The Collection of The End

One thousand nine hundred and fifty-seven, blockade of the final 4 seas (9)

——Haiyuan Calendar, 1500——

East China Sea, Shieldstown.

The Blue Star where the story of "One Piece" takes place has one and only one "Red Earth Continent" that surrounds the world. In addition, it is all large and small islands. The larger islands will usually give birth to kingdoms and rule the island and the surrounding small ones. Islands, and small islands not within the scope of these kingdoms will only have small settlements named villages and towns.

Generally speaking, every kingdom will have a naval branch stationed there, and whether a branch will be established in a village or town depends on their geographical location and whether they have important products.

The island where Shields Town is located is a natural harbor, and it is also very convenient to sail to various parts of the East China Sea. Therefore, it was favored by the Navy Headquarters, and Branch 153, directly affiliated with the Navy Headquarters, was established here. This large branch is responsible for supplies. The demand in turn promoted the development of Shields Town. Although it was still named after the town, its prosperity and area were almost the same as those of the Kingdom of Goa.

As for the Navy Branch 153 itself, it is a tall cylindrical tower with a green background and black stripes, narrow at the top and wide at the bottom, located at the back of Shields Town. The Navy's logo is engraved on the front: a seagull with a wrench in its mouth and below it. "marine" six letters.

At this time, in the reception room of the navy branch, Jin Jing was receiving the pirate bounty as Tang Sanzong.

"It has been confirmed that a total of 12 "Nord Pirates" have been received. According to the strength and equipment evaluation, each person is about 112 Baileys, totaling 1344 Baileys. Please keep it." The clerk handed out a bag.

Now I have a total of 1,444 Baileys, which is not very auspicious. I hope "Bai Jingjing" will get a good number after selling the goods on the ship.

The captured pirates were handed over to the navy at the dock. Now they only need to collect money, but the goods cannot be sold directly at the dock—unless they are sold at a low price to the speculators waiting at the dock because they are in a hurry.

Jin Jing raised her eyes and looked at the clerk's clothes, a white sea soul shirt, a blue scarf, and a white hat with "marine" written in black letters on a green background... Suddenly she understood why Tang Sanzong was unwilling to join the navy.

"Do you have anything else to do?" asked the navy clerk.

I want to join the Navy. Join the navy camp and obtain a military rank based on the current reputation. Current reputation: Neutral: 10/3000]

What missions does the Navy have for me? When the naval reputation is neutral or above, a ‘Navy Favorability Task’ will be randomly obtained based on strength]

Navy favorability mission: The rewards are lower than ordinary adventure missions, but your reputation in the navy will increase after completion. 】

I want to pay the fine. Not available, current bounty amount: 0 Bailey]

Please read this letter. Personal tasks]

fine. 】

Well, the side mission of joining a force can be completed directly here, but "joining the fleet" has not been completed. It seems that a ship does not count as a fleet.

The payment of the fine is interesting. Since it is linked to the bounty amount, it means that you can spend money to cancel the bounty. However, those who do this are not pirates. This is mostly prepared for reincarnations who have made mistakes.

"Please read this letter." Jin Jing took out the Navy Recommendation Letter from Tang San's burial items.

The description of this letter is a letter left by my father before he left. It is composed of phrases that have no connection with each other. You cannot understand its meaning], but you can click to read it. The content is:

"Spiral staircase, unicorn, ruined street, fig tower, unicorn, Teresa's way, unicorn, singularity, Giotto, angel, hydrangea, unicorn, singularity, secret emperor]"

Although I know every word, I don’t know what it means when connected together. And does the one-horned fairy appear too many times?

The navy clerk took the letter and read it. He frowned and looked angry, as if he felt that Jin Jing was amusing him. But before he said the scolding words, he thought of something and stopped. After thinking for a while, he turned to press the button. Call bell on the table.

"Ha, finally something less boring happened?" Following a heroic voice, a tall man walked in from outside the reception room, wearing a navy lieutenant's uniform and a cloak with the word "Justice" written on it. A man with short white hair, his face looks very ferocious, but there is a friendly smile on his face - maybe a smile.

"This is submitted by this...adventurer." The clerk handed the letter of recommendation to the visitor.

The white-haired man read the letter, then rolled his eyes and thought about it. He walked behind the desk, took out a telephone bug, dialed a certain number, and began to read the contents of the letter one by one.

This battle... So what did Mr. Tang write?

Jin Jing didn't panic at all, but looked curiously at the snail-like phone bug that was as big as a man's fist.

Any reincarnator who gets this letter will basically hand it over to the Navy. After all, it is a "Navy Letter of Recommendation" and not a "Pirate Recommendation Letter." And judging from the style of the Lord God, there should be no compulsion to hand over the letter. Something like joining the Navy.

Even considering the "plot" alone, the things his father generously left before his disappearance would not harm his son.

"..." After hearing this, the phone bug responded expressionlessly: "You can trust me, take care of me as much as possible]."

The white-haired man repeated it doubtfully, as if he understood something, and walked over and patted Jin Jing on the shoulder: "Very good! Now we are our own!"

The reputation of 'Tang San Burial' in the 'Navy' has been increased by 3000. The current reputation level is Friendly 10/6000. 】

"My name is Mengka! I'm 27 years old! Second Lieutenant of Branch 153!" Mengka pointed at himself with his thumb: "How about it? Do you want to follow me? My ambition is to wipe out all the pirates in the East China Sea!"

I would like to join the Navy. After obtaining the rank of 'Sergeant', the attached ship and crew will automatically join the fleet of Second Lieutenant Mengka of Navy Branch 153. 】

I'm more used to freedom. Obtain ‘bounty protection’ and will not be wanted by the navy until the actual bounty amount reaches 1 million Baileys. 】

Good guy, no matter which path you take, you will be happy. Dad, what on earth are you writing?

"Well, I'm sorry," Jin Jing nodded, and then continued: "This is the letter my father left for me before he left. I went to sea just to find him, so I can't stay anywhere yet."

"Actually, just follow the navy fleet... Tsk, okay," Mengka scratched his head and returned the letter to Jin Jing: "I won't say anything else. Since you are one of our own, as long as you don't do anything earth-shattering in the East China Sea, , I can take the initiative and suppress it.”

"I'm listening." The navy clerk said with a vacant look.

"I'll treat you to a barbecue tonight."

"make a deal."

Is there any problem with your branch?

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