in a dwarven ruins named Zuft because the guards were afraid of escaping, but now they are newcomers and are completely unfamiliar with the situation in Skyrim Province. It is reasonable to be invited by me to join the mage academy to explore the ruins .

"Haha! Die! Trolls!" Hafner Icefist swung the summoned giant ax and slashed at the seriously injured trolls.

This guy is a weird guy. As a mage, he wears cloth armor, but he likes to give himself a steel armor spell and then wields summon weapons to play melee combat. It is said that it is because the armor and weapons are too troublesome to repair, so it is better to fight directly with summon weapons.

Boom——At the end of the last fireball, the vicious trolls turned into troll fat, and the mages also came to the main entrance of the ruins of Rabsilian. Although it is old, the dark gate is intact. It seems The material is extraordinary, and there are waves of strange magic waves coming from it.

"Nozdormu, what's the situation inside?" Savos Aran prevented the mages from entering immediately, but looked at me.

I fabricated my identity as a "prophet", claiming that it contained things I needed but they didn't need, and accurately "predicted" many of their deeds. Time to warn of danger.

[There are a lot of skeletons and a bone dragon inside. ] The stupid system said, 【The dragon was originally intended to be captured and tamed, but failed, and was buried near the main entrance after being killed. 】

"After we enter, we will see scenes of countless ancient Nord warriors fighting with giant dragons." I said in a mysterious way. If I said it too clearly, it would not be a prophecy but a perspective, and it would instantly become Low.

"Ghoul?" "Dragon Corpse?" Gilden, a Brighton man, and Ultramar, a Redguard woman, asked at the same time. They looked at each other and turned their heads away.

One likes to smash enemies with destruction spells, and the other is happy to make dead enemies stand up again to continue fighting. The contradiction between them is not easy to adjust, and the chief mage simply ignores them.

"Speaking of which, it was indeed the period when Dragon Worship was active," Savos thought for a while, and then said: "Everyone, be prepared to face a large number of weak ghouls and a powerful bone dragon."

Well, I can only say that there are really two brushes.

In the end, the battle ended with Ultramar resurrecting a group of skeletons while Gilden beat the nameless Skeletal Dragon to pieces.

Afterwards, as we continued to go deeper in the huge ruins, we encountered sporadic skeletons and ghouls, as well as some well-designed traps, which were easily solved by several Hino scholars.

"I saw countless souls, and the mother surrounded by them." I answered their questions outside a huge stone hall that kept palpitating magic fluctuations.

That thing is the mother of ghosts. Not only can it perform multiple incarnations outside the body, but it can also constantly summon "ghosts" without a fixed shape to attack the enemy. This is also the place where the second reduction in personnel is scheduled.

If you want me to say, that time in history was purely their carelessness. After being attacked by the bone dragon, they only paid special attention to the physical attack, so they were overshadowed by the invisible and substanceless "mother of ghosts" until they left this room. It was only in the hall that there were fewer people, and now——

"The undead disperse!" Alvari Viren, who specializes in summoning and healing Nord women, directly threw a super-large spell to make all the hidden ghosts in the hall appear together with the mother of ghosts, some weaker ones Ghost disappeared directly.

"[Humanity ——]" Before the mother of ghosts could utter her roar, she was completely overwhelmed by the swarming spells.

Next, there is a stone wall engraved with a dragon's roar and spitting. It seems that time has slowed down, but because there are no dragon descendants present, it is impossible to learn. Give up on the idea of ​​research.

Then, angry curses began to spread from the depths of the ruins, such as "Who dares to invade my domain", "You will die miserably, over and over again." "Eternal pain is waiting for you!", Unfortunately, all It's the dragon language, and the mages just treat it as the roar of some monster and don't care.

And with the sound of shouting and cursing, the enemies along the way have also changed, from ghouls and ghosts to transparent skeletons and ghouls shining with blue-green light. After being defeated, they will evaporate and disappear, but those also become All kinds of weapons with blue-green transparent appearance remained, and the mages were amazed while studying them.

"【Enough! You lowly half-dragon people! Do you have to force me to use this harsh and vulgar language? I am Moloch, one of the eight dragon wizards! Your eternal master! Obey me immediately!】"

In the deepest part of the ruins, the mages found a huge altar surrounded by many bookshelves, and a dragon wizard was floating in the middle of it, or in other words, wearing a bone mask, wearing a mage robe, holding a gorgeous staff, and his eyes radiated darkness. A powerful ghoul of red light.

"That's our goal!" The mages looked over with burning eyes, but the mages of the mage academy were looking at the equipment of the dragon wizard, while the eyes of the Xi Nuo scholars were on the many bookshelves around the altar.

【Hey, obviously this guy found out that this group of people has the breath of a dragon, but he couldn't see through your disguise, so he misidentified the race. 】

"According to the records, these 'Dragon Wizards' served giant dragons and treated all Nords as slaves-apparently he is not very good at distinguishing races," I said to the tense mages: "I want to collect those masks, you Do you have any comments?"

"No one would want something that would interfere with the Armor Technique!" Haffner replied while covering himself with a layer of Steel Armor Technique, a Summoning Sword appeared in each of his hands, and then turned to the "Mo Locke" charged directly.

"And it's pretty ugly." Ultrama said while directing her skeleton soldiers to participate in the attack and glanced at me.

'... What does she mean? '

【Probably jealous of your beauty? Pun by the way? 】

‘Don’t think that if you say a few good words, I will forget your ridicule at the beginning, wash the wings and wait! '

[Don't wow...]

Although Moloch is proficient in various schools of spells, has amazing resistance, and can hypnotize and control two targets at once, causing the mages to fall into a hard fight, but they were still defeated in the end.

I didn't try to cheat, it's just that when the guy didn't wink and tried to hypnotize me, he was bounced back.

In the end, I picked up the mask of the dragon wizard when they were sharing the spoils, and left a sentence to the chief mage, "You will use this staff sooner or later", and walked away calmly. After confirming each other, I found out that no one on both sides knew me, so I don't need to care about it.

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