The Collection of The End

Chapter 190 Sophie and Food

——4E, 201, Last Seed Moon, 25th, 19:00——

After a whole day of busy work, the patrolling guards outside Xueman City began to enter the city and change the guards on night shift, and the farmers and millers who had real estate in the city left their workers to watch the night and began to enter the city. People who work in the city have already started eating dinner.

In Yuevaska's honey wine hall, except for the members of the comrades who have not returned temporarily during the long-distance commission, most of them are gathering around the circular firepit to drink and talk.

"That 'tanner' is just a small leader, and he doesn't know much." Wilkas said to Arthur, holding a glass of mead.

"Well." Arthur nodded to show that he was listening, and then continued to deal with the three-tusk walrus steak in front of him.

Three-toothed walruses are large sea beasts that live on the coast of Skyrim Province. They are named after their three huge incisors that are used as weapons. In addition, they have smooth, tight and thick skin that is useless. Originally, they had almost no natural enemies, but due to The meat itself is delicious, and a terrible natural enemy called a fisherman has appeared out of thin air.

Last night, no, this morning after Arthur returned to Moonvaska to report the ins and outs of the matter to Kraco Whitemane, he fell into a sleepy sleep, and he didn't wake up until not long ago, and then felt a "want to Swallow mammoth" hunger.

No, I did not swallow a mammoth! Arthur thought indignantly, but after eating all the walrus meat, he kept extending the knife and fork to the large piece of fried venison.

"The appetite after the 'change' will be great," Wilkas said with a smile: "Don't worry, you are definitely not the first one who can eat like this."

No, werewolves and dragons are definitely not the same, and dragons.

"What does that 'tanner' know?" Arthur forcibly changed the subject.

"His stronghold was not involved in weapon manufacturing and personnel training, but after catching wild...beasts, they sent the fur goods to a specific place for resale," Wilkas's eyes flashed fiercely: "That place is located far away. To the northwest of it, it is called 'Filheimer Castle', and besides that, he also knows a place called 'Treva Watchtower', but what exactly it does is still unclear."

"Well, it means that he is really just a 'cobbler'." Arthur eliminated the venison while talking, and then dragged over a plate of charcoal-grilled salmon: "Then we will raid there later?"

Arthur didn't ask about the cobbler's fate. Although Kraco promised not to kill him, I'm afraid there will be no chance to see the sun again.

"It's just a transshipment warehouse. If a high-profile raid causes Silver Hand to abandon it, we'll have to wait until Cisco returns to formulate a covert occupation plan. We can count how many delivery convoys we can catch before other strongholds find out that something is wrong. "Wilkas drank the mead in his hand, raised his glass to Arthur, and then turned and left.

So I ate three servings of meat while he drank a glass of wine? Arthur looked at the grilled fish with only fish bones left in front of him, and felt the hunger that had only been relieved a little. He sighed and turned his attention to a whole plate of roasted potatoes. According to experience, this thing seems to be very hungry, but I don’t know Does it work for Dragon's Appetite.

"Have a good appetite, Arthur Pendragon." Following the wild and haughty female voice, Ella sat down beside Arthur, put her arm on his shoulder, and took a piece of food from his plate. Only Tudou: "But you are so tired after only one night, you still need to exercise."

"It's obviously because of you, right?" Arthur glared at her. Apparently, Ella's werewolf form didn't consume much for her. You can keep that shape at any time.

"Heh, I'm not that heavy. It's obvious that you are too brave." Ella took a bite of a potato and said twice: "Everything I eat now tastes like you, how are you going to compensate me?"

"Didn't you just have to do that... eh?" Arthur ate all the potatoes,

I belatedly realized that the members of the comrades who had dinner at Yuevaska looked at me a little wrongly. They were obviously just talking about how I was bitten by Ayla and turned into a dragon, and then forcibly fought against the Blade Warrior behind her back. But it seems that I don't know what to understand.

"The two of them..." "No way?" "Maybe..." Other diners whispered.

"Did you do it on purpose?" Arthur frowned and looked at Ella. After the previous battle, he knew very well that this huntress was not as cold and serious as she showed, and now he was obviously playing a joke.

"I've made up my mind. If there is any commission with a long journey in the future, I will definitely ask you to go with me." Ella let go of Arthur and turned to get the bread.

"Are there any rumors in the city today?" Arthur saw a pot of stewed beef in a blink of an eye, so he stretched out his hand and pulled it over.

"According to the rumors, I heard that Loristed was attacked by a dragon, and then the dragon was killed by a 'dragon slayer warrior'," Ella pointed to the southwest: "But the dragon did not Like the one you killed, it burnt to nothing but a skeleton, and the village chief, Old Lori, doesn’t know what to do with it, maybe you can stop by and suck the dragon soul away in the next mission—that thing won’t disappear by itself, will it?”

"It won't disappear. If the black dragon that was looking for the dragon's tomb rushes away, it will probably be resurrected." Arthur shook his head: "The only one who can completely kill a dragon is the dragon descendant, but I don't know if it's me. Can the killed dragon absorb the dragon soul?"

"Anyway, there is no loss in trying. In addition, some people said that they saw two giant dragons, one big and one small, appearing near Xueman, and they might attack the town, but no one believed it." Ella said slightly Raise the corners of your lips.

Yeah, those two dragons have come in... wait?

"Sophia—no, where's Sophie?" Arthur asked hastily, feeling ashamed that he had forgotten about his newly adopted "daughter" because he was so busy eating.

"While you were sleeping, Aunt Tierma had arranged for her," Ella pointed to the direction of Yuevaska's residential area: "Living with Ria."

"Is it suitable, Ria, is she an ordinary girl?" Arthur has not been in the comrade-in-arms group for too long, and he has no special impression of the only child in the comrade-in-arms group. He only feels that she is sensible and polite, but more There are no more, and there is almost no conversation. It is guessed that it should be the daughter left by a member of the comrade-in-arms group who died.

"Well, let me put it this way," Ella moved closer to Arthur and lowered her voice, "Craco said that he doesn't need to hide that he is a werewolf in front of her, do you understand?"

"Her dead father was a member of the Circle?" Arthur guessed, bringing a pot of vegetable soup.

"That's what we guessed too, but the members of the circle in recent years have been recorded, and Kraco refused to say, so we can only think so for the time being—oh, it seems that they get along well." Ella pointed The direction of the residential area.

"If you want to eat, come here. There is always something to eat on the round table." The two little girls walked over hand in hand. Ria with short brown hair was wearing a common brown children's sarong, while Sue with long pink and silver hair Fay was still wearing the strange pink and white dress, but to Arthur's relief, the horns on her head and tail behind her were gone.

"Can I eat them all? Dad told me not to eat indiscriminately, or I would be beaten." Sophie said softly, and Arthur noticed that her eyes were not only looking at the food on the table, but also scanning the tables, chairs, furnishings, And the members of the comrades who are eating and smiling at the two cute little girls.

"You said that?" Ella squinted at Arthur with a bad look on her face: "No wonder she refused to eat all day."

"It's in the language of the dragon," Arthur replied in a low voice, "what else? If you let her eat whatever she wants, the moonvaska won't be enough for a meal."

"Well, okay." Ella shrugged after thinking about the scene of Yuevaska's longhouse being eaten in one bite.

"Hmph, don't listen to your father, you can eat whatever you want in this hall~" Riya waved her little hand boldly.

"It's terrible." Sophie opened her mouth.

"Sophie! Come here!" Seeing that the situation is not good, Arthur yelled, this meeting can only hope that the elders in the dragon family will have some authority.

"Dad." Sophie looked at Lia, who was gesturing to Arthur, and walked towards Arthur and Ella honestly.

"Listen, Sophie, you can only eat what Dad, I, Aunt Ella, and Grandpa Krakow give you, you know?" Arthur patted Sophie's head with some headaches: "You must not mess with yourself. Eat, or you will be beaten."

"Hmm." Sophie seemed to have thought of something, she put her head in her hands, her eyes filled with tears.

It must be those blade fighters who affected her when they hunted and killed Thalocnir, Arthur frowned and thought, but there seemed to be no reason to stop them from hunting the chaotic dragon.

"Bullying children..." "Don't give them enough food..." "It's so pitiful..." Several contemptuous gazes appeared again in the noisy mead hall.

"Okay, these are for you to eat." Arthur pulled Sophie in front of him, and together with Ella, he and Ella slightly blocked the eyes of other members of the comrades-in-arms group, and then began to give her the things on the table.

Bread, cheese, lamb shank, salad, and fruit plate, as he expected, were all eaten one bite at a time—together with the plate. If I had really listened to Ria just now, few people could sit in the hall now. The girl is still staring at herself angrily at the other side of the hall.

Squeak—the two were happily feeding, but unexpectedly the side door of the longhouse behind them opened suddenly, and Si Keyue walked in, facing Sophie, "Hey, you——"

Ah woo! Sophie showed the dragon's head and swallowed him into her mouth.

Oops, Sophie doesn't know him!

"Cisco Moon! Where are you going?" Arthur yelled in a hurry, then picked up Sophie and rushed out: "Spit it out! It's not that wolves can't eat it!"

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