The Collection of The End

One thousand nine hundred and sixty-two, blockade of the final 4 seas (14)

——Haiyuan Calendar, 1500——

East China Sea.


With a "communication roar" of the same type as Mengka, the speed of the naval fleet's originally sailing ships dropped sharply and became as if they were traveling in glue. At the same time, five ships flying pirate flags appeared in the fleet's original direction. on the waterway.

Jin Jing also simultaneously left the "voyage acceleration" state that can be selected after autosailing or joining the fleet. It is the same as the option when staying in a hotel for a rest. As long as no one interrupts, the whole journey will be accelerated, and the crew will behave like a Q-version villain. form display.

However, judging from the fact that the villains representing "Bai Jingjing" and "Tang San's Burial" did not stay in the captain's room and the measurement room but were wandering around, this may not be "acceleration", but the "reincarnation" The senses are "slowed down".

After all, the One Piece world is different from the Grudge world. It is an entire planet, and there is no possibility of "all reincarnations falling asleep at the same time."

So, the reason why every reincarnation must be given a "template" is also because of this, right? After all, he knows people but not their hearts. Even if the main god can see everyone's actions, it is impossible to know the character of each reincarnation. If the character does something the reincarnation does not want to do during the trusteeship and causes losses...

After Jin Jing came out of the "acceleration state", she appeared at the stern of the ship, with "Tang Sanzong" in front of her at the helm. It was obvious that "Bai Jingjing", a sly childhood sweetheart, was chatting with the dull bamboo horse - do you want so many scenes?

But it doesn't matter, now is the time to hunt for experience points, Jin Jing looked towards the front of the fleet.

Blocking the route were five identical "medium-sized square sailing ships." Jin Jing remembered that their cost seemed to be only 22,000 beli, but there were a lot of sailors. For his own small triangular sailing ship, the number of sailors was "10/24", that is, It requires 10 people and a maximum of 24 people. Mengka's boat is "25/60" and the medium-sized sailboat is "30/125".

Although food and water will be consumed faster as the number of sailors increases, no one will maintain full strength all the time, but if they dare to attack the navy... it can be said that based on the number of sailors alone, this pirate fleet should be able to defeat three Mengka - —Even if he is also full of characters.

"You're a little too arrogant! Monka!" The shouting from the pirate ship on the opposite side continued: "After destroying our squadron, you still dare to patrol this area with arrogance, completely ignoring our 'Black Cat Pirates' Take it seriously!】"

No, this is called doing your best to eliminate evil...wait? Black cat?

Jin Jing squinted her eyes and looked at the pirate flag opposite. Compared with the regular cross skull, the skull did look more like a cat.

Your fleet encounters the 'Black Cat Pirates' and will fight with 171 people on the '4' ship against 506 people on the '5' ship. 】

The good news is that Monkar's ship is nearly full.

The bad news is that the Black Cat Pirates' ship is also nearly full.

"Don't be nervous," Tang Sanzian looked back at Jin Jing.

Um? Is he going to say something like I will protect you?

"Dead pirates cannot be sold for bounty."

Are you afraid that I will kill everyone if I get nervous or excited? ?

We will fight to the end! 】

I have something to discuss with you privately. 】

Do I have to fight? I don't want to fight you. 】

Don't attack, we surrender. 】

Um? What is this?

A new dialog panel appears, but all options are grayed out.

Is it only chosen by the captain of the fleet flagship?

There is nothing to say about the first and fourth, the second should be negotiation, and the third is an option when the relationship between the two parties is relatively good - obviously Mengka has no choice at all.

But... can Mengka see this panel?

"Since you so want to meet your men in prison again, Uncle Mengka will make it happen for you!]" Mengka's voice came from the direction of the flagship.

Before he finished speaking, the "Fight to the End" option lit up, and the entire panel was replaced by the next one.

Well, it seems to be invisible and can only be judged based on his actions.

Enter the enemy camp. 】

Take command. 】

After leaving one broken ship behind, the fleet retreated. 】

surrender. 】

Well? This third item...


Following Mengka's roar, a perfectly circular wall of fog suddenly rose from the surrounding sea surface, surrounding the battlefield.

After joining the fleet, whether or not to fight or how to fight is obviously out of your control.

Jin Jing silently drew his gun.


Boom boom!

Bang - bang!

After the war started, the navy's fleet has been leading the pirate fleet in circles, while the Black Cat Pirates' fleet has been focused on hitting the navy fleet, firing at each other every chance they got, but so far there has been no success at all.

According to Jin Jing's knowledge after watching "Pirates of the Caribbean" and entering this world, there are generally only two forms of naval battles, artillery battles and boarding battles.

The former requires "moving" across the side of the ship and using the side muzzles to aim at the enemy's bow or stern to fire, which is often referred to as the ""T-shaped tactics"" unless both sides are confident in their own firepower and armor. , otherwise it would be basically impossible for the two ships to fire at each other in parallel.

The latter is a tactic that uses hooks, springboards or even angle collisions to send sailors on board to kill the enemy sailors after contact with the enemy ship. Generally, it will only be used when the cannonballs are used up or the number of sailors on one side is overwhelming. .

The former is easy to sink enemy ships and can hardly find any loot, but it will not cause any losses. It is commonly used by the navy. The latter may directly seize the ship and its cargo, but it consumes more sailors and is a style favored by pirates.

The curved cannon with the initial configuration of "White Dragon Horse" can't do anything to the pirate ship armor over there, but it is not without results, such as -


"Haha! Die——"

When the navy fleet swung its tail again, three or five pirates flung out their flying claws and put their claws on the mast of the "White Dragon Horse" and leaped over. They all attacked the nearest "Bai Jingjing" who seemed to be defenseless.

Jin Jing aimed the gun and said: "Bang!"

Overlord color and domineering]!

Turning it on and off again, there was almost no consumption, but the pirates who thought they had picked up a soft persimmon became weak in their hands and feet, were so frightened that they even fainted on the spot, and were then skillfully tied up and thrown into the cabin by the sailors waiting aside. imprisoned.

After all, this is a qualification that only one in a million people have. They will not know what happened to them at all, they will only think that they were hit by that strange gun.

"If you encounter an enemy who can resist this move, you will be in danger." Tang Sanzian said while standing on the mast nearby.

"Then there's still you?" Jin Jing turned on and off his domineering power in seconds: "It's a pity that the affected area is only this ship, otherwise the battle would have been over."

"I don't have the confidence to deal with those two pirates with a reward of 100,000 yuan," Tang San said, "Maybe Mengka..."

Ensign Monka was knocked unconscious by Butch. 】

The flagship 'medium-sized galley navy type 01' was captured by the enemy. 】

The "White Dragon Horse" became the flagship of the fleet. 】

‘Tang Sanzong’ obtained the command of the fleet. 】

Regardless of how they boarded the ship and seized it, didn't the other ship's captains even have anyone who could command them? !

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