The Collection of The End

One thousand nine hundred and thirty-seven, sustainable crazy empire (14)

"Jie Jie Jie, it's really interesting."

The beheaded Zanke stood on the top of the tallest building in the imperial capital except the imperial palace, observing the movements of everyone in the night attack through the imperial gear.

This is a man wearing a white uniform and a black tie, with a strong build and a ferocious face. He has a dark red ornament that is roughly diamond-shaped and looks like an eye on his forehead.

The thing followed his wandering eyes every now and then, proving that it was not a dead thing.

"Are you training new people? Just to hunt a mere ghost Oka, but there are four people escorting him... Jie Jie Jie." Zanke wiped the corners of his mouth with his sleeves and began to play with a pair of broad-bladed daggers in his hands. .

He was originally one of the executioners in the Imperial Prison, responsible for beheading those who had committed capital crimes. Even if the person who was beheaded was wrongly accused, it had nothing to do with him as the executioner. Even if he wanted revenge, it would not be his turn. ——But those dead souls don’t think so.

From an unknown day, the souls of the sinners he killed appeared around Zank. They kept telling him the resentment of being killed, but no one could hear or see it except him. And other senior executioners don't have similar problems.

Eventually, Zanke was driven mad by these resentful whispers.

——As long as the number of these "wraith spirits" is large enough, then those whispers will just become meaningless noise like a vegetable market, right? Is that right?

After that, Zanke began to seize every opportunity to behead criminals, and his colleagues who were not too interested in this job were naturally willing to give up the opportunity - anyway, the salary was not calculated based on the number of times worked.

With the implementation of Zank's "Increase Noise" plan, the number of "wrongful souls" gradually increased, and the "whispers" did gradually become blurred as the number increased. This made Zank develop a great enthusiasm for being able to chop off people's heads.

--again? Not yet? Then next one! Next one! !

This enthusiasm even earned him the nickname "Zanke the Beheader."

However, this plan was ruined by General Bude.

After a certain internal affairs officer named "Shaoer" was sentenced to death by splitting a car, the general ordered the Imperial City Prison to stop executing all punishments, including the death penalty. The specific time to resume would have to wait until he personally informed him.

The number of souls around Zanke happened to be stuck at the limit where "everyone can hear clearly".

Zanke frantically asked the warden for an execution quota, and even said the words "secretly kill a few guys who someone outside wants them dead", but was still sternly rejected by the warden - to get benefits It can be done anywhere. Does offending the general mean you will live longer?

In the end, the unbearable Zanke took the opportunity to steal the warden's "Teigu", intending to use its power to kill in the imperial capital, and then fly away - this indeed sounds like the thinking of a crazy person.

The warden's imperial guise is called Five-Sighted Omnipotent Observer. It possesses five abilities: piercing vision, far vision, perspective vision, future vision, and hallucination vision. Activate illusion.

In Zanke's opinion, this was obviously an excellent killing tool, but it was a complete waste when the warden used it to torture prisoners to obtain information.

"The first person you want to kill after obtaining this imperial weapon is the newcomer from the night attack, Jie Jie Jie."


"Shayo, Sayu!"

After the night attackers gave up on killing Oka, they dispersed. Zanke took advantage of the newcomer boy's unpreparedness and used "Vision" on him, luring him out alone.

According to the usage used by the warden, the affected person will regard the user as the closest person, and "Shayou" is a female name...

"Jie Jie Jie...if you die in the hands of your sweetheart, your head will fly up to the sky with a smile on your face." Zanke stooped slightly and made a stabbing gesture towards the young man.

"Uh...what...don't go there?" The brown-haired boy was about to enter Zank's attack range when he suddenly stopped: "Are you a phantom now? Were you created by the enemy?"

"Jie Jie Jie, kid, have you seen through the illusion and are you playing tricks on me?" Zanke said with distorted features.

"But to be honest, this dress doesn't suit you..." The brown-haired boy touched his nose as if he was really talking to the phantom: "Five Elements Mountain... what?"

"Jiejie - die!" Zanke suddenly rushed forward and slashed at the young man's neck with his knife.


Before the blade hit him, the boy flew backwards as if he had been hit by a heavy hammer and hit the wall behind him.

"..." Zank looked down and made sure that he had not mistaken the blade for a hammer, and then used "Deep Vision" on the brown-haired boy.

Five seconds ago, what he saw in his eyes was indeed not Zank, but a black-haired woman wearing a strange monk's robe. At the same time that Zank drew his sword, she knocked the brown-haired boy away with a palm.

"Ah! Sayu has turned into a strange uncle!" The brown-haired boy shook his head and pointed at Zank and said.

"Jie, Jie, Jie, just turn yourself into an injustice with such a ridiculous attitude!" Zanke grinned crazily, stepped hard, and accelerated towards the brown-haired boy's neck again.

"Ah..." The brown-haired boy originally put his hand on the hilt of the sword in a defensive posture, but when Zanke was halfway through the charge, he suddenly lifted his guard and looked up at the sky.

"Do you think I will still be fooled? Jie Jie Jie - Ga'er!"

Zank's head suddenly sank, and then he hit the ground face down.

He realized belatedly that it seemed to be...a pair of shoes? In other words, someone stepped on his head and knocked him to the ground?

"Hmm... that's interesting," a girl's voice above her head sounded, and then, the pair of shoes stepping on Zank's head jumped forward slightly, making a landing sound, and then, the voice said: "Beheading Zank actually There is no need to clear my name at all, not only did I not have time to kill anyone, I also went crazy."

"Um, Chitong, why are you here?" the brown-haired boy said hesitantly.

"I came here to see if you were injured by Ouka. That guy has some skills that will cause the victim to die six months to five years later." The girl replied.

"He is the ghost Oka, not the mad dog Oka!"

Red eyes? Wanted by the empire, the number one killer in the night?

"Jie Jie Jie - you dare to turn your back to me, today is the day you die -!"

Zanke suddenly got up from the ground, and then used all five abilities of the Teigu on the girl with black hair and black clothes in front of him.

" that...the Milky Way]?"

Starting from the first sprout of life underwater...]

From humble beginnings...]

You built many cities with stone...]



This world contains more miracles than could be conceived in the dreams of ancient prophets, and the horrors of disasters cannot be described by apocalypse. The world not only has machines with self-awareness, but also brand-new things that weave dreamy wonderland. Long ago The choices made will have momentous consequences in this era, and they require unwavering answers. Go forward and realize your vision for the future of civilization. 】

Zanke's eyes gradually became dull, and the broad-bladed sword in his hand fell to the ground.

"Um...what's wrong with him?" The brown-haired boy asked Chitong quietly.

"Hmm, I don't know," Chitong tapped the hilt of the sword at his waist: "I actually really want to know what will happen if you violate the rule of not looking directly at God."

"My Lady Saint——!!"

After being stunned for a long time, Zanke finally recovered, and in the next second he threw himself to the ground and kowtowed to Chi Tong:

"Allow your loyal servant to follow you forever!"

His eyes were wide open and bulging, looking like goldfish, and they were looking in different directions from the third eye on his forehead.

"...So disgusting." Tazmi clicked her tongue.

"Tsk, tsk, you came out really late." Chitong said with unclear meaning.

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