The Collection of The End

One Thousand Nine Hundred and Fifty, Blockade Ending 4 Seas (2)


——Country City——



The ferry with many small colorful flags sailed away from the pier, carrying passengers who were still waving goodbye to their relatives and friends on the same shore and headed towards the center of the river.

Jin Jing, who was standing on the second deck, looked at the turbid river water and drifting ice below, and turned away with a little discomfort. She looked at Ye Ke, who was clicking on her phone, and Lin Xinping, who was looking around excitedly: "I tell you, even if If we want to go to ■■ City, shouldn’t we just take a train or a bus? What if someone gets seasick?”

"Don't miss the scenery on the road because you are in a hurry." Ruby Lin replied.

"Even if you say cool things, you can't hide the fact that there is nothing to see when taking a boat in the winter." Jin Jing pointed to the river water on both sides of the ferry. Many ice floes were being carried by the river current and gently hitting the hull. , making a thumping sound.

"Well, it's actually because the ferry ticket is free, and I'm too lazy to remember the complicated transfer route from ■■ City to ■■ City." Lin Xinping spread her hands.

"Hmm..." Jin Jing thought about it carefully and found that it was indeed the case. Although the straight-line distance between ■■ City and ■■ City is not that far, and they are respectively at the upper and lower reaches of the ■■ River, if you want to go there by land, the route will be twisted. The complexity is even comparable to a ball of yarn played with by a cat, so most people choose to take the ferry.

"Did you win the boat ticket from a bet?" Ye Ke put down the phone and glanced at her.

"It's a gift from a subsidiary company, but even if it is, I don't have any talent for painting, and this kind of ferry doesn't have first-, second- or third-class cabins." Lin Xinping answered quickly.

"Then do you want to go spitting with me?"

"I'll go if you pay the fine for me."

"..." Jin Jing was stunned for a moment before realizing that the two of them seemed to be talking about the Titanic.

Is it really okay for you two to talk about this on the boat? Or in front of her "lucky 0"?

Fortunately, there are no icebergs in rivers, and this ferry route has been running stably for a long time. If something goes wrong, the only possibility is...

Jin Jing recalled the dark sun and the lines of fire dripping from it, and her thoughts were temporarily stuck.

It should be some kind of high-level game that I can't understand yet, but my "own god" obviously has the upper hand. Since the "Comic Expo Fire" incident, I haven't been summoned back to the main god space for two or three weeks. , and "Song" who seems to have come to reality has not been able to meet again, and I don't know how the brothers and sisters live... No, "seniors" don't need to worry about themselves.

However, not being able to enter and leave the main god space at will is a drawback. I'll see if there are any solutions next time I go in. I have a lot of stuff, so I have to find a way to use it up.

After all, if you don't return to your hometown in rich clothes, it means walking at night in rich clothes... Is this part of speech repeated?

In addition, while being "injured and hospitalized", Jin Jing took the time to read the "original stories" of the worlds he had experienced. Only then did he understand how powerful "Song" was at exploiting loopholes in plots, and could infer the wealth he possessed. It must be an astronomical figure - when I said I wanted to "help" him, he must have been laughing in his heart.

At the same time, because comic exhibitions are equivalent to tickets to reincarnation space, Jin Jing also pays special attention to the recent major accidents that have occurred around the world.

There was a fire in the building of a famous animation company in China, the apartment building in China collapsed, the National Mountain was breached by protesters, and the iconic building in China was occupied... There were many accidents, but none of them might have been pulled away by the Lord God. Because the "own god" seems to be very unwilling to see sacrifices and bloodshed, naturally he will not recruit people from those places.

In this case……

Tick ​​tock.

A drop of rain fell on the railing in front of Jin Jing.

It is already rainy on the river...

Didi, di, da, da, da—

The sporadic raindrops were almost visible to the naked eye. Jin Jing raised his hand to block it, and pulled Ye Ke and Lin Xinping into the cabin.

"Sailboating in the rain is an elegant thing." Lin Xinping shouted.

"You're wearing makeup." Jin Jing said casually.

"Impossible, because I have to take a boat, I specially use the waterproof model..." Lin Xinping said hard for two seconds, and took out a small mirror from her bag: "Really expensive?"

Isn't it impossible?

Jin Jing didn't answer, because Lin Xinping, who was looking in the mirror, didn't need to answer at all. She turned to look at the rain that was gradually turning into silk outside: "Is this rain normal? I think the current temperature is enough for snow."

"Hey, things often happen on the river," Lin Xinping took out a small brush and brushed it from the corner of her eyes and eyebrows: "Sometimes a gust of wind will blow a gust of rain or something."

"So," Ye Ke stopped looking at his phone and turned his attention to Jin Jing: "Your brother seems to get into trouble whenever he takes transportation?"

"...?" Jin Jing took a few seconds to react: "That's Claire's brother, not my brother, and it's best not to say such things while you're still on the bus."

"Hmm, this rain will stop in a few minutes." Lin Xinping said while touching up her makeup.

Hua Hua Hua - Hua Hua Hua -

The raindrops turned into raindrops, and the raindrops turned into raindrops. In less than ten minutes, the originally overcast sky turned into a sky full of dark clouds and heavy rain.

People on the deck who were still leisurely watching the rain hid in the cabin one after another, but the ferry staff started running back and forth on the deck while yelling something.

"I seem to hear...'The chimney is flooded and the wheel is out of control'?" Jin Jing listened carefully and blinked at Lin Xinping.

"No... it's none of my business..." Lin Xinping stopped touching up her makeup, put away her makeup box and looked outside with a little worry: "But it shouldn't be a big deal, the boat itself can float on the water, wait. After this rain shower, the ship's maintenance workers can easily handle it."

Buzz buzz...

Um? what sound?

Jin Jing turned to look upstream of the river, but due to the dense rain lines, she couldn't see anything at all.

Buzz...boom boom--

A few minutes later, something that made strange noises finally appeared - it was a wall of tidal water that was five or six meters high and filled with turbulent waves. It looked like the legendary Qiantang Tide, but the Qiantang Tide appeared. At that time, no one would happen to block its path.

The ferry appeared to try to dock as the waves approached, but ultimately could do nothing but spin in circles.

"What should I do, what should I do..." Lin Xinping took off the foam lifebuoy from the wall of the cabin, feeling at a loss.

"Catch the boat first, don't be thrown out," Jin Jing said quickly: "After the water stabilizes, get away from the capsized hull as soon as possible to avoid being carried to the bottom of the river by the vortex."

"Yes." Ye Ke nodded solemnly.

"I, I can't swim..." Lin Xinping looked like she was about to cry.

"When the time comes..." Jin Jing was mid-sentence when he suddenly saw the thick black mist mixed with the oncoming huge waves, so he temporarily changed his words: "You just need to believe me."

boom! Wow!

The boat capsized.

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