The Collection of The End

One Thousand Nine Hundred and Thirty-Five, Sustainable Crazy Empire (12)

"Lord Oka! Thank you for your hard work on patrol! This is a small kindness, please accept it!"

"Lord Oka! The thing I asked you to help me with last time was a great success. Please be sure to come to the villain's house to sit in your spare time now!"

"Lord Oka——"

In the market on the bustling street of the imperial capital, a group of people wearing guard armor were strutting through the market. The leader was a tall man with a cross scar on his eye. Shopkeepers and pedestrians who saw him either approached him to fawn over him or stayed away.

"Hmm... there seems to be a slight deviation in the plot, but it seems very reasonable..." I stood on the roof of an oil shop and looked at "Oni no Oka": "'Oni no Oka' is just a mere A market guard captain may be able to put innocent people in jail after accepting bribes from the oil merchant 'Gamal', but he absolutely does not have the ability to make him a death row prisoner and execute the execution smoothly. Law enforcement, trial and supervision are all completed by him alone. , the empire is indeed corrupt, but the more corrupt it is, the less it will tolerate its subordinates being able to 'cover the sky with one hand' - the author knows nothing about politics at all."

"So, the minister's relative, the market record officer 'Iokal', who originally appeared later, appeared in this interest chain. While giving Ouka convenience, he also took away the bulk of Jamal's bribes, and Jiamal In order to maintain this interest chain, Mailer has intensified his efforts to harm other competitors." Meng Nali next to her continued: "I can't think of any reason to excuse them. Anyway, no one was killed in the night raids in these two missions. Otherwise, Let them directly assassinate according to the plot."

"Jamal and Iokal are irrelevant," I looked at the brown-haired girl in green clothes behind Ouka: "Ouka can't die, otherwise Hanazawa Coriander will transform."

Seryu Ubiquitas, possessing the Teigu Warcraft Transformation: Hundred-Handed Giant], was determined to eliminate Night Raid because Oka, who was his master and captain, was killed. He participated in the Teigu selection and gained its approval, and then ganked the two The shooters and assassins walked along and killed Hill, causing the first attrition of the night raid - in this serialized article.

"Isn't it her Teigu dog transformation?" Meng Nali pressed the eye mask: "Currently, most of her dubbing works are cute, there are almost no characters with combat effectiveness, and only those related to the body or transformation is’s ‘Charlotte De Noa’, and if it’s shooting, there’s one more ‘Black Rock Shooter’.”

"First look at those flashy people in the night raid." I looked at Seliu who followed Ouka with an adoring look on his face: "I now suspect that if Ouka dies, she will shout "deceive the world and deceive yourself" to force Change the world line.”

"That's the Phoenix Academy's ferocious ability, not Dudulu's," Meng Nali seemed to be reading something in the void: "According to the analysis of the support team, combined with the assigned characters and the machine whose name is related to the Tenth Palace of Hell' According to the Judgment of the Ten Kings, the strongest strength she may show at present should be 'Tachibana Kan', an existence at the administrator level of the afterlife, and the reincarnation world... can indeed be regarded as the afterlife in a sense."

"...So, although the target this time is not the Teigu user, it is causally connected with the Teigu user. We can see what impact this 'modification' will have on them." I pressed Murasame on my waist: "Go Look where they meet.”


"Sir Oka, my business is thanks to your care. This is my 'donation' to the police this month. Please don't refuse."

"Hmph, don't think that I don't know what you have done in the market. For the sake of 'donation', I can help you deal with some minor problems, but if you accidentally provoke the real big shot... I can help you deal with it. Never seen you."

"Lord Oka means..."

"General Bude, and the people he protects, oh, honest officials."

"Sir, please tell me in detail. I have something else here..."

Okar was visiting Jamal at his house and discussing some unspoken deals, but what they were talking about had me counting the days on my fingers.

‘Even if the ministers and relatives are involved, why is there still something about the general? The former minister is coming back? But before that, Esdeath will come back first. ’

According to the plot, General Bude is well aware of the corruption of the ministers, so it stands to reason that the evil things related to the ministers and his men must be seen by him. Although the author did not set up his men, there should be similar ones. intelligence officers. ] The stupid system replied.

‘Be sure to kill the night attack first and then deal with the minister. That was the cause of his defeat. ’

However, it's still early for him to actually take action. After all, Esdeath hasn't come back yet. Let's deal with these three guys who are working together this time - have you figured out how to set it up? 】

'Well... let's start with the scar on his face.' I pressed the hilt of the sword at my waist: 'Oka was originally an officer of the empire's secret forces. He made great contributions on the hidden battlefield. One day he went out on vacation. At that time, he met a woman whom he fell in love with at first sight. ’

Then you snatched the person home? 】

'you shut up! He is not a bad guy at this stage! ’ I banged the hilt of the sword hard: ‘Well... because of the feelings, he decided to give up his precarious status as an officer, and planned to resign from the superior and propose marriage. ’

So it turns out that Imperial soldiers can resign? 】

‘...Although the commander was reluctant to leave, considering that he had made great contributions to the empire, it was reasonable to want to retire and start a family, so he asked him to complete one last mission before leaving. ’

After this battle, he will go home and get married. 】

'The target of the final mission was the woman he loved... well, any blood relative. The woman died trying to block the knife for her blood relative, and the dagger in her hand slashed Oka's face. ’

So miserable. 】

‘The frustrated Oka left the secret force and wandered around as an adventurer. ’

How did you become the captain of the security guard? 】

' Later, during his mission, he met another woman whose appearance and temperament were very similar to his sweetheart. She was the daughter of the oil merchant Jamal. During many contacts, although her personality was completely different from that of his sweetheart, Like, but it still attracted him. ’

Although he didn’t even have a name, the former lover was really miserable. 】

'This time, he decided to protect her silently, so he went to the retired old leader Iokal to ask for the position of guard captain, guarding the bustling street where the market is located. In a certain accident, in order to save this girl, he The same scar was cut again, forming the current cross shape. ’

I always feel a very strong sense of déjà vu. 】

'However, Jamal is not a law-abiding person, and will even use despicable means to harm his colleagues. Okar has to become his accomplice, and he himself feels that he will definitely be punished by justice in the future. ’

Overall, it's a little better than the one that tortures people and then tortures cats and dogs, but it's still terrible. 】

‘It’s so noisy! As long as there is a chance of being let go! ’

"The time of birth has come, let this correct everything!]"

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