The Collection of The End

Chapter 195 Priest and Dragon Po

My name is Akatosh,

I'm monitoring the Civil War.

——4E, 195, Moon of Sunset, 7th, 12:39——

After the lord of Windhelm City, the old Stormcloak passed away, Ulfric Stormcloak finally formally launched a rebellion after the integration of the forces in his opponents. Restore Talos' status as the Ninth Holy Spirit.

The Thalmer elves can't do anything about it. If their army on Summerset Isle wants to reach Skyrim Province, they must pass through Cyrodiil, the capital province of the empire. Sternly request the Septim Empire to deal with this rebellion as soon as possible, and protect the Thalmor members in Skyrim Province.

For this rebellion, the high level of the empire did not expect it. You must know that the name of the ninth holy spirit "Talos" was "Tiber Septim" before he was conferred as a god, and he was also the founder of the Septim Empire. Agreeing on paper not to worship the founding emperor as the Holy Spirit has no effect on the Holy Spirit itself, so why is Stormcloak's reaction so intense?

Because they have long been dissatisfied with the empire's rule over the province of Skyrim, they saw the weakness of the empire in the war between the empire and Somor, and planned to take this opportunity to list them out-the imperial parliament finally made such a judgment and decided to immediately Send troops to suppress the rebellion.

The result of this series of actions was that the Imperial Legion, which had been retreating steadily because it didn't know how to deal with it, immediately counterattacked relentlessly after confirming that it was a rebellion, and gave the Stormcloak, which was only composed of the lord's private soldiers, to the army. After fighting back, General Tullius directly pushed the battle line to the vicinity of Windhelm City due to his mental calculations and unintentional calculations. He was only close to capturing Ulfric Stormcloak and ending the rebellion.

And I was watching the battlefield while throwing those soldiers who died heroically to Songgard, no matter which side he was on, so there appeared in the Hall of Valor an opponent who had just killed and died together, and the next moment they started to taunt each other The funny sight of a wine fight.

【Are you going to help Laowu? ] The stupid system flapped its wings beside him.

"No one will help." I watched Ulfric deploy the city defenses there, mobilize troops, and prepare to deal with the siege, "If the civil war can be ended early, there will be fewer people to save. The civil war branch is very important for Alduin It doesn’t matter whether it appears or not, even if it collapses, it doesn’t matter.”

[What a cruel god] The little black dragon flew around: [Then what are you staring at here? 】

"I think there will definitely be demon gods involved in this battle. Although I don't care much about the failure of Stormcloak, some guys may not want to see that situation." I carefully looked at the various arrangements of the imperial army.

For the demon gods who are basically chaotic and evil, a unified Skyrim Province is definitely not good for them. It would be strange if they didn't take the opportunity to stumble the imperial army.

From the current point of view, Molag Bal (Bal) is the most likely to make a move. He is the demon god of disputes and battles. He can influence the human beings caught in these actions and dominate the direction of those disputes. He would even take the initiative to start a war.

"Although the ambitious demon god Mehrunes Dagon is more likely, that guy has been defeated for nearly two hundred years." I highlighted all the soldiers who used warhammers in battle, after all, Baal's demon artifact is a hammer , it has no fixed form, it can manifest itself on any hammer, the mortal who obtains it will gain extremely powerful power, but will be addicted to killing and fighting, once it appears, this siege battle does not need to be fought up.

However, as long as the magic artifact appears, it means Baal is nearby, and then I can slap him to death with one paw——

[Hint: Lilith Snowhoof is about to die. 】

"Are you kidding! She is clearly taking care of wounded soldiers in the barracks of Windhelm City, right? Even if a spy sneaks in, she wouldn't think of a battlefield doctor.

"I immediately cut the screen.

[It was not caused by war, it was a murder. ] The stupid system hovered next to the screen.

"Isn't it here yet? Did you do emergency care, the wound will deteriorate after such a long time."

"Uh, it's coming soon, don't worry, the captain can hold on."

The tracking screen showed two human beings, a man and a woman. The woman looked about twenty-three or twenty-four, wearing a light yellow hooded robe similar to a temple priest, carrying a box on her back, and her blond hair just past her ears. She could only be called There was an anxious look on Deshang's handsome face, and the man was about thirty years old, wearing a crooked storm cloak armor, with a weird smile on his face.

I don't need a stupid system to explain, I can see what's going on, that stupid girl was deceived.

Lilith Snowhoof is an aristocrat who has lived in Rift Valley for generations, and the youngest daughter of the Snowhoof family. Compared with her father and brothers who love to fight, she is more willing to use restoration magic to drive away the pain of the injured. Although her healing ability is excellent, But it has almost no combat ability. In game terms, it means that the recovery magic has been trained to level 50 or 60, but other skills have not been improved at all.

The Snowhoof family firmly supported Ulfric in this civil war in Skyrim Province. She came to Windhelm City this time as a military priest. No matter which side wins in the end, the healers who save lives and heal the wounded will not be threatened. ——It was originally like this, but now it’s possible to be tricked out.

[Thinking of my previous self? 】The little black dragon flew in front of me and waved its wings, 【The expression is very good. 】

"Hehe, that's called hitting right on the wrong side. Baal didn't come, but Boethiah came." I grabbed the little black dragon and threw it out, "and the plan is also very good."

The king of conspiracy, the lord of lies, the queen of shadows, the god of destruction, Boethia, who has various titles, is usually half-human and half-snake. The conspiracy he arranges will continue to expand with a strange chain reaction, When it is discovered, it often means that it is impossible to violate.

For example, now, a scout soldier who wanted to get out of the stormcloak and surrender to the Imperial Legion was discovered by his captain, and was seriously injured when he was about to capture him. Terrified, he promised to bring better sacrifices, and then tricked Lilith, who was the most gullible, out under the pretext that the captain was injured and unable to move.

If all goes well, the deserter will kill his captain and Lilith and escape, but he who has been on the front line has no idea how popular Lilith is in Windhelm City. The defenders will directly defeat the besieging imperial army, and finally capture the traitorous scout and execute him.

And during this bloody process, Boethia did nothing but accept the captain of the scouts who voluntarily surrendered to him, and generally speaking, it was unreasonable to accuse a demon god of accepting the souls who voluntarily defected to him.

"But I'm not 'average'," I stared at the two people who came to the altar of Boyesia on the screen: "And I don't make sense."

"That's right here," the rebel scout pointed at the unconscious captain tied to the pillar of the altar: "It seems that some evil ritual has been performed here, and I dare not move him."

"Fortunately, there is still help," Lilith checked the captain regardless of the blood all over her body: "Come help—huh?"

The next moment, the captain had fallen to the ground, and she was tied to the altar.

"So, Boyesia is really cautious. This level of replacement is still operated by the altar itself, but next... hum." I was ready to shoot him at any time.

【horrible. 】

"You have also seen, priest, the captain is cursed by the demon god, and it cannot be lifted without sacrificing others," the rebel scout drew his long sword: "He has saved me many times, I can't watch him die, please forgive me -"

This incoherent is so powerful that the perpetrator pretends to have no choice but to do so.

"I forgive you." "If you don't forgive, it's... huh?"

"He is the captain of the scouts, so he must be very important. There are still many doctors like me in the city. He is seriously injured, but he can still be saved. After that, please send him to the city as soon as possible." Lilith talking.

"I, this..." The sword in the hand of the rebel scout began to tremble.

"Please hurry up," Lilith closed her eyes and frowned, "That... I'm afraid of pain."

[Wow, this is really not your trumpet? 】The little black dragon spoke in an inconceivable tone.

"I, I will take the captain back!" The scout who seemed determined not to rebel swung his sword down.

"Pfft—" Blood spattered, but the scouts who did it were terrified.

"Tsk! Get out of the way!" I broke free from the shackles of the pillar, kicked the stormcloak scout away, and began to heal myself.

"Who are you?" Lilith, who appeared inexplicably five or six meters away, raised her hand and looked at herself, then turned her gaze to me: "Did you save me? Big sister?"

【Are you wearing the wrong vest? Shouldn't this kind of situation take Zerape with him? 】

'Of course it is, because I'm going to cast a spell that she can't use, and she was asleep for fifty years the last time she did it. ’ While answering the stupid system, I healed the wound that was cut just now.

"It can't be said that you have been completely saved. Since that idiot got your idea, if you don't solve him completely, similar things will happen next time." I smiled at Lilith and looked up at Boyesia Statue: "Since you're here, don't go, let's see which of us has the upper hand - 'Boethia's conspiracy failed'!"

"【Joor Zah Frul】!"

"Dragon Break" hurts Akatosh, the dragon of time, and destroys the continuity of time. What happened in this process will not be verified, and those who did not participate in it will only see the result.

And I will not stop until I achieve the preset goal.


[Hint: Boethia was defeated. 】

[Hint: Obtain the Doomsday Element: Dark Ritual, and the Dark Ritual is strengthened. 】

[Hint: Obtaining priesthood: deceit, trick, murder, assassination, betrayal. 】

In the next moment, the towering Boyesia sculpture disappeared, replaced by a scout camp, and Lilith was treating a large number of wounded scouts.

Farther away, the Imperial Legion is slowly withdrawing troops.

[I repeated it more than five hundred times, and you don't get bored? 】

"The demon gods are really annoying, and you can't be so tough with them unless you have to."

I sat in the small courtyard of Songjiade and looked at the dragon incarnation with a wound on its wing and replied.

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