The Collection of The End

Chapter 191 Information and Clues

——4E, 201, Last Seed Moon, 25th, 20:00——

"Okay, I forgive you."

In the second compartment of the mare's banner, Si Keyue was wiping his bald head with a towel, and said to Sophie who was about to cry with an unbearable expression.

"Hey, don't wipe it, dragons don't have saliva." Arthur patted Sophie on the head, staring at Cisco Moon: "And it's obviously the fault of you smelling like a beast."

Dragons do not have saliva. Arthur has confirmed this when he was in the form of a dragon. Although he can't breathe, he also has two dragon roars. , when those giant dragons eat, they bite them open and swallow them directly.

"Ha, try to take a group of wolf cubs back and forth across Xueman's territory in a day in the form of werewolves?" Si Keyue picked up a rabbit leg on the table and bit it: "A stupid guard outside the city asked me Did I go for a walk with the dog, I gave him a 'horrified roar' and jumped him into the river in fright."

what is that? Some kind of dragon roar? Arthur tilted his head to look at Ella who followed.

"It's an ear-piercing roar in the form of a beast. It's hard to hear. If the creature you hear is not determined, it will be frightened and run around." Ayla pointed to her neck: "It's also not good for the throat."

"Have you learned anything from that vampire?" Cisco Yue threw away the towel: "Silver Hand will definitely cut off all the clues he can get from it immediately after receiving the news that the fortress has been attacked."

"Unfortunately, that guy doesn't know much. He only asked for information about two locations, 'Filheimer Castle' and 'Trewa Watchtower'. The former is just a liaison office, while the latter has only one name." Arthur replied.

"That castle is quite famous, it's in the north of Xuerun and bordering the territory of Morningstar City," Si Keyue narrowed his eyes and chewed his bones: "I've never heard of this Cuiwa sentry tower, maybe it's just Privately named by Silver Hand."

"So we have to ask other people." Ella turned her head to look at the lobby on the first floor. Satya, who had a reddish complexion, was shuttling among a group of customers who were a little drunk. Wei Scimitar's record, those drunkards only dared to stare at her exposed skin and curves, and dared not touch her at all.

"You think too highly of her, even if the tavern is well-informed, it is impossible to know the secret information of this silver hand." The hunger was reawakened by Cisco Yue's actions, Arthur also began to take food and feed Sue along the way. Fei.

Although I have dealt with Satya a few times, the impression is not bad, but Arthur has always been a little uncomfortable. At first, he really thought that she was a hotel maid who went out to work and had no power to restrain a chicken. She would be afraid of giants or something. No wonder, it's all about acting! Even the current identity of the "information dealer disguised as a maid" may not be his true face.

"The intelligence system coverage of our comrade-in-arms group is not small, otherwise, how do you think those commissions come from?" Ella retracted her gaze: "But because there is no confidentiality at all, many members even work as messengers part-time. If you hide it, you can't find it at all."

"If there is no other way, we can only raid the castle as planned, in order to obtain further information." Arthur gave Sophie a plate of honey fruit feast, which was eaten together with the plate.

Although there are some "prophecies" such as the recovery of the dragon and the end of the world, three of the four dragons that have appeared so far have been beheaded. Compared with the appearance of dragon descendants and dragon slayer warriors, the destruction of Helgen Now that he could not attract much attention, Arthur stroked Sophie's little head.

No, it should be five. The first black dragon said to be called "Alduin" has been trying to resurrect other dragons, and the effect is obviously not good. Therefore, compared to the things about those dragons, this group is obviously planning something. Silver Hand, whose members are all vampires, is the problem to be solved first.

"Several comrades-in-arms~ What a rare visitor~" Satya walked in holding a dinner plate,

Completely ignoring the disappearing food and tableware, he put the new food on the table and placed a few bottles of mead: "The mead here is naturally not as good as Moonvaska, so it's a gift~"

gift? Arthur looked at the note under the wine bottle. It was information about Loristed's "Dragon Slayer". "Obviously it was 'inserted', but the dragon's head was 'cut' off." Such information.

"Probably there are also blade fighters involved," Cisco Yue snorted, "It's just that they don't want to show up, and being robbed by that guy is exactly what they want."

"The word 'Blade'—" "No, we're not interested in those people."

Arthur waved his hand to interrupt Satya's words, seeing that Sophie had nothing special to say, and was relieved when she was still eating a large piece of bread that could not be swallowed directly: "Do you know where the 'Triva Watchtower' is?"

"Well...I don't know very well..." Satya raised his hand and wrapped his fingers around the ends of his hair.

"Hulda! Serve us a bottle of aged black thorn mead!" Si Keyue greeted downstairs loudly.

"Wait? I mean—" Satya froze for a moment.

"Two bottles!" Arthur also mixed in, anyway, when searching for the gallows rock, he gained a lot.

"I said I don't know, you must not believe me?" Satya rolled his eyes.

"Three bottles!" Ella followed suit.

"No way, I'll just tell you all the relevant information I know." The red guard maid spread her hands and said helplessly: "It's definitely not worth so much."

"Four—hmm!" Sophie, who felt that this matter was very interesting, also planned to increase the size, but Ella directly covered her mouth.


Although it was getting late, Dragons Palace was still brightly lit, the fire pond in the middle of the council hall was emitting bright light, while the chandeliers and the candles of the huge candlesticks on the surrounding walls illuminated other dark corners, although Sophie wanted to follow , but Arthur was afraid that she would do something after seeing the dragon head hanging on the wall of the lord's hall, so he asked Ella to take her back to Yuevaska.

"You can visit as you like, and there is no problem with accommodation or meals, but if you want to meet the lord in the residential area, please wait for our notification." The guard of Longxiao Palace said to Arthur.

"Thank you, but there's no need for it. I'm here to find Proventus Avinci, where is he?" Arthur asked.

"Mr. Manager is drinking in the Sleepy Dragon Hall at night, you can go find him yourself." The guard pointed to the back of the hall.

Obviously, the fact that Arthur slayed the dragon and became the legendary dragon descendant has been widely circulated among the guards. The Xueman guards, which are almost all composed of Nords, are naturally curious about him, otherwise it is so late, and there is no Visitors reporting emergency incidents are generally turned away.

Sleepy Dragon Hall is a huge open-air hall at the back of Dragon Cloud Palace. It is said that the one-eyed Olaf challenged the giant dragon Numenex here, but after the violent Numenex rushed in, he was trapped by a pre-designed trap. Trapped - this story has been questioned by many people, how could one-eyed Olaf use tricks? Most likely it was a suggestion from a smart person around him, but this did not prevent the nobles from arranging a banquet here, and yelling a few words like Olaf in the story after drinking too much.

And when Arthur found Avinci, he was drinking by himself against the night sky at a banquet with only one person, and he was carrying that flashy long sword behind his back. Obviously, he was about to lose face in the previous series of events. Finished.

"Huh? It's our baron, what's the matter?" The lord chief obviously drank a little too much, so he arbitrarily knighted Arthur.

"I want to check the list of wanted criminals in Xueman's territory." Arthur didn't intend to take the trouble to correct his address, and asked directly: "Is there a person or group named 'Trei Wa'?"

"Yes!" Arthur originally wanted to obtain permission to access the information, but the dazed Avanci answered firmly.

"The 'Treva' are a man and a gang of bandits, like Ulfric Stormcloak and his 'Stormcloaks'," continued Avanci, "and they were active about a year ago. , Taking advantage of the battle between the Imperial Legion and the Stormcloaks, they took advantage of everything, and finally angered Lord Balgruuf. The handsome army personally drove them out of Xueman's territory. The last information about these people showed that they were fleeing. In the direction of the Rift Valley, the follow-up information is unknown, and it may have been wiped out by the locals."

"Hmm..." Arthur groaned and compared these contents with the information dug out from Satya.

According to Satya, she has been in Skyrim Province for three years, and she can be sure that there is no place called "Trewa" that can be called a "outpost". This only proves that this "Trewa Outpost" is In private, the most recent naming was likely to be changed after being occupied by robbers, and the names given by the robbers would naturally not be immediately compiled into the maps of the lords everywhere-what if they turned around and were wiped out.

For the sake of three bottles of aged honey wine, Satya specially provided the names of a group of strongholds and fortresses that originally had their owners but have been occupied by robbers and magpies in recent years. Among them, there is only one such stronghold in the direction of the Rift Valley, and its name is "S Taleo Manor", and the original owner of this manor, Staleo, was a very good silversmith and blacksmith.

Although I don’t know if there are other strongholds in Silver Hand, but all the nodes on this line are already in place, such as the “Cuiwa Watchtower” for making weapons, the Gallows Rock Fortress for making leather goods, the Castle of Filheimer for transporting and reselling, and Attacking Xueman's outpost, Dustman Stone Mound, these locations are not connected to each other but are interlocking. The leaders of Silver Hand probably didn't expect that the entire arrangement would be exposed because of a failed robbery by the robbers of Baiheyanyan out.

If this line is completely overturned, Silver Hands will definitely not sit idly by, and when they make a move, it will be the day of the destruction of this vampire organization - besides, isn't Director Avinci quite talented?

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