The Collection of The End

One Thousand Nine Hundred and Fifteen, Evil Dragon Year 0 War (15)

——Third Age, 3018, October 5——

Wind and cloud top.

"This was once the great watchtower of Amonsuel, but now it is just an ancient ruin that can barely shelter from the wind and rain," Aragorn said, looking at the ring-shaped ruins in front of him that were almost the same color as the rocks: "We are here tonight Set up camp.”

"In the days when it was still intact, there was a gem 'Palantiríri' placed on the top of the tower, also called the True Knowledge Crystal, which could be used to see from a distance or communicate with other True Knowledge Crystals," Frodo continued: "We are Is it really okay to camp in such a conspicuous place when being chased by Nazgul?”

"The Ringwraiths think so too," Aragorn took out four daggers, or rather daggers, and handed them to the hobbits: "I will go around and create some traces to mislead them. You stay here and try to protect yourselves. "

"Can we make a fire to cook?" Sam took off the big pot he had been carrying since Bree's back: "Well, you know, we have to have a midnight snack."

"Hey! Are you stupid?" "Lighting a fire in the watchtower?" Merry and Pippin immediately denounced it.

"...Okay, but you can't leave this circle." Aragorn picked up the long sword behind his back, poked it on the ground, and drew a big circle around the ruins.

In this process, every time he completes one-third of the arc, a word with a dark red glow will appear on the arc, which are "laas", "yah" and "nir" in order.

"That looks like some pre-Second Age rune," said Frodo.

"Perhaps, the elves will always have some things that are so ancient that their origins are unknown. Their meanings are 'life', 'search' and 'tracking'." After Aragorn finished drawing, he jumped out of the circle: "That's right. The position can be used to confirm whether there are living things around, and the effect of the inverse position is to cover the lives within the affected area from being tracked. As long as you don't leave this circle, even if the Nazgul passes by outside, you won't be able to detect it."

"Then there's no need for you to go out, right?" Frodo said, "It's dangerous outside, and I'll be worried."

This kid is not done yet, is he?

"It is necessary," Aragorn decided to ignore Frodo's words: "If they can't find any trace of us passing by and leaving, they are likely to start searching nearby. Even if they don't suspect this place, they will definitely come to search. "


"I might take more time, don't wait for me." Aragorn shook his cloak, turned around and left.

"I'll make the stove!" "I'll light the fire!" Merry and Pippin cheered and started to work.

"Hey, Master Baggins, what do you want for dinner tonight?" Sam started digging through his cooking bag.

"Roasted tomatoes and fried cabbage," answered Frodo.

"Oh, can you have some meat? I hate vegetarian food."

"That's why you're so fat."



"Baggins - hiss -]"


When Frodo was awakened by the hoarse voice of the Nazgul and the overflowing chill, he saw five black knights in black robes gathering outside the ruins of the Weathertop Watchtower, communicating with each other in an incomprehensible way.

After a moment, four of them flew away in different directions, and the tallest one turned over and jumped out of the nightmare, and his black robe rolled into the ruins of the sentry tower.

Obviously, Aragorn's misleading work was so good that the Ringwraiths couldn't tell which side was the real target, so they turned to Fengyunding, the most obvious landmark building, as the center, and divided their areas. track.

"Barjin——" At this moment, Sam was awakened and subconsciously wanted to say something, but Frodo covered his mouth.

However, the circle drawn by Aragorn seemed to have a certain shielding effect on the sound. The Nazgul just walked slowly in the ruins of the sentry tower and had no intention of following the sound and killing him.

At this time, Merry and Pippin also woke up and covered each other's mouths with unusual decisiveness.

Frodo noticed that every time the Nazgul came to the edge of the circle drawn by Aragorn, they would turn away without warning, without themselves noticing.

However, as similar behaviors increased, the runes "engraved" on the circle began to gradually fade. It was originally like a burning bonfire, but as time went by, it gradually developed into burned-out firewood.

"——" "——" Merry and Pippin obviously noticed this and started gesticulating with Frodo and Sam.

"What they mean is to be ready to attack first. After the runes expire, no matter which side the Ring Spirit discovers first, the people on the other side will immediately backstab it." Sam lowered his voice to a very low voice. whispered to Frodo.

"——" Frodo gestured to Merry and Pippin, then took out his dagger and signaled to them.


Zizi - Boer.

As the Nazgul walked to the edge of the circle again, the runes on the sword marks left by Aragorn were finally completely extinguished, and the Nazgul's original pacing movements stopped and slowly turned their heads to look at Frodo. and Sam.

"Oh! Bad guy! Uncle Sam is not afraid of you!" Sam winked at Merry and Pippin, then raised his dagger and rushed towards the Nazgul who had not drawn their weapons.

Boom! Snapped!

The Ringwraith raised his hand and slapped Sam away, hitting the wall of the ruins on the other side, and then slowly walked towards Frodo, who was retreating.

"You're looking for this, aren't you?" Frodo pulled the necklace out of his collar as he stepped back, shaking it at the Nazgul.

"Hiss——]" The Ring Spirit "stared" at the ring, and stretched out his hand as he advanced, as if he was ready to grab it directly.

"Drink!" "Hey!"

While the Nazgul's attention was attracted, Merry and Pippin took the opportunity to burst into action and thrust the two daggers into the back of the Nazgul's broad black robes.



Although there was only the sound of piercing the fabric after the dagger hit, the ring spirit let out an unusually sharp roar, and the whole "person" instantly ignited with blazing flames. He danced and struggled for a moment, the black robe and the contents inside The armor pieces fell off one after another as if they had no support, and turned into ashes and scrap metal.

"Hey! Frodo! Did you see that?" "The two of us—"

"Hiss——hu——]" x4

As an unusually familiar voice sounded, Merry and Pippin turned their heads stiffly, and as expected saw four other Nazgul standing there with their swords drawn out of their sheaths.

"You see, there are four of you to fight," said Frodo.

"..." Merry and Pippin were not even in the mood to respond. They reluctantly raised their swords towards the Nazgul, but they kept retreating hastily in the face of the heavy steps of the Black Knight and the pressure caused by the sharp sword.

Only by wearing the ring can they be saved] The Lord of the Rings said in time.

"What a coincidence, I thought so too - aren't you looking for it? Come on!"

Frodo pulled the ring from his necklace, roared at the Nazgul, and put it on his forefinger.



Scary, scared, scared...]

The moment he put on the ring, noisy voices sounded in Frodo's ears, like the whispers of countless people, and the scene in front of him also changed.

The originally dark sky, the earthy stone ruins, and the bright bonfire.

It has turned into a dark blue sky with an unusually large vortex, building ruins whose surface is so dark that it does not reflect light at all, and flames that are pale and weak, even weaker than the Nazgul over there.

Of course, the Nazgûl.

After Frodo put on the ring, those "black knights" turned into tall, powerful pure white spirits wearing ancient armor.

"Sure enough... they can't be killed in reality. Maybe they have a chance in this state... but it can't be today," Frodo flirted with the Ringwraiths provocatively. finger, then turned and ran.

"Found it - Baggins -]"

"Hand over the ring——]"

The Nazgul simply gave up on Sam, Merry and Pippin, and chased Frodo in a wandering way.

"Is this what Uncle Bilbo saw when he used it to play pranks? But it must not feel like this." Because after wearing the ring, the surrounding environment became brighter, and Frodo could see the road clearly without a torch. , and ran all the way after escaping from Fengyunding.

In the shadow, there is only death——]

After Frodo puts on the ring, it stops bewitching and instead speaks triumphantly, as if declaring victory.

"Although I have a very strong idea of ​​'giving the ring to the Nazgul', I can easily deny it because it is too unreasonable." Frodo ran while looking at the "Pure White Ring" who was gradually getting closer behind him. "Ling": "I hope 'Strider' can arrive in time as his name suggests."


"Hand over - the ring -]"

Although the Hobbit moved quickly and dexterously, he was too short and was quickly chased by the Nazgul. Just when the Nazgul reached out to catch him, Frodo suddenly turned around and turned around, then put his hand on his back. The ring was pulled off.


The Ringwraith, who had returned to the appearance of "Black Knight" and "Faceless Ghost", was caught off guard and was thrown away a lot. He looked around blankly for a moment before catching up again.

"Just like Uncle Bilbo did," Frodo said to himself as he ran: "If you put on the ring, you will disappear into the real world. If you want to track it, you must use the perspective of the 'soul world', and once you get used to it, From the perspective of the soul world, if I suddenly take off the ring, they will lose the target in their eyes. And out of the self-confidence of "the body is in the soul world", when they chased me, they did not ride those nightmares, and now they can only chase me on foot. The real danger is the next time I wear a ring to get rid of the 'Black Knight', after all, they won't be stupid enough to be dazed by me twice with the same move."




Frodo pressed on his pierced shoulder, his figure crumbling.

He really failed to dazzle the Nazgul twice, because when he put on the ring for the second time and was about to repeat the same trick, a huge and overwhelming eye of fire suddenly appeared in front of him. Compared with what the ring produced, it required him himself. With the cooperation of "bewitchment", this eye can force him to freeze in place and be unable to move.

"I saw you——" That eye made an indescribable sound that was extremely frightening just to hear it.

The next moment, the shaken Ringwraiths caught up from behind and pierced his ring-wearing arm with their swords.

This time, no matter how strong his will was, it was of no use. His unconscious arm lifted up on its own with unusual obedience, and stretched the ring on his finger towards the Nazgul emitting white light in front of him.

"If Strider can catch up, I won't say those weird sentences from Uncle Bilbo's collection..." Frodo murmured to himself.


With a crisp sound of gold and iron hitting each other, the claws of the white spirit body that were about to grab the ring were blocked by a sudden golden sword light, and then emitted black smoke as if it was being burned.


The sword light that blocked the Nazgul drew a V in the air, splitting the Nazgul in front of Frodo diagonally into two halves. He could clearly see that the spirit body of the Nazgul turned into a human being after the sword light slashed through it. A large white light spot then shot straight into the huge vortex at the top of the sky.

"Didn't I say, don't get out of that circle?" A figure appeared with the sword light, holding a sword in one hand and a torch in the other, easily forcing the remaining three Nazgul back.

"Ah, uh..." Frodo originally planned to explain, but was stunned and speechless by the scene in front of him.

The deep blue sky, the dark earth, the white Nazgul, and before all of this, Aragorn, whose whole body exuded dazzling golden light, stood in front of him like a mountain.

Could it be an illusion caused by the aftermath of the disaster?

Frodo raised his hand to rub his eyes, and the bright golden light on Aragorn was still dazzling.

"Why don't you take off that damn thing?" Aragorn turned his eyes on Frodo's fingers and shouted.

What a ghost... Frodo glanced at the giant eyes of flames and took off the gold ring with one hand.

"I have seen you——" The terrifying voice left one last sentence before slowly disappearing from Frodo's eyes.

"Drink! Ha!" After taking off the ring, Aragorn lost the golden light in Frodo's eyes, but his strength did not change as a result. He "dead" another Nazgul in a few strokes, and the remaining two saw If the situation is not good, take the initiative to retreat and retreat.

"Why were you gone so long..." asked Frodo.

At the same time as he spoke, the hobbit's arm, which had been pierced by the Nazgul, felt a sharp pain that was so strong that it even blurred his consciousness. His legs weakened and he fell backward.

"Hey!" Aragorn threw away the torch and caught Frodo: "Hold on, don't fall asleep! Creatures stabbed by the 'mulknie' will become wandering spirits as long as they fall asleep!"

"I will persist...even for your sake..." said Frodo.

"..." Aragorn's arm shook, as if he wanted to throw him out but was holding back.

"It's really troublesome... This kind of injury needs to be suppressed by Asyras grass first, and then go to Rivendell to treat it. I don't know if he can hold on." Aragorn muttered, squatting and holding Frodo's hand. The hobbit was picked up by the crook of his legs and walked in the direction of Weathertop.

Frodo curled his lips, fearing that Strider would really throw him out, so he decided to remain silent for the time being.

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