The Collection of The End

One thousand nine hundred and sixty-eight, blockade of the final four seas (20)

——Haiyuan Calendar, 1500——

Holy Land Marie Gioia.

Mariejoia is the seat of the World Government. It is located at the top of the Red Continent and separates the "Great Route" from the middle. It is also the residence of the noble "Celestial Dragons". The architecture is elegant and beautiful, and the whole is mainly light blue and white. , blue sky, white clouds, green grass, worthy of its name as a "holy place" - at least on the surface.

In the Holy Land, in addition to the streets and communities of average height, the most eye-catching thing is the extremely tall pure white castle located in the center of the Holy Land, which can only be reached through the heavily guarded "Tianlong Gate", and its name is Pangu] .

Although "Pangu City" is confidential enough as the working place of the World Government, there are still four areas in it that only the "Five Old Stars" who represent the highest power of the World Government have the right to visit.

They are respectively named Between Stars], Between Flowers], Between Love] and Between Dreams].

Between the flowers is a stone hall that looks like a giant conference hall. Although the entire hall is made of stone, there are trees, flowers, vines and other plants growing unnaturally everywhere on the floor, walls, and ceilings. There are even butterflies flying among them.

At the end of this wonderful hall, there is a rectangular area that seems to be deliberately hollowed out without any flowers and plants. There is a giant straw hat that is larger than a regular small boat. It is the same as that rectangular area. They all looked old and dilapidated.

In front of the straw hat, there is a woman standing. She is tall, holding a golden and blue sword in her hand. She is wearing a long and loose black cloak, which almost completely covers her head, face and body, only revealing a pair of faintly transparent Glowing red eyes and a few strands of silver hair.

She was staring thoughtfully at the giant straw hat, while the hand that was not holding the sword was raised, with a pink butterfly falling on her fingertips.


The door between the flowers was opened, and a young woman wearing a black robe walked in from the outside. She looked at the cloaked man standing in front of the straw hat, and seemed to want to get closer, but was blocked by the flowers and vines that moved on their own. , unable to take one more step.

"Lord Im," the woman in black robe knelt down on one knee: "Everyone is here."

"..." The tall woman known as "Lord Im" did not respond. She raised her fingertips to drive away the butterflies that were parked there, then turned around and walked out of the door past the reporting woman in black robe.

Outside the door between the flowers is a huge throne worship room, which seems to be the standard used by superiors to approach their subordinates. "Lord Im" sat on the throne in silence and looked down.

Under the throne is a long staircase, the middle section of which is cut off by a trench composed of countless swords. At the end of the staircase is a small flat and smooth land. At this time, there are five people wearing black clothes with different appearances. A strange man bowed there and saluted.

"'Five Old Stars', pay your respects to Lord Im." They said in unison.

"Yes.]" "Lord Im" responded noncommittally.

"Have you decided which 'light' to extinguish in history this time? If you have made a decision, please convey the name of that person." The "Five Old Stars" spoke in unison again, obviously similar words This isn't the first time I've said it.

"O'Hara," "Ms. Im" replied. Compared with the brief nasal sound before, this time people can clearly hear her low, hoarse and slightly magnetic voice: "Speak to her, and then decide for yourself whether Activate the 'Demon Slaying Order'.]"

"I follow your instructions." "Five Old Stars" saluted again.


"Kuroha? What stupid thing did you do again? The World Government already knows."

A moment later, in the communication room of Pangu City, a relatively short and fat "Five Old Star" was gnashing his teeth at the phone bug.

"What? How is it possible?]" When the phone bug spoke, his appearance and expression also changed, looking like an old man wearing glasses: "We didn't leak the news at all.]"

"Every time you study the text of history, we all know it clearly. Do you want me to compare the day when I receive the message with your research records?" The short, fat five-old star snorted: "It's just your research. It’s always been of little value… Damn it, did you really research some important information this time?”

"Haha, what do you think?]" Phone Bug looked very proud.

"I told you a long time ago not to study the 'disappeared for a hundred years'," the short, fat five-old star looked around as if to deceive himself: "What do you want to know? I can't find it with my authority. ?”

"Tell me first?]" The phone bug raised his eyebrows.

"A powerful empire was born in the blank hundred years, and then was defeated by the world government. In order to prevent its descendants from coming back and awakening ancient weapons for revenge, all news about that empire must be erased," said Shorty Five Old Stars He finished speaking as if reciting a manuscript, and then took a breath: "Anyway, you have found the relevant details about this period of history, right? What's the use of that? If it doesn't suit my identity, it doesn't matter if these histories are published directly. Why do you want to let the descendant of a ghost who wants to overthrow the World Government come here? How strong can a country that was born in less than a hundred years be, no matter how strong it is? Can it compare with the World Government that has a history of 800 years?"

"...]" The phone bug was silent for a moment: "You won't be dismissed from your position as the 'Five Old Stars', will you?"

"As long as you tell me what you did and give up your research immediately, I won't." The short, fat Wulaoxing looked at the other golden phone bug on the table: "Let me tell you clearly, this time you broke into It’s a big disaster that I can’t even avoid.”

"Hmm... How about you run away first?" The phone bug's expression became serious.

"Say it quickly!" The short, fat five-old star slapped the table.

"Our research has found...]" The phone bug was silent for two seconds: "What disappeared was not the 'one hundred years of history', but the 'all history before eight hundred years'. The 'Hainian Calendar' itself is a lie."

"What——" The short, fat five-old star's eyes widened.

"You really don't know," the phone bug shook his head: "It should be said that even the Tianlong people themselves don't know this history. What they know is that their own people destroyed an empire 800 years ago and established the World Government Order. Let’s make this false history of becoming a privileged noble.]”

"This is impossible……"

"You have already stated your arguments just now," the phone bug said coldly: "With the background of the World Government, it is impossible to be afraid of an empire with only a mere hundred years of history and the weapons they made, especially when eight hundred years have passed. Year now, unless that empire exists for much longer than that.】"


"The simpler truth is, why does the 'disappeared history' only last a hundred years? Even an ordinary village would have had signs and prerequisites for its birth a hundred years ago, right? And the most ridiculous thing is that beyond this disappearance In the historical records that 'still exist' 900 years ago, everything in the world was normal. Without the existence of a world government, the environmental pattern in various places was similar to the current environment. Do you dare to believe it? 】 "


"This only proves that even 800 years have passed, that empire can still pose a fatal threat to the world government," the phone bug continued: "Listen, I am a scholar, and I have no interest in overthrowing the world government, but we must To understand what this threat is and how it does it.]"

"So, what exactly did you research this time..." The short, fat five-old star's voice began to tremble.

"It's really nothing. I don't see what the importance of this is. It actually alarmed you." The phone bug tilted his head and seemed to be checking the information: "Our biggest gain this time is that we know the name of the empire, or ' The name of the country'? Its name is——】"


——? ? ? ——

When he heard this word, the short and fat five-old star felt his eyes darken. He was no longer in his office, but in a very high position, overlooking the ocean.

However, what he saw in his eyes was not the red earth continent running through the blue sea, but four scattered pieces of land and islands in the upper, lower, left, and right sides.

The next second, his "perspective" was quickly zoomed in, landing on the land surface below or in the south. There, an army similar to the navy's uniform had just captured a city and moved a certain area at the head of the city. A flag he had never seen before was thrown down and allowed to be trampled by the soldiers.

The next second, the "perspective" quickly zoomed out as if fleeing for its life, until the planet looked like a small glass bead.


A pair of huge white hands appeared out of thin air and closed together, flattening the planet before disappearing.

In his shocked eyes, the perspective slowly narrowed.

The four continents have been completely shaped into a flat pancake. No matter what is on it, it has been integrated into this pancake. At the same time, raging water is pouring out from the "center of the earth", which first washes away vertically. This round cake washed down a large amount of soil, causing them to gradually form two cross-circular shapes. Then, the overflowing seawater gradually filled the gap between the cross-shaped round cake and the water flow that surrounded it longitudinally. Then some rocks and soil were scattered around, forming islands of various sizes.

Eventually, it became a new planet, exactly like the aerial view of Blue Star on the naval chart.

——? ? ? ——

"Red Earth Continent...the Great Channel..." the short, fat Five Old Stars murmured to themselves.

"Ah? What did you say?]" the phone bug asked in confusion.

"...Hmm, huh?" The short, fat Five Old Star shook his head, but felt a emptiness in his head.

He seemed to have heard and seen something just now, but he couldn't remember anything.



The squat five-old star hung up the secret communication phone bug, and then activated the golden phone bug on the other side.

"In the name of the Five Old Stars, order the Navy Headquarters to launch a 'Demon Slaying Order' on 'O'Hara Island'."

On the open window behind him, a pink butterfly fluttered its wings lightly and flew away.

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