The Collection of The End

One Thousand Nine Hundred and Fourteen, Evil Dragon Year 0 War (14)

——Third Age, 3018, October 2——

Mosquito water edge.

"It's unbelievable that there are so many blood-sucking mosquitoes in this uninhabited swamp. What did they eat before we came here?" Sam waved a torch as he walked to drive away the approaching swamp mosquitoes.

"Antelopes, wildebeests and bison come to the swamp to drink water, as well as hyenas, wild wolves and cheetahs that prey on these vegetarian animals." Aragorn, who was currently leading the way, looked back at the four hobbits: "What makes me even more unbelievable is that, You actually have to eat six meals a day.”

"What?" Sam looked even more surprised: "Let me tell you, you 'big humans' only eat three meals a day and don't smoke tobacco. Isn't it uncomfortable to have nothing in your mouth when you are free?"

"It seems that you don't travel far. All the 'adults' outside are like this." Aragorn shook his head: "You'd better get used to it as soon as possible, because we still have a long way to go."

"As long as you are with me, it doesn't matter how far the journey is," said Frodo.

"..." Aragorn stumbled and almost tripped, turned around and glared: "Hey! This article should be over now!"

"I mean, with Aragorn, a powerful and adventurous Chapter Master protecting us, we don't have to worry about the long journey at all," Frodo blinked his gray-blue eyes: "What do you think I'm talking about?"

"... Damn it, if there was no guarantee that the guys in the war group could resist the bewitchment of the Lord of the Rings, I would never do such a thankless thing myself." Aragorn quickly turned back and continued to lead the way.

"Seriously, is it okay if we don't wait for Gandalf?" Sam tried to change the topic: "Although you look very strong, you are not a wizard after all."

"I don't want Bree to be massacred yet. It is a more important town on my trade route," Aragorn replied: "It's not like you didn't see how the black knight who broke into Bree acted that night. .”

"Hmm..." Sam trembled subconsciously: "However, they don't seem to be too strong. Although they were able to break down the door, they were kicked out by the 'famous carrot lover'."

"Tom Bombadil tombombadil..." Aragon clicked his tongue: "Although this guy with mysterious origins is powerful, his stance seems to be problematic. He is a very strict neutralist. He neither does evil nor good, and at the same time he is not allowed to do anything good. Others did it in his presence, and even Gandalf didn't know where he came from."



Sam was about to speak on this topic when the group of mosquitoes that had been driven away by the torch but still circled around a few people suddenly dispersed, and then scattered in an instant, flying towards the depths of the swamp.

"Elvish language] rinatharah, queen of the other shore, lady of purity"

Sam was in a daze when he heard a distant and quiet singing voice coming from ahead.

"It looks like an elf!" Merry and Pippin came forward.

"Elvish language] enireniar takes care of our people, wandering in the wandering way"

After the mosquitoes flew away, the ethereal sound became obvious and could be clearly heard coming from the woods far away from the swamp.

"You can look from a distance, but don't get close." Aragorn grabbed Merry and Pippin one by one: "If you disturb their 'return', they will remind you of how accurate the elves' archery is."

"Elven Language] The land of Middle-earth is like a dense forest."

Several people walked a certain distance in the direction where the singing came from, and sure enough they saw a team of elves.

He has a handsome face, exquisite clothes, holds a spear, carries a bow and arrow on his back, sits on a white horse, and walks and sings.

The most special thing was that they were clearly walking in the deep forest, but they were not shrouded in shadow at all. Every elf, including the horses, seemed to be glowing.

"These elves are filled with soft light and sing praises to the stars. They should be the Nord clan among the high elves. As expected, they are heading to Gray Port, to the Western Continent, and will not return to Middle-earth." Frodo said. .

"Boy, you know a lot." Aragorn looked at him.

"It's all recorded in Uncle Bilbo's book collection," Frodo shook his head: "As a Baggins, I have to leave the Shire sooner or later. The more I know about the outside world, the better."

"Oh..." Aragorn seemed to want to ask something.

"That way I won't hold you back," the hobbit added.

"..." Aragorn shut up decisively.

"Elvish language] aelberethgilthoniel Erebeth, Gilthoniel"

"Elvish language] iiriel has clear eyes and a magnificent breath."

The glowing elves gradually moved away and disappeared from the sight of the Fellowship of the Ring.

"I will marry an elf from now on." Sam, who had been in a daze the whole time, suddenly woke up and said with clenched fists.

"Where's Rose?" Merry and Pippin mocked, knowing about his misdeeds.

"Who is that?" Sam answered without hesitation.



That night, Aragorn found a suitable place to camp and took time to hunt a deer.

Hobbits are very good eaters and are naturally good at cooking. They are also good at finding edible plants and fungi from the wild. This allowed Aragorn to save a lot of dry food along the way.

However, Frodo Baggins seemed a little different from the other hobbits - not that he flirted with Aragorn from time to time - although that was certainly not normal.

As a hobbit who integrated food, tobacco and alcohol into his life, he neither smoked nor drank, and what was more outrageous was that he did not even eat meat.

No, while the other three hobbits were enjoying roast venison and golden ale, Frodo was concentrating on eating mushrooms in bread.

If he hadn't confirmed that the Lord of the Rings had no effect on him, Aragorn would even suspect that this little man had been controlled by Sauron... If he was in this state after being controlled, Sauron would be really miserable.

According to Aragorn's understanding of the Hobbits, they should not be able to restrain their desires, such as Mr. Sam the Gardener who claims to marry an elf.

The young man has vision, but unfortunately his conditions are not good enough. Unlike himself, the preliminary preparations have been made. As long as he ascends the throne and becomes the king, he can marry the Evening Star Princess of Rivendell.

...Unless something goes wrong with this mission, causing him to have to fight with Sauron.

Thinking of his fiancée and the songs of the elves before, Aragorn looked at the hobbits laughing around the campfire from a distance, and began to hum softly.

"Elvish language] elvahaliranedhelhael, the eternal girl, contains wisdom"

"Elvish language] inniluinui's long black hair brushed her shoulders"

"Elvish language] aren hug gently, arms like silver"

"Who is she?" Frodo appeared next to Aragorn at some point, staring at him with his beautiful gray-blue eyes: "The woman in the song."

"...Princess Luthien, have you not heard of the legend of her and the great hero Beren?" Aragorn glared at Frodo, and would let him go if he dared to say anything "just like you and me" Gagged and tied up.

"I've heard of it," Frodo replied: "I don't look down on this kind of 'great hero' who lets his lover give up eternal life for himself instead of working hard to gain eternal life."


Is this guy making a fool of himself?

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