The Collection of The End

One Thousand Nine Hundred and Sixty-Three, Blockade Ending 4 Seas (15)

——Haiyuan Calendar, 1500——

The East China Sea, the battlefield of encounters.

Commanding a fleet feels no different from controlling a ship, and even a bit like playing with a snake.

Other ships in the fleet will exactly copy the actions and navigation of the flagship, unless conditions prohibit it.

After seeing the news of the transfer of the flagship and pilot, Jin Jing decisively switched roles and pulled the navy "02" and "03" to stay away from the captured "01".

The naval fleet has a total of 171 people. On average, there are 55 sailors per ship. The news that Mengka was knocked unconscious was immediately followed by the capture of the ship. According to the setting, all sailors on a ship will not lose their combat effectiveness. Without being able to seize the ship, the decapitation tactic is useless.

Since the flagship has not had much contact with the pirate group's battleships, and its previous actions have been normal, the possibility of knocking out Monka after subduing all the sailors on the ship has been ruled out. There is only one conclusion left:

After someone knocked Mengka unconscious, all the sailors on the ship lost their combat effectiveness in a very short period of time.

And the only person who can do this kind of thing, apart from the ridiculously fast Devil Fruit ability, is the "Overlord Color Haki".

But no matter who of the two captains on the wanted list has this ability, the reward will not be only 100,000.

Maybe there is some special reason that is not within the scope of ordinary people's thinking?

But no matter what, it is the best choice to distance yourself from that ship first.

The next actions of the Black Cat Pirates also verified this: a pirate ship broke away from the team and slowly approached Monka's flagship, then boarded the springboard and sent some people over, restarted the ship, and slowly followed Behind that pirate ship.

As for the other ships, they still clung to the fleet led by the "White Dragon Horse".

At this time, Jin Jing had already sailed through the "Wall of White Mist". Different from conventional land battles, it was not an entity that blocked the action, but directly covered the captain with white mist after the ship passed through it. sight, and the options pop up.

Get out of the battlefield. Default selection after ‘10’ seconds]

return. 】

I just came to see what it was like. Although I wasn’t very familiar with Mengka, the hero couldn’t run away from the battle.

When the number jumped to 2, Jin Jing decisively clicked return. The next moment, the fleet broke through the white mist and entered the battlefield from the position when it entered the white mist, even though its course had obviously not changed... Where did it secretly turn? 180 degree?

And the best thing is that the pirate fleet that was originally chasing the navy fleet thought that Jin Jing's fleet had escaped and reported that they had just completed a U-turn and turned the stern of the ship towards them.

At this time, there was no need for special command at all. Jin Jing just slightly pulled the fleet into a "T" shape, and the naval ships rushed to pour cannonballs on the last ship, and directly hit it in more than ten seconds. Its sinking.

To Jin Jing's expectation, the Black Cat Pirates, who had been severely damaged, had no intention of reuniting with the temporarily departed ship over there, and directly turned around and collided with the "White Dragon Horse".

Either the opponent is very confident in their numerical advantage, or their ability to directly seize the flagship can be used again.

Jin Jing let out a laugh and switched back to "Bai Jingjing".

Then come and give it a try?



Well, this is the sound effect created by Jin Jing's brain. The real situation is that when the ships of both sides are close enough, various hooks, claws, rods and even anchors are thrown over, tying the two sides tightly together, neither allowing the target to escape, nor allowing the target to escape. Rather than crashing the ship, the only ones that would really crash would be ships equipped with modifications such as "ram angles".

All in all, three ships of the Black Cat Pirates, two naval ships and a makeshift flagship entered into a close combat gang-hopping battle.

Judging from the sword fights and roars coming from other ships, it was just ordinary hand-to-hand combat on the deck. The special means should be on the ship docking with the flagship.

"You are very brave. Such a small ship, and it is not a navy, doesn't take the opportunity to escape?"

Following the words, the two men with cat ears on the wanted poster walked over along the gangplank, looked at... "Tang San Burial" standing on the mast and said.

Compared with the human-like appearance on the wanted poster, Butch and Sam are actually uglier in real life. One has a thick upper body and a thin lower body, while the other has a thin body and large limbs. Their structure is completely unbiological - forget it, this is still said in the world of One Piece. ?

"When you see 100,000 Baileys coming over on your own initiative, it's hard for most people to refuse." Tang Sanbian replied.

"100,000 Baileys? Where is it?" Butch looked at Sam.

"Idiot, you're talking about our bounty." Sam bared his teeth.

"Boy, how dare you play tricks on us?" Bu Zhi turned to glare at Tang Sanzhan.

"Hmm..." Tang Sanzian was silent for a moment: "It seems that I shouldn't judge the strength of the bounty target based on the bounty amount."

I guess they don't understand that you are sarcastic about them. Jin Jing rolled her eyes.

"Ha, it's too late to be afraid now!" "I will throw you into the sea to feed the fish!" Butch and Sam showed their claws.

"Let you see our brother's special ability - 'Deep Sea Ghost'!" The two shouted loudly together.

"One...two...thumbs up..."



Whirring whirring--

Following the words, dozens of transparent "ghosts" with pirate hats, one eye, hook hands, and wooden legs appeared on the ship and approached the sailors. However, the originally frightened sailors did not even dare to fight and directly Dropped the weapon and ran away.

"Huh?" Tang Sanzian frowned, then lowered his head and slashed with his sword, but the blade passed through those "ghosts" without causing any impact, "Phantom?"

"Hehe" "It's a phantom," Butch and Sam laughed strangely.


The "Ghost Pirates" swarmed up and attacked Tang Sanzong. Those attacks were tangible and insubstantial. Although they could not be parried, they had no effect even if they were hit.



Tang Sanzong parried and dodged several times and found that it was unnecessary. He looked at the two catmen again, and when he was about to say something, a ghost pirate's slash directly made a gash on his body.

The force of this attack was very light, just scratching the leather jacket, but the meaning contained in it was something that no one dared to underestimate.

"This..." Tang San immediately retreated to avoid the ghost pirates surrounding him.

"The longer the ghost appears," "the easier it is to affect the present world,"

"Can you be sure which time is true?" "Do you dare not hide?"

"Keke" "Hehehe"

The two cat-eared men were very proud.

"It seems that I have to capture you two first." Tang San turned the sword in his hand, trying to avoid those "ghost pirates" directly attacking their "summoners".

"Don't think that the leader of the Black Cat Pirates deserves his fame!" x2

Butch and Sam used the "ghost pirates" as bunkers to hide in them.

When a new round of battle was about to break out, Tang Sanzong glanced in the direction of "Bai Jingjing", only to find that there was no one there.

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