The Collection of The End

One Thousand Nine Hundred and Forty-Two, Sustainable Crazy Empire (19)

Night raids on strongholds, lawless halls, and dormitories.

"Well, where did he send his consciousness? He has been in a coma for seven days." I took another look at the brown-haired boy lying on the bed, and asked Meng Nali, "Am I completely There is no manipulation of the Five Visions Omnipotence, but he can fit in perfectly. Not only can it merge with itself, but it can even activate the 'Infinite Tsukuyomi'."

"Because it was launched against you, but it was rebounded," Meng Nali held up an information board and scratched it: "Don't you think that he is more like a dream than a coma?"

"I can tell..." I glanced at Tazmi's expression again.

In the seven days after he passed out after using the Teigu, he first showed a pained expression, then gritted his teeth, then showed a silly smile, then became calm, then looked very nervous, and finally, at this moment, he stopped in a flash. The clothes are gone, hiding the pride of merit and fame.

I always feel like he has experienced some kind of big adventure. I am very curious about this. However, due to his high status, not only can I not explore his thoughts, but also his dreams, otherwise I will blow his head off.

"According to the analysis of the support team, his state at this time may be the same as Xiaohao's previous state of 'liver activity'. It is still the kind of situation where it is carried out through dreams and cannot be contacted by Chaldea at all." Meng Nali said.

"I think so," I thought about the content of the event: "So, he will bring a 'limited character' with him?"

"Although it is true to say that, in fact it should be the other way around," Meng Nali pointed her chin with her finger: "He will not 'bring out' the character, but will use the template of a certain character we know." Bring it to 'someone in the dream', and that person will change without your intervention, which is a low-end version of 'Correction of All Things'."


It's strange that I didn't interfere at all with Tazmi, Zanke and their Teigu Five Visions, and they were basically in a "native" state, but they still had such changes that were not in line with the original work.

Could it be that Tazmi went to Zanke's past? !

Are you concerned about your identity...] ‘No. ’

The stupid system tried to do it again, but I interrupted it directly.

'I know you are going to say that they were influenced by the identity of the whale virgin I brought back before, but this world is not a arena created for me to compete with Gao Wei AI, but a world that already exists, but I tried to sneak attack. It's just a removal, and there will never be any changes for me. ’

So, is there a possibility that you have been to this world before? 】

'It's absolutely impossible. First of all, I won't create this malicious world full of world consciousness. Even if I want to create it, the underlying rules and logic will change drastically. You know, I never accommodate the bugs of the original work. . ’

Oops, wouldn’t the Harry Potter world be ruined? 】

'That world... There's nothing wrong with just the plot, but for the world consciousness that has to make everything it can access logical and bug-free, it's simply a nightmare. If it were to be created in the world of reincarnation, the world itself would It will be only the size of Hogwarts, with at most some satellites like Diagon Alley or Azkaban attached. ’

So, another possibility is that this place, like the previous Madoka Magica and Lord of the Rings worlds, is magically modified from one of your previous worlds? 】

‘Well, judging from the map of the entire empire… Three Kingdoms? No, no, no, no matter how much magic is changed, it won’t turn into a state where everyone is a foreigner, right? It would be more normal for those forces to climb the technology tree and fight all the way to the universe to continue the three-party struggle for hegemony. ’

Interstellar Three Kingdoms Conflict for Hegemony, right? Who are Wei, Shu and Wu? 】

‘...Well, it’s unimaginable, forget it. ’

In any case, where did Tazmi go? Just wait until he wakes up and ask. 】



"Okay?" Meng Nali stretched out her hand and waved it in front of my eyes: "Is there any new information coming?"

"Hmm? About what?" I looked at the empty information board in her hand.

Since the technology tree of Zhanchi World is quite crooked, although there are machines, firearms and even modified prosthetics, they still rely more on cold weapons for combat and animal power for transportation. Therefore, what Meng Nali uses to contact the "Rebel Army" is naturally not something that can connect to the Internet. tablet.

In fact, it was just a useless wooden board lined with metal. The real people responsible for contact were Melissa and Roman who stayed on the Chaldea side. They scanned and analyzed the intelligence of this world, and Through the... quantum entanglement between Meng Nali and Meng Lisa? Projected in Meng Nali's consciousness, she had been holding a board just to avoid looking weird at the air.

"It's news from Beidi and Xirong," Meng Nali adjusted her blindfold: "General Esdeath was summoned by the minister to return to the imperial capital. Beidi thought this was a good opportunity and launched a massive attack. Unexpectedly, the person who returned first was a substitute. The general himself summoned The ice and snow storm froze all those in Beidi during the march as a warning."

"Normal operation, it seems that the 'Hunter' is about to be established..." I recalled the plot: "Wait, no, the 'Assassination of the Minister's Relatives' incident that caused the Minister to call Esdeath back is gone, isn't it? ? I changed that guy to 'died from overwork and illness taking care of orphans'."

"No," Meng Nali made two strokes on the information board: "According to the Imperial Guard, the reason seems to be that 'the night attack took away Zank's Teigu'."

"It's because I was threatened... You really shouldn't expect these villains to have family ties."

"Then there is Xirong," Meng Nali continued: "Qiao Li, the former minister of the empire, returned from the border of the Western Region and was attacked by Xirong thieves along the way."

"Oh... the three beast warriors, Esdeath's three Teigu user men holding useless Teigu... Wait, this order is completely wrong! Hill is not dead yet!"

"Although you won't let Hill die, she will be sad if you say this." Meng Nali glanced at me.

"Don't worry, I can't hear you." I looked at Tazmi, who was still sleeping: "Have you not done experiments before? Even if the natives can hear every word of the words from 'outside the world' Understand what they mean—and what are the consequences?”

"As a result, the Xirong thieves were wiped out by the guards led by Qiao Li and his granddaughter Sibia, and they successfully joined General Bude who rushed to meet them." Meng Nali straightened her hair.

"Hmm... Although it is unreasonable, it seems to be somewhat reasonable. After all, the three beast warriors and Esdeath have not returned to the imperial capital, so naturally they cannot receive the task of assassinating the former minister. If you want the former minister and the two to be killed, then We can only rely on the foreign race - but we were killed in the end." I nodded: "Well, since the plot is already a mess, the order is not very important, just tell me what will happen next."

"Next..." Meng Nali looked at the information board and hesitated: "Dongyi seems to be preparing to attack a group of officials returning to the imperial capital by boat from the eastern coast, and Esdeath is planning a competition to recruit a bride."

"Oh, so the three beast warriors have to first - huh?"


Half a day later, the stronghold conference room.

"This is the basic information," Meng Nali, no, Najiexitan looked at the Night Raid members in front of her with her chin in her hands: "These two missions will be carried out at the same time. You can tell which side you prefer. I Arrange manpower as appropriate.”

The Night Raid members looked at each other and discussed in low voices.

In the original work, "boarding a ship to protect officials" and "participating in a martial arts competition to recruit a bride" are all plots where Tazmi shows off her skills, but they somehow happen at the same time.

The most troublesome thing is that I originally prepared the plot of "the correct use of dogs and scissors", but ended up skipping it directly.

Guess whose fault it is? 】

‘It’s definitely none of my business, because An Ningdao, which is scheduled to revolt, somehow has no trace of its existence at all. ’

The road to tranquility, the road to peace, uprising, tut tut tut. 】

'From the setting point of view, the author of Zhan Chi did use the background of the Three Kingdoms, but it was just the eighteenth princes to challenge Dong. After all, the authoritarian ministers and the puppet emperor were too obvious, but in the details, he used the setting that he understood. This resulted in a strong sense of fragmentation in the overall setting of the empire. ’

Betray the author on a daily basis. 】

'After all, the author of Zhanchi is only worthy of praise for his painting style and daily routine. It is said that he later transitioned to draw cute love comics, which was widely praised. However, readers are always worried that those cute girls will suddenly hack others to death. ’

If your story were a comic, readers would have to worry about you suddenly stabbing yourself to death. 】

‘It’s so noisy! ’

"Well, boss, I think with my Teigu's characteristics, I can participate in the 'Competition Tournament'." After a moment of discussion, Tazmi raised her hand.

It's fate... I stared at Tazmi.

After he woke up, he said that in his dream he helped a northern tribe with a strange name defeat the incoming Beidi. It felt very real to the senses, and it seemed that only one day had passed.

Obviously, he ran over to save Esdeath's tribe, leaving a very deep impression on the little girl, and then he was attracted by the frosty imperial general who grew up. The original plot was very outrageous and was The much-criticized love at first sight actually has a reasonable explanation...

But where did Li Xiaoyao and Zhao Linger come from?

"Ah, this... you know, my Teigu is fused with my eyes, so it can't be detected at all. Moreover, I can also use the 'Five Sight' to detect the visiting high-ranking officials of the empire. The most important thing is that I am not wanted by the empire. Order." Tazmi explained, grabbing her hair.

"Then, the task of protecting the officials on the cruise ship is left to me." Brand patted his chest: "The transparency of 'haunted by evil spirits' is used at times like this."

Although the general direction deviates from the plot, the small details still follow the original work...

"Do you want to remain transparent all the time?" I clicked on the pink rabbit, "Ma Yin will go with you, and you will act as her bodyguard. The officials will be protected by General Bude, so you don't have to worry about ordinary enemies. Just concentrate on dealing with the Teigu user."

Ma Yin raised her chin: "If they dare to come, they will never come back."

"Over there at the athletic meet, Sora is participating." I pointed at Lubbock.

"...Who?" The green-haired young man looked around with confusion on his face.

"So, Kirito?"

"I'm Lubbock, Chitong?"


It's really strange, considering Sora's personality of running around in different worlds no matter what, he didn't come to join in the fun?

Could it be that this "stealth assassination" was too hidden and he didn't react?

"Okay, Lubbock, you go with Tazmi." Of course, it is impossible to admit his mistake. Not only will he not correct it, but he will also intensify his efforts to prevent him from pretending.

"But my appearance is on the wanted poster?" Lubbock pointed to his face.

"So you have to dress up," I pulled out an empty box from under the conference table, grabbed Murasame and knocked on it.

Ouch! 】

I opened the lid of the box and took out a wig, several women's uniforms, a black swordsman uniform, and a pair of black and white swords: "Women's clothing."


The conference room fell into silence for a moment, but Leonai and Ciel stood up with eyes shining.

Although Long Po is not used in this way, this time it turned out to be the most suitable time for you to use it. By the way, your Chitong is completely OOC. 】

'Compared to taking off Tazmi's clothes without saying a word, forcing Lubbock to dress up as a woman is already very restrained. ’

It seems to make sense. 】

"Eh? Wait? I'm not suitable..." Lubbock realized that I was serious. He jumped up from his seat and backed away. He leaned against the wall of the conference room and looked around to escape.

"For a young, talented and handsome swordsman like Tazmi, wouldn't it be weird if he didn't have a female companion? But I don't want my sisters to suffer," I crossed my arms and looked at Lubbock: "Thank you for your sacrifice, Madge.”

"Who is Madge! Don't come over here!" Lubbock resisted and even took out the imperial equipment.

"Give up," Najiexitan said quietly, holding her chin with her hands, "Those threads of yours can't control Leonai, and Hill can cut off anything. If we're competing within the team, you're at the bottom."

"..." I turned my head and glanced at her.

I didn’t expect you to be like Meng Nali.

"As an artist, I am happy to witness the birth of a masterpiece." Meng Nali spread her hands towards me.

"No -" On the other side, Lubbock's voice changed after being manipulated by the strong women, while Brand and Tazmi just turned their heads to the side silently.


At this moment, the door of the conference room was kicked open.

"Najetta!" With a clear and lively voice, a girl walked in from the door.

She has orange-red shawl hair, a pair of bright red eyes, a lollipop in her mouth, bunny headphones on her ears, wearing a white shirt, a black suit vest, an orange plaid skirt and black stockings. , if you look at it in modern times, it would look like a female high school student.

"I'm here to help-" The girl was mid-sentence and was stunned on the spot.

The situation in the conference room at this time was that Leonai was happily fixing Lubbock's arms from behind, whose shirt had been removed, while Hill was expressionlessly trying to put a women's vest on him. , while Ma Yin was holding a skirt and eager to try it on.

"Excuse me." The girl closed the door and left.

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