The Collection of The End

One Thousand Nine Hundred and Forty Three, Sustainable Crazy Empire (20)

Imperial Capital, Arena.

"It's really spectacular." Tazmi in the crowd looked around with wide eyes.

This is a super giant ring-shaped building built entirely of blue and white stones, right next to the palace. In the center is a flat circular stone brick stage. Starting from the edge of the stage to the surrounding walls, the walls are rising continuously. The circular stairs of the auditorium, and the top of the wall surrounding the arena, also partially extend toward the center of the stage, a ceiling-like structure, as if the arena itself is a closed space, but someone has lifted the "roof" off. .

"It is said that the original name of the 'Arena' was the 'Colosseum'. A certain emperor once subdued the special dangerous species here with his bare hands. Later, because those dangerous species were nothing to the adventurers who gradually became stronger, After being threatened, it gradually turned into a venue for competitions between people." A slightly hoarse female voice came from behind Tazmi: "But in essence, it is still a 'Colosseum'."

"..." Tazmi turned her head slightly and looked away.

Smooth and shiny shawl black hair, soft and heroic facial features, slender figure, silver-white breastplate, exquisite and capable black blouse and trousers, plus skirt-like hem, and a black robe on the back Yibai's double swords.

No one could possibly mistake this slightly masculine young swordsman for the green guy in Lubbock, right? Chelsea's makeup skills are amazing.

No, that is not actually a makeup technique, but a Teigu effect called Transformation Gaia Foundation. It can make the holder look like anything, and can also give others the illusion of disguise. However, when giving disguise to others During the illusion, the Teigu user cannot transform himself.

Combined with his own analysis and theory of functional Teigu, this should be used by scouts to collect intelligence. It would be very unsafe to use it for assassinations. After all, it has no combat capabilities and is worse than his all-seeing eye.

Perhaps Chitong thought so too, so she was not assigned tasks during these two operations, but arranged for her to stay in the stronghold.

"Hmph..." Noticing Tazmi's gaze, Lubbock, or as Chitong called him, Tongzi rolled her eyes and rolled her eyes at him: "What are you looking at? This is common sense. You didn't do it before you came. homework."

He was quite into the role...forget it, after all, there were so many people around, it wasn't appropriate to say anything as a member of Night Raid, so let's just play the role of "a childhood sweetheart who came from the countryside and wanted to get ahead".

Speaking of which, where did Sayu and Ibias go?

"Knowing history is of little help to whether we can win," Tazmi touched the black iron adventurer brand around his neck: "It is important to get a ranking in this 'Competition Tournament' and improve the adventurer level."

"Who asked you to accept the mission when you first came here? You should get a black iron," Tongzi laughed: "I am different. I want to win this competition and jump directly to the gold level."

"I won't lose to you!" Tazmi continued.

Well... As expected, the people around me looked at him with comments like "Young man is too young" and "If you win the test, you will lose your life".


"Dear residents of the Imperial Capital! Welcome to this 'competition meeting'!]"

After a while, Tazmi, who had been completely regarded as a clueless youngster, finally heard the host's voice, but it seemed a little unexpectedly young?

"I am your Majesty the Emperor!]"

Poof - Tazmi almost spat out and looked up hastily.

I saw that in the auditorium facing north and south of the arena, there was a special stand that was not available in other directions. It was a special stand for VIP seats. It was guarded by heavily armed imperial soldiers. On the stand, there was a man wearing bright yellow clothes. The young man was sitting behind the table holding a microphone and talking, and next to him, there was a fat man in purple clothes sitting. He completely ignored the emperor next to him and was feasting on the food in front of him.

The emperor and...the minister, the latter is the final target of the night attack...

Although the distance was too far to see clearly, Tazmi was careful not to use the "far vision" ability of the Teigu. Those were the emperor and ministers. Who knew if there was any counter-reconnaissance method for the Teigu? If it was tracked in reverse, it would be possible It's troublesome.

"In the past, General Bude was responsible for organizing the competition, but now he happens to have something to do, so I will personally host it. Are you happy-?]"

"Happy——" Both the audience and the contestants in the arena responded loudly.

In this situation, who dares to say "If you are not happy, please go back to the palace"?

"The rules are the same as before, um...]" The little emperor seemed to be turning over the manuscript: "Sixty-four people will participate in each preliminary round. They will be divided into four teams to compete with each other. In the end, the team with still members standing will advance to the semi-finals. There are still sixty-four people, but only divided into two teams. The losing team in each game is eliminated, and the winning team is divided into two teams to play. Rest is allowed between each game, but in the end there will only be one winner, the winner of the rematch. Entering the finals for a two-two showdown.】"

"This..." Tazmi touched her nose: "Ignoring the preliminary round, if you don't keep a hand in the rematch, you may be eliminated by your original teammates who know the details. And if you keep a hand, the rest of the team will be eliminated, and you will be alone. ah."

"Don't you see? From the beginning of the semi-finals, everyone else will be 'opponents' and 'future opponents'. Unless they are in different groups, only one person out of every sixty-four will advance to the finals." Tongzi continued to mock him. .

"No matter what kind of opponent I am, I will never lose!" Tazmi continued to play the hot-blooded fool.

"As for the reward...]" The little emperor turned to the minister next to him: "Minister, what can you tell me?"

"Hmph," the minister put down the food and took the microphone: "The winner will be awarded the title of 'No. 1 in the World' by His Majesty the Emperor!"

"Oh oh oh——!" the audience cheered half-heartedly.

Tazmi yelled twice and rolled her eyes quietly - even if someone wanted to boo, they wouldn't dare in this situation.

"Contestants who have won before will be given bonuses based on the number of games won and final ranking, which can also be converted into the contribution value of the Imperial Capital Adventurer's Guild.]"

"Oh!" This time the cheers were much more sincere.

"In addition, the finalists, regardless of their final ranking, will have the opportunity to be invited to join the 'Hunters', a new special force formed by the empire to deal with recent threats, and be qualified to try out the 'Teigu'."

"Oh——!" The response this time was somewhat polarized, either very enthusiastic or completely uninterested.

As for Tazmi and Kiriko, they belong to the minority who are very enthusiastic but have to show that they are completely uninterested.

As for the "latest threat", just say "night attack".

After all, this reward is the reason why they were sent to participate in the competition - to obtain information on all those who may become enemies in the future.

As for the possibility of trying out the Teigu and taking it away... Not to mention that a Teigu user who already owns a Teigu will basically not be recognized by another Teigu. Even if he is lucky enough to be recognized, using two Teigu that consumes a lot of money at the same time It is basically tantamount to suicide. The most important thing is that in that case, the subject will be closely guarded, and there is almost no possibility of escape.

Therefore, entering the finals, confirming everyone's information, and then traveling in one round is the purpose of this trip.


Below the arena, there is a stone passage.

The auditorium of the arena is raised all the way, and the space below is divided to serve as a lounge for competitive players. However, according to Kiriko, these spaces were originally used to contain the animals in the Colosseum, so there is no need to worry about the environment. Much expectation.

"Ah, as expected, I and Kiriko are separated. After all, so many people draw lots, it is simply impossible to be assigned together." Tazmi casually maintained his character while looking for his own rest according to the number plate in his hand. room.

Although the arena is large enough, for the sake of viewing and more effective use of the venue, there will only be two preliminary matches held at the same time. Others will stay in their respective lounges to get familiar with each other before the number is called - if they are willing to do so if.

"Well, Lounge No. 401416," Tazmi looked at the house number and then her "404" number, opened the door and walked in.


As he stepped into the door, a cold light suddenly appeared and went straight towards his throat.


Tazmi drew his sword without hesitation to block the cold light, but the force coming from above made him unsteady. He took several steps back, and did not stop until he hit the wall of the lounge.


When Tazmi thought her identity was exposed and was about to use the power of the Teigu to fight back or escape, the attacker did not continue to pursue. Instead, he clicked his tongue as if feeling a pity and sheathed his sword again.

Red eyes?

When she saw the person in front of her clearly, Tazmi almost screamed, but she still held it back.

Thinking about it carefully, Chitong had obviously gone to the East China Sea cruise ship with Ma Yin and Brand to secretly protect those honest officials. No matter how unbelievable she was, she had no reason to appear here, and she called out wanted persons in the core area of ​​the imperial capital. No matter how you think about the name, it doesn't look good.

It was a girl who looked very similar to Chitong in appearance and clothing. She also carried a sword at her waist, but her hair was short to her ears, she looked younger, and her eyes were black.

Maybe she does have something to do with Chi Tong, but now is not the right time to ask.

"...Why did you attack me?" Tazmi finally asked.

"I hate team battles," the short-haired girl glanced at him: "Rather than being tricked by pig teammates after the start, it's better for me to kill them first and then fight on my behalf."

"..." Tazmi took a few seconds to understand what she meant: "Fighting on behalf of me?"

"As long as anyone is killed by me, they will follow my instructions." The girl patted the handle of the knife at her waist: "This is the ability of Teigu's March of the Dead: Eight Rooms."

"Then can they talk? Where are their memories from their lifetime?" Tazmi asked.

"...No," the girl looked at him with a strange expression: "But her skills will remain at the same level as before."

"So it can't be used to obtain intelligence, but to control corpses..." Tazmi thought briefly: "What is the maximum number of controls?"

"Eight people." The girl replied, her expression changing from doubtful to interested.

"It is not used to control people," Tazmi said: "You should hunt those super dangerous species and control them. There are eight super dangerous species. Ordinary Teigu users cannot be your opponent at all. If I guess correctly, you may have planned to find stronger players in this competitive tournament to kill and control them—but your plan was in the wrong direction from the beginning."

"Hmph, do you think I don't want to? But the super dangerous species are not what you people think of as adventure-level experience." The girl looked at the black iron adventurer badge on Tazmi's neck: "Their flesh, skin, and bones are all extremely If they don't spend enough money to redeem valuable things from those who participated in the killing, they will never sell the corpse of a super dangerous species."

"So, you need a partner who can kill dangerous species alone," Tazmi pointed back at herself: "Like me."

"..." The girl tilted her head and looked at Tazmi for a moment, then finally nodded and stretched out her hand to him: "Black Eyes, my name."

"Tazmi." Tazmi breathed out and reached out to shake her hand.

The sword with red eyes can bring people back to life, and the sword with black eyes can also bring people back to life. The weapons in their hands are both swords, and their functions are related to life and death, but in completely opposite directions.

Sure enough, she should have some relationship with Chitong, maybe she is a sister?

However, this girl is too scary. From the moment she missed her entrance, she was completely enveloped by her murderous intent. Teigu's "future vision" activated on its own, and all it showed was that his wrong words or actions made her... He "predicted" that he would be killed on the spot if he felt threatened, so he had to try to arouse her interest and actively act as a tool to avoid being killed.

Obviously, it is true that Heitong said that she cannot hunt dangerous species alone, because none of those moves are used to deal with dangerous species. The purpose of each move is very clear - to make humans lose their combat effectiveness in the most efficient way, unless Hitting the vital point, those moves would not be able to cause effective damage to dangerous species, and would even put her in danger.

"I heard that this competition is to select some kind of 'hunter'," Black Eyes said in a lighter tone after no longer trying to kill Tazmi: "If you join them, you may be able to get thugs who hunt super dangerous species. "

"No, I think this word means 'hunting humans' rather than 'hunting people'. After they are hired by the empire, they will most likely deal with people who threaten the empire instead of dealing with dangerous species," Taz Mi shook her head, and then quickly added: "No matter what, I will help you hunt dangerous species."

"Hmph...I understand," Black Eyes narrowed his eyes: "In that case, I won't kill the pig teammates who come back later, otherwise it will be very troublesome to occupy the resurrection spot."

"Yeah." Tazmi nodded repeatedly.

"——Just cut off their hands and feet to disqualify them." Black Eyes continued.

Don’t you understand nothing?

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