The Collection of The End

Chapter 198 Illusion and Tumu

——4E, 201, Last Seed Moon, 27th, 15:00——


Arthur is dreaming, and is well aware that he is in a dream.

Because there was a jet-black armor with black smoke all over its body, and a dark red light shining from the gap in the helmet, yelling at him, the voice was extremely hoarse and unpleasant.

"What does it mean to take good care of your daughter? Does she need someone to take care of her?" Although Arthur didn't understand what the armor was shouting at all, it didn't prevent him from responding very naturally, but after saying it, even he himself Not sure what this response means.

[Ga——hou——] The armor continued to roar.

"Yes, yes, yes, I am capable enough to protect myself, and I will not let a little girl protect me." Arthur replied, and at the same time began to guess about the dream. Does the armor mean that his daughter is protecting himself?

But if there is no accident, at this time, I should have reached a certain village or campsite to rest with the help of members of the comrade-in-arms group, and the only woman... Ella? It is true that she never asked about her family situation.


"Okay, yes, yes, you are right—" Although Arthur intends to listen to more conversations, it is clear that the armor's next words are of little value, and "I" has already begun to perfunctory it.

[Gu—ah——] The roar of the pitch-black armor began to change its tone.

Maybe it's about to wake up? Arthur listened to the voice and thought.

【All! watt! gram! because! 】

A huge roar like thunder exploded in his ears, and Arthur was so shocked that he jumped up.

It seems to be awake, but it seems not to wake up? Arthur frowned and looked around.

This is not a campsite or hotel, and there are no members of the comrades-in-arms group. To be precise, the surrounding area is a snow-white world, and nothing exists during the period.

Oh, no, it still exists. There is a shallow horizontal line where he stepped. Looking around, he found that there are countless such lines extending in all directions and intersecting each other, dividing the pure white ground into one by one. huge square.

"Hello, Dragonborn." A slightly old voice sounded behind Arthur.

This is an old man wearing a dark blue hooded robe, with a thin body and wrinkled old face, but his brown eyes are very bright, especially the gray puff on his chin goatee.

Although he looked like an ordinary Nord old man on the outside, he gave Arthur the feeling that he was facing a giant dragon.

"Hi, you are...Greybeard? I thought that was just a code name." Arthur thought quickly and answered.

Obviously, the previous sentence "Duwakin" was not uttered by the black armor in the dream. It was the "Dragonborn" pronounced in the dragon language. Perhaps when he fell into a coma after fighting in the form of a dragon, the gray beard I was already planning to pull myself into their "dream" to tell something, but was preempted by the armor.

"Code name, of course, if you join us, you will also be called 'Graybeard'." The old man spoke in a strange way, as if he was trying to speak softly, but his voice was very loud.

"Well, sorry, but I haven't given up on taking the risk of becoming a monk." Arthur replied.

"Of course, comrades-in-arms, relatives, and confidante are not easy to give up." The old man said with a little sigh: "But if you continue like this, maybe one day when you wake up, you will find that they have been killed by yourself. "

"..." Arthur was silent. He was also aware of this. First of all, he lost his self-awareness after the first transformation. Fortunately, he flew out of Xueman at that time. If a dragon appeared directly in Xueman City...

Then came the next few transformations, each time I was exhausted, and I felt extremely hungry, and this time I fell into a coma directly.

If he fainted in the dragon form, who can guarantee that he will not attack the nearby people driven by the instinct of the dragon?

"My name is Aingail," said the old man, "I came here in my dream just to prevent this from happening, and I will teach you how to control yourself."

"Thank you, Master Iron Gail," Arthur saluted him, and then asked with some doubts: "After I found out that I am a Dragonborn, I have checked many classics about Dragonborn, and there is never any mention But they can turn into dragons."

"You often hear that person's name, but you habitually ignore it." Ain Gail paused, and said, "Tiber Septim, Ismir, 'Dragon of the North'."

"..." Arthur felt that the number of times he was speechless today was equivalent to a whole year.

"I hope you are ready to study." Ein Gail nodded to Arthur, and then took a deep breath: "[Fek Ro Sah!]"

Boom boom boom—walls, flags, stone gates and other completely colorless buildings rose around the two of them, and finally combined into a snow-white giant building. The overall color turned into stone gray at the moment it was formed.

"Welcome to Hrothgar Abbey," Eingail said to Arthur, "Generally speaking, those who come to seek guidance from Dragon Roar must start from the foot of the mountain and climb 7,000 steps to reach the top of the mountain to be eligible. Let us see you."

"Well... If it was me," Arthur stretched out his hand and made a flying gesture: "I probably flew up directly."

"Because it takes a long time for ordinary people to train Dragon Roar and Tumu, I generally advise them to put aside everything in the world and live in the peak of Hrothgar for a long time of practice, but the two qualifications I encountered recently are the most Good guys, both Balgruuf and Ulfric have rejected this proposal." Eingail said with some regret.

Those are two lords... and the "recent" span is a bit big.

"Well, that, I'm ready to learn." Arthur tried to prevent Erngell from recalling the past, knowing that he was still in a coma, and it would be bad if he kept awake and frightened the comrades in the comrade-in-arms group.

"Since you have the same aptitude as Ismir, we decided to try the teaching method we used at that time, please stand firm." Ein Gail nodded, looked at Arthur and said.

How long ago was the teaching method! Seeing that the old man took a deep breath, Arthur quickly put his feet one after the other.

"【Fus Ro Dah】!"

Someone had heard roars in Nord's tomb many times, but unlike the breeze blowing at that time, following Aingail's roar, a hurricane blew up, and Arthur was helpless. He was blown away and hit the wall behind him straight, but perhaps because he was in a dream, he didn't feel any pain at all.

"The meanings of these three sentences are 'strength', 'balance' and 'push' respectively. You have mastered the first one, now let's see if you can comprehend the last two." Eingail waved his hands in the air, and the three were like Dragon language characters engraved by sharp claws appeared in front of him.

"Hmm..." Arthur got up and walked back, frowning and looking at the words in the air.

Usually, when he uses [Fus] alone, he will feel a certain unfinished feeling, as if his nose is itchy, but he still can't make a "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"." When three consecutive words appeared in front of him, a feeling of certainty told him that yes, they were what he was looking for.

In the next moment, the last two words were firmly engraved into my mind like the first one, and together with the first one, they formed a sentence that kept flashing and felt somewhat illusory. Its name was——

"'Unshakable Power' is the most basic and widely used dragon cry, but its power varies from person to person," Aingail continued: "If you think you have mastered it, you can try to link it together I use it, don't worry, you're not enough to-"

"【Fus Ro Dah】!"

boom--! Following Arthur's roar, the entire Illusion Monastery was torn apart, and Aingail, who bore the brunt, was directly blown away. Literally flying, it took only a few seconds to become a small black spot in the snow-white sky. It seems that there is no coming back for the time being.

"Ro, Dah." Just as Arthur was watching Iron Gail, who was flying farther and farther, wondering whether the teaching could continue, another old man's voice came from behind.

His attire looks similar to that of Ain Gaier, but he is younger, but he also has a gray beard. With the powerless dragon roar in his mouth, the dragon language drawn by Ain Gaier The words turned into some kind of dragon soul-like power and merged into Arthur's body, and then the two newly learned spouts were completely solidified.

Arthur is convinced that it can only be officially used in the real world after the "solidification" process just now, and what blows Aingail away just now should be the greatest power of the "unshakable power" in theory.

After waiting for a while, and still seeing Aingail come back, Arthur and the newly appeared old man stared at each other for a while, and finally couldn't help but say: "Uh, may I ask what Master Aingail mentioned about suppressing A way I can't control myself?"

"Ustengla, the horn." The gray-bearded man said with care, and Arthur almost immediately understood why he didn't speak—only these two words were spoken, and they were surrounded by wind, snow, flames and lightning. After the gray beard shut up, it slowly disappeared.

"Hmm... what he means is that the full version of Unshakable Power is enough to temporarily suppress it. If you want to go further, you have to go to a place called Ustengla to retrieve the horn? — Ah, you don't have to answer, Just nod or shake your head," Arthur asked the old man.

The unknown gray beard nodded slowly, then waved to Arthur, as if to see off the guest.

In the next moment, the white world disappeared completely, and the noisy sound of the hotel broke into Arthur's ears.

"Hey~our hero~" Ella, who had put away her ears and tail, was sitting by Arthur's bed with a piece of fried venison, as if trying to wake him up with the aroma: "Get up and eat~"

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