The Collection of The End

One thousand nine hundred and forty-eight, foundation value of human science: B+

"Everyone, please stop this!]" Zelapesh slapped the crowd in shock and shouted.

"Hey! What a big and dangerous species!" Lin Hao Alter put his chin in his hands in a gesture of surprise.

"How presumptuous! My name is the Old Immortal of South China, and I am the unicorn that protects this world. How can I be confused with those low-level beasts?" If you break into this place and disturb the purity of the Immortal Mansion, why don’t you hurry up and receive the warning!]”

"Jiangzuo Merlin?!" Lin Hao Alter continued to express surprise: "If you are really that ancient sage, why did you allow the empire to fall into corruption? The people are living in poverty?"

"Empire? People?]" Zelapesh turned around and waved his fan: "The 'empire' in your mouth, is its name Qi? Chu? Yan? Or Jin? The 'people' in your mouth have black hair and black hair?" The Han people in my eyes? A foreign country, people from outside the country, why should I protect you?"

"In the whole world, it's not the country, but it's the people." Lin Hao Alt retorted.

"The country is where the people are. If the people do not exist, where will the country be?" Zelapesh slapped the gavel again.

"Okay!" "Okay!" "Fight her to death! Fight her to death quickly!"

The audience booed one after another, and someone obviously walked into the wrong set.

This is the leisure square of Shanshui Lecheng Community. After returning from Zhanchi World, Zelapesh set up a stage to tell stories about what happened in that world.

After all, this is a infiltration operation, and almost all followers cannot enter. They can only watch the feedback received by Lisa Meng through "quantum entanglement." And after the world ends, I will obviously not use the "game video" and "battle report" "After releasing it, Zera's crooked idea turned out to be a very popular method.

What we are talking about at this time is the penultimate scene: "The sea-killing demon sisters meet, the Qilin that disturbs the purity comes into the world, Zera plays Merlin, and Lin Hao·alter plays me."

This scene... I play me and the me who plays me performs the story between me and me.

Please indicate the reference to each ‘I’. 】

‘Cut the nonsense! ’

Well, in short, as expected, a certain recycled avatar successfully died. I turned around and looked.

In the air full of joy, Merlin put his hand on his forehead, lowered his head and closed his eyes in silence.

She has long silver hair, red eyes, dark green tights, a pure white hood and a cloak decorated with petals. She holds a black wooden staff. Pink petals appear and disappear from time to time around her body. Although her appearance is not much different from other incarnations, But no one will confuse her because of the difference between her and other incarnations - probably the difference between the Lily form and the Lancer form of King Da Mao.

I must have had a brain twitch at that time, because the original Merlin was a "big brother", so I specially made a "big sister", and the result...

Damn it, now it is clear that someone died after pretending to be a fairy for too long, but after she came to the Kingdom of God for a while, why did it feel like it was me who died?

Be confident and remove it. 】

‘It’s so noisy! ’

In order to avoid social death yourself, it is necessary to let others die first.

I looked around and quickly found a doctor who was fishing.

"If you see the standard 'Magic☆Merry' over there, go talk to her."

"Don't... Meng Nali and the Queen of Sheba are enough." Roman shook his head repeatedly.

"I asked you to see if she is sharp at scolding people. If she can, I'll kidnap her and make her Magical Mellie's favorite. What do you think I'm asking you to do? After all, that's me." I glared at him.

"That's it, hahaha..." Roman scratched the back of his head and walked over.

"Looking at the sea of ​​clouds in the broken 'Mountains and Rivers Map' is just loneliness without anyone to accompany me, but if I continue to walk in the world, it is the 'eternal one' who continues to experience the loneliness of separation."

At this time, Zeira had already started talking about the "Collapse of the Empire" after the "Island Chapter".

"Although I can grant 'eternal life' to some people, those people will eventually ask me to take back this 'blessing'. After all, even a grain of dust will become as heavy as a mountain in an infinite time. Mortal will simply cannot bear this kind of weight.】"

After I took the initiative to reveal my identity, Merlin finally stopped using that literate and fairy-like way of speaking, but instead he transformed into melancholy like a literary girl.

‘Well, after all, One Hundred Years of Solitude can produce a book, so what she wrote during her tens of millions of years of solitude can probably fill a hundred libraries. ’

Although "One Hundred Years of Solitude" is not a book written by someone after being alone for a hundred years, there is nothing wrong with what you said. 】

As for Lin Hao Alter, the time is relatively short. As Akatosh, Zera can create worlds and play when he has nothing to do, but Merlin is more troublesome and can only stay in "There is an Avalon in Dalian" and watch. The tide was rising and falling outside, and the clouds were rolling and relaxing. In the end, I didn’t even want to look at it.

‘Speaking of which, among the identities I’ve used before, there shouldn’t be anyone in a similar situation, right? ’

It seems that there is no such thing as Prehistoric. The ones who turned into Infinity Stones over the Mass Effect side have already been brought out. 】


"Why do you care about and save these 'people of the empire' who originally belonged to the 'barbarians from all directions'? I remember that a long time ago, you didn't even regard the 'bandits' and 'robbers' who were Han people as human beings.]" On the stage , Zella is still performing, but she no longer has the charm of Merlin, but simply reads the lines. Obviously, she is also thinking about my approach.

"The criteria for whether you need to be rescued are not appearance and form, but whether you are intelligent and able to communicate, and it is not divided by ethnic group." Lin Hao Alter continued to read the manuscript: "After the original 'Four Barbarians' infiltrated and merged, they have already met the criteria. This standard has been met, and the 'barbarians from all directions' at this time clearly do not meet the standards."

A more straightforward explanation is... the gap between interactive NPCs and wild monsters. Even if an NPC may light up its health bar when saying something wrong, it is still more valuable than a wild monster that has a health bar at the beginning.

A certain slime expressed dissatisfaction. 】

‘Well, actually there is also the issue of the perspective of the work. ’

After that, there is nothing to say. The empire itself is maintained by Lu Bu's personal force. If he wants the empire to collapse, as long as Liu Bian announces his abdication and the leader of the rebel army succeeds, it will be over. His name seems to be...Li Damu?



Just as I was about to look through the clearance prompts again, Merlin had already pressed Roman's head and smashed him to the floor. Although his face was smashed into the ground, Roman still gave me a thumbs up.

Hmm... The language is sharp, right? That's good.


Tip: The world of reincarnation ‘cut! "Red Eyes" has ended its operation]

The empire collapsed and no one died without any Teigu. 】

Obtained ‘Doomsday Element High Dimension’: Teigu x48. 】

Obtained ‘DNA Point High Dimension’: 0 points. 】

Tip: The ‘Crown’ has been removed and additional ‘DNA Points High Dimension’ has been obtained: 32,000 points]

Tips: Recycle followers: Merlin, Lu Bu, Diao Chan Death Incarnation, Dong Zhuo Qiao Li, Wang Yuan Ji Sibia, Sima Zhao Shila, Liu Bian, Cao Pi Tazmi, Zhen Ji Esdeath, Gil de Ray Beheading Zan gram. 】

Tip: The erosion progress of high-dimensional world increases by ‘43%’]

Well, because there are no reincarnations involved, no high-dimensional DNA points are obtained. Only the 32,000 points fixed by removing the crown and the doomsday element are recorded. This confirms that the "crown designation" can be carried out without the presence of Jin Jing, but if it is accidentally messed up, There is no way for her to save the situation in the "high-dimensional world".

In short, this time the Three Kingdoms world has been emptied out. After the restart, it should become a standard Zhanchi world. Whoever comes here again and gets tortured to the point of stomachache has nothing to do with me.


‘Please identify the more disobedient of the above followers. ’

Liu Bian, he has absolutely no reason to follow you. 】

'The angle is strange, but the reason is quite reasonable.' I looked at the previous briefing: 'The imperial gear of the Imperial Protector, the Supreme Throne, held by the young emperor of the Empire, is the 'Guardian Kirin', which is Merlin himself. , at the same time, the 'elixir of immortality' they took was also transformed by Merlin and given to them. Liu Bian's strongest desire is to continue to be the emperor, and Merlin can give him immortality and maintain the stability of the throne at the same time, so what he is following is actually It's Merlin, and Merlin is about equal to me. ’

The process is all wrong, and the result is not scored if it is written correctly. 】

‘Be tolerant to children. There are so many worlds in the Milky Way, just find any planet and let him be the one. ’

There is no Teigu user to protect him now. If he is overthrown...]

"Water can carry a boat, but it can also capsize it. Capsulating a boat is a required course for being an emperor. He skipped class before, so it makes sense to make up for it now." ’

I can already imagine a future where he continues to ascend the throne and is overthrown again and again... You really have a problem with his misbehavior. 】

‘Dong Zhuo has been retired for a long time, and Lu Bu is indifferent. The empire has not changed emperors in thousands of years. If he is not responsible for the corruption, who else can it be? ’

Is there a possibility that he is simply incompetent? 】

‘Three thousand and seven hundred years, even a pig has become Marshal Tianpeng. ’

It's hard to disagree. 】

'Actually, the strangest thing is Tazmi. Like Esdeath, he does not retain his memory and is automatically reincarnated by the fragments of the Mountains and Rivers Society Map. In theory, it should be no different from the original work, but he actually succeeded in convincing Esdeath. Si Tong is hostile to the Empire. If I hadn't accidentally flipped the table, I would have really wanted to see the subsequent development. ’

If nothing else, it’s Cao Cao and Nero’s fault. 】

‘Speaking of which, I haven’t seen figures or forces similar to those of Wei, Shu and Wu in the Kingdom of God. It’s obvious that I am the only place to go. ’

Maybe they really went to the interstellar world, Cao Cao Mengsk, Liu Bei Renault, Sun Quan Artanis... Isn't it a bit too outrageous? 】

‘Indeed, there is one Zerg missing. ’

Please repeat what you just said, Her Majesty the Queen of Blades. 】

‘I am a swarm of insects. ’

……pretty. 】

"Ah, Lady Saint——"

I was watching a show and talking nonsense with the stupid system when suddenly a very penetrating call came from beside me. When I turned around to look, I saw a pair of fish eyes as expected.

"Is this your kingdom of God?" Gill de Rey's eyes rolled around: "You should really leave that damn god alone and do it yourself!"

Pfft, he obviously couldn't understand now that the saint couldn't leave God alone. 】

Although if you poke him in the eye, he will change from caster to saber and become much quieter. It is not difficult to restore his sanity, but...

"Do you want to become normal?" I asked Marshal C: "It will no longer be this ridiculous appearance, and the world in your eyes will become clear again."

"No, no, no, no," Marshal C shook his head: "It is a great honor for me to make the saint laugh. Moreover, if the world becomes clear, the saint in my eyes will be blurred."

‘Well, it’s okay to confuse laughter and ridiculousness, but if the sanity level rises, you won’t be able to see me clearly? Where did I come from? ’

Please repeat what you just said, Lord Azathoth. 】


It's really troublesome not being able to read other people's thoughts. I kinda want to know what Marshal C sees me like.

After all, he could mistake Jeanne d'Arc and King Da Mao, two people who are not very similar, and what he saw might not be the appearance, but something conceptual.

"Xiao Hao, I heard that you went to a world that other followers cannot enter?" At this time, the monitor walked into the square from the outside: "If there is a next time, please consider taking me with you, after all, our status similar……"

It wasn't until he walked in front of me that he looked at Marshal C as if he suddenly saw him, his expression became serious, and he wrinkled his eyebrows.

"Ah! My dear friend!" Marshal C rushed over with an overjoyed look, took his hand and shook it up and down: "Thank you for your help, I finally met my saint!"


By the way, when I was in World Z, I did take down Marshal C’s summoning position, right?

Even if this marshal is a caster who has experienced the normal Z world, he can only meet Ryuunosuke Uyu. As for the appearance of the monitor, a modern young doctor, they should not know each other in any case.

Unless...just like when Saber was recognized as Jeanne d'Arc, the monitor also met a certain recognition standard of Marshal C?

"Sorry, Xiaohao, this was my mistake," the monitor broke away from Marshal C and held his hand: "I have been leading him to a world you will not go to, but you still met him."

You won’t Zhan Chi?


"Hmm... do you think that a character like Gilles de Rey, who cannot be cleared up whether he is alive or dead, will cause trouble to me?" I looked at Marshal C: "If it was before this time It was indeed a bit troublesome, but now I have experience in handling similar roles.”

"Oh? Really? Can someone like Thanos be cleared?" The monitor raised his eyebrows.

"Of course," I pulled out the one-hit kill Murasame from the air and shook it: "I used to be able to prevent the characters from doing bad things in this chapter, but I have already done it in the settings. You have to rush to the point in time when the 'setting' occurs to stop it. But now think about it, the 'setting' that is not a 'historical fact' is just written by the author of the work, so as long as those annoying settings are given to Wouldn't it be enough to just 'kill' them?"

"..." The monitor was silent for a moment and nodded slightly: "Indeed."

It's the behavior of the Bone King. You didn't have enough dimensions before. Even if I thought about it, I couldn't do it. 】

‘As long as it works for now. ’

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