The Collection of The End

One thousand nine hundred, foundation value of human science: E+

Tip: The reincarnation world "Puella Magi Madoka Magica" has ended]

Obtained a 'Military Victory' by defeating the 'Witch of Relief'. 】

'1' high-dimensional creature has entered the settlement space and will return to its original world after 59:59. 】

Obtain the ‘High Dimension of Doomsday Elements’: Rose Witch, Snack Witch, Box Witch, Shadow Witch, Witch Night; Seed of Lament x5. 】

Obtained ‘DNA Point High Dimension’: 21,000 points. 】

Hmm...why so few? Is this just Jin Jing’s own settlement?

Tip: There are '254' messages to be confirmed. 】

Tip: A total of '255' high-dimensional creatures participated in this reincarnation world, 32 people survived and a total of 1024 people died. 】

Retaining survivors’ memories consumes high-dimensional DNA points: ‘0’ points/person]

Seal the memory of survivors and only restore it after entering the reincarnation space. High-dimensional DNA points are consumed: ‘1000’ points/person]

Clear the memory of survivors and consume high-dimensional DNA points: ‘5000’ points/person]

Putting dead high-dimensional creatures into the main god space consumes high-dimensional DNA points: ‘1000’ points/person]

Resurrection of dead high-dimensional creatures consumes high-dimensional DNA points: ‘20000’ points/person]

Should I be glad that this resurrection is not based on the number of deaths?

And each person died four times on average...How much you look down on witches! Xiao Meiyan, who was forced to reincarnate, is crying!

In short... resurrect the dead idiot, then seal all the memories and throw them back to the high-dimensional reality.

Obtain high-dimensional DNA points: ‘5,355,000’ points. 】

High-dimensional DNA points consumed: ‘4,859,000’ points. 】

Additional high-dimensional DNA points consumed: ‘500,000’ points. 】

A total of high-dimensional doomsday elements were obtained: Witch x14, Seed of Lament x14.】

A total of high-dimensional DNA points obtained: '4000' points. 】

In other words, all the DNA points obtained by those guys from fighting witches and familiars and completing tasks were used to resurrect themselves? Including the consumption of that shooting star, I only got 25,000 points in total after working for a long time?

Do you want to praise them for being capable enough and not letting me downgrade them?

Wait... If you think about it carefully, if you don't put these "reincarnators" back into the high-dimensional real world at all, and don't resurrect those dead guys, then all the DNA points for cleaning up the memory and resurrecting will be saved, and you will make a net profit of five Millions of DNA points - it's a pity that you can't save them.

If you really do that, the only cost is that a major accident occurs in the "high-dimensional world" with more than 200 casualties.

This is called "If you don't think you are the Lord God, you don't know how deceitful the Lord God is."

By analogy, while time travel, rebirth, portable systems, or other things can easily bring benefits to those "protagonists", the beings behind them will definitely receive ten or even a hundred times "benefits" that are basically incomprehensible.

But I’m not qualified to criticize others, because the purpose of creating the world of reincarnation is to have more influence on the high-dimensional world and increase the dimension. This time the movement is so big, it should not stop at the acquisition of doomsday elements and DNA points.

Just when I thought of this, on the "globe" covered with "orange DNA balloons", the battlefield where I competed with the "Gao Gao Dimension AI" - the DNA bubble quickly shrank and disappeared.

Hint: The ‘crown’ has been removed. Obtain ‘DNA Points High Dimension’: 32,000 points]

Tips: Recycle followers: Lin Hao·alter, Illya, and Chloe. 】

Tip: The erosion progress of high-dimensional world increases by ‘3%’]



"Welcome back, Sister Lin—eh?"

I had just released the "dispersion" state and returned to "Backyard Chaldea" when I saw Melissa sliding over on roller skates. She greeted her very warmly, but she froze midway when she raised her hand.

There was no other reason. Two seconds after I appeared, Illya and Chloe appeared behind me pushing a wheelchair, and sitting in that wheelchair was a black-haired girl who looked exactly like me.

"Ah," Sophie dropped the pudding she was about to bring to her mouth, but she immediately knelt down and caught it: "It's incredible."

"Well..." Emil looked back and forth between the two of us, and finally stared at me for a few more seconds, and then looked away.

"Huh? Huh?" Abigail looked at me anxiously and then at "Lin Hao".

"Those who are not in wheelchairs are the seniors, although that may not necessarily be true." Mashu showed me a shallow smile.

"There's no need to use a questioning tone," I spread my hands to her: "I've basically said goodbye to the wheelchair."

"This should be the first and only incarnation of Xiao Hao," Roman came over with coffee in hand: "In this case, the personality should be the closest."

"According to my observation, that's correct." I turned my head and looked at myself, who was looking left and right at the three people who had been brought over by me unexpectedly.

No, there should be two. Chloe is the vest I used in the Z world. Because my wife made a wish to stay, she turned into Xiao Hei with the memories from the summoning to the end of the battle and her trouble-making personality. It was so suitable. .

"Lin Hao" is a bit more troublesome. She developed self-awareness because she was exposed to "the evil in this world", and then she made a wish that the background I randomly set for her would come true, and finally turned into the real "Miss Lin Jiabao" "Even though she is most similar to me in appearance, the difference in essence is the biggest. Father Mapo who stole her must have bad eyesight.

As for Illya... Although I have used Illya's vest a lot along the way, this Illya has nothing to do with me. She is Z's Little Holy Grail, not Go and Mo Yi's Illya. The behavior of transforming into a rescue witch to try to save everyone in Mitakihara is similar in nature to the way she put on the clothes of heaven to save Emiya Shirou in the fifth battle, and it was not influenced by me.

Speaking of the Rescue Witch, due to its self-consistent paradox, it must be allowed to "annihilate itself", so I, who is also a "Relief Witch", throws a "Destroying the target will also destroy itself". Meteor Ichiyo" is very suitable.

After that attack, I paid a price of 500,000 DNA points and successfully turned the rescue witch back into Madoka, but that behavior meant the collapse of the witch dream that was the foundation of the world, so I didn't get to talk to other magical girls. Forced settlement.

The problem now is how to deal with these girls who were accidentally brought out.

"Are you going to find Emiya Kiritsugu and Irisviel?" I confirmed the current location of "Batman" and then asked Illya and Chloe: "I think they will welcome you very much. .”

Look at the color of Chloe's skin, she is a natural born bat.

"We..." Illya looked at Chloe beside her.

"We don't want it!" Chloe hugged Ilia and rubbed her face: "We want to go out and play during this rare holiday!"

Not having to go to school is a holiday, right?

"What about you?" I looked at Lin Hao Alter: "Although Kotomine Kirei's current situation is a bit difficult to describe, he and Ha... Ordesia should accept you."

"I won't disturb Kallen's reunion with them," Lin Hao Alter spread his hands: "By the way, are Qingcheng Mountain and Lin Family Fort still there? I'm going to teach that guy who broke off the engagement a lesson..."

"Qingcheng Mountain?"


break off an engagement? ! 】

Meng Nali and Meng Lisa suddenly looked over with bright eyes.

"Of course!" I stepped forward and pressed the armrest of Lin Hao Alter's wheelchair: "I'll take you there!"

Before anyone else could think about it, I took this stupid girl and disappeared from the yard.

Other people's alters are darkening and inversion, but mine is a dark history, right? ?

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