The Collection of The End

One Thousand Nine Hundred and Eighteen, Evil Dragon Year 0 War (18)

——? ? ? ——

Frodo was awake,

But all he saw was darkness.

After being stabbed by the strangely named "Mushroom Blade", severe pain and numbness continued to come from the wound, which gradually blurred his consciousness. At the same time, everything in front of him gradually became dark.

This feeling is difficult to explain. It is not "black" in color or "dark" when there is no light.

To put it bluntly, he felt like he was in a fog that was getting thicker and thicker. The fog gradually isolated him from everything in the outside world, and slowly but surely assimilated him into a part of the fog. In the process , everything visible, audible, and touchable gradually became blurred, and because the "heavy fog" also blocked the light, he thought he was trapped in "darkness", but in fact, the surroundings were just "darkness" Nothing.” That’s all.

Frodo judged that if this situation continues to develop, he will definitely become the same existence as those ring spirits, which is what Aragorn calls a "ghost".

The herb Aragorn found, which was said to be able to relieve the "mushroom wound", only made his wound no longer painful, but it was completely helpless against the slow and firm "isolation".

At the beginning, Frodo could still feel it. He found a big horse and three ponies and took himself, Sam, Merry, and Pippin on the road day and night, and he also cooperated very well to stay awake.

But as time goes by, Frodo's perception of the outside world becomes increasingly blurred, and he is even unable to determine whether he is really awake or whether he is dreaming that he is awake.

However, since he will turn into a wandering spirit once he falls asleep, perhaps his current state is still the former.

So, judging from the combination of the gray and black blocks around them, the group may still be on their way and have reached a valley with a river somewhere - perhaps they have reached Rivendell?

Ta-da, tap-da, snap.

At this moment, the sound of horse hooves stepping on the gravel road and then stepping on the shallow water was heard.

This seemed to Frodo, who had not heard normal sounds for a long time, so he subconsciously looked up, or in other words, "felt he raised his head and looked in the right direction."

Snap, snap.

The first thing that emerged from the thick fog was a white and strong white horse... No, judging from the shining silver horn on its forehead, it should be a unicorn, and the horse sitting sideways on the unicorn's back , is an elf girl with black hair, black eyes, pointed ears, a white skirt and a neckband. She exudes a faint white light, making the "fog" unable to get close to her and the unicorn under her. Every penny.

If appearance is quantified, and Miss Rose's appearance score is 5, Frodo thought: She is 130.

The 130-point elf girl looked at Frodo with a faint smile on her face, and then spoke.

"Elvish language]mennooninieliadannenannin abandon me for protection"

"Elvish language] hohoongurth protects him."

The soft Elvish language came. Although Frodo didn't know what it meant, the string that had been stretched suddenly relaxed. His intuition told him that he could fall asleep now and didn't have to worry about becoming a wandering spirit. .

After thinking briefly, Frodo chose to trust his instincts.

——Third Age, 3018, October 24——


"Elvish] lastobethnin, listen to me."

"Elvish]. Return to the light"

As a low but rhythmic male voice sounded, Frodo slowly woke up from his deep sleep.

But after opening his eyes, he had to close them again because they were filled with gold, silver and white. valley

The darkness in front of me was too long, and I couldn't look directly at the too bright light for the time being.

"Where is this..." Frodo asked, feeling the soft quilt under him and his arms that no longer hurt but only felt slightly numb.

Even in the short time he just opened his eyes, he could clearly see the person beside the bed.

"The elven territory, Rivendell, the city of Elrond, and your destination." The man replied.

"And what time is it?" asked Frodo again.

"October 24, 10 a.m.," the man replied: "You were in a coma for about two weeks, but fortunately, there were no sequelae."

"Hmm... um..." Frodo tried to open his eyes again. This time, the golden sunlight, silver interior decoration and pure white walls did not stop him.

"Gandalf!" Frodo jumped up from the bed and threw himself at the old man in gray robes beside the bed.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I'm late," Gandalf caught the hobbit and patted him on the back: "I made you suffer undeserved suffering."

"No, you have done well, especially that excellent guide," said Frodo: "I have never seen such a fine man."

"Really?" Gandalf's hand shook: "It's a pity that he is not here now, leading his battle group to clean up the surrounding Mordor troops, and I can't hear your praise."

"Isn't that dangerous?" asked Frodo.

"Well..." Gandalf said with an expression as if he had a toothache: "His name as 'Strider' has already resounded throughout the wilderness. The real danger is the guys he considers to be 'enemies'."

"Really? Can you tell us about Mr. Aragorn's deeds in detail?" Frodo let go of Gandalf and sat back on the bed: "I didn't find a chance to ask him in person before, and he fell into a coma later."

"Well... uh," Gandalf hesitated for a moment and said, "He is the legendary figure whose reputation has increased the fastest in recent years, but outsiders must not have imagined that he worked so hard to become the King of Gondor and to work with Rivendell. Princess Duskstar is getting married."

"Princess Evening Star..." Frodo remembered what he saw before he fell into coma. The elf girl with 130% appearance seemed to have a black pendant hanging around her neck that was as bright as the Evening Star.

"Is it like the 'Legend of Princess Lúthien'?" Gandalf said: "Interestingly, the 'Morning Star' princess in the legend who gave up immortality and only wanted to spend her life with a short-lived species was exactly the 'Twilight Star'. Star Princess' great-grandmother."

"Hmm...smell, sniff." Frodo didn't know how to respond for a moment, but suddenly something that did not belong to the elven city came into his nose, so he turned to Gandalf: "You have sulfur, fire, and molten iron on you. And the smell of forged weapons, is the lack of time to meet up related to these things?"

"There is a part of the reason, but the bigger reason is my own mistake." Gandalf nodded and shook his head, stood up and walked to the door, opening the exquisite elf house door: "You can first listen to the other person involved. .”


The half-opened door was completely knocked open by a small figure speeding over. Then, the person who hit the door rushed to Frodo with a plate containing snacks: "Baggins, this is me searching the elves." I just found it in my kitchen, do you want to try it?”

"..." Frodo looked at the shining blue "gem" on the plate: "No, thank you."

At this moment, there was a burst of noise outside.

"The Light of Elendil] is stolen! Watch out for these dirty dwarves!"

"Don't think we're afraid of you! Hug the tree's pointed ears!"

Frodo looked at Sophie.

Sophie blinked, looking like she didn't understand what was going on.

"I thought it would be safe if I brought the Lord of the Rings here, but," Gandalf shook his head and took away the "blue gem" on the plate: "Now it seems that this difficult journey has just begun outside the door of home." It’s just a step forward.”

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