The Collection of The End

One thousand nine hundred and sixty-nine, blockade of the final 4 seas (21)

——Haiyuan Calendar, 1500——

Goat Island.

"Damn it! I admit defeat! Let your lackeys stop!]"

After clearing the health bar of "Bucky the Clown" whose limbs were split and flying around by "stepping on his feet", he did not turn into ashes as Jin Jing expected, leaving behind something like "Bucky the Clown's soul". Instead, the various parts were put together and turned into the original appearance, sitting there dejected and complaining loudly - well, the red balloon-like nose became even more dazzling.

You are my prisoner. 】

Well done, you're good to go. 】 this what "getting rewards based on your choices" means?

If you choose the former, and then escort him to the Navy, you should get a wanted bounty, but if you choose the latter... With the character shown by this guy, it doesn't look like he will repay at all, and the possibility of revenge is even greater. a little.

"How should we deal with him? Even if we want to escort him to the navy, what if he regains his strength halfway and wants to make trouble?" Jin Jing had no idea for the time being and decided to ask someone to assign a trumpet belonging to a navy family.

Of course, she herself did not believe that the clown could still fight back in this state. After all, he was currently in a "blood bar cleared" state recognized by the Lord God. It would be possible if he escaped secretly.

"Since he is a Devil Fruit user, why not tie him up tightly to prevent him from splitting, and then throw him into the sea?" Tang Sanzian said while staring at Bucky the Clown.

No one will fall for such a superficial threat...

"Huh!]" Sure enough, Bucky the clown twisted his neck and ignored it.

"Throw it into the sea?" Jin Jing continued to play the double act, although she herself didn't know what Tang San's plan was.

"I've seen the recent wanted posters, and his name and image are completely missing," Tang Sanzian said, "And judging from his age, he's probably just lucky enough to pick up a Devil Fruit and eat it, and then discover that he has good abilities. He who is confident enough to go to sea and become a pirate.”

"A blind guy! I'm——" Clown Bucky yelled for a while, then paused for a moment, and then changed his words: "The leader of the great Bucky Pirates!"

Tsk, almost.

Judging from the current information, Bucky the Clown is not very old. He is a loner and a Devil Fruit user. He is powerful but needs the cooperation of others. He also has some background that makes him hesitate to talk. He is probably a large-scale well-known person. The members of the pirate group were trained and given devil fruits. However, before they officially became crew members, they separated from the pirate group due to some changes. However, because of their yearning for them, they wanted to form a group even if they were alone. Pirates.

The pirate groups that meet this condition include——

Where can she find out?

Analysis shows that although this guy has a bad attitude, he is still an important figure in the pirate world. If he is captured and given to the navy, or released directly, his camp will shift towards the navy or pirates.

However, this offset should only affect details such as reputation and rewards, and will not have any impact on important choices. This just depends on the origin that can be selected casually during "Character Import".

"Bai Jingjing" is a bounty hunter, and "Tang Sanzong" is from the navy, and he still needs to find his parents. There is no benefit in having a stalemate with the navy, so...

"You are my prisoner." Jin Jing said.

‘The Cicada, the Mantis and the Siskin’ completed. 】

Orange Town Sailor Favorability +10]

Earn 2000 Baileys. 】

‘Tang San’s Burial’ gained 1500 experience points. 】

Obtain 3000 souls and a sealed container quest item. 】

Um? Don’t you need to ask the tavern owner to hand in the task this time? Could it be that because he brought down a lot of pirates, his deeds would be spread automatically without having to wait for confirmation like the "King of the Offshore"? in addition……

Sealed container mission items]

It looks like a small wine jar, but the lid is sealed with a seal. When you move it, you can feel the liquid inside that is far more viscous than water shaking. 】

You can choose to open it, or give it intact to the tavern owner in Orange Town. 】

Why did this thing go directly into the inventory?

This choice should be relatively important, but there is currently no information...

Jin Jing thought for a moment, looked at the clown Bucky who was being tied into a rice dumpling by Tang San, pretended to run to the storage room and walked around, then walked out with the wine jar in his hand.

"It's full of rags, but there's something that gives people an inexplicable feeling." She showed the wine jar to Bucky: "Is that why you came here?"

"Giggle, it seems my information is correct,]" Bucky stared with big eyes: "The Black Cat Pirates really picked up a 'Devil Fruit', those lucky bastards."


Jin Jing subconsciously changed the movement of holding the wine jar from holding it with one hand to holding it with both hands.

This is 20,000 souls or 5 million beli...

However, these two benefits are not of much significance to her.

The hamster reincarnator with 250,000 souls is so confident.

If you eat it, you will gain a special ability based on fear of water and a reward of 20,000 souls. You came to this world because of the capsized cruise ship. If you eat it again, isn't it putting the cart before the horse? Even if you eat it, it will be before the world is settled. When no longer going to sea.

If you sell it, the trumpet has a relationship with the navy, so there should be no problem in selling it. However, Bailey is just the currency of the One Piece world. A huge sum of money may make it easier for you to complete side tasks, but that's all. And , if there is not a group of sailors and crew members with high enough you understand the crime of holding a jade?

Since the value of the option I left is not very high, then if I hand it over to the tavern owner...according to the principle of fairness, the benefits should be roughly equal.

"Information...from the tavern owner in Orange Town?" Jin Jing looked at Bucky the Clown: "Do you know what he is looking for?"

"Tch, what else could it be? Bailey or the fruit power that everyone wants.]" Bucky rolled his eyelids.

"After tying him up, throw him into the sea," Jin Jing said to Tang Sanzian: "If others know that he holds the Devil Fruit, there will be a lot of trouble in the future."

"Wait!]" Bucky exclaimed: "Are you serious? Handing a priceless Devil Fruit to the tavern owner?]"

"I promised to help him find something, even though I didn't know what he was looking for in advance, but the promise had nothing to do with what it was,"

Although the truth is that this thing has little effect on reincarnations... Jin Jing looked at Bucky's expression and felt a little bit of the "dimensionality reduction blow", so he continued to try to say something cool:

"My promise is much more precious than a mere devil fruit."

"Hate...]" Clown Bucky seemed to be shocked. He stayed for more than ten seconds before speaking: "I originally thought that you would be so domineering and domineering because you were just lucky, but I didn't expect...]"

Sorry, my luck value is 0. Jin Jing adopted the attitude of "keep talking, I'm listening."

"This is the 'Slippery Fruit', which can make a person's skin extremely smooth and easily slide away cold weapons that hit them. At the same time, it can also make the eater very handsome and beautiful," Bucky the Clown continued: "Instead of Instead of letting his freckle-faced, fat, neckless daughter eat up her beauty, he might as well give it to me, because I don’t want to make up as a clown for a long time.】"

Is it too late to regret it now?

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