The Collection of The End

Chapter 196 The Manor and the Maharaja

——4E, 201, Last Seed Moon, 27th, 2:00——

The Rift is a mild mountainous region located in the southeast of Skyrim province, bordering the capital province of Cyrodiil and Morrowind province. Its capital, Rift City, is built in a vast lost forest. It is Lake Honrich, the second largest lake in Skyrim, the source of the Treva River, which winds its way north to join the White River, which flows to Windhelm.

Cuiwa Watchtower, or Staleo Manor, is located on a cliff near the confluence of the Tewari River and the White River. The scenery is beautiful and easy to defend. Quite a price, as evidenced by the several scorched arrow wounds on Farkas' body.

"What the hell!" Farkas glared at his brother: "Are you sure this is just a stronghold for making weapons?"

"At least that's the information we got, unless something unexpected happened." Wilkas looked at the huge manor from a distance. There were bursts of dark red light. Not long ago, several members of the ring wanted to rush in directly, but they were shot back by a rain of arrows. Of course, they were silver arrows.

"It's not surprising. Weapons and equipment are very important to any organization, so it's not surprising that there are more people stationed there." Cisco month stroked his bald head. Because the reflection was too conspicuous at night, he was hit several times. Shi was a little exasperated: "Just kill them all."

"Those of you with two-handed swords, can you think about it for me?" Wells was using a dagger to pry the arrows embedded in the shield: "I was the one who got the most arrows."

"Actually, tight defense is not necessarily a bad thing. Maybe we accidentally caught a big fish." Wilkas pointed to the main entrance of the manor: "I observed before that those silver hands have locked the main entrance. , even if we rush to the door, we won't be able to get in—in 'this form'."

"Hey, isn't it you who are most opposed to our carrying out missions in 'that posture'?" Cisco Yue laughed.

"Then what are you waiting for! Aww—" Farkas roared up to the sky, his body began to grow stronger rapidly, and was covered with a layer of dark, hard hair, and eventually even his head became the shape of a wolf.

"Heh, what will happen if ordinary farmers and workers see this?" Wilkas patted Farkas in werewolf form, his hands only reaching his waist: "Explain that we can control ourselves, not that kind of wild werewolves, Guess they'll listen?"

"Ayla's transformation is good, but it's a pity that no other female members have passed the assessment." Si Keyue snorted and began to transform with a low growl.

"I guess you really like the feeling of things growing on your head." Wells teased, in exchange for Cisco Moon's close-range fangs.

"Wells, you don't have to change, we need a shield," Wilkas nodded at him, and then thick black hair began to grow all over his body: "We will find a way to open the gate after jumping in, and then you go in."

"Then you guys—" Before Wells could finish his sentence, he saw three werewolves jumping out in a low profile, and after approaching the manor wall, they leaped high, and the screams of the Silver Hand members inside the wall immediately began One after another sounded.

"I hope they won't forget to open the door for me." He shrugged and approached the manor with his shield up.


"Hehe——" Ella cheered while sitting on the back of Arthur in dragon form: "I used to think that the werewolf form was fast enough to travel, but after I met you, it felt like a turtle crawl—"

Don't let other members of the circle hear this... Since Ella can't understand dragon language, Arthur didn't reply at all for safety reasons.

From Wilhelm Castle to Staleo,

The distance is almost equivalent to traversing the entire Xueman territory. If it is an ordinary carriage, it will take about two days. However, it only takes a few hours to fly in the form of a dragon. Members arrived earlier.

However, in view of the existence of the "Blade Warrior", in order to avoid being seen as soon as he looked up, Arthur flew close to the mountain along the way, and it was late at night, unless those dragon slayers monitored the sky without sleeping at all, otherwise It is impossible to be discovered.

Arthur breathed a sigh of relief after safely passing the place where Sophie and Blade had met earlier.

"Counseling, too cowardly." Ella, who was sitting on the back of the red dragon, could naturally feel this, raised her hand and patted him vigorously: "What kind of blade warrior are you afraid of? One breath of the dragon will kill them all."

Not to mention that I don't know how to breathe dragon breath, even if I do, then the first one to clean up this evil dragon is the comrades group! Arthur grunted twice to express his dissatisfaction.

"Well, I can see the destination, they seem to have succeeded?" Ella looked towards the intersection of the two rivers, where a manor was raging fire.

"[(Dragon language) No! Something is wrong! Hold on tight!]" In Arthur's vision, an unusually large "death breath" was gathering over the burning manor to form a large vortex. He reminded Ai With a word, he immediately flapped his wings and swooped down.

There is no entity at all, just a vortex of "death". Arthur feels that he seems very familiar, but it is definitely not the one in front of him, because the "evil" mixed in the death vortex is too obvious. The cause of this vortex, Must be some kind of monster that takes pleasure in killing for no reason other than... not what?

"Halsing! What is that!" Ella exclaimed, completely oblivious to what she had exposed.

In the manor with collapsed houses, the corpses of silver-handed vampires were everywhere, but except for a small number of people who died from sword wounds and claw wounds, most of them became shriveled like ghouls in ancient tombs, and they couldn't help themselves. Stand up like those ghouls.

And in the middle of the corpse, there is a giant green-skinned monster floating. It looks like a human being, but it has a strong body, and its hands have been replaced with a pair of huge claws. The huge head has no hair, and its facial features are fierce. His eyes were horribly red, and his mouth was full of sharp fangs.

Chi - the body of a Silver Hand member held in its "hand" made a strange sound, and then collapsed directly, just like other mummy on the ground.

"[Ho ho——]" The monster smiled humanely when he saw the swooping dragon, and then reached out to grab a werewolf who fell on the ground and was struggling.

"Stop! You monster!" Ella jumped up excitedly, stomping her feet vigorously: "Arthur! Get rid of him! Save Cisco Moon!"

"【Fus】!" If you launch an attack after landing, it will be too late. Although the werewolf is strong, being caught by this monster will not be any stronger than those vampires. When diving, Arthur vomited roar out.

Boom——Because the green monster itself was floating in the air and had nowhere to focus, it was blown into the burning ruins after encountering the storm caused by the dragon's roar.

"What's going on here! Cisco Moon? Where are the others?" Arthur stared at the ruins vigilantly, while Ayla jumped off the dragon's back to help Cisco Moon in werewolf form.

"Phew... I'll let them report the news..." Si Keyue changed back into a human form, panting and said, "Obviously, those guys didn't listen to me."

"Hey, the comrades-in-arms group does not have the custom of leaving their comrades and fleeing. The Shield Brothers will never walk alone." Two werewolves with burns everywhere walked out of the well-damaged wall, and a man with distorted and deformed armor walked out. Wells, who has never left his shield, is gone.

"Aren't you going to run together?" Ella glared at them: "This kind of enemy who is obviously invincible still doesn't run?"

Crash—the burning ruins exploded, the monster climbed up again, and stretched out its hand towards the group of comrades-in-arms. The huge suction force that followed made the two werewolves stagger and want to lift off the ground, but the lightest Ella, who had already flown, was blocked by Arthur's raised wings.

"[(Dragon language) You back off!]" Arthur pushed his comrades back, spread his wings and threw himself at the huge monster. The monster grabbed the red dragon's wings as if trying to do the trick again, but it couldn't suck it in at all. What, instead, the dragon claw left several deep wounds on his body, so he became even more furious.

"According to the silver hands, that thing is a high-level existence called 'Vampire Lord'. This bloodline comes from the direct gift of the demon god Molag Bal, but if the mind is insufficient, it will become a bloodthirsty person who only knows how to kill. A monster." Wilkas said weakly after turning back into a human.

"He is called 'Treva' by other Silver Hands, and his appearance matches the intelligence. He was originally of normal size to fight us, but after being injured and absorbing a Silver Hand member, his size began to grow—" Wells pointed Pointing to the huge green monster entangled with Arthur, "Then, as you see."

"That guy is crazy. Rather than chasing and killing us, he prefers to absorb the silver hand - I don't know what it is." Farkas, who was the most injured, fell to the ground after turning back into a human form, humming.

"So, this is still a weapon manufacturing field, but the weapons have become themselves." Ayla shook her ears: "Swallowing the same kind will become stronger, and it is not a serious power at first glance."

"Ha, so we only dealt with low-level peripheral members with great fanfare before?" Cisco Yue laughed.

"Silver Hand must be eliminated." Wilkas concluded.

Boom! "[Yol]!"

Although the vampire lord is powerful, he has almost no sense of fighting. He only suppressed the werewolves in the ring by relying on his large size and powerful magic. Thur knocked it to the ground and stomped on it, breathing fire.

"【Ho ho ho!!】" In the end, the green monster howled and was gradually reduced to ashes in the dragon flames.

"[(Dragon language) We have to go back as soon as possible-]" Arthur turned to the rings, and before he finished speaking, he began to shrink back into a human form, and then fell to the ground with a black eye, and he could still hear it faintly. The discussion of comrades.

"It's a good thing it's not in the form of a dragon..."

"Will he have another big meal when he wakes up?"

"Stop talking nonsense! Where is the nearest village?"

"I remember... Evarstead? It's at the foot of Hrothgar's peak."

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