The Collection of The End

One thousand nine hundred and fifty-six, blockade of the final 4 seas (8)

——Haiyuan Calendar, 1500——

East China Sea.

It seems... because the world itself is not very logical, and because you have to take care of reincarnations who have never gone to sea, going out on a boat has become a relatively "foolish" behavior.

After stepping onto the deck and leaving the land, there was a "map interface" in the corner of Jin Jing's field of vision overlooking the ship and the nearby terrain from a high altitude. The direction of the seawater flow and the direction of the wind were clearly marked on it. She could "click" to specify The location allows the ship to proceed in that direction.

When the current and wind are not suitable, the speed will slow down. At this time, you can change the direction of the sail by "clicking" on the ship. No matter how you operate, the ship will only change speed and will not deviate from the route to the target. The only disadvantage is That is, the map displayed is too small and you have to click on it from time to time.

And every time she performs a relevant operation, the sailor at the helm and the sailor operating the sail will change their action patterns according to her operation, just like NPCs.

No, they are NPCs, literally.

This ship can accommodate 25 sailors at full capacity, with a minimum requirement of 9 people. In order to avoid accidents, Jin Jing recruited 10 sailors. Although these sailors are not exactly like clones, they... how should I put it, do not look like real people.

Jin Jing raised his eyes and "poked" the sailor pushing a wooden barrel by with his consciousness.

"What are your orders, madam?" The sailor turned to look at her.

Tell me what you can do? 】

Nothing, keep working. 】

Facing a person who directly pops up a dialog box, it is impossible to have the intention to correct him "not a madam, but a young lady". Jin Jing clicked on the first option, and a similar but much simpler panel popped up.

Name: ordinary sailor, morale: extremely high]

Level 1, health value: 44, experience value: 500, upgrade required: 600]

Attributes: Strength: 7, Agility: 6, Intelligence 5, Charisma 5. 】

Skills: Power Attack: 1, Ship Driving: 1, Running: 1]

Even if he is not compared with himself, compared with Tang San, a third-class navy soldier, he is still a standard bastard. Apart from sailing the boat, he can at most draw his sword and fight twice when the pirates come to kill him. However, because he can upgrade ’s sake, so the future can be expected...probably.

"Go and do your work." Jin Jing waved her hand.

The sailor responded and rolled the barrel away.

In the barrel... is something called "Goa Ore", which is only produced in the mountains around the Kingdom of Goa. It has a sulfur smell and can be forged into high-quality weapons and equipment. "The terminal for uncertain things." Poor quality ore is often used to burn garbage there...

This looks like volcanic rock, right? Is the Kingdom of Goa really built on a volcano? Maybe one day this country will collapse to the sky.

Their purchase price is 40 beli per barrel, and each warehouse can only hold 20 barrels at most - there is obviously a lot of space, but no more can be put in.

As for the selling price... According to internal information from the Navy, the 153 branch in Shieldstown will purchase it at an average price of 100 Baileys per barrel. The profit is not high, but it is better than stable, unless there are too many maritime merchants who are reselling back and forth at the same time. If you keep the price down, you will have to risk being robbed by pirates and go to other villages and towns to sell it.

Of course, running a business is not the purpose. Although Jin Jing's main mission is to dawdle, he should develop himself and try to complete some side quests during this period - the reincarnation world started suddenly this time, and I don't know if Kong came in or not.

In addition, now she actually has a "main task" that is not on the task list, that is, to solve the "mystery of the disappearance of Tang San's buried parents".

Although that is only part of the "personality", if you only open one account, you can really ignore it, but now because of your own mess, the big and small accounts are online at the same time, then it is the reason for the "childhood sweethearts" to go overseas.

Jin Jing actually thought about letting Tang Sanzian shout "I am the man who wants to be the Pirate King" and then switch to Bai Jingjing to complain "Why should I go to Shanghai to be the Pirate King", but after thinking about it, I found that it was too stupid and there was no audience. Who are you showing stupidity to? Finally gave up.

The current result of the discussion between the "two people" is to go to Branch 153 to explore the reality first. After all, it is different from small branches like 101. It is a branch directly affiliated with the Navy Headquarters - so what is the significance of this number?

After all, Tang's father is a retired naval officer, and he always talks about "justice". It is basically impossible to settle the score because of crimes committed during his tenure. It is probably because he knows some confidential information, or has known someone involved in the crime. Those who kept secrets, when the Navy began to investigate those secrets, had to leave to avoid trouble, voluntarily "surrendered" or...had been secretly captured.

Although it is a bit ridiculous to take a "backstory" so seriously, Jin Jing inexplicably believes that every "reincarnation" who comes to this world will have a different "backstory", and discovering and unlocking the secrets that appear in the background story A puzzle must be a "hidden task", or at least an "achievement".

As for his "personal mission"... it was obviously the enemy that Bai's father made when he was a bounty hunter. After all, it is very unlikely that a pirate who would be listed on the Navy's wanted list is a solitary person.

Not to mention the Grand Line, it should be possible to complete this kind of personal mission within two years.

"Pirate! It's a pirate!"

The sailors' exclamations awakened Jin Jing from his meditation.

She hurriedly looked up at the sea, but found nothing that looked like a pirate ship or a pirate flag. When she looked at the roaring sailors in confusion, she realized that they were pointing below the side of the ship.

Jin Jing walked to the side of the boat and looked down, and found that there were five or six boats as narrow as willow leaves approaching the boat, and there were three or five bearded men standing on each boat. They were wearing fur coats and He wears chain mail, a horned helmet on his head, a shield in one hand, and a spear or ax in the other.

Vikings? Is there such a force in One Piece?

Ding, ding.

The sailors shot a few arrows downwards sporadically, but they were blocked by the pirates' shields.

This behavior seemed to anger the pirates below. One of the men, who was stronger than the others, raised his head and roared:

"I will use your skulls as bowls!!]"

"Ah..." "...Ah." The legs of the sailors standing closer to the ship weakened and they fell directly to the ground.

As expected, he was hired by 10 Bailey. He is of no use at all. If he encounters the domineering domineering force, he will probably die immediately, right?

Jin Jing took out his ears, took out the family-herited shotgun that he had used to defeat the "King of the Offshore" from behind, and aimed downwards.

Whoosh whoosh——

After gaining the upper hand, these pirates, who were suspected of being Vikings, threw their hooks onto the deck and began to climb up with their shields in hand, completely ignoring Jin Jing's gun.

I don’t know if killing a chicken to scare a monkey will work...

Whoops! Plop, plop!

Jin Jing was just thinking about who to shoot when she saw Tang San's burial fly past between the hook ropes like fallen leaves, easily flying away the three pirates who were halfway up.

"Huh..." After the attack, he used the wall of the ship to lift up again, and landed lightly on the cable outside the ship's side. Then he took out the hunting crossbow and pointed it at the chaotic pirates below: "Surrender, or die."

Is Marine Six so handsome?

"As you wish! Prepare to die!" The pirates roared and threw more hooks.

Well... apparently the pirates don't think so.

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