The Collection of The End

Chapter 197 Hotel and Intersection

——4E, 201, Last Seed Moon, 27th, 12:00——

Ivarstead is the safest village in the entire Skyrim Province, Wilhelm Ivar, the owner of the inn "Vermere", firmly believes.

Ivarstead, like Loristed, is a village named after the founder, but compared to the still living old Lori, Ivar didn't even have time to be called "old". Thalmor died in the battle, leaving only an inn called "Vermeer" to his descendants.

There are no dangerous factors such as robbers, ferocious beasts, and evil mages here. Even the battle between the Imperial Legion and the Stormcloak will deliberately avoid this village. There is no other reason. This is the foot of the peak of Hrothgar, that's all.

In the monastery at the peak of Hrothgar, there lived a group of sages called "Greybeards" who were proficient in dragon roars. As long as they opened their mouths, they would bring flames, frost and lightning, and stop the wind and snow with one word, and make heavy rain with one word. Pour down, as for blowing away a mountain, filling up a lake is no problem at all.

It is said that Tiber Septim, who is now called "Talos", accepted their teachings, and then went south to establish the Septim Empire, so he won the title of "Dragon of the North", and the current Lord of Snowrun City Both the Lord of Windhelm and the Lord of Windhelm have come here for advice, and Ulfric Stormcloak used it to assassinate Toig, High King of Skyrim.

Speaking of which, "Ismir" means "Dragon of the North", so what kind of dragon is "Virmeer"?

"Boss, show me the lunch menu." A slightly wild female voice interrupted Wilhelm's thoughts.

"There is no menu," Wilhelm looked up at her, "Today, there are fresh vegetables from surrounding farms, as well as bear meat and venison hunted not long ago, and of course, fish from Lake Gale. How do you want to cook it?" It depends on what you mean."

This tall woman with vertical stripes painted on her face, wearing a leather hunting suit, and carrying a bow and arrows, and her companions came to stay last night and booked the largest room, except for her. They were all bruised, with burns and scratches from wild beasts. They probably failed to hunt some dangerous wild beasts in the middle of the night. After all, they didn't see any prey they were carrying.

Moreover, since there are no alchemists or priests in Ivarstead, they bought all their backlog of healing potions and alchemy materials when they sought treatment, and their appetites seemed to be good. The income brought by this group of customers was almost equal to the usual It's been a month.

"Make the bear meat into minced bear meat, fry the venison, grill a few more fish, and mix the vegetables into a salad." Sure enough, the girl wanted them all without blinking, and Wilhelm accepted her and threw her on the counter purse on the table, nodding happily.

"By the way, is there any wine?" The huntress, who was about to go back to take care of her companions, paused and asked back.

"Hey! Of course, the aged black thorn mead from Rift Valley City is much cheaper than other places," Wilhelm lowered his voice slightly: "Don't say it."

"Wilhelm, you guys still play mysteries? Hahaha——" the alcoholic who has been in the hotel lobby all year round, the red guard Basianus laughed: "Who doesn't know that you took the wine directly from the Blackthorn Winery? The goods? Hiccup!"

"Drink yours." Wilhelm casually tossed a bottle of ordinary black thorn wine. I believe that the lady would not be clear about the fact that he had an informant in the black thorn wine shop, but he just allowed himself to smuggle. Also look at the face of the gray beard on the top of the mountain.

"Wilhelm! Why did you kill my sister!" After the huntress returned to the room with a few bottles of wine, a ragged young man rushed into the tavern and shouted loudly.

"Tsk! I told you I haven't seen your sister!" Wilhelm felt a headache.

The name of this young man is Nafi, a fisherman who lives on the outskirts of Ivarstead. Both his parents disappeared during the war between Thalmer and the Empire, and he has been living with his sister all these years.

Compared with Nafi, who fishes peacefully, his sister named Ruida likes to collect herbs. After picking a valuable "Nirn root" one time, she got out of hand and obviously hit her. The idea of ​​earning enough money to move to a big city with my younger brother.

However, Ruida had disappeared a few days ago. If she had to be involved with herself, she heard herself say "there may be rare medicinal herbs on the haunted island in Lake Gale", but Nafei has always been relentless It's useless to beat him up and take all the fish away if you want to talk to him all the time.

This is simply an unreasonable behavior. The adventurer goes to the tavern to order a glass of wine, and then asks the boss what the rumors are recently, and then the fun is over? Even if someone took risks based on rumors and made a small fortune, they would not share it with the tavern owner. Similarly, if they suffered misfortune, the owner should not be responsible.

"Nafei, don't make trouble. Didn't I come back?" The woman who came in behind Nafei made Wilhelm's eyes widen. She was Ruida, but she was wearing... a mage's robe?

"Zag entered the Nord Tavern for the first time, and thought the smell was not good." "Why does it smell like a beast?" "Hey, I didn't expect to see Brother Redguard here, where are you from?" The three who walked in followed The mages with different shapes dispelled Wilhelm's suspicion.

The tiger men, the dark elves, and the Redguard who was greeting a drunkard, if there was any place where they could live in harmony, it was the mage academy in North Winterhold.

"Uh, Ruida, are you okay? That's great." Wilhelm thought for a while, and finally decided to say hello to the familiar Ruida.

"I accidentally fell into the ancient tomb. Thanks to these mages who are exploring, I survived." Ruida grabbed Nafei who was still staring at him angrily: "They said I have the qualifications to become a mage , going to take me and Nafei to the Mage Academy, today I came here specially to say goodbye, Nafei?"

"I asked my sister to teach you a lesson, but she doesn't agree, hum!" Nafei tilted his head.

"Uh, thank you for taking care of their siblings." Wilhelm was speechless for a while, so he turned to the mages: "I have nothing to thank, how about treating you to lunch?"

"No, this place is a bit... noisy." The dark elf female mage shook her head and refused: "We are leaving now."

"Zag thinks this hotel smells bad." The tiger mage who called himself Zag also shook his head.

"Zera said let's wait for her outside the town." The Redguard drank a few glasses with the drunkard, and got up to leave: "She must have secretly teleported somewhere to find the treasure again."

Treasure? Wilhelm glanced at the necklines and fingers of the mages, and sure enough, he saw the shiny necklaces and rings. It seemed that the rumors that mages were covered with enchanted items were quite reliable.

"Boss, is there any dry food?" When the noisy mages left, the tall man who passed them and entered the hotel sounded very calm.

"Yes, it contains cured meat, bread, cheese and dried vegetables." Wilhelm took out a pack of dry food and two water bags from under the counter: "This is a daily amount. Of course, the contents can be determined by yourself. It’s just not recommended to pack perishable and soupy food.”

"Hmm..." The man thought about it.

This guy looks like a bodyguard for a big shot? Wilhelm looked him up and down. Although the markings were removed and the style slightly changed, it could still be seen that it was the standard leather armor of the Imperial Legion. If you just send bodyguards to shop instead of entering the town in person, it proves that the big man from the empire is very distinctive, and you can know who it is just by looking at his appearance.

The Rift Valley leader clearly supports Stormcloak. No matter what the big figures of the empire come here, no matter what they want to do, I am afraid it will be a trouble. It is better not to have anything to do with them, how about this...

"Are you going to climb the peak of Hrothgar? Then my suggestion is to put some cold-resistant food—" Wilhelm put on a sales face.


"These are enough, plus some donuts and candied fruit feast, a total of two." The man completely ignored the meaning of Wilhelm's words, and said directly: "Is it enough to reach the Rift Valley? . "

"I think it's enough." Wilhelm rolled his eyes, implying that he was being ignored. Since the big man didn't care about being found, why should he bother: "As long as you don't crash into the bandit's stronghold along the way, there will be no danger at all. Because this area is the territory of the gray beard, and the surrounding area of ​​​​the Rift Valley is dominated by black thorns."

Anyway, let me give them a final hint that in Rift Valley City, the power of the Blackthorn family is comparable to that of the mighty Greybeard. Wilhelm packed some dry food and handed it to the tall bodyguard while talking.

"Finally, I'll give you some advice." The bodyguard in leather armor said after paying the money: "It's good to be slick, but if you rashly get involved in things you shouldn't be involved in, you may disappear without a sound."

"You are right, I will pay attention to it in the future." Wilhelm had heard many similar warnings, and adopted a standard response.

Being under the peak of Hrothgar, anyone who wants to take action has to weigh whether they can bear the anger of Greybeard, after all——

"Colin Mai! Don't sleep, there is work to do!" After the bodyguard left, Wilhelm left the hotel and knocked on the door of the hired worker Colin Mai.

"No way, Boss—" A young man in a hunting suit with a strong figure and a capable expression pushed open the door: "The snow bear I just hunted yesterday has already been eaten?"

"There is still half of the bear." Wilhelm pushed a package to Colin Mai: "This is the supply for the peak of Hrothgar, and it will be delivered within today-I will give you double wages."

"Ha... well, for the sake of double wages." Colin Mai yawned, took the package and turned back to the house: "I'll pack up and go."

Yes, it is his reliance. Wilhelm looked towards the high snow-capped mountains. Since the daily consumption of those gray beards were all provided by the Iva family free of charge, if anyone tried to harm him, he would probably be directly bombarded by the dragon roar. fly.

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