The Collection of The End

One thousand nine hundred and sixty, blockade of the final 4 seas (12)

——Haiyuan Calendar, 1500——

East Sea, Shieldstown, Exchange.

It is too naive to expect that the numbers will become more auspicious.

After Jin Jing met "himself", he looked at the changes in the amount of property and was speechless for a while.

The ore was sold for 2,000, and the two pelts owned by the hunter template "Bai Jingjing" at the beginning were sold for a total of 1,000.

Property: 4444 Bailey]

Leaving aside this number, in terms of origin, merchants may be the richest, perhaps reaching 3,000 or even 5,000, and can buy ships directly, while kingdom soldiers and pirates should be relatively poor, but may have initial career-related qualifications. Equipment, you must complete some tasks or join other fleets before you can go to sea.

"Are you angry?" "Bai Jingjing" looked at "Tang San Burial" quietly: "Although you said you didn't need to pay me, that was before we went to sea, and it's useless for me to keep my fur. I might as well run away instead." The merchant’s capital, or——”

Jin Jing quickly cut back to "Bai Jingjing" to tell her to shut up.

The character of this childhood sweetheart is really heart-wrenching. Apparently she easily defeated the "King of the Near Sea" before and also awakened her domineering energy. There is no need to be so cautious at all - by the way, has she formed some kind of bad personality?

If it were me...well, I don't have a childhood sweetheart.

"No," Tang Sanzhan looked at her: "Since we have sailed together, our interests are the same. We don't have to be so clear about the details. When we distribute the dividends, it will be better to share more with you."

...the clinging green plum and the dull bamboo horse.

Never mind, it would be a bit troublesome if he wasn't so slow.

"Have you asked about your father's whereabouts?" Jin Jing asked knowingly.

"No," Tang Sanzian shook his head slightly: "The letter my father left seems to be some kind of internal secret code within the navy. After they saw it, their attitude towards me suddenly became much more cordial."

That is, after gaining 3,000 reputation in one go, if it were replaced by the "Navy Favorability Mission", I'm afraid it would have to be completed at least ten times.

"Then what are you going to do next?" Jin Jing herself is dawdling in the main plot and does not know how to complete the branch plot because she is not familiar with the plot, so she can only ask the "aboriginal people".

There is no way, One Piece is too long——

It's not even finished.

If it were "empty", he would probably be able to list a lot of things that he could do to make profits or invest in advance just by asking about the current time.

"I think your suggestion is good," Tang Sanzian looked at "Bai Jingjing": "Accumulate wealth by running a business or catching pirates, improve yourself, then change to a more powerful warship, recruit more companions, when When my reputation reaches a certain level, those in the know may think that I am qualified to know those secrets and come to contact me.”

Um? Did Bai Jingjing say that? Maybe I forgot about it because it was too correct. After all, it was a standard "upgrade and kill monsters" process.

"...So, it's up to you to arrange the next move." Tang Sanzian added.

Well, I remembered that when I drove Tang San's burial vest to the navy branch, Bai Jingjing volunteered to come to the exchange to sell goods, saying that she would learn about the market after selling goods so that she could plan her next business route.

Although you can cut to the side and let "Bai Jingjing" speak for herself, wouldn't that make you look incompetent?

Jin Jing thought for a moment, then turned around and poked the exchange clerk at the trading window next to him who had been smiling appropriately.

Buy/sell crew equipment]

Buy/Sell Boat Modification Parts]

Buy/sell valuables]

Buy/sell trading items]

Valuation analysis is based on the current exchange-centered profitable business path】


The trading items are the ores brought in before, and the furs are also counted. The "rough" and "shabby" equipment that Tang San was buried in are not considered crew equipment. Only the sextant is, and the valuables and ship modifications are not yet available. Obtain, as for the ones sold on the exchange...the cheapest one is 20,000 beli.


The intelligence of ‘Bai Jingjing’ is @\u0026 # points, and the information available is as follows. 】

Um? Are the codes garbled because the templates are different?

Purchase the 'Navy Standard Sword' from Shields Town and sell it in the Goa Kingdom. You can earn 120 beli per unit. 】

Buy 'lemons' from Shields Town and sell them in Rogue Town, earning 110 beli per unit. 】


What appeared this time was a panel with a long list of information. It first listed the business routes from Shields Town to takeaways from high to low profit, and then listed the merchants selling goods from other villages and towns to Shields Town. road.

Jin Jing noticed that the profit per unit of the "Goa Ore" shipped before was obviously 60 Baileys, but now it has become 50 Baileys. If the ore and swords are resold back and forth, there may be no profit at all after five or six times.

In addition, there is another way to buy lemons from Orange Town and sell them in Shields Town, with a profit of 30 beli per unit.

Regardless of the confusion between oranges and lemons, why not just buy lemons from Orange Town and sell them in Rogge Town? There are no middlemen making the difference.

"We first buy a warehouse full of cloth and go to Orange Town, and then buy lemons and transfer to Rogge Town," Jin Jing decided: "The former is 40 beli per unit, while the latter should be 160 beli. After this trip, we can earn 4,000. Then you can buy a new boat.”

After all, the mere 20-unit warehouse of the "White Dragon Horse" seriously affects the merchant's income.

"It's up to you to decide." Tang Sanzian nodded.

"I personally don't recommend that you take such a long route, two bosses," the exchange employee said: "Most people in the East China Sea know about those highly profitable trade routes, but pirates also know about them, so they will specially guard some throats. The main roads are waiting to rob merchant ships that take remote routes. If you are not strong enough..."

Oh, yes, there are pirates.

Although the pirates can't take away your own money, it's still very troublesome to have the goods robbed, the ship destroyed, and the sailors killed, hmm...huh?

No, wait, is my "overlord color and domineering energy" a vegetarian?

If you really dare to rob, those "Nord pirates" who have turned into bounties are a lesson learned from the past.

If you encounter a powerful pirate who can resist...what kind of lemon would a guy with that kind of strength grab?

"Oh? So there is a well-known pirate group there?" Tang Sanyan said: "Pirates who are stragglers cannot do such a thing."

"Of course, sir." the exchange employee replied, then took out a wanted notice from under the counter and showed it to Tang Sanzian and Bai Jingjing.

There is an obvious pirate flag in the shape of a cat's head on it.

In the portrait, there are two big men, one fat and one thin. They have cat ears on their heads and cat claws on their hands. Although they have cat elements, they don't look cute at all, they just make people feel disgusted.

Reward Order]


No matter life or death]


Bounty: 100,000 Baileys for two people]

He is the chief and deputy leader of the Black Cat Pirates. His weapons are cat claws and his flagship is the Braku. 】

Navy Headquarters]

...100,000 for catching two pirates?

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