The Collection of The End

One thousand nine hundred and sixty-one, blockade of the final 4 seas (13)

——Haiyuan Calendar, 1500——

East China Sea.

The "White Dragon Horse" sailed away from Shieldstown and headed to Orange Town according to the chart.

Although she was a little greedy for the first bounty she might get, Jin Jing also knew that now was not the time to take the initiative to trouble them.

After all, a naval battle is not a one-on-one fight. Maybe I am still dealing with those two wanted criminals. Their men have already killed all the sailors on their ship. Even if I win, no one will be able to watch over the prisoners, operate the sails, or steer the helm. Driving a boat.

If you have excellent cannons and gunners, you can try a naval artillery battle, but that kind of battle is mainly aimed at destroying enemy ships, and there will be little gain even if you win.

In the end, she decided to take a batch of oranges to Rogge Town to sell them as planned, instead of trying to deliberately stay on the road to attract pirates.

The only flaw in the plan is that there are no trading goods in Shields Town that can be sold to Orange Town. In other words, if you pull goods there, you will only make a single-digit profit per unit, and it will take time and effort for sailors to move the goods. Instead of In this case, it is better to go directly to the short position, and the speed on the route will be faster.

The "route" is an additional function after the "sextant" on Tang San's burial equipment was settled in the measurement room. When going to sea this time, you can directly select "Kingdom of Goa" on the chart for "automatic navigation". A red "route" will be displayed between the ground and the sea. The sailors will also pull up the sails and paddle the helm when necessary. She no longer has to look at the relative positions on the chart and poke around, but others have not yet arrived. The villages we passed are still not working.

This is actually very reasonable, just like real cars. Although you can run on any flat place on the earth, the fastest way to your destination is to walk on pre-built roads without encountering pits or swamps. The same goes for sea routes and air routes.

It is further deduced that pirates should also be ambushing around these routes, and the navy's patrol routes should be similar.

Well, let's put it this way, if you don't take the "auto-sailing" route and run around on your own, won't you encounter pirates?

No, you won't encounter the pirates who are ambushing you, but you may run into the pirate's hideout.

Orange Town, Orange Town... Jin Jing sat in the captain's cabin and continued poking at the charts.

She clearly saw an icon of a fleet flying past with a navy seagull flag on the chart. When it "encountered" the "White Dragon Horse", both sides stopped together.



Before Jin Jing could figure out what happened, with the sound of breaking waves, the ship's hull swayed slightly and came to a standstill.

The next second, Mengka's loud voice came from far away: "Yo! Xiao Tang! What a coincidence——]"

"We meet again." Tang Sanzian's voice came from the deck. It was not loud, but it was very penetrating.

Where are you going-? 】

"To Orange Town."

The communication in your One Piece world basically relies on roaring, right?

"You're just on the way—will you come with us—?" Mengka shouted again.

This time Tang Sanzong didn't respond on his own, because the new panel had already popped up in front of Jin Jing.

Ensign 'Monkar' invites you to join his expedition, you must have at least '8' sailors to participate. 】

You, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, are still going to dig holes for others?

Jin Jing stood up and prepared to go out, but then realized that "Bai Jingjing" was not familiar with Mengka, so she switched roles.

Tang Sanzian was originally standing on the bow of the ship, talking to Mengka from a distance. After Jin Jing switched over, the same dialog box as that of pirates, clerks and exchange clerks appeared in front of him.

I have brought with me a group of strong and brave sailors and am about to join you. Join Monka’s expedition]

Sorry, I don't have enough staff to help. Refuse to join]

Strong and brave? Jin Jing took the time to glance at the guys on the deck who could be stunned by a pirate's roar. She subconsciously prepared to poke "rejection", but paused before poking him.

Wait, how do these sailors gain "experience"?

"Bai Jingjing" only requires souls, and Tang Sanzong's experience can be obtained by completing tasks. However, the task experience given by the tavern owner is obviously not distributed to the sailors, and there is obviously no experience in simply driving a ship, carrying cargo, sailing and washing the deck. Experience...According to the tradition of One Piece, do we still have to fight?

The most important thing... Jin Jing looked at the "medium-sized paddle-sail dual-purpose ship navy type" lined up in front of him.

She had seen this ship in the shipyard. Without the "Navy" suffix, the ship itself cost 28,000 Baileys. If you add gun emplacements, strengthen the hull, install some equipment and so on... the entire ship The cost of building the team has already exceeded the bounty offered by the "Black Cat Pirates" that we have seen before, right?

With this fleet escorting us, wouldn’t it be stable? What other pirate group can destroy it?

Jin Jing first clicked "I'm about to join you" and then responded: "Okay, then I will benefit from you along the way."

"Tang San's Burial" responded with a very ordinary voice. Jin Jing was originally a little worried that Mengka might not hear it, but after the familiar "No matter what, we are all brothers" came back from the opposite fleet, she felt a little relieved.

If you think about it carefully, Zhuge Liang should have used similar black technology when the two armies were far apart in front of each other and people were shouting, and Zhuge Liang could curse Wang Lang to death.

You join Ensign Monkar's fleet. 】

Side Quest: Create or join a fleet. Finish】

After Jin Jing confirmed to join, the "White Dragon Horse" drifted its tail and followed the three naval ships.

At the same time, an information board with fleet-related terms appeared in front of him.

Fleet: It consists of 25 ships. The ship of the fleet initiator automatically becomes the flagship. 】

Navigation: Other ships in the fleet will sail with the flagship by default and receive fleet buffs. If so, other ships can choose not to sail autonomously with the flagship. At this time, the ship cannot obtain fleet buffs, but the fleet will still automatically enter combat status when a battle occurs. 】

Combat: Damage between ships within a fleet is reduced to 1/4, and damage between sailors and crew within a fleet is reduced to 1/2. 】

Flagship: When the flagship is sunk, its pilotage rights will be transferred to other ships in the order of joining the fleet. When there is only one ship left in the fleet, the fleet will be automatically disbanded. 】

Experience: After the fleet ends the battle, all crew members and sailors will gain experience points based on the performance of their ships in the battle. Trophies, including prisoners and captured ships, will be distributed at the discretion of each ship's captain. 】

Detachment: When an autonomous ship is too far away from the flagship, or the captain actively applies to the flagship, the ship will leave the fleet. If a battle breaks out in the fleet, even if the detached ship is very close, it will not be judged to have entered the battle. 】

Well...this setting eliminates the possibility of the existence of moles to a certain extent.

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