The Collection of The End

One thousand nine hundred and sixty-four, blockade of the final 4 seas (16)

——Haiyuan Calendar, 1500——

The East China Sea, the battlefield of encounters.

"Tell me, what are you two doing?"

On the Black Cat Pirates' flagship, the "Bulaku", the pirate sailors fell to the ground in a mess, and Jin Jing, or "Bai Jingjing", was holding a blond girl who looked only seven or eight years old with one hand. The boy with a middle-parted comb and star-shaped glasses seemed to be in a coma, his hands and feet hanging limply, and he would tremble from time to time as if he was having a nightmare.

Opposite her, stood a boy of thirteen or fourteen years old. He had short black hair and round glasses. There was a pair of sharp cat claws on his hands, with fear on his face and determination in his eyes.

"Let go, let go of Zangao!" he said.

"You obviously didn't understand the situation. Now I am the only one with the right to ask questions." Jin Jing imitated Kong's speech and tilted her head to gesture to Tang Sanzhi, Bu Zhi and Tang Sanzhi who were fighting for their wits in the air on the "White Dragon Horse". Sam: "Tell me, how did you do it? Is it a devil fruit?"

Previously, when the two captains of the Black Cat Pirates shouted the slogan that as long as they are not embarrassed, they will be the ones who are the ones who are embarrassed. A subtle little boy's voice sounded simultaneously behind them. After Jin Jing was distracted for a while and couldn't find it, Only then did he realize that the eyes of Bu Zhi, Sam, Tang Sanzian and other crew members of the White Dragon Horse who were recharging their numbers all became dull.

Next, first the sailors ran away with their heads in their hands, and then Tang Sanzang fired a burst of energy into the air. Then, when he finally stopped, the black-haired boy with round glasses walked over with a cat's paw, and said to Tang Sanzian. Although the attack of the claws was not very good, it still managed to scratch his armor. Then, like a frightened bird, Tang Sanzong dodged the non-existent attack again and ran all the way away.

What else is there to guess? His trumpet was trapped in some kind of hallucination, fighting an invisible enemy and turning a blind eye to the real threat - it might not be called a threat, but that was probably how the unlucky guy Mengka got caught.

What’s a bit strange is that if this trick was really used by the Black Cat Pirates, why did the two captains fall for it?

Obviously, although this battle seems to be the Black Cat Pirates taking revenge on the navy for their captured subordinates, there are traces of manipulation behind it.

At that time, Jin Jing looked at the young man who was still trying to bury Tang San from time to time. After thinking for a moment, he went directly to the flagship of the Black Cat Pirates and successfully caught the blond boy who was watching the battle.

He was quite surprised at the time, but he didn't seem to care very much. He confidently said another clearer "One, two, thumbs up" to himself, and then he rolled his eyes and fainted.

I'm sorry that it's not a template from the One Piece world, so your illusion not only doesn't work, but also bounces back.

However, this blond boy named "Zangao" was still a little smart. After he bounced himself and fainted, the sailors and the black-haired boy on the Braku rushed to the flagship deck at the same time, obviously leaving behind What a backhand.

As a result... all of them fainted due to the pressure of the instant "Overlord Color Haki", except for the black-haired boy who was threatening him lustfully.

Jin Jing talked to them with the idea of ​​​​trying to see if they could trigger the hidden mission, but nothing seemed to be triggered.

It's a bit troublesome now. You can't hit a child, and he doesn't have a health bar.


"Ha ha ha ha ha……"

Jin Jing was distressed when the black-haired boy in front of him suddenly raised his hands to cover his face and laughed:

"When did you have the illusion that you are not hypnotized now? Maybe I have already put the blade claw on your neck."

"Oh, it turns out you used hypnosis instead of illusion." Jin Jing nodded.

"..." The black-haired boy froze for a moment, but still insisted on continuing: "Look down now, my claws are right there."

"That is to say, I am not carrying your companion in my hand?" Jin Jing shook the child Zangao in his hand, took out the "Venomous Snake" and pointed it at his head: "So it doesn't matter if I shoot?"

"Put him down!"

The black-haired boy shouted loudly, and flew behind Jin Jing at a very high speed, and tried to scratch her throat with his cat claws.

Did he just induce himself to lower his head just to activate this?

Understand, this young man has the ability to quickly approach the enemy and attack, and combined with the hypnotic ability of the blond boy in her hand, he can create "phantom pirates" that are uncertain whether they are real or fake, enough to defeat those who are stronger than them.


Jin Jing looked at the black-haired boy who dragged out the afterimage and made no move to dodge or parry.


The cat's claw cut half a meter in front of Jin Jing's body, and was blocked by a light blue light curtain. He could no longer advance further, and the phantom symbolizing high-speed movement on his body also disappeared.

"This...impossible!" The black-haired boy said with horror on his face: "How can someone who is armed and domineering be willing to join Mengka's fleet? And sail such a broken ship?"

This kid doesn't know the Overlord's Haki], but he knows the Armed's Haki]?

Excluding the possibility that the main god marked the level wrongly, it can only prove that the former is really rare, and the latter at least still has legends circulating.

But unfortunately, this is not an armed domineering one, it is just the "mass effect shield" that comes with the armor "Fire Phoenix Type II"...

‘Bai Jingjing’ understands ‘armed color domineering’. 】

Armed color domineering]

Spell Category: Miracle]

Use memory spaces: 1]

Required ability value: Faith 10]

MP consumption: 30 or 0.5/second. 】

‘Armed Haki’ can be divided into ‘hardening’, ‘winding’, ‘external release’ and ‘internal destruction’. After casting this miracle, the mp value will be consumed according to the effect selected by the user. 】

‘Guangyue-san, the cherry blossoms in my hometown are in bloom. ’]

forget it.

However, this kid has great potential as an assassin. Bai Jingjing turned her head and looked at the black-haired boy who failed in the assassination. He only turned on his health bar at the moment when the cat's claw was about to attack him, changing it to a statement that fits the world setting. , but he has always hidden his murderous aura very well.

By the way, the health bar seems to be quite long. It shouldn't be a big deal if you punch him, right?

I have no other thoughts, I just want to know how much blood he has in total.


Perhaps the way Jin Jing stared at the blood bar was too scary. The black-haired boy shook, and he simply took off the cat's claws and threw them to the ground. He raised his hands and began to explain:

"My name is 'Clo', and what you are holding is my future vice-captain 'Zango'. Our current identities are the handymen of the Black Cat Pirates. You are right. Butch and Sam The idiots were picked up by us after awakening their special abilities, making them think they had the ability to summon 'ghost pirates'."

"Our original plan was to increase their bounty as much as possible, and when they reach adulthood, we would directly use their bounty to build a new fleet and then go to sea to go to the Grand Route to find the great secret treasure. This battle was supposed to be a sure thing, but we didn't expect that The incompetent Mengka actually called in such a powerful helper... We are now at your disposal."


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