The Collection of The End

One Thousand Nine Hundred and Seventeen, Evil Dragon Year 0 War (17)

Creak - creak -

There was darkness in front of Dom's eyes, and there was only the sound of some kind of wood being squeezed and banged. At the same time, he could feel himself being bumped and shaken.


As a gust of cold wind blew by, a row of words slowly emerged from the darkness in front of him.

The world of reincarnation: "Lord of the Rings"

Then, it slowly disappeared.

Um? What about behind?

Creak, creak.

The sound of wood squeezing sounded again, and at the same time, light began to appear in front of his eyes.

The first thing Dom saw was a long and wide river, then the tree stumps left after being cut down on the river, then the riverside avenue, the oxcarts pulling wood and iron ore on the avenue, and finally, the place where he was at the moment. , suspected to be a vehicle frame used to escort prisoners.

Prisoner? Dom turned and looked around.

This vehicle was pulled by a heavy beast of burden, covered with an iron cage, and surrounded by green-skinned orcs riding wargs, which ensured that the prisoners escorted in the vehicle could not escape at all.

Oh, fantasy magic background?

At this moment, new words appeared again.

Thousands of years ago, the Dark Lord Sauron forged a supreme power, the Supreme Ring. Later, the Ring fell into the hands of the innocent boy Frodo, who resisted the demon. With the help of his friends, he went to the Mountains of Doom to try to destroy the Ring. 】

This time there was no need for Li De to tell the plot. He had heard of Tolkien's masterpiece, but he still had no idea what time period it was and how far the plot would develop.

Dom looked around at the five or six people who were also imprisoned. They were wearing standard armor and had their hands tied. They looked like soldiers of a certain force. Then he looked down at the leather attire on "him" that was incompatible with them. .

It seems...a hunter?

"Oh! You finally woke up!" The dirty-looking man in a linen shirt who was sitting in front of Dom spoke to him: "You are not from Rohan, right?"

"No," Dom replied.

"It seems that we are equally unlucky," the man said: "I just wanted to cross the Eshin River and head to the wilderness. Who knew that I would be involved in a battle between the orcs and the Rohan cavalry. Now it's okay, we are going to be captured by Eisen Jiade went to work as a hard laborer."

"..." Although he knew a little about The Lord of the Rings, Dom still didn't know what these proper nouns meant.

"I think," he looked at the general who was also on the carriage and whose armor was obviously stronger than the other soldiers: "They will not let this Lord Knight do hard work."

The man was tall, pale, with blue eyes and long, braided blond hair.

"Take back your frivolous comments!" Another captive soldier suddenly shouted: "The person in front of you is His Highness Théodred, son of the great King Théoden of Rohan!"

"Oh, that's great," the man who spoke first suddenly became energetic: "Such a big shot will definitely be redeemed through negotiation, and we shouldn't be killed or have to work as hard labor for the rest of our lives."

"Humph, my father will not obey Saruman, even if he threatens me," said the general known as Thyod: "The Rohan cavalry will never surrender!"

"Oh!" "Okay!" The nearby prisoners responded one after another.

"Shut up!]" The orc riding a warg outside the carriage knocked hard on the iron bars of the prison carriage with the ax in his hand.

"Have you ever thought about a question, if Saruman knew that the king would not accept negotiations, why did he take you captive?" Although he is not clear about the plot, it does not prevent Dom from speculating on the current situation: "Perhaps, let you Is it better for him to live?"

"Hmm..." Siyod fell into thinking.

At this time, new words appeared in front of Dom's eyes again.

main mission:】

Survive until the Ring is destroyed or Sauron is resurrected. Reward: 1000 souls]

The main mission is as simple as ever, but no reincarnator is willing to take only such a small "minimum living allowance". In addition to finding hidden missions in the reincarnation world, the only thing left is to try to complete side missions.

So, what about side missions?

Crack, click, click!

After a while, the prison van stopped.

"Get out of the car! Be smart! This is Isengard! You can't run away!]" The orcs in charge of guarding ordered loudly in strange voices.

Dom confirmed that he still couldn't open the inventory or use skills, so he got out of the car angrily with the other prisoners.

The opening introduction this time is a bit too long, and I didn’t see any other reincarnators.

A total of sixteen prisoners were loaded in three prison cars. They were in a square paved with steel, surrounded by blast furnaces, blacksmith shops and forging workshops. There were many greenskins there. The orcs were watching them.

When you look around, the most eye-catching thing is the steel spire at the end of the square that seems to soar into the sky.

"Everyone stand still! Don't move!" The orc in charge shouted: "You are lucky! Humans! Lord Saruman will give you the honor of serving him!"


The prisoners all expressed disdain, but Thyod's expression changed as if he had thought of something.


The next moment, a huge vertical eye made of flames suddenly opened above the steel spire, staring closely at the prisoners standing in the square.

Surrender to me——! 】

"Uh!" "Oh!"

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh - Rohan never surrenders -!"

As the giant eye watched, all the prisoners felt intense discomfort. More than half of them knelt down involuntarily, while the rest were trembling on the spot. Only Siode held his head and loudly denied the giant eye's words.

Dom, who had no reaction, thought for a moment, fell to the ground and pretended to be faint, squinting and looking at the giant eye on the top of the tower.



When the giant eye launched a new round of mental interference, a huge red dragon appeared from behind the spire, flapping its wings, and then landed on the top of the spire with a bang. The shadow of the giant eye blurred for a few times and disappeared with a bang.

"You——Tusu——!]" The red dragon let out a huge roar, and then breathed fire at the surrounding factories.

The green-skinned orcs fled in all directions, while the captives who were still in the resistance stage returned to normal.

"Knights of Rohan! Retreat with me!" Théoden quickly broke free from the restraints, helped untie the other captives who were still able to move, and then turned around and ran away.

At the same time, Dom noticed that the prisoners who had fallen to the ground during the first round of mind control were getting up with confused expressions, but had no intention of following Théoden and escaping. They even took the initiative to ask those prisoners Run to wherever the orcs are hiding.

"Choke——!]" The huge red dragon triumphantly breathed out a circle of fire, plunging the steel city into a sea of ​​fire, then used its claws to lift something on the top of the steel spire, and fluttered its wings and flew away from Isengard.

Until then, the side mission came belatedly:

Side mission:】

a: Join the Fellowship of the Ring or the camp of Lord Sauron. Reward: 1000 souls]

b: Destroy the coalition knights/orcs. Reward: 2000 souls/person]

c: Destroy the enemy reincarnators. Reward: 5000 souls/person]

d: Protect the members of the Fellowship of the Ring/the Nazgul from being killed. Reward: 3000 souls/person]

e: Destroy other valuable units. Reward: 5,005,000 souls/piece]

Special rules for the pvp mode: Souls obtained in this world will not be cleared with death; reincarnators who are not in the same camp cannot communicate with each other in any form. 】

Hidden quests and achievements will be revealed when triggered. 】

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