The Collection of The End

One thousand nine hundred and forty-nine, blockade of the final four seas (1)


"...Well, although I know that there is a saying in country C that one Qi transforms into three pure states, but are you doing a little too much?" Meng Nali adjusted her glasses and looked at me and the other people who came in behind her. I.

"I'm also very surprised. It's obviously a journey to dimensionality, but why it turned into a journey to find other selves." I turned around and looked at it: "But fortunately, if nothing else happens, there shouldn't be any more."

Although he can walk on his own but has to use a wheelchair, Linhao Alter, who is wearing home clothes, is trying to maintain a "French disgust" expression. Zelapesh, who is wearing a black evening dress, is chatting with Emil, Sophie and Abi Muttering, Jeanne d'Arc Lily, who was wearing a red and white cotton-padded jacket, and Merlin, who had a cold expression to hide his confusion, and a fairy-like appearance.

Very good, sickly, tsundere, loli, royal sister, the variety is quite complete, and it will definitely give Lin Shu a surprise.

Is a sister who is divided into five equal parts five times more happy or five times more unlucky? 】

‘I actually want to take us] to show our parents. ’

Don't think about it, because their daughter has become a god or a saint, and because they are afraid that others will not be able to call her a saint, they have been traveling around and have no plans to go home. 】

‘If there’s anything you don’t want to call me, just call me Father or Holy Mother. ’

...There seems to be something wrong and nothing seems to be wrong. 】

Of course, the main reason I brought them here is... they actually have nowhere to go.

The ones I have brought back so far are Lin Hao Alter, Zella, Little Joan of Arc and Merlin.

Although Chloe can barely be considered, she is technically the alter version of Illya.

Lin Hao Alter comes from a dream that has disappeared. Even if it reappears here, it is not the same one. Zella and Jeanne Lily come from the Elder Scrolls world. Because of my act of "abandoning the world", they are the "will of the world over there". "We can't find a place to settle here. As for Merlin, it's the worst. Her Avalon is my kingdom of God, and the map of mountains, rivers, and land has been used by Luo Shen to create a virtual dimension. It's almost like being homeless.

What else is there to say? Of course, take "us" home and live there.

As for the other followers brought out, such as Ilia and Chloe, Lu Bu and Diao Chan, Dong Zhuo and Liu Bian, Wang Yuanji and Sima Zhao, Cao Pi and Zhen Ji, they are already adults with independent abilities, and I don’t have them. It's a hobby to be a light bulb and let them go wherever they want after giving them permission.

The only one who is a little troublesome is Marshal C. I am hesitating between letting him sell seafood or open a bookstore. If he is more naughty, I can let him be the principal of a kindergarten.

"The main reason why you will meet them, or 'you', is because of the world of Steins;Gate," Meng Nali tapped the "keyboard" a few more times: "That time you made it impossible for all the incarnations to awaken on their own. Self-awareness, but the ones that have awakened will not be affected. On the contrary, because no other incarnation will be born, the strength will be greatly improved. In other words, even if you choose to remove the 'crown' in other locations, there is a high probability of encountering it. Get on them."

"Do substitutes attract each other?"

"Although it's not exact, it's very close," Meng Nali replied, "If there are other similar existences, you should easily encounter them in the future."

"It should be gone, probably." I thought about it carefully.

"However, they will be of great help to your next actions, just like the other 'Infinity Stones'." Meng Nali looked at the others who were wandering around in the yard.

"Oh? What should I say?" Meng Nali seemed to need praise, and Roman was not around, so I added at the right time.

"The 'Infinity Stones' can help you take care of this galaxy and the virtual dimension within the main body, while they can effectively help you continue to carry out high-dimensional interference outside the main body. If you think about it carefully, among these high-level interference worlds, they Did my ability help you?" Meng Nali adjusted her glasses again.

Hmm..."Madoka Magica" is entered through the "Dream Realm", and Hayashi Alter, who was born in the Dream Realm, must have a big role in it.

As for "Lord of the Rings", although I couldn't enter, I used Zella's authority to let many followers in a hundred years in advance, so that its overall development was under my control - although it was a bit too much. fierce.

As for "Slash! Red Eyes", if it weren't for the unintentional help of the "Guardian Kirin", it wouldn't be so easy to kill those outrageous settings with Dragon Break.

"It seems there is," Meng Nali nodded, turning the "display" in front of her with her backhand: "Want to see the reality of the crown we removed?"

"Look, I want to know what happened in the 'higher dimensional world' to make the derivative world of The Crown grow like that."


Well, this iconic domed building, ■国■■ Mountain.

However, the situation seemed different from the impression. Instead of the well-dressed politicians, armed bodyguards and reporters, there was a group of people dressed in casual clothes, holding various slogans, and wearing red peaked caps.

They broke through the blockade of the police and security guards, smashed the windows of the ■■ building, and swarmed in like ants returning to their nest.

...What is this?

Even if I had complained a lot about the "unreasonable setting" in Zhanchi World, I would never have imagined this development. After all, the rebels have always been active near the border, and would only reach the imperial capital during the decisive battle—— Although the scheduled showdown was canceled by me flipping the table.

This situation looks like... Before the rebels arrived, the ordinary residents of the imperial capital swarmed up and drove the ministers and the emperor away from the palace. This is too outrageous.

Where are the riot police? What about the National Guard?

This is a good proof that the dimensions of that world are indeed higher than ours. 】Silly System said.

'ha? How to prove it? ’

Isn't there a saying that says so? "Fiction requires logic, but reality does not." Since things happen in this world that cannot be understood logically, the dimension is indeed higher than ours. 】

‘No, no, you first prove to me that your argument is correct. ’

Just one sentence - if there is an episode of Conan filmed like this: the murderer kills the victim because he glanced at him one more time on the road, what do you think the consequences will be? 】

‘At the very least, it’s a negative review across the board, and in the extreme, the windows of Qingshan’s house would be smashed. ’

You see, this is the problem. If an author writes an illogical plot, readers will express their dissatisfaction in various ways, but when illogical things happen in reality, who are they going to go to? The will of the world? 】

‘Well…it seems like this is really under my control. ’

Nothing similar happens in your world, which is enough to prove that they are higher dimensions than ours. 】

‘Can I increase my dimension by just doing something illogical? Then I'll go now. ’

From hearing this theory, anything illogical you do will become logical. 】


Putting aside the logical closed-loop theory introduced by the stupid system, I shook my head and continued to watch what happened in "high dimensions".

These people wearing red hats led other followers to rush into the mountain where the MPs fled in a hurry. They went straight to certain offices and filing cabinets with a clear purpose, quickly checked and recorded, and the surveillance cameras targeting them started to monitor them in time. A malfunction occurred or the head was turned.

At the same time, ordinary people began to engage in various weird behaviors. They either took pictures with their legs crossed on the speaker's desk, or moved away the iconic gadgets that often appear on TV. Some even wore deer heads and painted faces. , walking around there playing Indians.

‘This incident seems to suddenly become reasonable. The instigators and those being exploited just showed some irrationality to the outside world. ’

That's a real pity. This proves that they also need logic, not real 'reality'. 】

At this time, the screen zoomed out, and a digital timer began to appear in the corner and gradually accelerated. It was not until 6 hours and 23 minutes later that the arrogant troublemakers were driven out by the belated riot police. However, each office was already in a mess. The mysterious people who secretly obtained the information have long since fled without leaving any evidence.

After the incident, Mount ■■, which was messed up with various slogans and graffiti, gradually faded into the background. At the same time, the "DNA balloon" floating in the sky emerged.

It was a little more stable and smaller than the previous ones, but the shadow it cast was dark enough, completely covering the entire ■■ mountain. Then, the shadow began to review the scene if it exploded:

The red hats and the people they incited did not march straight in, but clashed with the security guards and riot police who were waiting. I don’t know who fired the first shot. A fierce gun battle started immediately. The red hats no longer tried to steal intelligence, but instead used various methods to steal information. The firearm was taken out from a hidden corner and handed over to the incited person who had obviously been slapped on the head. At the same time, because the conflict happened so quickly, none of the MPs who were still working in the mountain ran away, and almost everyone was in the conflict. were injured, more than 70% were seriously injured, and 30% died on the spot. In the end, the belated arrival of the National Guard killed all the instigated instigators who rushed into ■■ Mountain.

The event is over.


I take back what I just said, the dimensions of this world are quite high. 】

"No, isn't it?" I looked at Meng Nali: "Isn't the high-dimensional doomsday element that is affecting this high-dimensional world '■■■■■■■'? It's just a ■■ systemic disease, how could it cause this A result?"

"Who said '■■■■■■■' is a disease of the ■■ system?" Meng Nali adjusted her glasses.

"Its symptoms...ah..." I thought about the symptoms that had degenerated, and I understood.

"Although your degeneration is all symptoms of the ■■ system, it does not mean that it can only affect the ■■ system," Meng Nali nodded: "Although it was indeed developed by the ■■ country, they do not have the ability to really control a person from the ■■ system. The reason why the high-dimensional doomsday element, '■■■■■■■', shows the symptoms they developed is just because those symptoms are in line with its own purpose of 'destroying the world'. Judging from the current situation, it is obvious that Possess the ability to influence people’s thoughts and actions.”

"But... they only poisoned country C, right? Why did it break out in their own country?" I looked at the crazy crowd again.

"Obviously, if you want to 'poison', you must first have an 'antidote' and a 'vaccine'. State leaders must have vaccinated themselves and be ready with the antidote at any time, but again," Meng Nali shook her head: "How do they get the confidence to think that they can develop a vaccine and antidote for the doomsday elements from higher dimensions? Especially when the symptoms it shows are all caused by it? These instigators are all responsible for it. It’s a real doomsday element.”

There was nothing we could do about it. Jin Jing couldn't leave the country easily and was beyond his reach.

"Huh? Wait? Wasn't the pax200 I was infected with easily cracked?" I suddenly thought.

"How should I put it? Do you want to count how many doomsday elements you have collected now? Compare it with the 'high-dimensional doomsday elements'?" Meng Nali knocked on the table and turned the screen back.

Well... Indeed, compared to the recently obtained "high-dimensional doomsday elements", the previous "ordinary doomsday elements" are not at all an order of magnitude in terms of effect and complexity.

pax200 can easily cure the whole world with a dose of antidote from a corner of the planet, while "■■■■■■■" can wipe out my entire family after just one cure.

‘It is indeed a high-dimensional world. ’

uh-huh. 】

"All in all, what was supposed to be a 'large-scale gun battle due to the inability to control emotions in the brain' turned into a hilarious farce after we removed the 'crown'." Meng Nali shrugged: "Take you to rest, and I will study who to cut next."

Hmm... It feels like I'm back to the time when I was repairing singularities. I went to attack the standard singularity or the active singularity, just like a chaotic evil that went all the way.

"Come with me," I nodded to Meng Nali and called the other avatars to walk towards the small building: "Our parents don't come back usually, and there won't be any guests now. The empty room should be enough."

"No, no, there is no need to share relatives," Zera interrupted: "Based on your hobby of treating others as daughters, everyone present except Merlin should have their own parents, right?"

...Obviously I've been rubbing off on other people's parents all the way, but forget it.

At this moment, the door to the backyard was opened, and Lisa Meng slid in on her skates. She moved all the way behind Meng Nali and squeezed her shoulders: "Mom, I'm back. You worked hard."

Did she do it on purpose? !

Lin Shu came in next, riding a skateboard and wearing a blue and white jacket. "Hey, sister, I heard that you sang on stage today? I went out with Shasha and didn't hear you. Why don't you sing for me again... part?"

He looked at Lin Hao Alt, Zella, Jeanne d'Arc Lily and Merlin, his eyes glazed over.

Hmm... It seems that except for the eldest lady of the Lin family, none of these people have any younger brothers?

"Okay, which part do you want to hear?" Merlin nodded without hesitation.

"More, call me sister again?" Jeanne d'Arc Lily left Emil, Sophie and Abi alone and came over.

"Well," Lin Hao Alt touched his chin: "I have seen this brother before."

Phew, Zera directly hugged Lin Shu into her arms and turned to look at me: "Your brother is also my brother, right? My dear sister."

Who just said that we can’t share loved ones?

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