The Collection of The End

One thousand eight hundred and ninety-nine, burning pollutes the city (27)

"The strongest witch?"

Jin Jing looked down at his projector.

Not to mention that she just thought it was the final battle and had used up all the film in one go. Even if there was still some left, she would not be able to fit such a huge witch into the frame.

If you only have yourself, I'm afraid you can only use "Homecoming" or "Scarecrow".

She turned around to see that even if the scene changed and the unexpected final boss appeared, her expression would not change at all.

"It's not the 'strongest witch', just the 'strongest rescue witch'," Sora explained as if he sensed her gaze: "When it is born, there will be no other 'relief witches' appearing, because They will be merged with it at the moment of birth and further enhance its power."

"What's the way to defeat it?" Jin Jing took another look at the witch who was so big that it was impossible to resist.

"Because it is a witch transformed by Shikama Madara, who has absolutely no chance of turning black, its characteristics are different from other witches," Sora replied: "It wants to eliminate all pain and misfortune in the world, so it destroys all the people in the world. They all inhale their own barrier and give them endless dreams, with the exception of Mitakihara, where the residents will repeat the month before Shikama Madara became a witch countless times."

"Why?" Jin Jing answered in time.

"Because its existence itself is Shikama Madoka's 'misfortune'," Sora nodded: "Just like people can't lift themselves up, the 'witch of relief' can't 'relieve' herself, it's eliminating 'everyone's After the misfortune, it is still impossible to eliminate the misfortune of Shikame Madoka. After many attempts, we can only repeat the time point before the misfortune happened, hoping that someone can prevent its birth."

"But it has already been born? Who can... By the way, Xiao Meiyan!" Jin Jing looked around, but could not find any other magical girls.

"They are not here because we are only cooperating with them and are not counted as a team. If we openly exchange information with them and fight against the Witch Night together," Sora raised his finger and pointed at the ruins around him: "It will be like that."



When Jin Jing turned her head to look, she happened to see seven pure white figures emerging.

These figures are just pure white humanoid outlines without any details, and some shadows caused by the undulations of clothing, limbs, and facial features can barely tell who they are.

Tomoe Mami, Madoka, Sayaka, Sakura Kyoko, Xiaomi Homura and...Ye Ke and Lin Xinping?

Jin Jing blinked and tried again to distinguish the two figures that were not very recognizable, but somehow they looked like her roommates.

One is thin and the other is short, which is indeed the proportion of the two girls, but Madoka and the others are junior high school students, and even Bai Jingjing has shrunk. The two of them should also become junior high school students, unless... Are they teachers?

I discovered that the students in my class were always wandering at night, so I secretly followed them to investigate and protect them. As a result, I ran into a witch barrier or a scene where a magical girl and a witch were fighting. After a lot of excitement, I joined the protagonist group and relied on The adult's knowledge easily exposed Kyubey's lies, and after sufficient preparation, he finally defeated Witch Night without any injuries?

The development of this hypothesis is indeed something that Ye Ke and Lin Xinping can do, but...

What's with the outlines of the two of you that are obviously magical girl costumes? What happened to Kyubey? Do people in their twenties have the nerve to call themselves magical girls?

After slandering her, Jin Jing felt something was wrong, and then she lowered her head and glanced at the golden little devil fairy costume on her body.

I'm a magical girl too, so that's okay.

wrong! Bai Jingjing is only a junior high school student now! Different from you two old aunties!

While Jin Jing was observing those familiar outlines, they seemed to be unable to see themselves. They were pointing at the witch standing tall and still arguing about something.

"That's 'player projection in other worlds,'" Sora said. "You can only see other players in the 'same world' and 'same mission progress.'"

"They also just defeated Witch Night? Can they see me?" Jin Jing tried to say hello to the white phantom, but there was no response.

"I didn't say 'at the same time'," Kong shook his head: "This kind of phantom usually does not occur simultaneously. It may be a few hours or a few days ago. The purpose of its appearance is to avoid detours for latecomers, that is, 'Exclude a wrong answer', so..."

"——!" "Phantom Tomoe Mami" conjured up her big gun as usual and fired at the "Relief Witch".

! Jin Jing helped her dub the voice in her heart.

The witches on the horizon were completely silent, but the "Phantom Magical Girls" were running away as if they had been attacked by some kind of attack. The slower-moving "Phantom Sayaka" flew directly with a weird movement that could never be an autonomous behavior. Got out.


"They are fighting the 'Relief Witch'," Kong raised his hand and pointed blankly: "But we can't see their enemies and what dangers they encountered. After all, the Lord God will not give too much of this kind of 'intelligence'. meticulous."

"Well," Jin Jing looked at the motionless "Relief Witch", then at the phantom magical girls who were in a state of panic, and began to try to reconstruct their experiences based on the known information.

It can be roughly inferred that the weapons of the rescue witch are those "limbs" like tree trunks. The number that can be wielded at the same time exceeds ten, but the lethality seems a bit weak. The unlucky Sayaka has been whipped away several times, but it seems Still alive and kicking.

The defense seems to be equally insufficient. In many invisible "slapping" movements, after the "middle" was attacked by a phantom magical girl, the person at the "end" stopped dodging.

Moreover, after the battle went on for quite some time, there was still no attrition or loss of combat effectiveness.

Could it be that despite her size, the Rescue Witch is just a showpiece?

"Almost." At the same time that Jin Jing had this idea, Kong suddenly said.


"——!" "——!"

At this moment, the "Phantom Magical Girls" who were relatively relaxed suddenly started to panic. Not only did their movements go out of shape, but their attacks were always interrupted.

In less than a minute, the "Phantom Magical Girls" fell to the ground one after another, and then were hung up like puppets on strings, and then disappeared one by one.

"Ah..." Jin Jing tried to catch the "Phantom Ye Ke" closest to her, but encountered nothing.

"Although the 'Witch of Relief' hopes that someone can defeat itself, if those magical girls use up their magic power to become witches, it will put the cart before the horse," Kong explained before Jin Jing asked: "It sets a time limit. If it is limited, If its 'blood volume' is not reduced to a certain value within a certain period of time, these teams that are 'impossible to relieve its misfortune' will be forcibly sucked back into the barrier and continue to reincarnate in the dreamland. This is why I don't bring other magical girls 'out' The reason is, without knowing the rules, they will never wait here without taking action, and once they do, we will be sent back after this time limit."

"Maybe we can defeat it?" Jin Jing looked at the huge witch and said something that she didn't even believe.

"There is only one way to defeat it, which is to 'eliminate all misfortune in the world.' And when the whole world is dreaming and there is no misfortune, the only misfortune is its own existence itself." Kong replied.

"..." Jin Jing was silent for a moment: "If you want to defeat the 'Relief Witch' that cannot be eliminated, you must destroy the 'Relief Witch' that cannot be defeated?"

Who wrote this bug?

"That's why I didn't take action," Kong shrugged: "There will definitely be a solution to this endless cycle in some reincarnation dream, but it's obviously not ours."

"What is the specific method?" Jin Jing asked.

"For example, a certain magical girl makes a wish: let all witches be destroyed before they are born]..." Sora answered casually, and then suddenly was stunned: "No, all new wishes are in the infinite loop dream of 'Rescuing Witches'" True to the promise, if Madoka made this wish to eliminate witches at the level of the law of cause and effect, then the 'witch of relief' would not exist, and there would be no infinite loop of dreams, and this wish would not be possible... Time Paradox Destroy yourself before rewriting the world?”

"No, wait..." Sora began to pace back and forth: "The original work was able to make a wish successfully because the time regression of Madoka's world and Xiaomi Homura's time retrieval is real, and this reincarnation world regards their actions as time travel and parallelism. The world will deal with it. These parallel worlds are still the dream of the 'witch of relief', which means that the original solution will not work... Sure enough, even AI will not start a battle that it will inevitably lose."

Jin Jing was in a daze: Although he didn't understand it, he felt very powerful.


When the boss seemed to be stuck in some kind of temporarily unsolvable dilemma, Jin Jing noticed that the new "Phantom Magical Girl" appeared again.

Their manpower seems to have changed to a certain extent, and the number of "players" has also changed, but it still seems to be close to full capacity.

Attack with the same confidence as the previous batch.

Fight like the previous batch with almost no damage.

Just like the previous batch, they were all destroyed immediately after time ran out.

While Sora was deep in thought and silent, new phantoms kept appearing.

The third batch, the fourth batch, the fifth batch...

Maybe they were reckless, maybe they were using long-range attacks collectively, maybe they were setting up some kind of incomprehensible magic circle, but the ending was without exception, the rescued witch was forced back into the dreamland with tree roots and branches.

Jin Jing's initially expectant expression gradually turned numb.

These guys are messing around without even understanding the nature of the world. Didn't they notice that the big guys here didn't attack without authorization but were thinking of countermeasures?

Forget it, after all, they had just experienced a fire in the Convention and Exhibition Center before and were thrown into the world of reincarnation. Not only did they not die in the world, but they successfully defeated the Witch Night and ran out to face the Rescue Witch, which was enough to prove their strength-but in the end The boss is just too strong.

29, 30, 31…

As time went by, more and more "Phantom Magical Girl Teams" appeared, but the quality and quantity began to decline. At first, almost all members survived, and sometimes there were even a few more. But later, those who could The team that defeated "Night of the Witch" began to lose numbers.

The one who is absent the most is Tomoe Mami, followed by Sayaka and Sakura Kyoko. Because once Madoka dies or turns into a witch, Akatsuki Homura will initiate reincarnation, so there is no team where Madoka and Akatsuki Homura are absent.

For example, in this 31st batch, there are only two people, Madoka and Xiaomi Homura.

What is that player who doesn’t know who he is doing? What's the point of Madoka and Homura defeating Witch of the Night and surviving if you're also killed?

They should be like so many times before, launching a desperate attack and then being stuffed back into the dreamland... Huh?

This time, Madoka and Akatsuki Homura's "phantoms" did not launch a direct attack, but had some kind of heated argument. Since they were phantoms and could not read lips, Jin Jing could only judge from their body movements. It should be Xiaomi's. Madoka has made some kind of decision, and Homura Akatsuki is trying her best to stop her.

Then...the two of them started fighting.

What kind of strange development is this?

As Jin Jing watched with great interest, the two phantoms had a fierce battle, which ended with Homura Akatsuki's victory. She placed Madoka, who seemed to be unconscious, beside a wall of ruins. The "relief witch" walks alone into the distance.

Just when Jin Jing was about to complain, "Are you going to walk so far away?", a pair of super huge wings suddenly spread out from the back of Phantom Xiao Meiyan, as if flames were burning. She slowly floated up, and after a slight pause , the whole person turned into a phoenix-like shadow and flew towards the "Relief Witch" on the horizon.

In the end, the phantom of flying Akatsuki Meiyan and the phantom of Madoka who fainted next to the ruins disappeared at the same time.

What’s next! The results of it!

Jin Jing felt like watching a wonderful TV series only to find that it was missing the last episode.

"Hmph... So that's what happened." Sora, who came to watch with her at some point, said.

"What was that just now? They didn't seem to be stuffed back into the dreamland?" Jin Jing turned around and asked.

There is not enough time. Please download again later when you see this sentence.

Then...the two of them started fighting.

What kind of strange development is this?

As Jin Jing watched with great interest, the two phantoms had a fierce battle, which ended with Homura Akatsuki's victory. She placed Madoka, who seemed to be unconscious, beside a wall of ruins. The "relief witch" walks alone into the distance.

Just when Jin Jing was about to complain, "Are you going to walk so far away?", a pair of super huge wings suddenly spread out from the back of Phantom Xiao Meiyan, as if flames were burning. She slowly floated up, and after a slight pause , the whole person turned into a phoenix-like shadow and flew towards the "Relief Witch" on the horizon.

In the end, the phantom of flying Akatsuki Meiyan and the phantom of Madoka who fainted next to the ruins disappeared at the same time.

What’s next! The results of it!

Let all witches turn back into magical girls when they die. 】


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