The Collection of The End

One Thousand Nine Hundred and Thirty-Six, Sustainable Crazy Empire (13)

It's night in the imperial capital.

"It's changed's surprising but not too surprising."

Tazmi hid in the narrow alley of the bustling street. When she watched the "Oka of Ghosts" walking alone across the street, the shop owners were afraid to avoid him. It was almost possible to imagine that the guard captain who was originally just a little bent on the law was here. After being eroded by the "black thread" full of negative concepts, Chitong pushed back with the "golden thread".

"Huh? What's the surprise? Are you worried that you can't beat him?]" Brand's voice came from behind him: "Don't be afraid, although this is your personal mission, if you fail, I will help you.]"

"No need," Tazmi blinked and put his hand on the hilt of the sword at his waist: "A swordsman with too many fetters is no match for me."

In the darkness behind Tazmi, a transparent heavy armor stood. It almost completely blended into the night. Only by concentrating could one see the subtle disturbances in the air.

As before, each night attack will be carried out in pairs. The illegal businessman Jamal will be assassinated by Leonai and Lubbock, while the recorder Iokal will be assassinated by Ma Yin and Chi Tong.

And this guard captain "Oka of Ghosts" with excellent swordsmanship was hunted by Brand... Tazmi was just an addition.

Compared with the very simple collusion between government and businessmen that he investigated at the beginning, the "Ghost Oka" now became a man who was attracted to another woman with a similar face because he missed his dead sweetheart, and was then taken over by that woman's profiteer father. He personally has reasons to be forgiven, but the wronged businessman who could have been saved has been trapped and killed by profiteers who did not want to have long nights and long dreams.

Although I don't know what the other two have been "changed" into, they will probably be higher than the "basic crime" that "needs almost no punishment" and lower than the "black thread crime" of "certain death", and eventually become It's the "golden thread crime" of being in a "killable or not-killable state".

Based on the information he learned about the "Teigu", it is very likely that those "black threads" came from a certain Teigu, and the ability of the Red Eyed Teigu is just enough to counter it.

But thinking about it carefully, this seems unreasonable. If Chitong is fighting against the "black threads" that confer "major crimes", and just push them back, then the affected people will only remain "minor crimes" "Why do we need to assign an additional "moderate crime"?

Is it possible that when Chitong looks at people, she sees "major crimes" from the very beginning, and she thinks it is merciful enough to reduce the crimes of people who have committed "major crimes" to "moderate crimes" , they are not eligible for "complete exoneration."

But she must have never imagined that those "sinners" were just trivial problems from the beginning. It was just when the "enemy Teigu user" "raised the crime" against them after knowing that she had a Teigu that "lowered the crime". Just push the severity to the limit, even if the crime is cut in half, you still make money.

In order to guard against haggling, I directly set the price to ten times the purchase price... What kind of profiteer behavior is this?

No, you can't call it a profiteer... Tazmi thought of what she had witnessed before, the impact of the "black thread" not being stopped.

The controller of "Black Thread" must be a devil.

"Turn around, assassin," Ghost Oka's figure appeared at the other end of the alley: "I can feel your killing intent from two streets away."

That's not directed at you...but whatever.

"Oka of Ghosts, since you colluded with businessmen, disregarded human life, and attacked at night, you will be punished here." Tazmi turned around and walked towards him with her hand on the hilt of her sword.

"Oh? You didn't run away immediately, but approached me, the Ghost Oka?" The Ghost Oka also put his hand on the hilt of the sword.

"If I don't get close, how can I teach you a lesson?" Tazmi kept her speed unchanged, lowered her head slightly, and a light flashed in her eyes.


They both unsheathed their swords at the same time.


"Ahem! Ahem... I can't die yet. Someone is waiting for me to go back. My will to live is stronger than anyone else..." Oka, whose clothes were stained red by a large amount of blood, used a broken sword to support his body and half-knelt on the ground. Staggeringly, he persisted and refused to fall: "I can still... fight..."

"Huh...huh...this must be fake...why is he so strong..." Tazmi didn't have any injuries on his body, but there was a scratch on his forehead, and the blood stained him red. On half of his face, the eyes on that half could not open.

In the brief confrontation, Oka used a series of sword skills with ridiculous names such as "Earth Ghost Flash", "Double Ghost Flash", "Ghost Cry Flash", "Ghost Hammer Flash", etc., and the names of these sword skills were all his own. Drink it out.

People don't have to worry about being embarrassed if they look fierce, right?

Although those sword moves were extremely vicious, Tazmi was only hit by half of them due to carelessness. She also took the opportunity to slash Ouka several times, but unfortunately it failed to make him lose his combat effectiveness. Moreover, as Ouka's injuries worsened, his body His breath also became more and more dangerous.

"Young man, you are worthy of my ghost Oka using the secret skill 'Nine-Headed Ghost Flash'," Oka held the broken sword and stared at Tazmi closely, "However, at this moment when my life is in such a crisis, it should It will become the 'Tianxiang Ghost Flash' that I have never used before. Although I will definitely die after using it, but I can see the sword light for that moment... As a swordsman, there is nothing more I could ask for."

This guy has gone too far! Sister Chitong, where are you? Come and clean up this mess!

Tazmi roared in her heart, but she felt a little relieved when she saw that Brand was still watching the battle with transparency.

In any case, this guy said something cool, but if he couldn't bite it back, he would have lost in terms of momentum.

"If I can buy a new world where everyone can live with peace of mind, by staining my blade with blood and the lives of evil people like you, I will—" Tazmi raised the edge of her sword. : "Do justice for heaven!"

Very good, from the point of view of the situation, he has already won, Tazmi thought silently, looking at Oka's slightly dull eyes.

"Oka——!" "Master——!"

When the two swordsmen were about to fight with their lives, two women rushed into the battlefield. Among them, the older, black-haired woman who looked like a merchant jumped directly into the blood-covered Ouka's arms, while the other, a petite brown woman The girl opened her hand to block Tazmi.

"Ahem... Ba, Seliu, why are you here..." The murderous aura on Oka's body disappeared instantly, and he even seemed a bit submissive.

"I told you a long time ago that you don't need to do that kind of thing. After my father passes away, I will only have you, and we will die together!" The black-haired woman hugged Oka and refused to let go.

"The money Master Oka extorted from unscrupulous businessmen was used to support the war orphans taken in by the old captain! If you want to kill me in a night attack, kill me first!" The brown-haired girl looked firm and righteous.

"Tsk..." Tazmi thought of the three aliens who had come back from the dead - although they had turned into animals, the information about the oil dealer and the record officer had changed again. It was obvious that Chitong had done something else after they were killed. "Modify", but he was so focused on fighting that he didn't notice it at all.

He put away his sword, raised his head slightly, and as expected saw the night attack members who were going to complete the other two tasks on the roofs on both sides of the narrow alley.

Do you want to find a chance to talk to her? At least determine what her purpose is.

However, if this kind of "modification" is "immune" to oneself, will it be silenced?

After being silenced and then resurrecting a Tazmi who is not immune to modifications... I don't want that kind of thing.

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