The Collection of The End

One thousand nine hundred and fifty-five, blockade of the final 4 seas (7)

——Haiyuan Calendar, 1500——

Kingdom of Goa, dock area tavern.

"You mean, that monster usually hides in the 'Terminal of Uncertain Things'?" The tavern owner nodded and shook his head: "No wonder no one can usually find it."

"Yes, who would have thought that it would be hidden in a cave under the bay where the kingdom discharges garbage? It is completely worthy of its name." Tang San nodded, and then placed a few things on the bar: "Because that guy It's too big, so we can only cut some 'evidence' before it sinks. If you send someone to explore, I can also mark the location for you."

They were two long "dragon whiskers", "dragon horns" like two antlers, and a few green "dragon scales".

In fact, I wanted to use the "dragon tendons" at that time, but I didn't know how to do it specifically. In the end, I just picked out some bits and pieces. Thinking about it this way, Nezha is really a genius.

Jin Jing, who was wearing a "Bai Jingjing" vest, was sitting at the side, drinking juice, muttering to herself while looking at her character panel.

Overlord color domineering]

Spell Category: Magic]

Use memory space: 0]

Required ability value: Intelligence 15]

MP consumption: 0.3/second]

After casting this magic, enemies within the affected area whose strength is lower than your own will continue to be frightened, frightened, and comatose, and may even die if the strength gap is too large. 】

‘It is said that this is a special ability that only appears among millions of people, and only those with ‘king qualifications’ possess it. However, these ‘kings’ who are proud of this may not know the fate they bear. ’]

Like the previous item descriptions, the notes are always vague. What fate? The fate of being stepped on by the Pirate King?

As for the effect of this magic, it is easy to understand. As for the fish crusher, how can the ruffians be qualified to participate in the competition between masters?

It does not take up memory space and is equivalent to a passive that can be actively switched on or off. However, the continuous consumption of mp value is a problem. According to my upper limit of 90, it can only be activated for three minutes... Where does this Ultraman come from?

If you find equipment that can continuously restore mp in the future, you should be able to keep it enabled.

There is no need to worry about hurting ordinary people. It is clearly stated above that it will only affect "enemies". Guys who are knocked down because they are hostile to themselves do not deserve sympathy at all.

As for "Paper Painting"... She glanced at Tang Sanzong.

Perhaps because of the different templates, the "Navy Six Styles·Paper Painting" on the "Small" only has a dry description: "Let the body flutter with the changes in the airflow like paper, and you can dodge attacks at the most critical moment."

It's rather useless. Although this is good for dealing with big guys like "Offshore King", what if you encounter an attack that doesn't cause air flow?

At this time, as the bar owner handed over a bag of coins and the same item, Jin Jing's first adventure mission in this world was successfully completed.

‘Kingdom has no eternity’ completed. 】

Favorability among Goa Kingdom sailors +10]

Earned 1500 Baileys, Excellent Sextant. 】

Get 2000 souls. 】

‘Tang San Burial’ gained 2000 experience and was promoted to level 3. 】

what? Jin Jing glanced at the item.

Excellent sextant]


Related positions: Surveyor]

Effect value: 18]

‘Unlock Autopilot’]

Hmm... It's another "localization" thing. Maybe it will become a reincarnation world template after the end of the world.



"Okay, Xiao Tang. Killing the 'King of the Offshore' will be a big help to those of us who rely on the sea for a living. In this way, you can just pay 1,000 as the final payment. In the future, if you come to build ships here, I will give you a 20% discount on everything." The shipyard owner He patted Tang Sanzong's shoulder vigorously.

"Then why are you so embarrassed?"

"Don't look outside, I can see it. You are different from those trash who just hang out at the dock and wait to die. You are someone who wants to do big things. Just treat me as an investment in advance. I will also help you as the sailors of this ship. Found it."

"thank you boss."

It's obviously me... forget it, the prompt at the beginning is very clear, the ocean of this world does not welcome women.

Jin Jing, who was listening, quietly rolled his eyes.

However, having said that, the previous upgrade specifically added a little eloquence to the trumpet, but it seemed to have no effect.

After the One Piece template character is upgraded, each level will gain one attribute point and one skill point. For each attribute point, adding strength will increase one point of life, adding agility will increase sailing speed, adding intelligence will increase one skill point, and adding charm will increase one point. The quota of subordinates, and those dazzling skills are linked to these basic attributes, and cannot be improved until a certain value is reached.

Jin Jing had been researching for a long time, and finally gave Tang San Burian two points of Intelligence, then added one point each to Tactics and Eloquence, added two points of "Navigation" that had not been lit before, and equipped him with a sextant. Come on, now you are ready to go to sea.

No, it's still a little bit worse. Jin Jing looked at his own ship on the dock.

It was a brown, small dhow with two masts, about 40 meters long, 7 meters wide, and 10 meters high. When she looked over, the hull became transparent, and she could see everything except the captain. There are only three editable cabins with high-gloss edges, including the basic supplies warehouse, the sailor's living quarters on the bottom floor, and the fort, but they have been transformed into two cargo warehouses and a measurement room.

In addition, the Q-version villain of "Bai Jingjing" is obviously checking his gun in the captain's cabin, while the Q-version villain of "Tang San Burial" is writing and drawing on the sea chart in the measurement room. Well, although the world He doesn't like women, but the Lord God still knows very well who is the captain.

"So, Xiao Tang, it's time to give your first ship a resounding name." On the other side, the owner of the shipyard pointed to the bow of the ship and said, "I'll have it engraved and mounted on it now."

Please name your new vessel. 】

The default name is: dhow. 】

If you want to commemorate the sea dragon that you killed, you can call it the Third Prince of the East China Sea... Hmm, does the world of One Piece have elements of Journey to the West? Isn't it a bit weird to call it that?

Black Pearl? Flying Henanese? Uh...what's the name of the other one?

"Xiao Jing," Tang Sanzhan turned to look at her: "How about calling it 'Vestellos'?"

Ask me? Aren't you asking me?

Jin Jing quickly switched roles, and then added: "Or, do you have a name you want to give?"

"Hmm..." "Bai Jingjing" thought for two seconds: "I want to name her 'Alenheim'."

Maybe the names you chose have some profound meanings, but I’m uneducated and can’t understand them, so… I reject them all.

Jin Jing typed a few words into the "Name the new ship" dialog box with her backhand.

"White Dragon Horse".

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