The Collection of The End

One Thousand Nine Hundred and One, Evil Dragon 0 Year War (1)


——Country City——

——■■ Street ■——


——Ward 302——


Jin Jing opened her eyes and saw the snow-white ceiling.

This is an ordinary triple room ward, but the other two beds are empty.

There were no resuscitation-like monitoring equipment around her bed, no infusion bottles, and she didn't appear to be injured anywhere.

Maybe he was just too tired and was taken to the hospital by the rescuers?

The only problem was that because she had actually spent thirty days in the world of reincarnation as a junior high school student, she was a little uncomfortable with her heavy body.

No, of course I am not fat, but in the previous reincarnation world, "Bai Jingjing" has never "shrunk".

Metaphorically speaking, it might be that you suddenly came ashore after swimming for a long time?

It's all the blame on those "magical girls" who run around without sleeping all day long, and maybe "magical boys" too?

The rule "all reincarnators will jump directly to the next day when they choose to fall asleep" has not been triggered once.

However, those guys must be regretting it now, right?

I regret becoming a magical girl.

When meeting "Song", the "senior boss" specially reminded her not to make a wish to Kyubey, as that would be a big trap.

Jin Jing originally didn't quite understand why a world named "Magical Girl" couldn't become a magical girl until the settlement was reached.

In addition to the 21,000 soul points obtained by completing all tasks, there is also the option of forced deduction:

If the reincarnation becomes a 'magical girl' by making a wish in this reincarnation world, 20,000 souls will be automatically deducted to destroy the 'soul gem' and 'resurrection' the character. This deduction can make the total soul amount negative, and the total soul amount is a negative number. In this case, the reincarnator's memory of the reincarnation space will be sealed until entering again. 】

In the world view of "Madoka Magica", becoming a magical girl means death, but since there may be reincarnations who don't know this, the Lord God specially provides a resurrection service.

And if they become magical girls and successfully survive the attack of Witch Night, but still do not accumulate 20,000 souls, it will only prove that they are not suitable for the reincarnation space, and it is normal to be kicked out.

...It’s weird that it’s normal!

She was led by a big boss, and she didn't miss any events to obtain souls, so she managed to get 21,000 soul points. And just resurrecting would cost 20,000?

Obviously, the opening of the reincarnation space was an accident. The Lord God had no intention of recruiting so many new people from the beginning. They were completely involved in some kind of accident that is currently incomprehensible.

Jin Jing recalled the black sun he had seen at the venue before, and the fires and explosions caused by the black sun dripping down lines of fire.

I'm so sorry, it's all my "lucky 0" fault.


"Hey, Xiaojing, are you awake?" "We're here to see you."

The door to the ward was pushed open, and Ye Ke and Lin Xinping walked in from the outside.

After they put the bananas and apples in their hands on the bedside table, they moved chairs and sat on each side of Jin Jing's bed, staring at her like a rare animal.

"What, what's wrong?" Jin Jing thought of the "magical girl phantoms" she had seen that looked like the two of them, and was a little worried whether they would open their mouths and say, "Do you believe in miracles and magic?"

Then he answered "Magic and miracles exist" and successfully matched the code - it was impossible no matter how much he thought.

"Do you have any superpowers?" Lin Xinping asked.

Were you filmed casually healing the injured while rescuing people? Impossible, the power was clearly out at that time.

"What super power?" Jin Jing decided to play dumb.

"You have the ability to transform into that character when you put on the cosplay suit," Lin Xinping took out her phone and tapped it a few times before handing it to her: "Do you really think you are Claire?" this news?

Jin Jing raised his hand and made a few strokes.

# A gas pipeline explosion occurred at the comic exhibition, and the organizer was held accountable #

# The explosion rescue was timely and only 14 people were slightly injured #

# Netizens comment on coser’s fire scene rescue photo: 100% restoration #

# Rescued children: Ultraman Balala saved me. #

Which Nebula is that Ultraman from?

Jin Jing raised her hand to her forehead and pushed Lin Xinping's mobile phone away.

"Don't worry," Ye Ke picked up an apple: "All photos showing your face have been deleted. Just don't wear a ponytail."

"The Internet only has a memory of one week. During this time, you can rest in the hospital." Lin Xinping also said.

No, she wasn't worried about this. If she was afraid of being recognized, she wouldn't have agreed to go in the first place.

Moreover, it’s strange that he can be easily recognized by others without makeup because of his popular face.

The key is what happened to the things produced by the Lord God and the large group of people who were accidentally pulled in this time.

Maybe there is that kind of genius reincarnation person who can directly generate 20,000 to 30,000 souls, successfully retain the memory, and then——

Hmm, it seems like nothing? After all, he had just brought a boss from the "previous generation" back to the real world.

What about others?

"Those injured..." Jin Jing pointed to the phone.

"Most of them were falls and scrapes, but there was one burn on the face that required skin grafting." Lin Xinping clicked on the news and took a look at it: "There are no serious injuries or disabilities, and the medical expenses will basically be paid by the organizer."

"She wanted to ask the person she saved." Ye Ke was peeling an apple and glanced at her when he heard this.

"They are all fine," Lin Xinping scratched her head: "A few of them planned to visit you when they heard that you were hospitalized due to fatigue, but the hospital refused - because they were followed by a group of paparazzi."

"In what age do you still call people paparazzi?"

"That's self-media."

"The difference between entertainment reporters and self-media is quite big."

"Aren't they all equally annoying?"

Well, it's the smell of the dormitory. Jin Jing's expression relaxed a little, but...

"Out of strength?"

"That's what the doctor said. It seems that you were in a worse condition when the rescuers found you. You couldn't move at all." Ye Ke handed over the peeled apple: "Try taking it?"

No, why do I remember that "Song" found me first?

"Thank you," Jin Jing took the apple and took a bite: "At least it's okay now."

"Anyway, don't act like a hero like this in the future." Lin Xinping swiped her phone a few more times and turned it off: "Otherwise, next time you say something like 'You guys leave quickly,' I promise to grab you and say, 'Let's go.'" Go together'."

"Hmm," Jin Jing chewed the apple: "I promise there won't be a next time."

"I will listen seriously," Ye Ke said, "Besides, the school seems to be planning to give you some kind of award. I personally suggest that you wait until this storm is over before you accept it."

“Can this be called ‘limelight’?”

"What's that called?"

"'Topic' right?"

While listening to the two roommates chatting, Jin Jing cast her eyes casually out the window.

A tall woman wearing a sun hat walked by outside, the corners of her mouth seemed to be slightly raised.

...Wait, which floor is this?

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